
Superconductor Science and Technology | 2005

Impact of spatial periodic bending and load cycling on the critical current of a Nb3Sn strand

Arend Nijhuis; N.C. van den Eijnden; Y. Ilyin; E.G. van Putten; G J T Veening; Wilhelm A.J. Wessel; A. den Ouden; H.H.J. ten Kate

Differences in the thermal contraction of the composite materials in a cable in conduit conductor (CICC) for the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) in combination with electromagnetic charging cause significant axial, transverse and bending strains in the Nb3Sn layer. These high strain loads degrade the superconducting properties of a CICC. Here we report on the influence of periodic bending load, using different bending wavelengths from 5 to 10 mm on a Nb3Sn powder-in-tube processed strand. The strand axial tensile stress–strain curve, the critical current versus applied axial strain results, the influence of cyclic loading on the RRR and assessment of the current transfer length from AC loss measurements, required for the analysis, are presented as well. For the strand under investigation, we find an influence of bending strain on the Ic that corresponds well to the predictions obtained from the applied classical relations, distinguishing ultimate boundaries of high and low interfilament electrical resistance. The reduction versus applied bending strain is similar for all wavelengths and equivalent to the low transverse resistance model, which is consistent with the estimated current transfer length. The cyclic behaviour in terms of critical current and n-value involves a component representing a permanent reduction as well as a factor expressing reversible (elastic) behaviour as a function of the applied load. The results from the set-up enable a discrimination in performance reduction per specific load type and per strand type. In this paper, we discuss the results of the pure bending tests.

Review of Scientific Instruments | 2004

A device to investigate the axial strain dependence of the critical current density in superconductors

Arno Godeke; Marc M.J. Dhalle; A. Morelli; L. Stobbelaar; H. van Weeren; H.J.N. van Eck; Wouter Abbas; Arend Nijhuis; A. den Ouden; B. ten Haken

We have developed an instrument to study the behavior of the critical current density (Jc) in superconducting wires and tapes as a function of field (μ0H), temperature (T), and axial applied strain (ea). The apparatus is an improvement of similar devices that have been successfully used in our institute for over a decade. It encompasses specific advantages such as a simple sample layout, a well defined and homogeneous strain application, the possibility of investigating large compressive strains and the option of simple temperature variation, while improving the main drawback in our previous systems by increasing the investigated sample length by approximately a factor of 10. The increase in length is achieved via a design change from a straight beam section to an initially curved beam, placed perpendicular to the applied field axis in the limited diameter of a high field magnet bore. This article describes in detail the mechanical design of the device and its calibrations. Additionally initial Jc(ea) dat...

Superconductor Science and Technology | 2006

Overview and status of the Next European Dipole Joint Research Activity

Arnaud Devred; B. Baudouy; D.E. Baynham; T. Boutboul; S. Canfer; M. Chorowski; P. Fabbricatore; S. Farinon; A. den Ouden; R. van Weelderen; P. Vedrine; G Volpini

The Next European Dipole (NED) Joint Research Activity was launched on 1 January 2004 to promote the development of high-performance Nb3Sn conductors in collaboration with European industry (aiming at a non-copper critical current density of 1500 A mm−2 at 4.2 K and 15 T) and to assess the suitability of Nb3Sn technology to the next generation of accelerator magnets (aiming at an aperture of 88 mm and a conductor peak field of ~15 T). It is part of the Coordinated Accelerator Research in Europe (CARE) project, which involves eight collaborators, and is half-funded by the European Union. After briefly recalling the Activity organization, we report the main progress achieved over the last year, which includes: the manufacturing of a double-bath He II cryostat for heat transfer measurements through Nb3Sn conductor insulation, detailed quench computations for various NED-like magnet configurations, the award of two industrial subcontracts for Nb3Sn conductor development, the first results of a cross-calibration programme of test facilities for Nb3Sn wire characterization, detailed investigations of the mechanical properties of heavily cold-drawn Cu/Nb/Sn composite wires, and the preliminary assessment of a new insulation system based on polyimide-sized glass fibre tapes. Last, we briefly review the efforts of an ongoing Working Group on magnet design and optimization.

IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity | 2000

Powder-in-tube (PIT) Nb/sub 3/Sn conductors for high-field magnets

J.L.H. Lindenhovius; E.M. Hornsveld; A. den Ouden; Wilhelm A.J. Wessel; H.H.J. ten Kate

New Nb/sub 3/Sn conductors, based on the powder-in-tube (PIT) process, have been developed for application in accelerator magnets and high-field solenoids. For application in accelerator magnets, SMI has developed a binary 504 filament PIT conductor by optimizing the manufacturing process and adjustment of the conductor lay-out. It uniquely combines a non-copper current density of 2680 A/mm/sup 2/@10 T with an effective filament diameter of about 20 /spl mu/m. This binary conductor may be used in a 10 T, wide bore model separator dipole magnet for the LHC, which is being developed by a collaboration of the University of Twente and CERN. A ternary (Nb/7.5wt%Ta)/sub 3/Sn conductor containing 37 filaments is particularly suited for application in extremely high-field superconducting solenoids. This wire features a copper content of 43%, a non-copper current density of 217 A/mm/sup 2/@20 T and a B/sub c2/ of 25.6 T. The main issues and the experimental results of the development program of PIT Nb/sub 3/Sn conductors are presented and discussed in this paper.

IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity | 2005

Status of the Next European Dipole (NED) activity of the Collaborated Accelerator Research in Europe (CARE) project

A. Devred; Bertrand Baudouy; D.E. Baynham; T. Boutboul; S. Canfer; M. Chorowski; P. Fabbricatore; S. Farinon; H. Felice; P. Fessia; J. Fydrych; M. Greco; J. Greenhalgh; D. Leroy; P. Loverige; F. Michel; L. Oberli; A. den Ouden; D. Pedrini; J. Polinski; V. Previtali; L. Quettier; J.M. Rifflet; J. Rochford; F. Rondeaux; S. Sanz; S. Sgobba; M. Sorbi; F. Toral-Fernandez; R. van Weelderen

Plans for LHC upgrade and for the final focalization of linear colliders call for large aperture and/or high-performance dipole and quadrupole magnets that may be beyond the reach of conventional NbTi magnet technology. The Next European Dipole (NED) activity was launched on January 1st, 2004 to promote the development of high-performance, Nb/sub 3/Sn wires in collaboration with European industry (aiming at a noncopper critical current density of 1500 A/mm/sup 2/ at 4.2 K and 15 T) and to assess the suitability of Nb/sub 3/Sn technology to the next generation of accelerator magnets (aiming at an aperture of 88 mm and a conductor peak field of 15 T). It is integrated within the Collaborated Accelerator Research in Europe (CARE) project, involves seven collaborators, and is partly funded by the European Union. We present here an overview of the NED activity and we report on the status of the various work packages it encompasses.

Advances in cryogenic engineering | 1994

The Effect of Transverse Pressure on the Inter-Strand Coupling Loss of Rutherford Type of Cables

Arjan Verweij; A. den Ouden; B. Sachse; H.H.J. ten Kate

In the framework of the LHC magnet development program at CERN, the effect of transverse pressure on the inter-strand coupling loss of Rutherford type of cables has been investigated. For this purpose a special measuring set-up is designed to measure calorimetrically the AC loss of a stack of keystoned cable pieces for an applied transverse pressure of up to 130 MPa. An AC dipole produces a varying magnetic field with a maximum amplitude of 1 T; the stack of cable pieces can be rotated with respect to the AC dipole in order to distinguish the inter-filament coupling loss from the inter-strand coupling loss. Measurements are presented of a NbTi cable with tinned strands as envisaged to be used for the inner layer of the LHC main bending dipoles. The inter-strand coupling loss increases strongly for higher pressures. The contact resistance Rc between crossing strands, as determined using a network model for the cable, varies between about 7 and 1 μΩ for pressures between 5 and 100 MPa respectively. The small Rc value at 100 MPa corresponds well with AC loss measurements on a model magnet in which a similar cable is used.

IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity | 2009

Heat Treatment Optimization Studies on PIT

T. Boutboul; L. Oberli; A. den Ouden; D. Pedrini; B. Seeber; G Volpini

For the Next European Dipole (NED) program, a Powder-In-Tube (PIT) strand was successfully developed by SMI. This high-performance Nb3Sn strand presents a non-copper critical current density of ~ 2500 A/mm2 at 12 T applied field and 4.2 K and a filament diameter around 50 mum. Extensive heat treatment optimization studies were performed in order to maximize both critical current and RRR, with a plateau temperature down to 625degC and duration up to 400 hours. It appears that a critical current enhancement of ~ 10% can be achieved for a reaction schedule of 320 hours at 625degC with non-copper critical current density respectively exceeding 2700 and 1500 A/mm2 at 12 and 15 T (4.2 K). Thanks to this modified heat treatment, this strand completely fulfills the NED stringent specification.

IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity | 2003

{\rm Nb}_{3}{\rm Sn}

M.N. Wilson; A.K. Ghosh; B. ten Haken; W.V. Hassenzahl; J. Kaugerts; G. Moritz; C. Muehle; A. den Ouden; R. Soika; P. Wanderer; Wilhelm A.J. Wessel

The new heavy ion synchrotron facility proposed by GSI will have two superconducting magnet rings in the same tunnel, with rigidities of 200 T/spl middot/m and 100 T/spl middot/m. Fast ramp times are needed, which can cause significant problems for the magnets, particularly in the areas of ac loss and field distortion. This paper discusses the 200 T/spl middot/m ring, which will use Cos/spl theta/ magnets based on the RHIC dipole design. We discuss the reasons for choosing Rutherford cable with a resistive core and report loss measurements carried out on cable samples. These measurements are compared with theoretical calculations using measured values of inter-strand resistance. Reasonably good agreement is found, but there are indications of nonuniformity in the adjacent resistance R/sub a/. Using these measured parameters, losses and temperature rise are calculated for a RHIC dipole in the operating cycle of the accelerator. A novel insulation scheme designed to promote efficient cooling is described.

IEEE Transactions on Magnetics | 1994

Strand for the NED Project

A. den Ouden; S. Wessel; E. Krooshoop; R. Dubbeldam; H.H.J. ten Kate

As part of the magnet development program for the LHC an experimental 1 m long 11.5 T single aperture Nb/sub 3/Sn dipole magnet has been designed and is now under construction. The design is focused on full utilisation of the high current density in the powder tube Nb/sub 3/Sn. A new field optimisation has led to a different winding layout and cable sizes as compared to the reference LHC design. Another important feature of the design is the implementation of a shrink fit ring collar system. An extensive study of the critical current of the Nb/sub 3/Sn cables as a function of the transverse stress on the cables shows a permanent degradation by the cabling process of about 20%, still leaving a safety margin at the operation field of 11.5 T of 15%. A revised glass/mica glass insulation system is applied which improves the thermal conductivity of the windings as well as the impregnation process considerably. This paper describes various design and production details of the magnet system as well as component tests. >

IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity | 2010

Cored Rutherford cables for the GSI fast ramping synchrotron

S.A.J. Wiegers; A. den Ouden; J. Rook; Jos A. A. J. Perenboom; H. Ten Kate; M. D. Bird; A. Bonito-Oliva; J.C. Maan

A 45 T Hybrid Magnet System is being developed at the Nijmegen High Field Magnet Laboratory as part of the Nijmegen Center for Advanced Spectroscopy. The 45 T Hybrid Magnet System will be used in combination with far-infra-red light produced by a Free Electron Laser under construction directly adjacent to the High Field Magnet Laboratory. The superconducting outsert magnet will consist of three CICC coils wound on a single coil form, using strands. A test program for strand and cable qualification is underway. The CICC will carry 13 kA and the coils will produce 12 T on axis field in a 600 mm warm bore. The nominal operating temperature will be 4.5 K maintained with forced-flow supercritical helium. The insert magnet will produce 33 T at 40 kA in a 32 mm bore consuming 20 MW, and will consist of four coils. The insert magnet will be galvanically and mechanically isolated from the outsert magnet. Complete system availability for users is expected in 2014. In this paper we will report on the conceptual design of the 45 T Hybrid Magnet System.

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