Featured Researches

Neurons And Cognition

Making Sense of Computational Psychiatry

In psychiatry, we often speak of constructing "models." Here we try to make sense of what such a claim might mean, starting with the most fundamental question: "What is (and isn't) a model?". We then discuss, in a concrete measurable sense, what it means for a model to be useful. In so doing, we first identify the added value that a computational model can provide, in the context of accuracy and power. We then present the limitations of standard statistical methods and provide suggestions for how we can expand the explanatory power of our analyses by reconceptualizing statistical models as dynamical systems. Finally, we address the problem of model building, suggesting ways in which computational psychiatry can escape the potential for cognitive biases imposed by classical hypothesis-driven research, exploiting deep systems-level information contained within neuroimaging data to advance our understanding of psychiatric neuroscience.

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Neurons And Cognition

Manifold learning for brain connectivity

Human brain connectome studies aim at extracting and analyzing relevant features associated to pathologies of interest. Usually this consists in modeling the brain connectome as a graph and in using graph metrics as features. A fine brain description requires graph metrics computation at the node level. Given the relatively reduced number of patients in standard cohorts, such data analysis problems fall in the high-dimension low sample size framework. In this context, our goal is to provide a machine learning technique that exhibits flexibility, gives the investigator grip on the features and covariates, allows visualization and exploration, and yields insight into the data and the biological phenomena at stake. The retained approach is dimension reduction in a manifold learning methodology, the originality lying in that one (or several) reduced variables be chosen by the investigator. The proposed method is illustrated on two studies, the first one addressing comatose patients, the second one addressing young versus elderly population comparison. The method sheds light on the graph metrics and underlying neurobiological phenomena.

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Neurons And Cognition

Mapping low-dimensional dynamics to high-dimensional neural activity: A derivation of the ring model from the neural engineering framework

Empirical estimates of the dimensionality of neural population activity are often much lower than the population size. Similar phenomena are also observed in trained and designed neural network models. These experimental and computational results suggest that mapping low-dimensional dynamics to high-dimensional neural space is a common feature of cortical computation. Despite the ubiquity of this observation, the constraints arising from such mapping are poorly understood. Here we consider a specific example of mapping low-dimensional dynamics to high-dimensional neural activity -- the neural engineering framework. We analytically solve the framework for the classic ring model -- a neural network encoding a static or dynamic angular variable. Our results provide a complete characterization of the success and failure modes for this model. Based on similarities between this and other frameworks, we speculate that these results could apply to more general scenarios.

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Neurons And Cognition

Markov Blankets in the Brain

Recent characterisations of self-organising systems depend upon the presence of a Markov blanket: a statistical boundary that mediates the interactions between what is inside of and outside of a system. We leverage this idea to provide an analysis of partitions in neuronal systems. This is applicable to brain architectures at multiple scales, enabling partitions into single neurons, brain regions, and brain-wide networks. This treatment is based upon the canonical micro-circuitry used in empirical studies of effective connectivity, so as to speak directly to practical applications. This depends upon the dynamic coupling between functional units, whose form recapitulates that of a Markov blanket at each level. The nuance afforded by partitioning neural systems in this way highlights certain limitations of modular perspectives of brain function that only consider a single level of description.

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Neurons And Cognition

Mathematical models for pain: a systematic review

There is no single prevailing theory of pain that explains its origin, qualities, and alleviation. Although many studies have investigated various molecular targets for pain management, few have attempted to examine the etiology or working mechanisms of pain through mathematical or computational techniques. In this systematic review, we identified mathematical and computational approaches for characterizing pain. The databases queried were Science Direct and PubMed, yielding 560 articles published prior to January 1st, 2020. After screening for inclusion of mathematical or computational models of pain, 31 articles were deemed relevant. Most of the reviewed articles utilized classification algorithms to categorize pain and no-pain conditions. We found the literature heavily focused on the application of existing models or machine learning algorithms to identify the presence or absence of pain, rather than to explore features of pain that may be used for diagnostics and treatment. Although understudied, the development of mathematical models may augment the current understanding of pain by providing directions for testable hypotheses of its underlying mechanisms.

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Neurons And Cognition

Mean-field approximations of networks of spiking neurons with short-term synaptic plasticity

Low-dimensional descriptions of neural network dynamics are an effective tool for bridging different scales of organization of brain structure and function. Recent advances in deriving mean-field descriptions for networks of coupled oscillators have sparked the development of a new generation of neural mass models. Of notable interest are mean-field descriptions of all-to-all coupled quadratic integrate-and-fire (QIF) neurons, which have already seen numerous extensions and applications. These extensions include different forms of short-term adaptation (STA) considered to play an important role in generating and sustaining dynamic regimes of interest in the brain. It is an open question, however, whether the incorporation of pre-synaptic forms of synaptic plasticity driven by single neuron activity would still permit the derivation of mean-field equations using the same method. Here, we discuss this problem using an established model of short-term synaptic plasticity at the single neuron level, for which we present two different approaches for the derivation of the mean-field equations. We compare these models with a recently proposed mean-field approximation that assumes stochastic spike timings. In general, the latter fails to accurately reproduce the macroscopic activity in networks of deterministic QIF neurons with distributed parameters. We show that the mean-field models we propose provide a more accurate description of the network dynamics, although they are mathematically more involved. Using bifurcation analysis, we find that QIF networks with pre-synaptic short-term plasticity can express regimes of periodic bursting activity as well as bi-stable regimes. Together, we provide novel insight into the macroscopic effects of short-term synaptic plasticity in spiking neural networks, as well as two different mean-field descriptions for future investigations of such networks.

