Featured Researches

Mathematical Finance

No arbitrage in insurance and the QP-rule

This paper is an attempt to study fundamentally the valuation of insurance contracts. We start from the observation that insurance contracts are inherently linked to financial markets, be it via interest rates, or -- as in hybrid products, equity-linked life insurance and variable annuities -- directly to stocks or indices. By defining portfolio strategies on an insurance portfolio and combining them with financial trading strategies we arrive at the notion of insurance-finance arbitrage (IFA). A fundamental theorem provides two sufficient conditions for presence or absence of IFA, respectively. For the first one it utilizes the conditional law of large numbers and risk-neutral valuation. As a key result we obtain a simple valuation rule, called QP-rule, which is market consistent and excludes IFA. Utilizing the theory of enlargements of filtrations we construct a tractable framework for general valuation results, working under weak assumptions. The generality of the approach allows to incorporate many important aspects, like mortality risk or dependence of mortality and stock markets which is of utmost importance in the recent corona crisis. For practical applications, we provide an affine formulation which leads to explicit valuation formulas for a large class of hybrid products.

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Mathematical Finance

No-Arbitrage Commodity Option Pricing with Market Manipulation

We design three continuous--time models in finite horizon of a commodity price, whose dynamics can be affected by the actions of a representative risk--neutral producer and a representative risk--neutral trader. Depending on the model, the producer can control the drift and/or the volatility of the price whereas the trader can at most affect the volatility. The producer can affect the volatility in two ways: either by randomizing her production rate or, as the trader, using other means such as spreading false information. Moreover, the producer contracts at time zero a fixed position in a European convex derivative with the trader. The trader can be price-taker, as in the first two models, or she can also affect the volatility of the commodity price, as in the third model. We solve all three models semi--explicitly and give closed--form expressions of the derivative price over a small time horizon, preventing arbitrage opportunities to arise. We find that when the trader is price-taker, the producer can always compensate the loss in expected production profit generated by an increase of volatility by a gain in the derivative position by driving the price at maturity to a suitable level. Finally, in case the trader is active, the model takes the form of a nonzero-sum linear-quadratic stochastic differential game and we find that when the production rate is already at its optimal stationary level, there is an amount of derivative position that makes both players better off when entering the game.

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Mathematical Finance

No-Arbitrage Symmetries

The no-arbitrage property is widely accepted to be a centerpiece of modern financial mathematics and could be considered to be a financial law applicable to a large class of (idealized) markets. The paper addresses the following basic question: can one characterize the class of transformations that leave the law of no-arbitrage invariant? We provide a geometric formalization of this question in a non probabilistic setting of discrete time, the so-called trajectorial models. The paper then characterizes, in a local sense, the no-arbitrage symmetries and illustrates their meaning in a detailed example. Our context makes the result available to the stochastic setting as a special case

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Mathematical Finance

No-arbitrage with multiple-priors in discrete time

In a discrete time and multiple-priors setting, we propose a new characterisation of the condition of quasi-sure no-arbitrage which has become a standard assumption. This characterisation shows that it is indeed a well-chosen condition being equivalent to several previously used alternative notions of no-arbitrage and allowing the proof of important results in mathematical finance. We also revisit the so-called geometric and quantitative no-arbitrage conditions and explicit two important examples where all these concepts are illustrated.

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Mathematical Finance

Non-Parametric Robust Model Risk Measurement with Path-Dependent Loss Functions

Understanding and measuring model risk is important to financial practitioners. However, there lacks a non-parametric approach to model risk quantification in a dynamic setting and with path-dependent losses. We propose a complete theory generalizing the relative-entropic approach by Glasserman and Xu to the dynamic case under any f -divergence. It provides an unified treatment for measuring both the worst-case risk and the f -divergence budget that originate from the model uncertainty of an underlying state process.

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Mathematical Finance

Nonlinear reserving and multiple contract modifications in life insurance

Life insurance cash flows become reserve dependent when contract conditions are modified during the contract term on condition that actuarial equivalence is maintained. As a result, insurance cash flows and prospective reserves depend on each other in a circular way, and it is a non-trivial problem to solve that circularity and make cash flows and prospective reserves well-defined. In Markovian models, the (stochastic) Thiele equation and the Cantelli Theorem are the standard tools for solving the circularity issue and for maintaining actuarial equivalence. This paper expands the stochastic Thiele equation and the Cantelli Theorem to non-Markovian frameworks and presents a recursive scheme for the calculation of multiple contract modifications.

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Mathematical Finance

Nonlocal Diffusions and The Quantum Black-Scholes Equation: Modelling the Market Fear Factor

In this paper, we establish a link between quantum stochastic processes, and nonlocal diffusions. We demonstrate how the non-commutative Black-Scholes equation of Accardi & Boukas (Luigi Accardi, Andreas Boukas, 'The Quantum Black-Scholes Equation', Jun 2007, available at arXiv:0706.1300v1) can be written in integral form. This enables the application of the Monte-Carlo methods adapted to McKean stochastic differential equations (H. P. McKean, 'A class of Markov processes associated with nonlinear parabolic equations', Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., 56(6):1907-1911, 1966) for the simulation of solutions. We show how unitary transformations can be applied to classical Black-Scholes systems to introduce novel quantum effects. These have a simple economic interpretation as a market `fear factor', whereby recent market turbulence causes an increase in volatility going forward, that is not linked to either the local volatility function or an additional stochastic variable. Lastly, we extend this system to 2 variables, and consider Quantum models for bid-offer spread dynamics.

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Mathematical Finance

Nonparametric Predictive Inference for Asian options

Asian option, as one of the path-dependent exotic options, is widely traded in the energy market, either for speculation or hedging. However, it is hard to price, especially the one with the arithmetic average price. The traditional trading procedure is either too restrictive by assuming the distribution of the underlying asset or less rigorous by using the approximation. It is attractive to infer the Asian option price with few assumptions of the underlying asset distribution and adopt to the historical data with a nonparametric method. In this paper, we present a novel approach to price the Asian option from an imprecise statistical aspect. Nonparametric Predictive Inference (NPI) is applied to infer the average value of the future underlying asset price, which attempts to make the prediction reflecting more uncertainty because of the limited information. A rational pairwise trading criterion is also proposed in this paper for the Asian options comparison, as a risk measure. The NPI method for the Asian option is illustrated in several examples by using the simulation techniques or the empirical data from the energy market.

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Mathematical Finance

Nonparametric pricing and hedging of exotic derivatives

In the spirit of Arrow-Debreu, we introduce a family of financial derivatives that act as primitive securities in that exotic derivatives can be approximated by their linear combinations. We call these financial derivatives signature payoffs. We show that signature payoffs can be used to nonparametrically price and hedge exotic derivatives in the scenario where one has access to price data for other exotic payoffs. The methodology leads to a computationally tractable and accurate algorithm for pricing and hedging using market prices of a basket of exotic derivatives that has been tested on real and simulated market prices, obtaining good results.

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Mathematical Finance

Not so Particular about Calibration: Smile Problem Resolved

We present a novel Monte Carlo based LSV calibration algorithm that applies to all stochastic volatility models, including the non-Markovian rough volatility family. Our framework overcomes the limitations of the particle method proposed by Guyon and Henry-Labordère (2012) and theoretically guarantees a variance reduction without additional computational complexity. Specifically, we obtain a closed-form and exact calibration method that allows us to remove the dependency on both the kernel function and bandwidth parameter. This makes the algorithm more robust and less prone to errors or instabilities in a production environment. We test the efficiency of our algorithm on various hybrid (rough) local stochastic volatility models.

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