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Popular Physics

El Modelo Estandar de la Cosmologia Moderna en Jaque

The standard model of modern cosmology provides a description of a wide range of astrophysical and astronomical data. However, despite this impressive success, several discrepancies have have persisted. Most strikingly, the emerging tension in the observed and inferred values of the Hubble constant. This constant parameterizes the rate of expansion of the cosmos and thus provides clues about its energy content. In this article we examine the origin of this discrepancy and we explore possible solutions to overcome the problem.

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Popular Physics

Electromagnetic waves, gravitational waves and the prophets who predicted them

Using non-excessively-technical language and written in informal style, this article introduces the reader to the concepts of electromagnetic and gravitational waves and recounts the prediction of existence of these waves by Maxwell and Einstein, respectively. The issue of gravitational radiation is timely in view of the recent announcement of the detection of gravitational waves by the LIGO scientific team.

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Popular Physics

Empowering the Earth system by technology: Using thermodynamics of the Earth system to illustrate a possible sustainable future of the planet

With the use of the appropriate technology, such as photovoltaics and seawater desalination, humans have the ability to sustainably increase their production of food and energy while minimising detrimental impacts on the Earth system.

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Popular Physics

Energy Considerations for Lifting the Greenland Ice-Melt from the Earth's Gravitational Well

Climatologists have calculated that a complete melting of the Greenland Ice Sheet would cause global sea levels to rise by some 7.2 meters (23.6 feet). This article investigates the possibility of physically removing this excess water from the surface of the Earth by lifting the water into space. The theoretical minimum amount of work for this task is calculated, and is found to be equal to the amount of solar energy intercepted by the Earth in just 32 years.

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Popular Physics

Energy and matter

Our work is an approach between matter and energy. Using the famous equation E = mc^2, Einstein and the Law of Universal Gravitation of Newton, we estimate that a small amount matter converted into energy is needed to lift, using the gravitational potential energy equation on the surface, a mountain of solid iron or even Mount Everest.

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Popular Physics


A collection of short expository essays by the author on various topics in quantum mechanics, quantum cosmology, and physics in general.

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Popular Physics

Estimating the Moon to Earth radius ratio with a smartphone, a telescope and an eclipse

On January 20th, 2019, a total lunar eclipse was possible to be observed in Santiago, Chile. Using a smartphone attached to a telescope, photographs of the phenomenon were taken. With Earth's shadow on those images, and using textbook geometry, a simple open-source software and analytical procedures, we were allowed to calculate the ratio between the radii of the Moon and the Earth. The results are in very good agreement with the correct value for such ratio. This shows the strength of the smartphone technology to get powerful astronomical results in a very simple way and in a very short amount of time.

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Popular Physics

Ethics, Information, and Our "It-from-Bit" Universe

Using information technology, humans have brought about the Information Revolution, which is changing the world faster and more profoundly than ever before. How is this possible? An answer is suggested by comments of James Moor, regarding Logical Malleability, in his classic paper, What Is Computer Ethics?, 1985. The present essay combines Moor's ideas with the hypothesis that all physical entities, including spacetime and the universe as a whole, are dynamic data structures. To show the usefulness of taking such an approach, in both physics and information ethics, a suggested it from bit model of the universe is briefly sketched, and relevant predictions are offered about the future of computer and information ethics.

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Popular Physics

Evidences of the earliest Supernova observation in the Nebra disk

The Nebra disk has been object to investigations since its discovering. In order to understand its meaning for the ancient people we are forced to find reasonable astronomical motivations which led its builders to make it. Here a possible explanations of its origins is given.

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Popular Physics

Examining the Efficiency of Sun Lightening and Shadow Tools in AutoCAD Program

The AutoCAD is one of the most famous Computer Aided Drawing programs with high and accurate specifications in the engineering design. It is highly qualified and contains many of the tools it needs in many engineering departments. A useful tool is the lighting tool because it gives a simulated rendering of reality to a great degree that benefits the architect as well as urban designers. This tool includes simulating sunlight by date during the year, timing of day, and position of the body on the Earth. We tested the sunlight status tools in this program in the limit of our test region to see how accurate it was and it turned out to have a 45% error difference. The sun shadow in AutoCAD rendering is longer than the real by 145%. There is another error in the direction of shadow also. It is essential to note these errors for any designer need to calculate the shadow length and direction from the AutoCAD program.

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