A. Cazes
Claude Bernard University Lyon 1
Featured researches published by A. Cazes.
arXiv: Instrumentation and Detectors | 2007
T. Abe; H. Aihara; C. Andreopoulos; A. Ankowski; A. Badertscher; G. Battistoni; A. Blondel; J. Bouchez; A. Bross; A. Bueno; L. Camilleri; A. Cazes; A. Cervera-Villanueva; G. De Lellis; F. Di; M. Ellis; A. Ereditato; C. Fukushima; E. Gschwendtner; M. Iwasaki; K. Kaneyuki; Y. Karadzhov; V. Kashikhin; Y. Kawai; M. Komatsu; E. Kozlovskaya; Y. Kudenko; A. Kusaka; H. Kyushima; A. Longhin
This report summarises the conclusions from the detector group of the International Scoping Study of a future Neutrino Factory and Super-Beam neutrino facility. The baseline detector options for each possible neutrino beam are defined as follows: 1. A very massive (Megaton) water Cherenkov detector is the baseline option for a sub-GeV Beta Beam and Super Beam facility. 2. There are a number of possibilities for either a Beta Beam or Super Beam (SB) medium energy facility between 1-5 GeV. These include a totally active scintillating detector (TASD), a liquid argon TPC or a water Cherenkov detector. 3. A 100 kton magnetized iron neutrino detector (MIND) is the baseline to detect the wrong sign muon final states (golden channel) at a high energy (20-50 GeV) neutrino factory from muon decay. A 10 kton hybrid neutrino magnetic emulsion cloud chamber detector for wrong sign tau detection (silver channel) is a possible complement to MIND, if one needs to resolve degeneracies that appear in the δ-θ13 parameter space.
Journal of Instrumentation | 2007
A. Cazes; A Cecchetti; B. Dulach; F Iungo; M Incurvati; D Orecchini; G. Peiro; C Sanelli; F. Terranova; M Ventura
The instrumented targets of the OPERA neutrino experiment are complemented by two massive spectrometers based on gapless iron magnets. In 2006, a systematic assessment of their electromagnetic properties have been carried out. In this document, we report the results of such characterization and demonstrate that the achieved performance fulfill the physics requirements for the study of νμ→ντ oscillations.
Journal of Instrumentation | 2017
E. Armengaud; Q. Arnaud; C. Augier; A. Benoit; L. Bergé; T. Bergmann; J. Billard; T. de Boissière; G. Bres; A. Broniatowski; V. Brudanin; P. Camus; A. Cazes; M. Chapellier; F. Charlieux; M. De Jésus; L. Dumoulin; K. Eitel; D. Filosofov; N. Foerster; N. Fourches; G. Garde; J. Gascon; A. Giuliani; M. Grollier; M. Gros; L. Hehn; S. Hervé; G. Heuermann; V. Humbert
We present the results of measurements demonstrating the efficiency of the EDELWEISS-III array of cryogenic germanium detectors for direct dark matter searches. The experimental setup and the FID (Fully Inter-Digitized) detector array is described, as well as the efficiency of the double measurement of heat and ionization signals in background rejection. For the whole set of 24 FID detectors used for coincidence studies, the baseline resolutions for the fiducial ionization energy are mainly below 0.7 keV
Journal of Instrumentation | 2016
Q. Arnaud; E. Armengaud; C. Augier; A. Benoit; L. Bergé; J. Billard; J. Blümer; T. de Boissière; A. Broniatowski; P. Camus; A. Cazes; M. Chapellier; F. Charlieux; L. Dumoulin; K. Eitel; N. Foerster; N. Fourches; J. Gascon; A. Giuliani; M. Gros; L. Hehn; G. Heuermann; M. De Jésus; Y. Jin; A. Juillard; M. Kleifges; V. Kozlov; H. Kraus; C. Kéfélian; V.A. Kudryavtsev
Low Radioactivity Techniques 2015 (LRT 2015): Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop in Low Radioactivity Techniques | 2015
D.V. Poda; E. Armengaud; Q. Arnaud; C. Augier; A. S. Barabash; A. Benoit; L. Bergé; R.S. Boiko; T. Bergmann; J. Blümer; A. Broniatowski; V. Brudanin; P. Camus; A. Cazes; B. Censier; M. Chapellier; F. Charlieux; D.M. Chernyak; N. Coron; P. Coulter; G.A. Cox; F.A. Danevich; T. de Boissière; Rodolphe Decourt; M. De Jésus; L. Devoyon; A.A. Drillien; L. Dumoulin; K. Eitel; C. Enss
(FHWM) whereas the baseline resolutions for heat energies are mainly below 1.5 keV
Journal of Instrumentation | 2009
T. Abe; H. Aihara; C Andreop oulos; A. Ankowski; A Badertscher; G. Battistoni; A. Blondel; J. Bouchez; A. Bross; A. Bueno; L. Camilleri; J. E. Campagne; A. Cazes; A. Cervera-Villanueva; G. De Lellis; F. Di Capua; M. Ellis; A. Ereditato; Luigi Salvatore Esposito; C. Fukushima; E.M. Gschwendtner; J.J. Gómez-Cadenas; M. Iwasaki; K. Kaneyuki; Y. Karadzhov; V Kashikhin; Y Kawai; M. Komatsu; E. Kozlovskaya; Y. Kudenko
Journal of Instrumentation | 2009
T. Abe; H. Aihara; C. Andreopoulos; A. Ankowski; A. Badertscher; G. Battistoni; A. Blondel; J. Bouchez; A. Bross; A. Bueno; L. Camilleri; J. E. Campagne; A. Cazes; A. Cervera-Villanueva; G. De Lellis; F. Di Capua; M. Ellis; A. Ereditato; L. S. Esposito; C. Fukushima; E. Gschwendtner; J.J. Gomez-Cadenas; M. Iwasaki; K. Kaneyuki; Y. Karadzhov; V. Kashikhin; Y. Kawai; M. Komatsu; E. Kozlovskaya; Y. Kudenko
(FWHM). The response to nuclear recoils as well as the very good discrimination capability of the FID design has been measured with an AmBe source. The surface
Physical Review C | 2017
L. Bergé; M. Chapellier; M. de Combarieu; L. Dumoulin; A. Giuliani; M. Gros; P. de Marcillac; S. Marnieros; C. Nones; V. Novati; E. Olivieri; B. Paul; D.V. Poda; T. Redon; B. Siebenborn; A.S. Zolotarova; E. Armengaud; C. Augier; A. Benoît; J. Billard; A. Broniatowski; P. Camus; A. Cazes; F. Charlieux; M. De Jésus; K. Eitel; N. Foerster; J. Gascon; Y. Jin; A. Juillard
Proceedings of XI Workshop on Resistive Plate Chambers and Related Detectors — PoS(RPC2012) | 2012
A. Paoloni; A. Bertolin; R. Brugnera; F. Dal Corso; S. Dusini; A. Garfagnini; L. Stanco; A. Candela; M. Lindozzi; A. Cazes; G. Corradi; G. Felici; A. Longhin; A. Mengucci; G. Papalino; M. Spinetti; M. Ventura; L. Votano
- and
ieee nuclear science symposium | 2008
A. Bergnoli; A. Bertolin; Riccardo Brugnera; E. Carrara; A. Cazes; F. Dal Corso; S. Dusini; G. Felici; A. Garfagnini; A. Longhin; A. Mengucci; A. Paoloni; M. Spinetti; L. Stanco; F. Terranova; M. Ventura; L. Votano