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Popular Physics

Decryption of Messages from Extraterrestrial Intelligence Using the Power of Social Media - The SETI Decrypt Challenge

With the advent of modern astronomy, humans might now have acquired the technological and intellectual requirements to communicate with other intelligent beings beyond the solar system, if they exist. Radio signals have been identified as a means for interstellar communication about 60 years ago. And the Square Kilometer Array will be capable of detecting extrasolar radio sources analogous to terrestrial high-power radars out to several tens of light years. The ultimate question is: will we be able to understand the message, or, vice versa, if we submit a message to extraterrestrial intelligence first, how can we make sure that they understand us? Here I report on the largest blind experiment of a pretend radio message received on Earth from beyond the solar system. I posted a sequence of about two million binary digits ("0" and "1") to the social media that encoded a configuration frame, two slides with mathematical content, and four images along with spatial and temporal information about their contents. Six questions were asked that would need to be answered to document the successful decryption of the message. Within a month after the posting, over 300 replies were received in total, including comments and requests for hints, 66 of which contained the correct solutions. About half of the solutions were derived fully independently, the other half profited from public online discussions and spoilers. This experiment demonstrates the power of the world wide web to help interpreting possible future messages from extraterrestrial intelligence and to test decryptability of our own deliberate interstellar messages.

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Popular Physics

Delicious ice Creams in Plain Awful. Why does salt thaw ice?

Plain Awful is an imaginary valley on the Andes populated by a highly-imitative, cubical people for which the most criminal offence is to exhibit round objects. The duck family (Scrooge, Donald and nephews) are teaming against Scrooge's worst enemy, Flintheart Glomgold, trying to buy the famous Plain Awful square eggs. Inadvertently, Scrooge violates the taboo, showing his Number One Dime, and is imprisoned in the stone quarries. He can be released only after the presentation of an ice cream soda to the President of Plain Awful. Donald and his nephews fly with Flintheart to deliver it, but Scrooge's enemy, of course, betrays the previous agreement after getting the ice cream, forcing the ducks into making an emergence replacement on the spot. Using dried milk, sugar and chocolate from their ration packs, plus some snow and salt for cooling they are able make the ice cream, and after dressing it with the carbonated water from a fire extinguisher they finally manage to produce the desired dessert. This comic may serve as an introduction to the "mysterious" phenomenon that added salt melts the ice and, even more surprising, does it by lowering the temperature of the mixture.

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Popular Physics

Depletion Gilding: An Ancient Method for Surface Enrichment of Gold Alloys

Ancient objects made of noble metal alloys, that is, gold with copper and/or silver, can show the phenomenon of surface enrichment. This phenomenon is regarding the composition of the surface, which has a percentage of gold higher than that of the bulk. This enrichment is obtained by a depletion of the other elements of the alloy, which are, in some manner, removed. This depletion gilding process was used by pre-Columbian populations for their 'tumbaga', a gold-copper alloy, to give it the luster of gold.

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Popular Physics

Derivation of Solar Position Formulae

Derivation of the following formulae for solar position as seen from orbiting planet based on a simplified model: sunrise direction formula, solar declination formula, sunrise equation, daylight duration formula, solar altitude formula, solar azimuth formula. Use of notion of effective axial tilt, and Rodrigues Rotation Formula, and reflections of the orbital quadrants to reduce the general case to the simpler case of the day of the winter solstice. Derivation of equations for solar time to clock time conversion, and sunrise, sunset, and solar noon times. Implementation of an analemma calculator. Comparison of the sunrise direction formula with 304 point dataset of actual sunrise data from Earth, obtaining average accuracy of 1.25 degrees, and estimate of Earth's axial tilt of 23.52 degrees, within 0.1 degrees of the currently accepted value 23.44 degrees.

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Popular Physics

Descartes-Newton-Young rainbow

We discuss three rainbow theories created by Descartes, Newton and Young. The note is written primary for school students.

