Featured Researches

Space Physics

Effects of alpha-proton differential flow on proton temperature anisotropy instabilities in the solar wind: Wind observations

Plasma kinetic waves and alpha-proton differential flow are two important subjects on the topic of evolution of the solar wind. Based on the Wind data during 2005-2015, this paper reports that the occurrence of electromagnetic cyclotron waves (ECWs) near the proton cyclotron frequency significantly depends on the direction of alpha-proton differential flow Vd. As Vd rotates from anti-Sunward direction to Sunward direction, the occurrence rate of ECWs as well as the percentage of left-handed (LH) polarized ECWs decreases considerably. In particular, it is shown that the dominant polarization changes from LH polarization to right-handed polarization during the rotation. The investigation on proton and alpha particle parameters ordered by the direction of Vd further illustrates that large kinetic energies of alpha-proton differential flow correspond to high occurrence rates of ECWs. These results are well consistent with theoretical predictions for effects of alpha-proton differential flow on proton temperature anisotropy instabilities.

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Space Physics

Effects of latitude-dependent gravity wave source variations on the middle and upper atmosphere

Atmospheric gravity waves (GWs) are generated in the lower atmosphere by various weather phenomena. They propagate upward, carry energy and momentum to higher altitudes, and appreciably influence the general circulation upon depositing them in the middle and upper atmosphere. We use a three-dimensional first-principle general circulation model (GCM) with an implemented nonlinear whole atmosphere GW parameterization to study the global climatology of wave activity and produced effects at altitudes up to the upper thermosphere. The numerical experiments were guided by the GW momentum fluxes and temperature variances as measured in 2010 by the SABER (Sounding of the Atmosphere using Broadband Emission Radiometry) instrument onboard NASA's TIMED (Thermosphere Ionosphere Mesosphere Energetics Dynamics) satellite. This includes the latitudinal dependence and magnitude of GW activity in the lower stratosphere for the boreal summer season. The modeling results were compared to the SABER temperature and total absolute momentum flux, and Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite (UARS) data in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere. Simulations suggest that, in order to reproduce the observed circulation and wave activity in the middle atmosphere, smaller than the measured GW fluxes have to be used at the source level in the lower atmosphere. This is because observations contain a broader spectrum of GWs, while parameterizations capture only a portion relevant to the middle and upper atmosphere dynamics. Accounting for the latitudinal variations of the source appreciably improves simulations.

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Space Physics

Effects of the Great American Solar Eclipse on the lower ionosphere observed with VLF waves

The altitude of the ionospheric lower layer (D-region) is highly influenced by the solar UV flux affecting in turn, the propagation of Very Low Frequency (VLF) signals inside the waveguide formed between this layer and the Earth surface. A rapid change of the solar irradiance, as during a solar eclipse, can help to understand the details of the energy transfer of the solar radiation onto the ionospheric D-layer. Using the "Latin American VLF Network" (LAVNet-Mex) receiver station in Mexico City, Mexico, we detected the phase and amplitude changes of the VLF signals transmitted by the NDK station at 25.2 kHz in North Dakota, USA during the August 21, 2017, solar eclipse. As the Sunlight was eclipsed, the rate of ionization in the ionosphere (D-region) was reduced and the effective reflection height increased, causing a considerable drop of the phase and amplitude of the observed VLF waves. The corresponding waveguide path is 3007.15 km long and crossed almost perpendicularly the total eclipse path. Circumstantially, at the time of the total eclipse, a C3 flare took place allowing us to isolate the flare flux from the background flux of a large portion of the disk. In this work, we report the observations and present a new model of the ionospheric effects of the eclipse and flare. The model is based on a detailed setup of the degree of Moon shadow that affects the entire Great Circle Path (GCP). During the eclipse, the maximum phase variation was -63.36 ∘ at 18:05 UT which, according to our model, accounts for a maximum increase of the reflection height of 9.3 km.

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Space Physics

Electric sails are potentially more effective than light sails near most stars

Electric sails are propulsion systems that generate momentum via the deflection of stellar wind particles through electric forces. Here, we investigate the relative merits of electric sails and light sails driven by stellar radiation pressure for F-, G-, K- and M-type stellar systems. We show that electric sails originating near M-dwarfs could attain terminal speeds of ∼500 km/s for minimal payload masses. In contrast, light sails are typically rendered ineffective for late-type M-dwarfs because the radiation pressure is not sufficiently high to overcome the gravitational acceleration. Our analysis indicates that electric sails are better propulsion systems for interplanetary travel than light sails in proximity to most stars. We also delineate a method by which repeated encounters with stars might cumulatively boost the speeds of light sails to ≳0.1c , thereby making them more suitable for interstellar travel. This strategy can be effectuated by reaching ∼ 10 5 stars over the span of ∼10 Myr.

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Space Physics

Electromagnetic instabilities of low-beta alpha/proton beams in space plasmas

Relative drifts between different species or particle populations are characteristic to solar plasma outflows, e.g., in the fast streams of the solar winds, coronal mass ejections and interplanetary shocks. This paper characterizes the dispersion and stability of the low-beta alpha/proton drifts in the absence of any intrinsic thermal anisotropies, which are usually invoked in order to stimulate various instabilities. The dispersion relations derived here describe the full spectrum of instabilities and their variations with the angle of propagation and plasma parameters. The results unveil a potential competition between instabilities of the electromagnetic proton cyclotron and alpha cyclotron modes. For conditions specific to a low-beta solar wind, e.g., at low heliocentric distances in the outer corona, the instability operates on the alpha cyclotron branch. The growth rates of the alpha cyclotron mode are systematically stimulated by the (parallel) plasma beta and/or the alpha-proton temperature ratio. One can therefore expect that this instability develops even in the absence of temperature anisotropies, with potential to contribute to a self-consistent regulation of the observed drift of alpha particles.

