Featured Researches

Neurons And Cognition

Models of communication and control for brain networks: distinctions, convergence, and future outlook

Recent advances in computational models of signal propagation and routing in the human brain have underscored the critical role of white matter structure. A complementary approach has utilized the framework of network control theory to better understand how white matter constrains the manner in which a region or set of regions can direct or control the activity of other regions. Despite the potential for both of these approaches to enhance our understanding of the role of network structure in brain function, little work has sought to understand the relations between them. Here, we seek to explicitly bridge computational models of communication and principles of network control in a conceptual review of the current literature. By drawing comparisons between communication and control models in terms of the level of abstraction, the dynamical complexity, the dependence on network attributes, and the interplay of multiple spatiotemporal scales, we highlight the convergence of and distinctions between the two frameworks. Based on the understanding of the intertwined nature of communication and control in human brain networks, this work provides an integrative perspective for the field and outlines exciting directions for future work.

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Neurons And Cognition

Modularity allows classification of human brain networks during music and speech perception

We investigate the use of modularity as a quantifier of whole-brain functional networks. Brain networks are constructed from functional magnetic resonance imaging while subjects listened to auditory pieces that varied in emotivity and cultural familiarity. The results of our analysis reveal high and low modularity groups based on the network configuration during a subject's favorite song, and this classification can predict network reconfiguration during the other auditory pieces. In particular, subjects in the low modularity group show significant brain network reconfiguration during both familiar and unfamiliar pieces. In contrast, the high modularity brain networks appear more robust and only exhibit significant changes during the unfamiliar music and speech. We also find differences in the stability of module composition for the two groups during each auditory piece. Our results suggest that the modularity of the whole-brain network plays a significant role in the way the network reconfigures during varying auditory processing demands, and it may therefore contribute to individual differences in neuroplasticity capability during therapeutic music engagement.

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Neurons And Cognition

Modulation of viability signals for self-regulatory control

We revisit the role of instrumental value as a driver of adaptive behavior. In active inference, instrumental or extrinsic value is quantified by the information-theoretic surprisal of a set of observations measuring the extent to which those observations conform to prior beliefs or preferences. That is, an agent is expected to seek the type of evidence that is consistent with its own model of the world. For reinforcement learning tasks, the distribution of preferences replaces the notion of reward. We explore a scenario in which the agent learns this distribution in a self-supervised manner. In particular, we highlight the distinction between observations induced by the environment and those pertaining more directly to the continuity of an agent in time. We evaluate our methodology in a dynamic environment with discrete time and actions. First with a surprisal minimizing model-free agent (in the RL sense) and then expanding to the model-based case to minimize the expected free energy.

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Neurons And Cognition

Moment-generating function of output stream of leaky integrate-and-fire neuron

The statistics of the output activity of a neuron during its stimulation by the stream of input impulses that forms the stochastic Poisson process is studied. The leaky integrate-and-fire neuron is considered as a neuron model. A new representation of the probability distribution function of the output interspike interval durations is found. Based on it, the moment-generating function of the probability distribution is calculated explicitly. The latter, according to Curtiss theorem, completely determines the distribution itself. In particular, explicit expressions are derived from the moment-generating function for the moments of all orders. The first moment coincides with the one found earlier. Formulas for the second and third moments have been checked numerically by direct modeling of the stochastic dynamics of a neuron with specific physical parameters.

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Neurons And Cognition

Motor cortex causally contributes to auditory word recognition following sensorimotor-enriched vocabulary training

The role of the motor cortex in perceptual and cognitive functions is highly controversial. Here, we investigated the hypothesis that the motor cortex can be instrumental for translating foreign language vocabulary. Participants were trained on foreign language (L2) words and their native language translations over four consecutive days. L2 words were accompanied by complementary gestures (sensorimotor enrichment) or pictures (sensory enrichment). Following training, participants translated the auditorily-presented L2 words that they had learned and repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) was applied to the bilateral posterior motor cortices. Compared to sham stimulation, effective perturbation by rTMS slowed down the translation of sensorimotor-enriched L2 words - but not sensory-enriched L2 words. This finding suggests that sensorimotor-enriched training induced changes in L2 representations within the motor cortex, which in turn facilitated the translation of L2 words. The motor cortex may play a causal role in precipitating sensorimotor-based learning benefits, and may directly aid in remembering the native language translations of foreign language words following sensorimotor-enriched training. These findings support multisensory theories of learning while challenging reactivation-based theories.

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Neurons And Cognition

Multi-Phase Locking Value: A Generalized Method for Determining Instantaneous Multi-frequency Phase Coupling

Many physical, biological and neural systems behave as coupled oscillators, with characteristic phase coupling across different frequencies. Methods such as n:m phase locking value and bi-phase locking value have previously been proposed to quantify phase coupling between two resonant frequencies (e.g. f , 2f/3 ) and across three frequencies (e.g. f 1 , f 2 , f 1 + f 2 ), respectively. However, the existing phase coupling metrics have their limitations and limited applications. They cannot be used to detect or quantify phase coupling across multiple frequencies (e.g. f 1 , f 2 , f 3 , f 4 , f 1 + f 2 + f 3 ??f 4 ), or coupling that involves non-integer multiples of the frequencies (e.g. f 1 , f 2 , 2 f 1 /3+ f 2 /3 ). To address the gap, this paper proposes a generalized approach, named multi-phase locking value (M-PLV), for the quantification of various types of instantaneous multi-frequency phase coupling. Different from most instantaneous phase coupling metrics that measure the simultaneous phase coupling, the proposed M-PLV method also allows the detection of delayed phase coupling and the associated time lag between coupled oscillators. The M-PLV has been tested on cases where synthetic coupled signals are generated using white Gaussian signals, and a system comprised of multiple coupled Rössler oscillators. Results indicate that the M-PLV can provide a reliable estimation of the time window and frequency combination where the phase coupling is significant, as well as a precise determination of time lag in the case of delayed coupling. This method has the potential to become a powerful new tool for exploring phase coupling in complex nonlinear dynamic systems.

