Featured Researches

General Physics

H0 tensions in cosmology and axion pseudocycles in the stringy universe

The tension between early and late H0 is revised in the context of axion dark matter arising naturally from string theoretical integrations of antisymmetric tensor fields over non-trivial cycles. Certain early universe cycles may appear non-trivial from the perspective of a homology analysis focused on the early universe, while they may become trivial, when analysed from the perspective of a homology theory reaching out to lower energies and later times. Such phenomena can introduce variations in the axion potential that would explain the observed H0 tension.

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General Physics

Hadron Formation From Non-Equilibrium Quark-Gluon Plasma at RHIC and LHC Using Closed-Time Path Integral Formalism

Recently we have reported the correct formulation of the hadron formation from the quarks and gluons by using the lattice QCD method at the zero temperature. Similarly we have also reported the correct formulation of the hadron formation from the thermalized quark-gluon plasma by using the lattice QCD method at the finite temperature. In this paper we extend this to non-equilibrium QCD and present the correct formulation of the hadron formation from the non-equilibrium quark-gluon plasma by using the closed time path integral formalism. Hadron formation from the non-equilibrium quark-gluon plasma is necessary to detect the quark-gluon plasma at RHIC and LHC.

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General Physics

Hamilton-Jacobi Treatment of Superstring and Quantization of Fields with Constraints

The Hamilton-Jacobi formalism of constrained systems is used to study superstring. That obtained the equations of motion for a singular system as total differential equations in many variables. These equations of motion are in exact agreement with those equations obtained using Dirac's method. Moreover, the Hamilton-Jacobi quantization of a constrained system is discussed. Quantization of the relativistic local free field with a linear velocity of dimension D containing second-class constraints is studied. The set of Hamilton-Jacobi partial differential equations and the path integral of these theories are obtained by using the canonical path integral quantization. We figured out that the Hamilton-Jacobi path integral quantization of this system is in exact agreement with that given by using Senjanovic method. Furthermore, Hamilton-Jacobi path integral quantization of the scalar field coupled to two flavours of fermions through Yukawa couplings is obtained directly as an integration over the canonical phase space. Hamilton-Jacobi quantization is applied to the constraint field systems with finite degrees of freedom by investigating the integrability conditions without using any gauge fixing condition.

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General Physics

Higher Dimensional Particle Model in Pure Lovelock Gravity

In this paper, based on the thin-shell formalism, we introduce a classical model for particles in the framework of n+1− dimensional [ n 2 ] -order pure Lovelock gravity. In particular, we construct a spherically symmetric particle of radius a whose inside is a flat Minkowski spacetime while its outside is charged pLG solution. Knowing that in n+1− dimensional spherically symmetric Einstein gravity ( R -gravity) such a particle model cannot be constructed, as we have discussed first, provides the main motivation for this study. In fact, it is the richness of Lovelock parameters that provides such a particle construction possible. On the thin-shell, the energy-momentum components are chosen to vanish, yet their normal derivatives are non-zero.

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General Physics

Hilbert's 6-th Problem and Axiomatization of Dynamics

The following offers a new axiomatic basis of mechanics and physics in their most important dynamics domain, i. e. an axiom (principle) of completeness intended to generalize Newton's second law of motion for the case of a non-stationary variable-mass point (system) that varies with time. This generalization leads to hyperdynamic dependencies describing such motion from new accurate qualitative standpoints.

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General Physics

How Might Tachyons Appear?

Assuming the existence of supra luminal matter, referred to as 'tachyonic', we reconsider possible Lorentz style transformations between tachyon observers and sub luminal ('braydons') observers. We consider a unique possibility following from a straightforward argument based on relative motion as a Lie group. The result is novel in that it requires the time direction to be reversed for tachyon observers. We use this result to find the transformation between supra luminal observers. An extended discussion {\it speculates} concerning physical evidence for, and consequences of, a supra luminal regime dual to the sub space luminal regime. It appears that supra luminal particles are likely to be of very low energy and hence be difficult to detect. However, their momentum may be significant depending on their asymptotic mass. Tachyons are candidates for astronomical 'dark matter' and perhaps vacuum energy as manifested in the cosmological constant. Quantum tachyons might be detected as periodic variations in Casimir type measurements corresponding to their De Broglie wavelength. We suggest that supra luminal and sub luminal particles can be entangled at both Cauchy and event horizons, so that transitions may be possible for quantum particles.

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General Physics

How far has so far Spin-Charge-Family theory succeeded to explain Standard Model assumptions, matter-antimatter asymmetry, appearance of Dark Matter, second quantized fermion fields, making several predictions

The assumptions of the {\it standard model}, which 50 years ago offered an elegant new step towards understanding basic fermion and boson fields, are still waiting for an explanation. The {\it spin-charge-family} theory is promising not only in explaining the {\it standard model} postulates but also in explaining the cosmological observations, like there are the appearance of the {\it dark matter}, of the {\it matter-antimatter asymmetry}, making several predictions. This theory assumes that the internal degrees of freedom of fermions (spins, handedness and all the charges) are described by the Clifford algebra objects in d≥(13+1) -dimensional space. Fermions interact with only the gravity (the vielbeins and the two kinds of the spin connection fields, which manifest in d=(3+1) as all the vector gauge fields as well as the scalar fields - the higgs and the Yukawa couplings). The theory describes the internal space of fermions with the Clifford objects which are products of odd numbers of γ a objects, what offers the explanation for quantum numbers of quarks and leptons and anti-quarks and ani-leptons, with family included. In this talk I overview shortly the achievements of the {\it spin-charge-family} theory so far and in particular the explanation of the second quantization procedure offered by the description of the internal space of fermions with the anticommuting Clifford algebra objects of the odd character. The theory needs still to answer many open questions that it could be accepted as the next step beyond the {\it standard model}.

