A. De Silva
Physical Review D | 1998
M. Aglietta; B. Alpat; E. D. Alyea; P. Antonioli; G. Badino; G. Bari; M. Basile; V. S. Berezinsky; F. Bersani; M. Bertaina; R. Bertoni; G. Bonoli; A. Bosco; G. Bruni; G. Cara Romeo; C. Castagnoli; A. Castellina; A. Chiavassa; J. Chinellato; L. Cifarelli; F. Cindolo; G. Conforto; A. Contin; V. L. Dadykin; A. De Silva; M. Deutsch; P. Dominici; L. G. Dos Santos; L. Emaldi; R. I. Enikeev
We present the analysis of the muon events with all muon multiplicities collected during 21804 hours of operation of the first LVD tower. The measured angular distribution of muon intensity has been converted to the `depth -- vertical intensity relation in the depth range from 3 to 12 km w.e.. The analysis of this relation allowed to derive the power index,
Physical Review C | 1997
A. De Silva; M. K. Moe; M. A. Nelson; M. A. Vient
Physical Review Letters | 1996
A. Balysh; A. De Silva; V. I. Lebedev; K. Lou; M. K. Moe; M. A. Nelson; A. Piepke; A. Pronskiy; M. A. Vient; P. Vogel
, of the primary all-nucleon spectrum:
Physical Review D | 1999
M. Aglietta; B. Alpat; E. D. Alyea; P. Antonioli; G. Badino; G. Bari; M. Basile; V. S. Berezinsky; F. Bersani; M. Bertaina; R. Bertoni; G. Bonoli; A. Bosco; G. Bruni; G. Cara Romeo; C. Castagnoli; A. Castellina; A. Chiavassa; J. Chinellato; L. Cifarelli; F. Cindolo; G. Conforto; A. Contin; V. L. Dadykin; A. De Silva; M. Deutsch; P. Dominici; L. G. Dos Santos; L. Emaldi; R. I. Enikeev
gamma=2.78 pm 0.05
Journal of Physics: Conference Series | 2012
A. de Salvo; A. De Silva; Doug Benjamin; J. Blomer; P Buncic; A Harutyunyan; A. Undrus; Y Yao
. The `depth -- vertical intensity relation has been converted to standard rock and the comparison with the data of other experiments has been done. We present also the derived vertical muon spectrum at sea level.
Physical Review Letters | 1996
A. Balysh; A. De Silva; V. I. Lebedev; K. Lou; M. K. Moe; M. A. Nelson; A. Piepke; A. Pronskiy; M. A. Vient; P. Vogel
The double beta decays of Mo-100 and Nd-150 were studied in a time projection chamber located 72 m underground. A 3275 h exposure of a 16.7 g sample of metallic Mo enriched to 97.4 % in Mo-100 resulted in a two-neutrino half-life of (6.82 + 0.38 - 0.53 +/- 0.68) * 10**18 y. Similarly, a 6287 h exposure of 15.5 g of Nd2O3 enriched to 91 % in Nd-150 yielded (6.75 + 0.37 - 0.42 +/- 0.68) * 10**18 y. Lower limits on half-lives for neutrinoless decay with and without majoron emission also have been measured.
Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements | 1996
A. Balysh; A. De Silva; V. I. Lebedev; K. Lou; M. K. Moe; M. A. Nelson; A. Piepke; A. Pronskiy; M. A. Vient; P. Vogel
{sup 48}Ca, the lightest experimentally accessible double beta decay candidate, is the only one simple enough to be treated exactly in the nuclear shell model. Thus the {beta}{beta}{sub 2{nu}} half-life measurement, reported here, provides a unique test of the nuclear physics involved in the {beta}{beta} matrix element calculation. Enriched {sup 48}Ca sources of two different thicknesses have been exposed in a time projection chamber. We observe a half-life of T{sub 1/2}{sup 2{nu}}=(4.3{sub {minus}1.1}{sup +2.4}[stat]{plus_minus}1.4[syst]){times}10{sup 19} yr, consistent with shell model calculations. {copyright} {ital 1996 The American Physical Society.}
Physical Review Letters | 1996
A. Balysh; A. De Silva; V. I. Lebedev; K. Lou; M. K. Moe; Nelson; A. Piepke; A. Pronskiy; Vient; P. Vogel
We present the analysis of the muon events with all muon multiplicities collected during 21804 hours of operation of the first LVD tower. The measured depth-angular distribution of muon intensities has been used to obtain the normalization factor, A, the power index, gamma, of the primary all-nucleon spectrum and the ratio, R_c, of prompt muon flux to that of pi-mesons - the main parameters which determine the spectrum of cosmic ray muons at the sea level. The value of gamma = 2.77 +/- 0.05 (68% C.L.) and R_c<2.0 x 10^-3 (95% C.L.) have been obtained. The upper limit to the prompt muon flux favours the models of charm production based on QGSM and the dual parton model.
Physical Review Letters | 1996
A. Balysh; V. I. Lebedev; A. Pronskiy; A. De Silva; M. K. Moe; M. A. Nelson; A. Vient; K. Lou; A. Piepke; P. Vogel
6 LBNL (US) Abstract. The ATLAS collaboration is managing one of the largest collections of software among the High Energy Physics experiments. Traditionally, this software has been distributed via rpm or pacman packages, and has been installed in every site and users machine, using more space than needed since the releases share common files but are installed in their own trees. As soon as the software has grown in size and number of releases this approach showed its limits, in terms of manageability, used disk space and performance. The adopted solution is based on the CernVM File System, a fuse-based HTTP, read-only filesystem which guarantees file de-duplication, on-demand file transfer with caching, scalability and performance. Here we describe the ATLAS experience in setting up the CVMFS facility and putting it into production, for different type of use-cases, ranging from single users machines up to large data centers, for both software and conditions data. The performance of CernVM-FS, both with software and condition data access, will be shown, comparing with other filesystems currently in use by the collaboration.
Physical Review C | 1997
A. De Silva; M. K. Moe; M. A. Nelson; M. A. Vient
{sup 48}Ca, the lightest experimentally accessible double beta decay candidate, is the only one simple enough to be treated exactly in the nuclear shell model. Thus the {beta}{beta}{sub 2{nu}} half-life measurement, reported here, provides a unique test of the nuclear physics involved in the {beta}{beta} matrix element calculation. Enriched {sup 48}Ca sources of two different thicknesses have been exposed in a time projection chamber. We observe a half-life of T{sub 1/2}{sup 2{nu}}=(4.3{sub {minus}1.1}{sup +2.4}[stat]{plus_minus}1.4[syst]){times}10{sup 19} yr, consistent with shell model calculations. {copyright} {ital 1996 The American Physical Society.}