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Neurons And Cognition

Multicoding in neural information transfer suggested by mathematical analysis of the frequency-dependent synaptic plasticity in vivo

Two elements of neural information processing have primarily been proposed: firing rate and spike timing of neurons. In the case of synaptic plasticity, although spike-timing-dependent plasticity (STDP) depending on presynaptic and postsynaptic spike times had been considered the most common rule, recent studies have shown the inhibitory nature of the brain in vivo for precise spike timing, which is key to the STDP. Thus, the importance of the firing frequency in synaptic plasticity in vivo has been recognized again. However, little is understood about how the frequency-dependent synaptic plasticity (FDP) is regulated in vivo. Here, we focused on the presynaptic input pattern, the intracellular calcium decay time constants, and the background synaptic activity, which vary depending on neuron types and the anatomical and physiological environment in the brain. By analyzing a calcium-based model, we found that the synaptic weight differs depending on these factors characteristic in vivo, even if neurons receive the same input rate. This finding suggests the involvement of multifaceted factors other than input frequency in FDP and even neural coding in vivo.

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Neurons And Cognition

Multiple-shooting adjoint method for whole-brain dynamic causal modeling

Dynamic causal modeling (DCM) is a Bayesian framework to infer directed connections between compartments, and has been used to describe the interactions between underlying neural populations based on functional neuroimaging data. DCM is typically analyzed with the expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm. However, because the inversion of a large-scale continuous system is difficult when noisy observations are present, DCM by EM is typically limited to a small number of compartments ( <10 ). Another drawback with the current method is its complexity; when the forward model changes, the posterior mean changes, and we need to re-derive the algorithm for optimization. In this project, we propose the Multiple-Shooting Adjoint (MSA) method to address these limitations. MSA uses the multiple-shooting method for parameter estimation in ordinary differential equations (ODEs) under noisy observations, and is suitable for large-scale systems such as whole-brain analysis in functional MRI (fMRI). Furthermore, MSA uses the adjoint method for accurate gradient estimation in the ODE; since the adjoint method is generic, MSA is a generic method for both linear and non-linear systems, and does not require re-derivation of the algorithm as in EM. We validate MSA in extensive experiments: 1) in toy examples with both linear and non-linear models, we show that MSA achieves better accuracy in parameter value estimation than EM; furthermore, MSA can be successfully applied to large systems with up to 100 compartments; and 2) using real fMRI data, we apply MSA to the estimation of the whole-brain effective connectome and show improved classification of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) vs. control compared to using the functional connectome. The package is provided \url{this https URL}

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Neurons And Cognition

Multiscale Comparative Connectomics

A connectome is a map of the structural and/or functional connections in the brain. This information-rich representation has the potential to transform our understanding of the relationship between patterns in brain connectivity and neurological processes, disorders, and diseases. However, existing computational techniques used to analyze connectomes are often insufficient for interrogating multi-subject connectomics datasets. Several methods are either solely designed to analyze single connectomes, or leverage heuristic graph invariants that ignore the complete topology of connections between brain regions. To enable more rigorous comparative connectomics analysis, we introduce robust and interpretable statistical methods motivated by recent theoretical advances in random graph models. These methods enable simultaneous analysis of multiple connectomes across different scales of network topology, facilitating the discovery of hierarchical brain structures that vary in relation with phenotypic profiles. We validated these methods through extensive simulation studies, as well as synthetic and real-data experiments. Using a set of high-resolution connectomes obtained from genetically distinct mouse strains (including the BTBR mouse -- a standard model of autism -- and three behavioral wild-types), we show that these methods uncover valuable latent information in multi-subject connectomics data and yield novel insights into the connective correlates of neurological phenotypes.

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Neurons And Cognition

Multivariate white matter alterations are associated with epilepsy duration

Previous studies investigating associations between white matter alterations and duration of temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) have shown differing results, and were typically limited to univariate analyses of tracts in isolation. In this study we apply a multivariate measure (the Mahalanobis distance), to capture the distinct ways white matter may differ in individual patients, and relate this to epilepsy duration. Diffusion MRI, from a cohort of 94 subjects (28 healthy controls, 33 left-TLE and 33 right-TLE), was used to assess associations between tract fractional anisotropy (FA) and epilepsy duration. Using ten white matter tracts, we analysed associations using traditional univariate analyses (z-scores) and a complementary multivariate approach (Mahalanobis distance), incorporating multiple white matter tracts into a single unified analysis. In patients with right-TLE, FA was not significantly associated with epilepsy duration for any tract studied in isolation. In patients with left-TLE, the FA of two limbic tracts (ipsilateral fornix, contralateral cingulum gyrus) was significantly negatively associated with epilepsy duration (Bonferonni corrected p<0.05). Using a multivariate approach we found significant ipsilateral positive associations with duration in both left, and right-TLE cohorts (left-TLE: Spearman's rho=0.487, right-TLE: Spearman's rho=0.422). Extrapolating our multivariate results to duration equals zero (i.e. at onset) we found no significant difference between patients and controls. Associations using the multivariate approach were more robust than univariate methods. The multivariate distance measure provides non-overlapping and more robust results than traditional univariate analyses. Future studies should consider adopting both frameworks into their analysis in order to ascertain a more complete understanding of epilepsy progression, regardless of laterality.

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