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Popular Physics

Designing, Building, Measuring and Testing a Constant Equivalent Fall Height Terrain Park Jump

Previous work has presented both a theoretical foundation for designing terrain park jumps that control landing impact and computer software to accomplish this task. US ski resorts have been reluctant to adopt this more engineered approach to jump design, in part due to questions of feasibility. The present study demonstrates this feasibility. It describes the design, construction, measurement and experimental testing of such a jump. It improves on previous efforts with more complete instrumentation, a larger range of jump distances, and a new method for combining jumper- and board-mounted accelerometer data to estimate equivalent fall height, a measure of impact severity. It unequivocally demonstrates the efficacy of the engineering design approach, namely that it is possible and practical to design and build free style terrain park jumps with landing surface shapes that control for landing impact as predicted by the theory.

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Popular Physics

Detecting the Ultimate Power in the Universe with LSST

Large time-domain surveys, when of sufficient scale, provide a greatly increased probability of detecting rare and, in many cases, unexpected events. Indeed, it is these unpredicted and previously unobserved objects that can lead to some of the greatest leaps in our understanding of the cosmos. The events that may be monitored include not only those that help contribute to our understanding of sources astrophysical variability, but may also extend to the discovery and characterization of civilizations comprised of other sentient lifeforms in the universe. In this paper we examine if the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST) will have the ability to detect the immediate and short-term effects of a concave dish composite beam superlaser being fired at an Earth analog from an alien megastructure.

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Popular Physics

Detection of symmetry using a crystallographic image processing algorithm

This article presents an automated method to quantify and detect symmetry elements in 2D patterns by means of image processing. Escher's woodcuts, a widely recognized didactic tool for crystallographic education of students, were used to demonstrate this approach. We also discuss peculiarities in the detection of black and white symmetry, color symmetry, and detection of the "hidden" and "broken" symmetry elements by means of the phase origin map approach.

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Popular Physics

Diamagnetic Levitation Using High-Temperature Superconducting Wires for Microgravity Research and Mitigation in Human Spaceflight Applications

A novel use of high temperature superconducting (HTS) electromagnets for human sized microgravity research and mitigation is outlined. Recent advances in HTS technology have resulted in electromagnets that potentially could levitate large diamagnetic targets, such as human organs, for additive manufacturing or entire humans for microgravity training. These applications are then used as a springboard to discuss the possibility of active microgravity compensation and inertial dampeners for future space travel applications. Finite element simulations are used to check the validity of the designs and motivate future research.

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Popular Physics

Differential refraction, 2017 winter solstice timing and true ecliptic obliquity measured at the meridian line of Santa Maria degli Angeli in Rome

The declination of the Sun along the year varies according to a sinusoid. Around the solstices this curve is approximated by a parabola. In kinematics a parabola is obtained with a constant acceleration. This acceleration has been estimated in the days 21-29 December 2017, from the measurements taken at the meridian line in the Basilica of Santa Maria degli Angeli in Rome made by Francesco Bianchini in 1702 with purpose of measuring the variation of the obliquity of the ecliptic. The parabola equation is fitted to the data to obtain the solstice's instant with an accuracy of one hour. The departure of the measures is within 4 arcsec (the daytime seeing during these solar transits) from the ephemerides of IMCCE. The pipeline of the algorithm used to obtain the angular data of the center of the Sun, starting from the ground measurements affected by the atmospheric refraction, and corrected by the Cassini equation, is described. Bianchini in 1703 reduced the error on the solstices timings by using the difference in right ascension between the Sun and a star observed at the same meridian line even in daytime (as he did with Sirius in June-July 1703). The present one is an absolute measurement, without stellar references. The meridian diameter is averagely measured 24 arcsec less than the true value, with 20 arcsec of standard deviation, because of different luminosity contrasts in the sky and in the Basilica. Conversely the center of the image is much better defined (the contrast acts symmetrically without moving the center of the image), allowing an accuracy to the nearest arcsecond in the determination of the true obliquity.

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