Featured Researches

Nuclear Theory

Incoherent deeply virtual Compton scattering off 4 He

Very recently, for the first time, the two channels of nuclear deeply virtual Compton scattering (DVCS), the coherent and incoherent ones, have been separated by the CLAS collaboration at JLab, using a 4 He target. The incoherent channel, which can provide a tomographic view of the bound proton and shed light on its elusive parton structure, is thoroughly analyzed here in Impulse Approximation (IA). A convolution formula for the cross sections in terms of those for the bound proton is derived. Novel scattering amplitudes for a bound moving nucleon have been obtained and used. A state-of-the-art nuclear spectral function, based on the AV18 potential, exact in the two-body part, with the recoiling system in its ground state, and modelled in the remaining contribution, with the recoiling system in an excited state, has been used. Different parametrizations of the generalized parton distributions of the struck proton have been tested. A good overall agreement with the data for the beam spin asymmetry (BSA) is obtained. It is found that the predicted conventional nuclear effects are relevant in DVCS and in the competing Bethe-Heitler mechanism, but they cancel each other to a large extent in their ratio, to which the measured asymmetry is proportional. Besides, the calculated ratio of the BSA of the bound proton to that of the free one does not describe that estimated by the experimental collaboration. This points to possible interesting effects beyond the IA analysis presented here. It is therefore clearly demonstrated that the comparison of the results of a conventional realistic approach, as the one presented here, with future precise data, has the potential to expose quark and gluon effects in nuclei. Interesting perspectives for the next measurements at high luminosity facilities, such as JLab at 12 GeV and the future EIC, are addressed.

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Nuclear Theory

Influence of triaxial deformation on wobbling motion in even-even nuclei

The influence of triaxial deformation γ on the purely collective form of wobbling motion in even-even nuclei are discussed based on the triaxial rotor model. It is found that the harmonic approximation is realized well when γ= 30 ∘ for the properties of energy spectra and electric quadrupole transition probabilities, while this approximation gets bad when γ deviates from 30 ∘ . A recent data from Coulomb excitation experiment, namely 3 + 1 and 2 + 2 for the 110 Ru are studied and might be suggested as the bandhead of the wobbling bands. In addition, two types of angular momentum geometries for wobbling motion, stemming from different γ values, are exhibited by azimuthal plots.

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Nuclear Theory

Initial State Summary of Hard Probes 2020

The description of the initial state of heavy ion collisions, which covers the description of the incoming nuclei, the initial hard and soft interactions, the resulting spatial geometry of the produced matter, as well as the dynamic approach to a medium well described by hydrodynamics, has important consequences for the study of hard and electromagnetic probes. I will review new developments presented at Hard Probes 2020 that have an impact on these aspects of our understanding of the initial state of heavy ion and smaller system collisions.

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Nuclear Theory

Insights into nuclear saturation density from parity violating electron scattering

The saturation density of nuclear matter ρ 0 is a fundamental nuclear physics property that is difficult to predict from fundamental principles. The saturation density is closely related to the interior density of a heavy nucleus, such as 208 Pb. We use parity violating electron scattering to determine the average interior weak charge and baryon densities in 208 Pb. This requires not only measuring the weak radius R wk but also determining the surface thickness of the weak charge density a . We obtain ρ 0 =0.150±0.010 fm −3 , where the 7\% error has contributions form the PREX error on the weak radius, an assumed 10\% uncertainty in the surface thickness a , and from the extrapolation to infinite nuclear matter. These errors can be improved with the upcoming PREX II results and with a new parity violating electron scattering experiment, at a somewhat higher momentum transfer, to determine a .

