A. Bentaib
Institut de radioprotection et de sûreté nucléaire
Featured researches published by A. Bentaib.
Nuclear Technology | 2010
J. P. van Dorsselaere; P. Chatelard; M. Cranga; G. Guillard; N. Trégourès; L. Bosland; G. Brillant; N. Girault; A. Bentaib; N. Reinke; W. Luther
Abstract The French Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire (IRSN) and the German Gesellschaft für Anlagen und Reaktorsicherheit mbH (GRS) have been jointly developing for several years a system of calculation codes (or “integral” code), ASTEC (Accident Source Term Evaluation Code), to simulate the complete scenario of a hypothetical severe accident in a nuclear light water reactor from the initiating event through the possible radiological release of fission products out of the containment, the so-called “source term.” Very intensive validation work has been performed in recent years by IRSN and GRS on the V1 versions by comparison of code calculations with results of more than 160 international experiments. Complementary validation was performed by 30 partners of the SARNET European Network of Excellence in the 6th Framework Programme of the European Commission, where ASTEC is considered the European reference code. The global status of validation is good for most phenomena, as shown by several examples that are described in this paper, and even very good on fission product behavior. The main need for modeling improvement concerns reflooding of a degraded core, due to the lack in ASTEC V1 of any dedicated model, and intensive efforts will focus on this topic in the next years. Molten core concrete interaction models are at the state of the art, but new experiments under way in the international frame and a better understanding of physical mechanisms are necessary to make further progress. Version V2.0 of the new ASTEC series, released mid-2009, takes benefit of the previous very intensive validation of the ICARE2 IRSN mechanistic code since its core degradation models have now been implemented. Validation will continue in the SARNET network from 2009 to 2013.
Nuclear Technology | 2012
H. Cheikhravat; N. Chaumeix; A. Bentaib; C.-E. Paillard
Abstract The aim of the present work is to identify and characterize the type of combustion of hydrogen-air mixtures near the flammability limits for different initial temperatures (from 298 to 423 K) and pressures (100 and 250 kPa) relevant to pressurized water reactor conditions. This experimental study has been carried out using a spherical vessel equipped with a pressure transducer to monitor the pressure increase subsequent to the combustion and with two optical windows to record the flame propagation. From the schlieren images, different regimes of flame propagation have been identified depending on the temperature and pressure. The maximum pressure obtained experimentally has been compared to the theoretical maximum pressure for adiabatic combustion at constant volume. The flammability limits have been determined for different temperatures and pressures and are compared to the literature.
Science and Technology of Nuclear Installations | 2010
A. Bentaib; Cataldo Caroli; Bernard Chaumont; Karine Chevalier-Jabet
This paper presents a methodology and its application to a Level 2 Probabilistic Safety Assessment (PSA-2), to evaluate the impact of the Passive Autocatalytic Recombiners (PARs) on the hydrogen risk in the reactor containment in case of a severe accident. Among the whole set of accidental scenarios calculated in the framework of the PSA-2, nine have been selected as representative in terms of the in-vessel hydrogen production rate and in-vessel total produced hydrogen mass. Five complementary scenarios have been added as representative of the core reflooding situations. For this set of selected scenarios the evolution of the conditions in the containment (i.e., pressure, temperature, and composition) during the in-vessel phase of the accident has been evaluated by means of a lumped parameter approach. The use of spray systems in the containment has also been considered as well as the presence of recombiners. Moreover, the ignition by recombiners of the flammable atmosphere has been considered.
