Featured Researches

Computational Physics

Machine-learning-based sampling method for exploring local energy minima of interstitial species in a crystal

An efficient machine-learning-based method combined with a conventional local optimization technique has been proposed for exploring local energy minima of interstitial species in a crystal. In the proposed method, an effective initial point for local optimization is sampled at each iteration from a given feasible set in the search space. The effective initial point is here defined as the grid point that most likely converges to a new local energy minimum by local optimization and/or is located in the vicinity of the boundaries between energy basins. Specifically, every grid point in the feasible set is classified by the predicted label indicating the local energy minimum that the grid point converges to. The classifier is created and updated at every iteration using the already-known information on the local optimizations at the earlier iterations, which is based on the support vector machine (SVM). The SVM classifier uses our original kernel function designed as reflecting the symmetries of both host crystal and interstitial species. The most distant unobserved point on the classification boundaries from the observed points is sampled as the next initial point for local optimization. The proposed method is applied to three model cases, i.e., the six-hump camelback function, a proton in strontium zirconate with the orthorhombic perovskite structure, and a water molecule in lanthanum sulfate with the monoclinic structure, to demonstrate the high performance of the proposed method.

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Computational Physics

Many-Configuration Markov-Chain Monte Carlo

We propose a minimal generalization of the celebrated Markov-Chain Monte Carlo algorithm which allows for an arbitrary number of configurations to be visited at every Monte Carlo step. This is advantageous when a parallel computing machine is available, or when many biased configurations can be evaluated at little additional computational cost. As an example of the former case, we report a significant reduction of the thermalization time for the paradigmatic Sherrington-Kirkpatrick spin-glass model. For the latter case, we show that, by leveraging on the exponential number of biased configurations automatically computed by Diagrammatic Monte Carlo, we can speed up computations in the Fermi-Hubbard model by two orders of magnitude.

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Computational Physics

Materials Graph Transformer predicts the outcomes of inorganic reactions with reliable uncertainties

A common bottleneck for materials discovery is synthesis. While recent methodological advances have resulted in major improvements in the ability to predicatively design novel materials, researchers often still rely on trial-and-error approaches for determining synthesis procedures. In this work, we develop a model that predicts the major product of solid-state reactions. The cardinal feature of this approach is the construction of fixed-length, learned representations of reactions. Precursors are represented as nodes on a `reaction graph', and message-passing operations between nodes are used to embody the interactions between precursors in the reaction mixture. Through an ablation study, it is shown that this framework not only outperforms less physically-motivated baseline methods but also more reliably assesses the uncertainty in its predictions.

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Computational Physics

Matrix riccati equation solution of the 1d radiative transfer equation

In recent years, the first author has developed three successful numerical methods to solve the 1D radiative transport equation yielding highly precise benchmarks. The second author has shown a keen interest in novel solution methodologies and an ability for their implementation. Here, we combine talents to generate yet another high precision solution, the Matrix Riccati Equation Method (MREM). MREM features the solution to two of the four matrix Riccati ODEs that arise from the interaction principle of particle transport. Through interaction coefficients, the interaction principle describes how particles reflect from- and transmit through- a single slab. On combination with Taylor series and doubling, a high quality numerical benchmark, to nearly seven places, is established.

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Computational Physics

Matter flow method for alleviating checkerboard oscillations in triangular mesh SGH Lagrangian simulation

When the SGH Lagrangian based on triangle mesh is used to simulate compressible hydrodynamics, because of the stiffness of triangular mesh, the problem of physical quantity cell-to-cell spatial oscillation (also called "checkerboard oscillation") is easy to occur. A matter flow method is proposed to alleviate the oscillation of physical quantities caused by triangular stiffness. The basic idea of this method is to attribute the stiffness of triangle to the fact that the edges of triangle mesh can not do bending motion, and to compensate the effect of triangle edge bending motion by means of matter flow. Three effects are considered in our matter flow method: (1) transport of the mass, momentum and energy carried by the moving matter; (2) the work done on the element, since the flow of matter changes the specific volume of the grid element; (3) the effect of matter flow on the strain rate in the element. Numerical experiments show that the proposed matter flow method can effectively alleviate the spatial oscillation of physical quantities.

