
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity | 2008

Test Results of Two European ITER TF Conductor Samples in SULTAN

Pierluigi Bruzzone; M. Bagnasco; Marco Calvi; Francesca Cau; D. Ciazynski; A. della Corte; A. Di Zenobio; L. Muzzi; Arend Nijhuis; E. Salpietro; L. Savoldi Richard; S. Turtu; A. Vostner; Rainer Wesche; Roberto Zanino

Four conductor lengths were prepared according to the ITER TF conductor design and assembled into two SULTAN samples. The four lengths are not fully identical, with variations of the strand supplier, void fraction and twist pitch. Lower void fractions improve the strand support and increased twist pitches also lower the strand contact pressure but both tend to increase the AC loss and the lower void fraction also increases the pressure drop so that the mass flow rate in the strand bundle area of the cable is reduced. The assembly procedure of the two samples is described including the destructive investigation on a short conductor section to assess a possible perturbation of the cable-to-jacket slippage during the termination preparation. Based on the DC performance and AC loss results from the test in SULTAN, the impact of the void fraction and twist pitch variations is discussed in view of freezing the ITER conductor design and large series manufacture. A comparison with the former generation of conductors, using similar strands but based on the ITER Model Coil layout, is also carried out. The ITER specifications, in terms of current sharing temperature, are fulfilled by both samples, with outstanding results for the conductor with longer twist pitches.

IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity | 2010

Design of the JT-60SA Superconducting Toroidal Field Magnet

V. Tomarchio; P. Barabaschi; A. Cucchiaro; P. Decool; A. della Corte; A. Di Zenobio; D. Duglue; L. Meunier; L. Muzzi; M. Nannini; M. Peyrot; G. Phillips; A. Pizzuto; C. Portafaix; L. Reccia; K. Yoshida; L. Zani

The JT-60SA is a fusion experiment designed to contribute to the early realization of fusion energy, by providing support to the operation of ITER, by addressing key physics issues for ITER and DEMO and by investigating how best to optimize the operation of the next fusion power plants that will be built after ITER. It is a combined project of the JA-EU Satellite Tokamak Program under the Broader Approach (BA) Program and JAEAs Program for National Use, and it is to be built in Naka, Japan, using the infrastructure of the existing JT-60U experiment. This paper describes in detail the design of the JT-60SA Toroidal Field magnet and shows the strong points of each foreseen solution. Additional information about manufacturing procedures is given and technological issues are reported and critically analysed.

IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity | 2014

Design of an Industrially Feasible Twisted-Stack HTS Cable-in-Conduit Conductor for Fusion Application

G. Celentano; G. De Marzi; F. Fabbri; L. Muzzi; Giordano Tomassetti; A. Anemona; S. Chiarelli; M. Seri; A. Bragagni; A. della Corte

Taking advantage of the large experience of the ENEA Superconducting Laboratory in the manufacture and characterization of large scale superconducting systems, a project was launched, aimed at using High Temperature Superconductor (HTS) 2G wires for the manufacture of a cable-in-conduit conductor (CICC). In particular, the main aim was the definition of a conductor design fully compatible with existing cabling technologies, to be promptly transferred to an industrial scale production. The considered layout is based on 150 HTS tapes, arranged as five layered structures of twisted tapes wound on a helically slotted core with external round jacket. All manufacturing steps (slotted core production, tape stacking and insertion into the ducts, external wrapping and jacketing) are fulfilled by using equipments and technologies available at TRATOS Cavi S.p.A. These CICCs are intended for operation using forced flow of Helium. A 2D local thermal model has been developed for the optimization of the cooling configuration. This conductor is designed to target 20 kA at 4.2 K and 15 T (or, alternatively, higher temperature, in self-field and LN2 cooling) corresponding to a Je of about 55 A/mm2. The production of a short dummy sample revealed that the exploited industrial production process is very promising for the development of HTS CICC.

IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity | 2009

Test Results of a

Pierluigi Bruzzone; Boris Stepanov; Rainer Wesche; A. della Corte; L. Affinito; M. Napolitano; A. Vostner

The performance degradation under electro-magnetic, transverse load has grown to a key issue for the design of Nb3Sn cable-in-conduit conductors (CICC). Beside the tolerance to bending strain of the basic Nb3Sn strand and the void fraction of the CICC, a relevant parameter is thought to be the cable pattern. A sequence of ldquolongrdquo twist pitches in the early stages of a multi-stage cable is credited to mitigate the performance degradation compared to ldquoshortrdquo pitches. To assess quantitatively the effect of long/short pitches maintaining constant all other conductor parameters, a short length of four stages CICC is prepared, where the first half length has long pitches (83/140/192 mm) in the first three cable stages and the second half length has short pitches (34/95/139 mm). The last stage pitch is 213 mm for both lengths. The cable is made of Cr plated copper and Nb3Sn strands with a diameter of 0.81 mm. The conductor is assembled into a SULTAN hairpin sample where the two branches have respectively long and short pitches. The DC performance, AC loss and pressure drop are measured in both conductor sections and compared to former conductors with the same design. The results are reported and the balance of advantages and drawbacks of long vs. short pitches is discussed.

IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity | 2007

{\rm Nb}_{3}{\rm Sn}

Pierluigi Bruzzone; M. Bagnasco; D. Ciazynski; A. della Corte; A. Di Zenobio; R. Herzog; Y. Ilyin; B. Lacroix; L. Muzzi; Arend Nijhuis; B. Renard; E. Salpietro; Laura Savoldi Richard; Boris Stepanov; S. Turtu; A. Vostner; Rainer Wesche; L. Zani; Roberto Zanino

Two short length samples have been prepared and tested in SULTAN to benchmark the performance of high current density, advanced Nb3Sn strands in the large cable-in-conduit conductors (CICC) for ITER. The cable pattern and jacket layout were identical to the toroidal field model coil conductor (TFMC), tested in 1999. The four conductor sections used strands from OST, EAS, OKSC and OCSI respectively. The Cu:non-Cu ratio was 1 for three of the new strands, compared to 1.5 in the TFMC strand. The conductors with OST and OKSC strands had one Cu wire for two Nb3Sn strands, as in TFMC. In the EAS and OCSI conductors, all the 1080 strands in the cable were Nb3Sn. A dc test under relevant load conditions and a thermal-hydraulic campaign was carried out in SULTAN. The CICC performance was strongly degraded compared to the strand for all the four conductors. The current sharing temperature at the ITER TF operating conditions (jop = 286 A/mm2, B = 11.15 T) was lower than requested by ITER.

IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity | 2008

Cable-in-Conduit Conductor With Variable Pitch Sequence

A. Vostner; P. Bauer; Rainer Wesche; U. Besi Vetrella; Boris Stepanov; A. della Corte; A. Portone; E. Salpietro; Pierluigi Bruzzone

Following the outcome of the conceptual design phase the EFDA dipole magnet will be made of rectangular cable-in-conduit conductors (CICC) jacketed in 316LN. In order to optimize the required amount of superconductor two different conductor types are used: a high-field (HF) conductor consisting of 144 strands and a low-field (LF) conductor with 108 strands. A high strand with a critical current density (at 4.2 K and 12 T) and an effective filament diameter of was selected. The first series of conductor prototype specimens was tested in summer 2006 but the conductor performances were lower than expected from the pre-prototype tests of 2005 and not fulfilling the design criteria. The conductor layouts were modified to increase the strand support inside the cable and the revised HF conductor design was qualified successfully end of 2006. A current sharing temperature 6 K was found at the dipole operating conditions (12.8 T, 17 kA) confirming the required temperature margin of more than 1 K. The HF conductor qualification process including the design modifications, analysis of the test results and comparison to the expectations are discussed.

IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity | 2008

Test Results of Two ITER TF Conductor Short Samples Using High Current Density Nb

K. Yoshida; K. Kizu; Kunihiko Tsuchiya; H. Tamai; Makoto Matsukawa; M. Kikuchi; A. della Corte; L. Muzzi; S. Turtu; A. Di Zenobio; A. Pizzuto; C. Portafaix; S. Nicollet; B. Lacroix; P. Decool; J.L. Duchateau; L. Zani

The upgrade of JT-60U magnet system to superconducting coils (JT-60SA) has been decided by both parties of Japanese government (JA) and European commission (EU) in the framework of the Broader Approach (BA) agreement. The magnet system for JT-60SA consists of 18 toroidal field (TF) coils, a Central Solenoid (CS) with four modules, seven Equilibrium Field (EF) coils. The TF case encloses the winding pack and is the main structural component of the magnet system. The CS consists of independent winding pack modules, which is hung from the top of the TF coils through its pre-load structure. The seven EF coils are attached to the TF coil cases through supports which include flexible plates allowing radial displacements. The CS modules operate at high field and use Nb3 Sn type superconductor. The TF coils and EF coils use NbTi superconductor. The magnet system has a large heat load from nuclear heating from DD fusion and large AC loss. This paper describes the technical requirements, the operational interface and the outline of conceptual design of the superconducting magnet system for JT-60SA.

IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity | 2008


A. Portone; W. Baker; E. Salpietro; A. Vostner; Pierluigi Bruzzone; Francesca Cau; A. della Corte; A. Di Zenobio; Eckhard Theisen; A. Baldini; Pietro Testoni; J. Lucas; M. Pinilla; G. Samuelli

A 12.5 T superconducting dipole magnet (European DIPOle, EDIPO) has been designed by EFDA and it is now being procured within the framework of the European Fusion Programme in order to be installed in CRPP-PSI. This saddle-shaped magnet is designed to reach 12.5 T in a 100 times 150 mm rectangular bore over a length of about 1.5 m in order to test full size conductor samples that shall be produced during the ITER magnets procurement. The magnet uses Cable In Conduit Conductor (CICC) technology and the cables are made of high Jc (about 2300 A/mm2 at 4.2 K, 12 T) superconducting strands. In this paper the main magnet parameters are given together with the key supporting electromagnetic, mechanical and thermal analyses. An update on the general status of the procurement of the strand, conductors, dipole magnet and facility is also given together with the key results of the on-going supporting R&D.

IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity | 2010

Sn Strands

L. Muzzi; Valentina Corato; G. De Marzi; A. Di Zenobio; C. Fiamozzi Zignani; L. Reccia; S. Turtu; A. della Corte; P. Barabaschi; M. Peyrot; Pierluigi Bruzzone; Boris Stepanov

In the framework of the JT-60SA design activities, EU home team has defined a reference layout for the Toroidal Field conductor: it is a slightly rectangular Cable-In-Conduit NbTi conductor, operating at 25.7 kA with a peak field of 5.65 T. ENEA has assigned LUVATA Fornaci di Barga the task to produce the strands and to perform cabling, whereas jacketing and compaction have been carried out in its own labs. The sample, successfully tested at the CRPP SULTAN facility, has been assembled in such a way as to avoid the bottom joint between the two legs, thus using a single conductor length (about 7 m). An ad-hoc developed solution to restrain the U-bent conductor section (where jacket is not present), consisting in a stainless steel He-leak tight box with an inner structure designed in order to completely block the cable, has been also developed and manufactured by ENEA, where the sample has been also assembled. Instrumentation installation and final assembly of the sample have been performed by the SULTAN team. The main aspects of the sample manufacturing and characterization are here presented and discussed.

IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity | 2008

Development of the EFDA Dipole High Field Conductor

K. Kizu; Kunihiko Tsuchiya; K. Yoshida; M. Edaya; T. Ichige; H. Tamai; Makoto Matsukawa; A. della Corte; A. Di Zenobio; L. Muzzi; S. Turtu; J.L. Duchateau; L. Zani

The conductor for central solenoid (CS) and equilibrium field (EF) coils of JT-60 Super Advanced (JT-60SA) were designed. The conductor for CS is Nb3Sn Cable-In-Conduit (CIC) conductor with JK2LB jacket. EF coil conductors are NbTi CIC conductor with SS316LN jacket. The field change rate (3.9 T/s), faster than ITER generates the large AC loss in conductor. The analyses of current sharing temperature (Tcs)margins for these coils were performed by the one-dimensional fluid analysis code with transient heat loads. The margins of these coils are 1 K for the plasma standard and disruption scenarios. The minimum Tcs margin of CS conductor is 1.2 K at plasma break down (BD). The margin is increased by decreasing the rate of initial magnetization. It is found that the disruption mainly impacts the outer low field EF coil. The disruption decreases the Tcs margin of the coil by >1 K. A coupling time constant of <100 ms, Ni plating, and a central spiral are required for NbTi conductor.

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