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Neurons And Cognition

Memory systems of the brain

Humans have long been fascinated by how memories are formed, how they can be damaged or lost, or still seem vibrant after many years. Thus the search for the locus and organization of memory has had a long history, in which the notion that is is composed of distinct systems developed during the second half of the 20th century. A fundamental dichotomy between conscious and unconscious memory processes was first drawn based on evidences from the study of amnesiac subjects and the systematic experimental work with animals. The use of behavioral and neural measures together with imaging techniques have progressively led researchers to agree in the existence of a variety of neural architectures that support multiple memory systems. This article presents a historical lens with which to contextualize these idea on memory systems, and provides a current account for the multiple memory systems model.

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Neurons And Cognition

Mesoscale microscopy for micromammals: image analysis tools for understanding the rodent brain

Over the last ten years, developments in whole-brain microscopy now allow for high-resolution imaging of intact brains of small rodents such as mice. These complex images contain a wealth of information, but many neuroscience laboratories do not have all of the computational knowledge and tools needed to process these data. We review recent open source tools for registration of images to atlases, and the segmentation, visualisation and analysis of brain regions and labelled structures such as neurons. Since the field lacks fully integrated analysis pipelines for all types of whole-brain microscopy analysis, we propose a pathway for tool developers to work together to meet this challenge.

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Neurons And Cognition

Mesoscopic architecture enhances communication across the Macaque connectome revealing structure-function correspondence in the brain

Analyzing the brain in terms of organizational structures at intermediate scales provides an approach to negotiate the complexity arising from interactions between its large number of components. Focusing on a wiring diagram that spans the cortex, basal ganglia and thalamus of the Macaque brain, we provide a mesoscopic-level description of the topological architecture of one of the most well-studied mammalian connectomes. The robust modules we identify each comprise densely inter-connected cortical and sub-cortical areas that play complementary roles in executing specific cognitive functions. We find that physical proximity between areas is insufficient to explain the modular organization, as similar mesoscopic structures can be obtained even after factoring out the effect of distance constraints on the connectivity. We observe that the distribution profile of brain areas, classified in terms of their intra- and inter-modular connectivity, is conserved across the principal cortical subdivisions, as well as, sub-cortical structures. In particular provincial hubs, which have significantly higher number of connections with members of their module, but relatively less well-connected to other modules, are the only class that exhibits homophily, i.e., a discernible preference to connect to each other. By considering a process of diffusive propagation we demonstrate that this architecture, instead of localizing the activity, facilitates rapid communication across the connectome. By supplementing the topological information about the Macaque connectome with physical locations, volumes and functions of the constituent areas and analyzing this augmented dataset, we reveal a counter-intuitive role played by the modular architecture of the brain in promoting global interaction.

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Neurons And Cognition

MetaSleepLearner: A Pilot Study on Fast Adaptation of Bio-signals-Based Sleep Stage Classifier to New Individual Subject Using Meta-Learning

Identifying bio-signals based-sleep stages requires time-consuming and tedious labor of skilled clinicians. Deep learning approaches have been introduced in order to challenge the automatic sleep stage classification conundrum. However, the difficulties can be posed in replacing the clinicians with the automatic system due to the differences in many aspects found in individual bio-signals, causing the inconsistency in the performance of the model on every incoming individual. Thus, we aim to explore the feasibility of using a novel approach, capable of assisting the clinicians and lessening the workload. We propose the transfer learning framework, entitled MetaSleepLearner, based on Model Agnostic Meta-Learning (MAML), in order to transfer the acquired sleep staging knowledge from a large dataset to new individual subjects. The framework was demonstrated to require the labelling of only a few sleep epochs by the clinicians and allow the remainder to be handled by the system. Layer-wise Relevance Propagation (LRP) was also applied to understand the learning course of our approach. In all acquired datasets, in comparison to the conventional approach, MetaSleepLearner achieved a range of 5.4\% to 17.7\% improvement with statistical difference in the mean of both approaches. The illustration of the model interpretation after the adaptation to each subject also confirmed that the performance was directed towards reasonable learning. MetaSleepLearner outperformed the conventional approaches as a result from the fine-tuning using the recordings of both healthy subjects and patients. This is the first work that investigated a non-conventional pre-training method, MAML, resulting in a possibility for human-machine collaboration in sleep stage classification and easing the burden of the clinicians in labelling the sleep stages through only several epochs rather than an entire recording.

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