Featured Researches

General Physics

Electron internal energy and internal motion (Zitterbewegung) as consequence of local U(1) gauge invariance in two-spinor language

Starting with the results obtained in a previous paper in which classical local U(1) gauge invariance in terms of the electromagnetic field strenghts instead of the usual formulation mediated by the four potential was introduced it is shown that using the gauge freedom associated with the third component of the magnetic field, previously obtained spinor equations of motion describe the internal dynamics of a free 1/2 spin particle suggesting a kinematic origin of its rest mass and helicity. The controversial Zitterbewegung (trembling motion) appears in a natural way as internal motion with the velocity of light. Such an interpretation is in contrast with the usual quantum mechanical explanation of transitions between positive and negative energy states.

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General Physics

Electrostatic Time Dilation and Redshift

We first present the salient features of the gravitational time dilation and redshift effects in two ways; by considering the oscillation frequencies/rates of clocks at different heights/potentials and by considering the photons emitted by these clocks such as atoms/nuclei. We then point out to the extension of these gravitational effects to static electricity along with two experiments performed in the '30s with null results of the electrostatic redshift. We show that the absence of this redshift is a consequence of the conservation of electric charge. We discuss the electrical time dilation and redshift effects in detail and argue that the electrostatic time dilation in an electric field must be a fact of Nature. We then present a general relativistic scheme that explains this effect. We also introduce an electrical equivalence principle analogous to the gravitational one and demonstrate how to obtain the electrostatic time dilation by this principle. We emphasize the importance of ionic atomic clocks to measure this effect whose confirmation would support the general relativistic scheme presented. We finally go over an attempt in the literature to explain the impossibility of the experimental observation of the electrostatic redshift due to its smallness by employing the Reissner - Nordström metric in general relativity. We argue that the Q 2 - term in this metric is due to the minuscule contribution of the energy of the electric field of the central body to its gravitational field. Thus being gravitational, this metric cannot be used to calculate the amount of the alleged electrostatic redshift.

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General Physics

Electrostatics and Riemann Surfaces

Using techniques from geometry and complex analysis in their simplest form, we present a derivation of electric fields on surfaces with non-trivial topology. A byproduct of this analysis is an intuitive visualization of elliptic functions when their argument is complex-valued. The underlying connections between these techniques and the theory of Riemann surfaces are also explained. Our goal is to provide students and instructors a quick reference article for an extraordinary topic that is not included in the standard books.

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General Physics

Eliminating ultraviolet divergence in quantum field theory through use of the Boltzmann factor

The need for a cutoff in the Lamb shift calculation suggests that high-energy virtual photons do not interact with real particles. In this paper, we assume that the creation of high-energy virtual particles is suppressed by a Boltzmann factor. As a result, the Coulomb potential is modified, and the zero-point energy density and one-particle-irreducible self-energy of the scalar field are finite.

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General Physics

Energy Transformations in a Relativistic Engine

In a previous paper we have shown that Newton's third law cannot strictly hold in a distributed system of which the different parts are at a finite distance from each other. This is due to the finite speed of signal propagation which cannot exceed the speed of light at vacuum, which in turn means that when summing the total force in the system the force does not add up to zero. This was demonstrated in a specific example of two current loops with time dependent currents, the above analysis led to suggestion of a relativistic engine. Since the system is effected by a total force for a finite period of time this means that the system acquires mechanical momentum and energy, the question then arises how can we accommodate the law of momentum and energy conservation. The subject of momentum conversation was discussed in a previous paper, while preliminary results regarding energy conservation were discussed in previous papers. Here we give a complete analysis of the exchange of energy between the mechanical part of the relativistic engine and the field part, the energy radiated from the relativistic engine is also discussed. We show that the relativistic engine effect on the energy is 4th-order in 1/c and no lower order relativistic engine effect on the energy exist.

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General Physics

Energy-based approach to Euclidean cycles in cosmological models based on scalar fields

On the basis of obtained equations of the energy balance for scalar fields in cosmological models, a hypothesis formulated by the author on the existence of Euclidean limit cycles in cosmological models based on scalar fields with a Higgs type potential has been confirmed.

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General Physics

Energy-momentum density and pressure relations for a relativistic ideal gas with a bulk motion

We derive here, from first principles, the energy-momentum densities of a perfect fluid, in the form of an ideal molecular gas, in an inertial frame where the fluid possesses a bulk motion. We begin from the simple expressions for the energy density and pressure of a perfect fluid in the rest frame of the fluid, where the fluid constituents (gas molecules) may possess a random motion, but no bulk motion. From a Lorentz transformation of the velocity vectors of molecules, moving along different directions in the rest frame of the fluid, we compute their energy-momentum vectors and number densities in an inertial frame moving with respect to the rest frame of the liquid. From that we arrive at the energy-momentum density of the fluid in a frame where it has a bulk motion. This way we explicitly demonstrate how a couple of curious pressure-dependent terms make appearance in the energy-momentum density of a perfect fluid having a bulk motion. In addition to an ideal molecular gas, we compute the energy-momentum density for a photon gas also, which of course matches with the energy-momentum density expression obtained for a molecular gas having ultra-relativistic random motion.

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General Physics

Entanglement as a resource for naturalness

A novel approach to understanding the hierarchy problem is presented making use of topological aspects of the renormalisation group and the ER-EPR interpretation of entanglement. A common discussion of the renormalisation group, the black hole horizon and the expected entanglement between outgoing Hawking radiation and the interior, the cosmic censorship mechanism and the cosmological constant problem is envisaged.

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General Physics

Entanglement, violation of Kramers-Kronig relation and curvature in spacetime

Recent studies show that a maximally entangled Schwinger pair creates a nontraversable Einstein-Rosen~(ER) bridge (wormhole) in the gravitational theory, which bridges causally not connected parts of the AdS spacetime~[PRL 111, 211603 and 211602]. Same authors raise the possibility of a general correspondence between a weaker entanglement and curvature. Here, we provide some clues for such a generalized relation. First, we show that (i) entanglement and (ii) violation of Kramers-Kronig~(KK) relations appear at the same critical parameters for a standard two-mode (squeezing) entanglement interaction. We also include the dampings. Second, we bring a study into attention: Presence of a spacetime-curvature in vacuum polarization, electron-positron Schwinger pairs, makes QED also violate the KK relations without violating the causality. Then, we discuss that these findings are possible to provide new clues for a generalized relation between entanglement and spacetime-curvature. Such an interpretation may also save violation of KK relations from implying the violation of the causality.

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General Physics

Entropic Geometrodynamics of Quantum Particles

Quantum Mechanics will be derived here in a different way. It will be derived from a new conformal gravity theory that is postulated to apply at Planck scale and uses Wheeler's notion of a quantum foam in the description of spacetime at Planck scale. The new gravity theory will also be used as the basis of a new geometric formulation and interpretation of Quantum Mechanics where we consider the role of the entropic force and the possibility that a quantum particle, at the fundamental level, travels through a series of Planckian wormholes. Also, the new quantum interpretation proves "ER=EPR" conjencture and suggests an entropic origin of the interference pattern in the double-slit experiment.

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