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Nuclear Theory

Instanton-motivated study of spontaneous fission of odd-A nuclei

Using the idea of the instanton approach to quantum tunneling we try to obtain a method of calculating spontaneous fission rates for nuclei with the odd number of neutrons or protons. This problem has its origin in the failure of the adiabatic cranking approximation which serves as the basis in calculations of fission probabilities. Selfconsistent instanton equations, with and without pairing, are reviewed and then simplified to non-selfconsistent versions with phenomenological single-particle potential and seniority pairing interaction. Solutions of instanton-like equations without pairing and actions they produce are studied for the Woods-Saxon potential along realistic fission trajectories. Actions for unpaired particles are combined with cranking actions for even-even cores and fission hindrance for odd-A nuclei is studied in such a hybrid model. With the assumed equal mass parameters for neighbouring odd-A and even-even nuclei, the model shows that freezing the K {\pi} configuration leads to a large overestimate of the fission hindrance factors. Actions with adiabatic configurations mostly show not enough hindrance; instanton-like actions for blocked nucleons correct this, but not sufficiently.

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Nuclear Theory

Investigation of Quark Distributions in a Family of Pentaquarks using the Thomas-Fermi Quark Model

Using the Thomas-Fermi quark model, a collective, spherically symmetric density of states is created to represent a gas of interacting fermions with various degeneracies at zero temperature. Over a family of multi-pentaquarks, color interaction probabilities are obtained after averaging over all the possible configurations. It is found that three different Thomas-Fermi functions are necessary for light, charm, and anti-charm quarks. These are assumed to be linearly related by proportionality constants resulting in consistency conditions. We analyze these conditions and find that they lead to an interesting pattern of spherical quark distributions.

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Nuclear Theory

Isobaric analog state energy in deformed nuclei: a toy model

A formula to evaluate the effects of a general deformation on the Coulomb direct contribution to the energy of the Isobaric Analog State (IAS) is presented and studied via a simple yet physical model. The toy model gives a reasonable account of microscopic deformed Hartree-Fock-Bogolyubov (HFB) calculations in a test case, and provides a guidance when predicting unknown IAS energies. Thus, deformed HFB calculations, to predict the IAS energies, are performed for several neutron-deficient medium-mass and heavy nuclei which are now planned to be studied experimentally.

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Nuclear Theory

Isoscalar and isovector giant resonances in 44Ca, 54Fe, 64,68Zn and 56,58,60,68Ni

We have studied the uncharacteristic behavior of the measured values of the isoscalar and isovector centroid energies, ECEN, of giant resonances with multipolarity L=0-3 in 44Ca, 54Fe, 64,68Zn and 56,58,60,68Ni. For this purpose, we carried out calculations of ECEN within the spherical Hartree-Fock (HF)-based random phase approximation (RPA) theory with 33 different Skyrme-type effective nucleon-nucleon interactions. We have also determined the Pearson linear correlation coefficients between the calculated centroid energies and the various nuclear matter (NM) properties associated with each interaction and determined the sensitivity of ECEN to NM properties. We compared the calculated centroid energies of the giant resonances with experimental data and discuss the results. We note in particular, that we obtain good agreement between the calculated ECEN of isovector giant dipole resonance and the available experimental data.

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Nuclear Theory

Isospin dependent hybrid model for studying isoscaling in heavy ion collisions around the Fermi energy domain

Investigation of observables from nuclear multifragmentation reactions depending on isospin led to the development of a hybrid model. The mass and charge distribution as well as isotopic distribution was studied using this model for 112 Sn+ 112 Sn reaction as well as 124 Sn+ 124 Sn reactions at different energies. The agreement of the results obtained from the model with those from experimental data confirms the accuracy of the model. Isoscaling coefficients were extracted from these observables which can throw light on the symmetry energy coefficient. Another important facet of this model is that temperature of the studied reaction can be directly extracted using this model.

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Nuclear Theory

Isospin symmetry breaking in the mirror pair 73 Sr- 73 Br

The recent experimental observation of isospin symmetry breaking (ISB) in the ground states of the T=3/2 mirror pair 73 Sr - 73 Br is theoretically studied using large-scale shell model calculations. The large valence space and the successful PFSDG-U effective interaction used for the nuclear part of the problem capture possible structural changes and provide a robust basis to treat the ISB effects of both electromagnetic and non-electromagnetic origin. The calculated shifts and mirror-energy-differences are consistent with the inversion of the I π = 1/2 − ,5/ 2 − states between 73 Sr - 73 Br, and suggest that the role played by the Coulomb interaction is dominant. An isospin breaking contribution of nuclear origin is estimated to be ≈25 keV.

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