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Space Physics

Electron Dynamics near Diamagnetic Regions of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko

The Rosetta spacecraft detected transient and sporadic diamagnetic regions around comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. In this paper we present a statistical analysis of bulk and suprathermal electron dynamics, as well as a case study of suprathermal electron pitch angle distributions (PADs) near a diamagnetic region. Bulk electron densities are correlated with the local neutral density and we find a distinct enhancement in electron densities measured over the southern latitudes of the comet. Flux of suprathermal electrons with energies between tens of eV to a couple of hundred eV decreases each time the spacecraft enters a diamagnetic region. We propose a mechanism in which this reduction can be explained by solar wind electrons that are tied to the magnetic field and after having been transported adiabatically in a decaying magnetic field environment, have limited access to the diamagnetic regions. Our analysis shows that suprathermal electron PADs evolve from an almost isotropic outside the diamagnetic cavity to a field-aligned distribution near the boundary. Electron transport becomes chaotic and non-adiabatic when electron gyroradius becomes comparable to the size of the magnetic field line curvature, which determines the upper energy limit of the flux variation. This study is based on Rosetta observations at around 200 km cometocentric distance when the comet was at 1.24 AU from the Sun and during the southern summer cometary season.

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Space Physics

Electron Heating by Debye-Scale Turbulence in Guide-Field Reconnection

We report electrostatic Debye-scale turbulence developing within the diffusion region of asymmetric magnetopause reconnection with moderate guide field using observations by the Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) mission. We show that Buneman waves and beam modes cause efficient and fast thermalization of the reconnection electron jet by irreversible phase mixing, during which the jet kinetic energy is transferred into thermal energy. Our results show that the reconnection diffusion region in the presence of a moderate guide field is highly turbulent, and that electrostatic turbulence plays an important role in electron heating.

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Space Physics

Electron Heating in Perpendicular Low-Beta Shocks

Collisionless shocks heat electrons in the solar wind, interstellar blast waves, and hot gas permeating galaxy clusters. How much shock heating goes to electrons instead of ions, and what plasma physics controls electron heating? We simulate 2-D perpendicular shocks with a fully kinetic particle-in-cell code. For magnetosonic Mach number M ms ∼1 - 10 and plasma beta β p ≲4 , the post-shock electron/ion temperature ratio T e / T i decreases from 1 to 0.1 with increasing M ms . In a representative M ms =3.1 , β p =0.25 shock, electrons heat above adiabatic compression in two steps: ion-scale E ∥ = E ⃗ ⋅ b ^ accelerates electrons into streams along B ⃗ , which then relax via two-stream-like instability. The B ⃗ -parallel heating is mostly induced by waves; B ⃗ -perpendicular heating is mostly adiabatic compression by quasi-static fields.

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Space Physics

Electron Temperature Anisotropy and Electron Beam Constraints From Electron Kinetic Instabilities in the Solar Wind

Electron temperature anisotropies and electron beams are nonthermal features of the observed nonequilibrium electron velocity distributions in the solar wind. In collision-poor plasmas these nonequilibrium distributions are expected to be regulated by kinetic instabilities through wave-particle interactions. This study considers electron instabilities driven by the interplay of core electron temperature anisotropies and the electron beam, and firstly gives a comprehensive analysis of instabilities in arbitrary directions to the background magnetic field. It clarifies the dominant parameter regime (e.g., parallel core electron plasma beta β ec∥ , core electron temperature anisotropy A ec ≡ T ec⊥ / T ec∥ , and electron beam velocity V eb ) for each kind of electron instability (e.g., the electron beam-driven electron acoustic/magnetoacoustic instability, the electron beam-driven whistler instability, the electromagnetic electron cyclotron instability, the electron mirror instability, the electron firehose instability, and the ordinary-mode instability). It finds that the electron beam can destabilize electron acoustic/magnetoacoustic waves in the low- β ec∥ regime, and whistler waves in the medium- and large- β ec∥ regime. It also finds that a new oblique fast-magnetosonic/whistler instability is driven by the electron beam with V eb ≳7 V A in a regime where β ec∥ ∼0.1−2 and A ec <1 . Moreover, this study presents electromagnetic responses of each kind of electron instability. These results provide a comprehensive overview for electron instability constraints on core electron temperature anisotropies and electron beams in the solar wind.

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Space Physics

Electron acceleration and small scale coherent structures formation by an Alfvén wave propagating in coronal interplume region

We use 2.5-D electromagnetic particle-in-cell simulation code to investigate the acceleration of electrons in solar coronal holes through the interaction of Alfvén waves with an interplume region. The interplume is modeled by a cavity density gradients that are perpendicular to the background magnetic field. The aim is to contribute to explain the observation of suprathermal electrons under relatively quiet sun. Simulations show that Alfvén waves in interaction with the interplume region gives rise to a strong local electric field that accelerates electrons in the direction parallel to the background magnetic field. Suprathermal electron beams and small-scale coherent structures are observed within interplume of strong density gradients. These features result from non linear evolution of the electron beam plasma instability.

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