Featured Researches

Computational Physics

Learning the constitutive relation of polymeric flows with memory

We develop a learning strategy to infer the constitutive relation for the stress of polymeric flows with memory. We make no assumptions regarding the functional form of the constitutive relations, except that they should be expressible in differential form as a function of the local stress- and strain-rate tensors. In particular, we use a Gaussian Process regression to infer the constitutive relations from stress trajectories generated from small-scale (fixed strain-rate) microscopic polymer simulations. For simplicity, a Hookean dumbbell representation is used as a microscopic model, but the method itself can be generalized to incorporate more realistic descriptions. The learned constitutive relation is then used to perform macroscopic flow simulations, allowing us to update the stress distribution in the fluid in a manner that accounts for the microscopic polymer dynamics. The results using the learned constitutive relation are in excellent agreement with full Multi-Scale Simulations, which directly couple micro/macro degrees of freedom, as well as the exact analytical solution given by the Maxwell constitutive relation. We are able to fully capture the history dependence of the flow, as well as the elastic effects in the fluid. We expect the proposed learning/simulation approach to be used not only to study the dynamics of entangled polymer flows, but also for the complex dynamics of other Soft Matter systems, which possess a similar hierarchy of length- and time-scales.

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Computational Physics

Limitations of Hartree-Fock with quantum resources

The Hartree-Fock problem provides the conceptual and mathematical underpinning of a large portion of quantum chemistry. As efforts in quantum technology aim to enhance computational chemistry algorithms, the fundamental Hartree-Fock problem is a natural target. While quantum computers and quantum simulation offer many prospects for the future of modern chemistry, the Hartree-Fock problem is not a likely candidate. We highlight this fact from a number of perspectives including computational complexity, practical examples, and the full characterization of the energy landscapes for simple systems.

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Computational Physics

Local micromorphic non-affine anisotropy for materials incorporating elastically bonded fibers

There has been increasing experimental evidence of non-affine elastic deformation mechanisms in biological soft tissues. These observations call for novel constitutive models which are able to describe the dominant underlying micro-structural kinematics aspects, in particular relative motion characteristics of different phases. This paper proposes a flexible and modular framework based on a micromorphic continuum encompassing matrix and fiber phases. It features in addition to the displacement field so-called director fields which can independently deform and intrinsically carry orientational information. Accordingly, the fibrous constituents can be naturally associated with the micromorphic directors and their non-affine motion within the bulk material can be efficiently captured. Furthermore, constitutive relations can be formulated based on kinematics quantities specifically linked to the material response of the matrix, the fibres and their mutual interactions. Associated stress quantities are naturally derived from a micromorphic variational principle featuring dedicated governing equations for displacement and director fields. This aspect of the framework is crucial for the truly non-affine elastic deformation description. In contrast to conventional micromorphic approaches, any non-local higher-order material behaviour is excluded, thus significantly reducing the number of material parameters to a range typically found in related classical approaches. In the context of biological soft tissue modeling, the potential and applicability of the formulation is studied for a number of academic examples featuring anisotropic fiber-reinforced composite material composition to elucidate the micromorphic material response as compared with the one obtained using a classical continuum mechanics approach.

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Computational Physics

Lossy Checkpoint Compression in Full Waveform Inversion

This paper proposes a new method that combines check-pointing methods with error-controlled lossy compression for large-scale high-performance Full-Waveform Inversion (FWI), an inverse problem commonly used in geophysical exploration. This combination can significantly reduce data movement, allowing a reduction in run time as well as peak memory. In the Exascale computing era, frequent data transfer (e.g., memory bandwidth, PCIe bandwidth for GPUs, or network) is the performance bottleneck rather than the peak FLOPS of the processing unit. Like many other adjoint-based optimization problems, FWI is costly in terms of the number of floating-point operations, large memory footprint during backpropagation, and data transfer overheads. Past work for adjoint methods has developed checkpointing methods that reduce the peak memory requirements during backpropagation at the cost of additional floating-point computations. Combining this traditional checkpointing with error-controlled lossy compression, we explore the three-way tradeoff between memory, precision, and time to solution. We investigate how approximation errors introduced by lossy compression of the forward solution impact the objective function gradient and final inverted solution. Empirical results from these numerical experiments indicate that high lossy-compression rates (compression factors ranging up to 100) have a relatively minor impact on convergence rates and the quality of the final solution.