Volume 5: Safety and Security; Low Level Waste Management, Decontamination and Decommissioning; Nuclear Industry Forum | 2006
Cataldo Caroli; Alexandre Bleyer; A. Bentaib; P. Chatelard; M. Cranga; Jean-Pierre Van Dorsselaere
IRSN uses a two-tier approach for development of codes analysing the course of a hypothetical severe accident (SA) in a Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR): on one hand, the integral code ASTEC, jointly developed by IRSN and GRS, for fast-running and complete analysis of a sequence; on the other hand, detailed codes for best-estimate analysis of some phenomena such as ICARE/CATHARE, MC3D (for steam explosion), CROCO and TONUS. They have been extensively used to support the level 2 Probabilistic Safety Assessment of the 900 MWe PWR and, in general, for the safety analysis of the French PWR. In particular the codes ICARE/CATHARE, CROCO, MEDICIS (module of ASTEC) and TONUS are used to support the safety assessment of the European Pressurized Reactor (EPR). The ICARE/CATHARE code system has been developed for the detailed evaluation of SA consequences in a PWR primary system. It is composed of the coupling of the core degradation IRSN code ICARE2 and of the thermalhydraulics French code CATHARE2. The CFD code CROCO describes the corium flow in the spreading compartment. Heat transfer to the surrounding atmosphere and to the basemat, leading to the possible formation of an upper and lower crust, basemat ablation and gas sparging through the flow are modelled. CROCO has been validated against a wide experimental basis, including the CORINE, KATS and VULCANO programs. MEDICIS simulates MCCI (Molten-Corium-Concrete-Interaction) using a lumped-parameter approach. Its models are being continuously improved through the interpretation of most MCCI experiments (OECD-CCI, ACE[[ellipsis]]). The TONUS code has been developed by IRSN in collaboration with CEA for the analysis of the hydrogen risk (both distribution and combustion) in the reactor containment. The analyses carried out to support the EPR safety assessment are based on a CFD formulation. At this purpose a low-Mach number multi-component Navier-Stokes solver is used to analyse the hydrogen distribution. Presence of air, steam and hydrogen is considered as well as turbulence, condensation and heat transfer in the containment walls. Passive autocatalytic recombiners are also modelled. Hydrogen combustion is afterwards analysed solving the compressible Euler equations coupled with combustion models. Examples of on-going applications of these codes to the EPR safety analysis are presented to illustrate their potentialities.Copyright
NUMERICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS ICNAAM 2012: International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics | 2012
J.R. García-Cascales; R.A. Otón-Martínez; F. Vera-García; S. Amat-Plata; Fco. Javier Sánchez-Velasco; A. Bentaib; N. Meynet; A. Bleyer
This work describes the use of splitting methods in the analysis of two-phase mixtures of gas and particles under conditions that make the source terms very stiff. In this case, these are low pressure and very dense solids. The integration of the source terms proposed seems to help to tackle without difficulty the type of problems of interest. Interfacial friction and heat transfer are the two closure laws included in the model. The gas phase is considered a perfect gas and the solid one is assumed incompressible. Some numerical results complete this work.
14th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering | 2006
A. Bentaib; Alexandre Bleyer; J. Malet; Cataldo Caroli; J. Vendel; S. Kudriakov; F. Dabbene; E. Studer; A. Beccantini; J. P. Magnaud; H. Paillère
The French Atomic Energy Commission (CEA) and the Institute for Radiological Protection and Nuclear Safety (IRSN) are developing a hydrogen risk analysis code (safety code) which incorporates both lumped parameter (LP) and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) formulations. In this paper we present briefly the main physical models for containment thermal-hydraulics. Validation and typical numerical results will be presented for hydrogen distribution and combustion applications in small and realistic large geometries.Copyright
Nuclear Engineering and Design | 2005
W. Breitung; S. Dorofeev; A. Kotchourko; R. Redlinger; W. Scholtyssek; A. Bentaib; J.-P. L’Heriteau; P. Pailhories; Juergen Eyink; M. Movahed; K.-G. Petzold; M. Heitsch; V. Alekseev; A. Denkevits; M. Kuznetsov; A.A Efimenko; M.V. Okun; T. Huld; D. Baraldi
Nuclear Engineering and Design | 2008
S. Kudriakov; F. Dabbene; E. Studer; A. Beccantini; J.P. Magnaud; H. Paillère; A. Bentaib; Alexandre Bleyer; J. Malet; Emmanuel Porcheron; Cataldo Caroli
Progress in Nuclear Energy | 2010
E.-A. Reinecke; A. Bentaib; Stephan Kelm; W. Jahn; Nicolas Meynet; C. Caroli
Nuclear Engineering and Design | 2011
J. Malet; L. Blumenfeld; S. Arndt; M. Babic; A. Bentaib; F. Dabbene; P. Kostka; S. Mimouni; M. Movahed; Sandro Paci; Z. Parduba; J. Travis; E. Urbonavicius