Featured Researches

General Physics

Gauge parameterization of the n -field

We propose gauge parameterization of the three-dimensional n -field using orthogonal SO(3)-matrix which, in turn, is defined by a field taking values in the Lie algebra so(3) (rotational-angle field). The rotational-angle field has an additional degree of freedom, which corresponds to the gauge degree of freedom of rotations around the n -field. As a result, we obtain a gauge model with local SO(2)=U(1) symmetry that does not contain a U(1) gauge field.

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General Physics

Generalised Proper Time as a Unifying Basis for Models with Two Right-Handed Neutrinos

Models with two right-handed neutrinos are able to accommodate solar and atmospheric neutrino oscillation observations as well as a mechanism for the baryon asymmetry of the universe. While economical in terms of the required new states beyond the Standard Model, given that there are three generations of the other leptons and quarks this raises the question concerning why only two right-handed neutrino states should exist. Here we develop from first principles a fundamental unification scheme based upon a direct generalisation and analysis of a simple proper time interval with a structure beyond that of local 4-dimensional spacetime and further augmenting that of models with extra spatial dimensions. This theory leads to properties of matter fields that resemble the Standard Model, with an intrinsic left-right asymmetry which is particularly marked for the neutrino sector. It will be shown how the theory can provide a foundation for the natural incorporation of two right-handed neutrinos and may in principle underlie firm predictions both in the neutrino sector and for other new physics beyond the Standard Model. While connecting with contemporary and future experiments the origins of the theory are motivated in a similar spirit as for the earliest unified field theories.

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General Physics

Generalization of the least uncomfortable journey problem

The variational problem of the least uncomfortable journey between two locations on a straight line is simplified by a choice of the dependent variable. It is shown that taking the position, instead of the velocity, as the optimal function of time to be determined does away with the isoperimetric constraint. The same results as those found with the velocity as the dependent variable are obtained in a simpler and more concise way. Next the problem is generalized for motion on an arbitrary curve. In the case of acceleration-induced discomfort, it is shown that, as expected, motion on a curved path is always more uncomfortable than motion on a straight line. It is not clear that this is necessarily the case for jerk-induced discomfort, which appears to indicate that the acceleration provides a more reasonable measure of the discomfort than the jerk. The example of motion on a circular path is studied. Although we have been unable to solve the problem analytically, approximate solutions have been constructed by means of trial functions and the exact solution has been found numerically for some choices of the relevant parameters.

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General Physics

Generalized Lewis-Riesenfeld invariance for dynamical effective mass in jammed granullar media under a potential well in non-commutative space

Consideration of the asteroid belt (Kuiper belt) as a jammed-granular media establishes a bridge between condensed matter physics and astrophysics. It opens up an experimental possibility to determine the deformation parameters for noncommutative space-time. Dynamics of the Kuiper belt can be simplified as dynamics of a dynamical effective mass for a jammed granular media under a gravitational well. Alongside, if one considers the space-time to be noncommutative, then an experimental model for the determination of the deformation parameters for noncommutative space-time can be done. The construction of eigenfunctions and invariance for this model is in general a tricky problem. We have utilized the Lewis-Riesenfeld invariant method to determine the invariance for this time-dependent quantum system. In this article, we have shown that a class of generalized time-dependent Lewis-Riesenfeld invariant operators exist for the system with dynamical effective mass in jammed granular media under a potential well in noncommutative space. To keep the discussion fairly general, we have considered both position-position and momentum-momentum noncommutativity. Since, up to a time-dependent phase-factor, the eigenfunctions of the invariant operator will satisfy the time-dependent Schrödinger equation for the time-dependent Hamiltonian of the system, the construction of the invariant operator fairly solve the problem mathematically, the results of which can be utilized to demonstrate an experiment.

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General Physics

Generalized potential for apparent forces: the Coriolis effect

It is well known, from Newtonian physics, that apparent forces appear when the motion of masses is described by using a non-inertial frame of reference. The generalized potential of such forces is rigorously analyzed focusing on their mathematical aspects.

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General Physics

Geometric information flows and G. Perelman entropy for relativistic classical and quantum mechanical systems

This work consists an introduction to the classical and quantum information theory of geometric flows of (relativistic) Lagrange--Hamilton mechanical systems. Basic geometric and physical properties of the canonical nonholonomic deformations of G. Perelman entropy functionals and geometric flows evolution equations of classical mechanical systems are described. There are studied projections of such F- and W-functionals on Lorentz spacetime manifolds and three-dimensional spacelike hypersurfaces. These functionals are used for elaborating relativistic thermodynamic models for Lagrange--Hamilton geometric evolution and respective generalized R. Hamilton geometric flow and nonholonomic Ricci flow equations. The concept of nonholonomic W-entropy is developed as a complementary one for the classical Shannon entropy and the quantum von Neumann entropy. There are considered geometric flow generalizations of the approaches based on classical and quantum relative entropy, conditional entropy, mutual information, and related thermodynamic models. Such basic ingredients and topics of quantum geometric flow information theory are elaborated using the formalism of density matrices and measurements with quantum channels for the evolution of quantum mechanical systems.

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General Physics

Geometric quantization rules in QCPB theory

Using the QCPB theory, we can accomplish the compatible combination of the quantum mechanics and general relativity supported by the G-dynamics. We further study the generalized quantum harmonic oscillator, such as geometric creation and annihilation operators, especially, the geometric quantization rules based on the QCPB theory.

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General Physics

Geometry of the Non-Compact G(2)

Geometrical applications of the non-compact form of Cartan's exceptional Lie group G(2) is considered. This group generates specific rotations of 7-dimensional Minkowski-like space with three extra time-like coordinates and in some limiting cases imitates standard Poincare transformations. In this model space-time translations are non-commutative and are represented by the rotations towards the extra time-like coordinates. The second order Casimir element of non-compact G(2) and its expression by the Casimir operators of the Lorentz and Poincare groups are found.

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General Physics

Geometry, Zitterbewegung, Quantization

In the most general geometric background, we study Dirac spinor fields with particular emphasis given to the explicit form of their gauge momentum and the way in which this can be inverted so to give the expression of the corresponding velocity; we study how zitterbewegung affects the motion of particles, focusing on the internal dynamics involving the chiral parts; we discuss the connections to field quantization, sketching in what way anomalous terms may be gotten eventually.

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General Physics

Gravitation from a quantum mechanical argument: phase space compression

We use a quantum mechanical charged particle as a test particle which probes the dynamics of force-related fields it is subject to. We allow for geodesic motion and relations involving gravitation appear. Gravitation affects quantum dynamics by modifying operator algebra. The emerging commutator between momentum's components is recognized as being proportional to electromagnetic field strength tensor. We define electromagnetic field sources through momentum's components commutator which is proportional to geometric (gravitational) quantities. As a result, a source of the electric field can be thought of as the geometric disturbance. The framework points to the non-existence of mass-less charges and gravitation being able to introduce compressability of the quantum mechanical system's phase space, which constitutes its main coupling to the quantum (condensed matter) system.

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