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Computational Physics

Maximum volume simplex method for automatic selection and classification of atomic environments and environment descriptor compression

Fingerprint distances, which measure the similarity of atomic environments, are commonly calculated from atomic environment fingerprint vectors. In this work we present the simplex method which can perform the inverse operation, i.e. calculating fingerprint vectors from fingerprint distances. The fingerprint vectors found in this way point to the corners of a simplex. For a large data set of fingerprints, we can find a particular largest volume simplex, whose dimension gives the effective dimension of the fingerprint vector space. We show that the corners of this simplex correspond to landmark environments that can by used in a fully automatic way to analyse structures. In this way we can for instance detect atoms in grain boundaries or on edges of carbon flakes without any human input about the expected environment. By projecting fingerprints on the largest volume simplex we can also obtain fingerprint vectors that are considerably shorter than the original ones but whose information content is not significantly reduced.

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Computational Physics

Meshless discretization of the discrete-ordinates transport equation with integration based on Voronoi cells

The time-dependent radiation transport equation is discretized using the meshless-local Petrov-Galerkin method with reproducing kernels. The integration is performed using a Voronoi tessellation, which creates a partition of unity that only depends on the position and extent of the kernels. The resolution of the integration automatically follows the particles and requires no manual adjustment. The discretization includes streamline-upwind Petrov-Galerkin stabilization to prevent oscillations and improve numerical conditioning. The angular quadrature is selectively refineable to increase angular resolution in chosen directions. The time discretization is done using backward Euler. The transport solve for each direction and the solve for the scattering source are both done using Krylov iterative methods. Results indicate first-order convergence in time and second-order convergence in space for linear reproducing kernels.

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Computational Physics

Method for Calculating Excited Electronic States Using Density Functionals and Direct Orbital Optimization with Real Space Grid or Plane Wave Basis Set

A direct orbital optimization method is presented for density functional calculations of excited electronic states using either a real space grid or a plane wave basis set. The method is variational, provides atomic forces in the excited states, and can be applied to Kohn-Sham (KS) functionals as well as orbital-density dependent functionals (ODD) including explicit self-interaction correction. The implementation for KS functionals involves two nested loops: (1) An inner loop for finding a stationary point in a subspace spanned by the occupied and a few virtual orbitals corresponding to the excited state; (2) an outer loop for minimizing the energy in a tangential direction in the space of the orbitals. For ODD functionals, a third loop is used to find the unitary transformation that minimizes the energy functional among occupied orbitals only. Combined with the maximum overlap method, the algorithm converges in challenging cases where conventional self-consistent field algorithms tend to fail. The benchmark tests presented include two charge-transfer excitations in nitrobenzene and an excitation of CO to degenerate ? ??orbitals where the importance of complex orbitals is illustrated. An application of the method to several metal-to-ligand charge-transfer and metal-centred excited states of an Fe II photosensitizer complex is described and the results compared to reported experimental estimates. The method is also used to study the effect of Perdew-Zunger self-interaction correction on valence and Rydberg excited states of several molecules, both singlet and triplet states, and the performance compared to semilocal and hybrid functionals.

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Computational Physics

Minimal Modification to Nosé-Hoover Barostat Enables Correct NPT Sampling

The Nosé-Hoover dynamics for isothermal-isobaric (NPT) computer simulations do not generate the appropriate partition function for ergodic systems. The present paper points out that this can be corrected with a simple addition of a constant term to only one of the equations of motion. The solution proposed is much simpler than previous modifications done towards the same goal. The present modification is motivated by the work virial theorem, which has been derived for the special case of an infinitely periodic system in the first part of this paper.

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Computational Physics

Mixed Precision Fermi-Operator Expansion on Tensor Cores From a Machine Learning Perspective

We present a second-order recursive Fermi-operator expansion scheme using mixed precision floating point operations to perform electronic structure calculations using tensor core units. A performance of over 100 teraFLOPs is achieved for half-precision floating point operations on Nvidia's A100 tensor core units. The second-order recursive Fermi-operator scheme is formulated in terms of a generalized, differentiable deep neural network structure, which solves the quantum mechanical electronic structure problem. We demonstrate how this network can be accelerated by optimizing the weight and bias values to substantially reduce the number of layers required for convergence. We also show how this machine learning approach can be used to optimize the coefficients of the recursive Fermi-operator expansion to accurately represent fractional occupation numbers of the electronic states at finite temperatures.

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