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Computational Physics

Machine Learning Potential Repository

This paper introduces a machine learning potential repository that includes Pareto optimal machine learning potentials. It also shows the systematic development of accurate and fast machine learning potentials for a wide range of elemental systems. As a result, many Pareto optimal machine learning potentials are available in the repository from a website. Therefore, the repository will help many scientists to perform accurate and fast atomistic simulations.

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Computational Physics

Machine Learning a Molecular Hamiltonian for Predicting Electron Dynamics

We develop a computational method to learn a molecular Hamiltonian matrix from matrix-valued time series of the electron density. As we demonstrate for three small molecules, the resulting Hamiltonians can be used for electron density evolution, producing highly accurate results even when propagating 1000 time steps beyond the training data. As a more rigorous test, we use the learned Hamiltonians to simulate electron dynamics in the presence of an applied electric field, extrapolating to a problem that is beyond the field-free training data. We find that the resulting electron dynamics predicted by our learned Hamiltonian are in close quantitative agreement with the ground truth. Our method relies on combining a reduced-dimensional, linear statistical model of the Hamiltonian with a time-discretization of the quantum Liouville equation within time-dependent Hartree Fock theory. We train the model using a least-squares solver, avoiding numerous, CPU-intensive optimization steps. For both field-free and field-on problems, we quantify training and propagation errors, highlighting areas for future development.

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Computational Physics

Machine Learning for Auxiliary Sources

We rewrite the numerical ansatz of the Method of Auxiliary Sources (MAS), typically used in computational electromagnetics, as a neural network, i.e. as a composed function of linear and activation layers. MAS is a numerical method for Partial Differential Equations (PDEs) that employs point sources, which are also exact solutions of the considered PDE, as radial basis functions to match a given boundary condition. In the framework of neural networks we rely on optimization algorithms such as Adam to train MAS and find both its optimal coefficients and positions of the central singularities of the sources. In this work we also show that the MAS ansatz trained as a neural network can be used, in the case of an unknown function with a central singularity, to detect the position of such singularity.

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Computational Physics

Machine learning on the electron-boson mechanism in superconductors

To unravel pairing mechanism of a superconductor from limited, indirect experimental data is always a difficult task. It is common but sometimes dubious to explain by a theoretical model with some tuning parameters. In this work, we propose that the machine learning might infer pairing mechanism from observables like superconducting gap functions. For superconductivity within the Migdal-Eliashberg theory, we perform supervised learning between superconducting gap functions and electron-boson spectral functions. For simple spectral functions, the neural network can easily capture the correspondence and predict perfectly. For complex spectral functions, an autoencoder is utilized to reduce the complexity of the spectral functions to be compatible to that of the gap functions. After this complexity-reduction process, relevant information of the spectral function is extracted and good performance restores. Our proposed method can extract relevant information from data and can be applied to general function-to-function mappings with asymmetric complexities either in physics or other fields.

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Computational Physics

Machine learning potentials for multicomponent systems: The Ti-Al binary system

Machine learning potentials (MLPs) are becoming powerful tools for performing accurate atomistic simulations and crystal structure optimizations. An approach to developing MLPs employs a systematic set of polynomial invariants including high-order ones to represent the neighboring atomic density. In this study, a formulation of the polynomial invariants is extended to the case of multicomponent systems. The extended formulation is more complex than the formulation for elemental systems. This study also shows its application to Ti-Al binary system. As a result, an MLP with the lowest error and MLPs with high computational cost performance are selected from the many MLPs developed systematically. The predictive powers of the developed MLPs for many properties, such as the formation energy, elastic constants, thermodynamic properties, and mechanical properties, are examined. The MLPs exhibit high predictive power for the properties in a wide variety of ordered structures. The present scheme should be systematically applicable to other multicomponent systems.

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Computational Physics

Machine learning topological invariants of non-Hermitian systems

The study of topological properties by machine learning approaches has attracted considerable interest recently. Here we propose machine learning the topological invariants that are unique in non-Hermitian systems. Specifically, we train neural networks to predict the winding of eigenvalues of four prototypical non-Hermitian Hamiltonians on the complex energy plane with nearly 100% accuracy. Our demonstrations in the non-Hermitian Hatano-Nelson model, Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model and generalized Aubry-André-Harper model in one dimension, and two-dimensional Dirac fermion model with non-Hermitian terms show the capability of the neural networks in exploring topological invariants and the associated topological phase transitions and topological phase diagrams in non-Hermitian systems. Moreover, the neural networks trained by a small data set in the phase diagram can successfully predict topological invariants in untouched phase regions. Thus, our work paves the way to revealing non-Hermitian topology with the machine learning toolbox.

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