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General Physics

How the Modified Bertrand Theorem Explains Regularities and Anomalies of the Periodic Table of Elements

Bertrand theorem permits closed orbits in 3d Euclidean space only for 2 types of central potentials. These are of Kepler-Coulomb and harmonic oscillator type. Volker Perlick recently designed new static spherically symmetric (Bertrand) spacetimes obeying Einstein's equations and supporting closed orbits. In this work we demonstrate that the topology and geometry of these spacetimes permits us to solve quantum many-body problem for any atom of periodic system exactly. The computations of spectrum for any atom are analogous to that for hydrogen atom. Initially, the exact solution of the Schrödinger equation for any multielectron atom (without reference to Bertrand theorem) was obtained by Tietz in 1956. We recalculated Tietz results by applying the methodology consistent with new (different from that developed by Fock in 1936) way of solving Schrödinger's equation for hydrogen atom. By using this new methodology it had become possible to demonstrate that the Tietz-type Schrödinger's equation is in fact describing the quantum motion in Bertrand spacetimes. As a bonus, we solved analytically the Löwdin's challenge problem. Obtained solution is not universal though since there are exceptions of the Madelung rule in transition metals and among lanthanides and actinides. Quantum mechanically these exceptions as well as the rule itself are treated thus far with help of relativistic Hartree-Fock calculations. The obtained results do not describe the exceptions in detail yet. However, studies outlined in this paper indicate that developed methods are capable of describing exceptions as well. The paper ends with some remarks about usefulness of problems of atomic physics for development of quantum mechanics, quantum field theory and (teleparallel) gravity.

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General Physics

Hyperbolic symmetries, inflaton-phantom cosmology, and inflation

Using a hyperbolic complex plane, we study the realization of the underlying hyperbolic symmetry as an internal symmetry that enables the unification of scalar fields of cosmological and particle physics interest. Such an unification is achieved along the universal prescriptions used in physics, avoiding the use of concepts as Euclideanization, non-canonical Lagrangians and hidden structures, that have appeared in other approaches. The scalar potentials constructed within the present scheme are bounded from below, and the realization of the spontaneous symmetry breaking of the aforementioned noncompact symmetry is studied. The profiles of these potentials with exact/broken hyperbolic symmetry replicate qualitative aspects of those ones used in inflationary models, and then a detailed com\-pa\-ri\-son is made. Moreover, the homotopy constraints of the topology induced on the corresponding vacuum manifolds, restricts the existence of topological defects associated with continuous symmetries, allowing only those defects associated with discrete symmetries; the consistency of these results is contrasted with current observational tests from the LIGO/Virgo collaboration, and terrestrial experiments based on a synchronized network of atomic magnetometers. At the end, the nonre\-la\-tivistic limit of the model is identified with a hyperbolic version of the nonlinear Schrödinger equation.

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General Physics

Hypersymmetry field rotation angle

The paper determines the limit energy under which hypersymmetry (HySy) is broken. According to gauge theories, interaction mediating spin-0 bosons must be massless. The theory of HySy predicted massive intermediate bosons. Hypersymmetry field rotation, described in this paper, justifies the mass of the HySy mediating boson. The mass of intermediate bosons must arise from dynamical spontaneous breaking of the group of HySy. HySy rotation is performed in the velocity-dependent D field. The derived rotation of the field is defined by the spontaneous symmetry breaking and precession of the velocity v around its third projection in the D field (that produced the mass of the field s bosons). The latter represents the real and effective velocities of a boson-emitting particle in the direction towards a target particle. The mass of the discussed (fictitious) Goldstone bosons can be removed by the unitarity gauge condition through Higgs (BEH) mechanism. According to the simultaneous presence of a Standard Model (SM) interaction s symmetry group and the (beyond SM) HySy group, their bosons should be transformed together. Spontaneous breakdown of HySy may allow performing a transformation that does not influence the SM physical state of the investigated system. The paper describes a field transformation that eliminates the mass of the intermediate bosons, rotates the SM- and HySy bosons masses together while leaving the SM bosons intact. The result is an angle that characterises the HySy by a precession mechanism of the velocity that generates the field. In contrast to the known SM intermediate bosons, the HySy intermediate bosons have no fixed mass. The mass of the HySy intermediate bosons (that appear as quanta of a velocity-dependent gauge field D) depends on the relative velocity of the particles whose interaction they mediate. So, the derived precession angle is a function of that velocity.

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