Featured Researches

Mathematical Finance

Optimal Investment, Demand and Arbitrage under Price Impact

This paper studies the optimal investment problem with random endowment in an inventory-based price impact model with competitive market makers. Our goal is to analyze how price impact affects optimal policies, as well as both pricing rules and demand schedules for contingent claims. For exponential market makers preferences, we establish two effects due to price impact: constrained trading, and non-linear hedging costs. To the former, wealth processes in the impact model are identified with those in a model without impact, but with constrained trading, where the (random) constraint set is generically neither closed nor convex. Regarding hedging, non-linear hedging costs motivate the study of arbitrage free prices for the claim. We provide three such notions, which coincide in the frictionless case, but which dramatically differ in the presence of price impact. Additionally, we show arbitrage opportunities, should they arise from claim prices, can be exploited only for limited position sizes, and may be ignored if outweighed by hedging considerations. We also show that arbitrage inducing prices may arise endogenously in equilibrium, and that equilibrium positions are inversely proportional to the market makers' representative risk aversion. Therefore, large positions endogenously arise in the limit of either market maker risk neutrality, or a large number of market makers.

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Mathematical Finance

Optimal Payoff under the Generalized Dual Theory of Choice

We consider portfolio optimization under a preference model in a single-period, complete market. This preference model includes Yaari's dual theory of choice and quantile maximization as special cases. We characterize when the optimal solution exists and derive the optimal solution in closed form when it exists. The payoff of the optimal portfolio is a digital option: it yields an in-the-money payoff when the market is good and zero payoff otherwise. When the initial wealth increases, the set of good market scenarios remains unchanged while the payoff in these scenarios increases. Finally, we extend our portfolio optimization problem by imposing a dependence structure with a given benchmark payoff and derive similar results.

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Mathematical Finance

Optimal Reinsurance and Investment in a Diffusion Model

We consider a diffusion approximation to an insurance risk model where an external driver models a stochastic environment. The insurer can buy reinsurance. Moreover, investment in a financial market is possible. The financial market is also driven by the environmental process. Our goal is to maximise terminal expected utility. In particular, we consider the case of SAHARA utility functions. In the case of proportional and excess-of-loss reinsurance, we obtain explicit results.

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Mathematical Finance

Optimal Stopping under Model Ambiguity: a Time-Consistent Equilibrium Approach

An unconventional approach for optimal stopping under model ambiguity is introduced. Besides ambiguity itself, we take into account how ambiguity-averse an agent is. This inclusion of ambiguity attitude, via an α -maxmin nonlinear expectation, renders the stopping problem time-inconsistent. We look for subgame perfect equilibrium stopping policies, formulated as fixed points of an operator. For a one-dimensional diffusion with drift and volatility uncertainty, we show that every equilibrium can be obtained through a fixed-point iteration. This allows us to capture much more diverse behavior, depending on an agent's ambiguity attitude, beyond the standard worst-case (or best-case) analysis. In a concrete example of real options valuation under volatility uncertainty, all equilibrium stopping policies, as well as the best one among them, are fully characterized. It demonstrates explicitly the effect of ambiguity attitude on decision making: the more ambiguity-averse, the more eager to stop -- so as to withdraw from the uncertain environment. The main result hinges on a delicate analysis of continuous sample paths in the canonical space and the capacity theory. To resolve measurability issues, a generalized measurable projection theorem, new to the literature, is also established.

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Mathematical Finance

Optimal Trading with Differing Trade Signals

We consider the problem of maximizing portfolio value when an agent has a subjective view on asset value which differs from the traded market price. The agent's trades will have a price impact which affect the price at which the asset is traded. In addition to the agent's trades affecting the market price, the agent may change his view on the asset's value if its difference from the market price persists. We also consider a situation of several agents interacting and trading simultaneously when they have a subjective view on the asset value. Two cases of the subjective views of agents are considered, one in which they all share the same information, and one in which they all have an individual signal correlated with price innovations. To study the large agent problem we take a mean-field game approach which remains tractable. After classifying the mean-field equilibrium we compute the cross-sectional distribution of agents' inventories and the dependence of price distribution on the amount of shared information among the agents.

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Mathematical Finance

Optimal Trading with Signals and Stochastic Price Impact

Trading frictions are stochastic. They are, moreover, in many instances fast-mean reverting. Here, we study how to optimally trade in a market with stochastic price impact and study approximations to the resulting optimal control problem using singular perturbation methods. We prove, by constructing sub- and super-solutions, that the approximations are accurate to the specified order. Finally, we perform some numerical experiments to illustrate the effect that stochastic trading frictions have on optimal trading.

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Mathematical Finance

Optimal excess-of-loss reinsurance for stochastic factor risk models

We study the optimal excess-of-loss reinsurance problem when both the intensity of the claims arrival process and the claim size distribution are influenced by an exogenous stochastic factor. We assume that the insurer's surplus is governed by a marked point process with dual-predictable projection affected by an environmental factor and that the insurance company can borrow and invest money at a constant real-valued risk-free interest rate r . Our model allows for stochastic risk premia, which take into account risk fluctuations. Using stochastic control theory based on the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation, we analyze the optimal reinsurance strategy under the criterion of maximizing the expected exponential utility of the terminal wealth. A verification theorem for the value function in terms of classical solutions of a backward partial differential equation is provided. Finally, some numerical results are discussed.

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Mathematical Finance

Optimal execution with dynamic risk adjustment

This paper considers the problem of optimal liquidation of a position in a risky security in a financial market, where price evolution are risky and trades have an impact on price as well as uncertainty in the filling orders. The problem is formulated as a continuous time stochastic optimal control problem aiming at maximizing a generalized risk-adjusted profit and loss function. The expression of the risk adjustment is derived from the general theory of dynamic risk measures and is selected in the class of g -conditional risk measures. The resulting theoretical framework is nonclassical since the target function depends on backward components. We show that, under a quadratic specification of the driver of a backward stochastic differential equation, it is possible to find a closed form solution and an explicit expression of the optimal liquidation policies. In this way it is immediate to quantify the impact of risk-adjustment on the profit and loss and on the expression of the optimal liquidation policies.

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Mathematical Finance

Optimal hedging of a perpetual American put with a single trade

It is well-known that using delta hedging to hedge financial options is not feasible in practice. Traders often rely on discrete-time hedging strategies based on fixed trading times or fixed trading prices (i.e., trades only occur if the underlying asset's price reaches some predetermined values). Motivated by this insight and with the aim of obtaining explicit solutions, we consider the seller of a perpetual American put option who can hedge her portfolio once until the underlying stock price leaves a certain range of values (a,b) . We determine optimal trading boundaries as functions of the initial stock holding, and an optimal hedging strategy for a bond/stock portfolio. Optimality here refers to the variance of the hedging error at the (random) time when the stock leaves the interval (a,b) . Our study leads to analytical expressions for both the optimal boundaries and the optimal stock holding, which can be evaluated numerically with no effort.

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Mathematical Finance

Optimal investment and contingent claim valuation with exponential disutility under proportional transaction costs

We consider indifference pricing of contingent claims consisting of payment flows in a discrete time model with proportional transaction costs and under exponential disutility. This setting covers utility maximisation as a special case. A dual representation is obtained for the associated disutility minimisation problem, together with a dynamic procedure for solving it. This leads to efficient and convergent numerical procedures for indifference pricing, optimal trading strategies and shadow prices that apply to a wide range of payoffs, a large range of time steps and all magnitudes of transaction costs.

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