
Nuclear Instruments and Methods | 1979

Study of a proton beam diffusing system for pixe analysis

E C Montenegro; G.B. Baptista; C.V. Barros Leite; A. G. de Pinho; A.S. Paschoa

Abstract The experimental arrangement for uniformization and profile determination of the proton beam from the Van de Graaff accelerator at PUC/RJ is described and a discussion about the effects of the diffuser thickness and relative positron to the target on the beam uniformity is presented.

Zeitschrift für Naturforschung A | 1969

Decay Scheme of 79As

C.V. Barros Leite; L.C.M. do Amaral; J.M.F. Jeronymo; A. G. de Pinho; S. de Barros; P.R. Maurenzig

The y-transitions in 79Se following the decay of 79As were investigated with a Ge(Li) detector. Six previously unreported γ-transitions were observed and energy and intensity measurements on eleven γ-rays are reported. A new decay scheme is proposed which incorporates all the observed γ-rays. Results concerning the decay schemes of some isotopes of selenium (81 and 73) are also presented.

Zeitschrift für Naturforschung A | 1971

Levels of the Odd Mass Isotopes of Sb and I and the Unified Model

I. V. Goldstein; A. G. de Pinho

A description of the low-lying positive parity levels of the odd mass isotopes of Sb and I is presented on the basis of the intermediate coupling approach of the unified model. Such analysis helps to understand many properties of those levels since a rather satisfactory agreement with experimental data is reached

Zeitschrift für Naturforschung A | 1973

LX-ray Spectra and E2 Internal Conversion Coefficients in Radon and Radium

A. G. de Pinho; M. Weksler

The X-ray spectra resulting from the internal conversion of electric quadrupole transitions following the alpha decay of Th230 and Ra226 were analysed with a Si (Li) spectrometer. From the knowledge of the Coster-Kronig and fluorescence yields, the internal conversion coefficients of the E2 transitions from the first excited states in Ra226 and Rn222 could be deduced. Results are in good agreement with theoretical values.

Zeitschrift für Naturforschung A | 1970

Decay Schemes of Mo91 and Mo91m

S. de Barros; P.R. Maurenzig; G. Baptista; L. F. Canto; A. G. de Pinho; J.M.F. Jeronymo

Abstract Seven previously unreported gamma rays in the decay of Mo91g-s -were observed and had their energy and intensity measured. For Mo91m two new gamma rays were observed and the levels fed by its decay were identified with l=1 levels found by (He3, d) reaction.

Zeitschrift für Naturforschung A | 1969

Decay Scheme of 118In (4.45 min)

L.C.M. do Amaral; C. V. De Barros Leite; J.M.F. Jeronymo; A. G. de Pinho; D. Russo; S. de Barros

Abstract The energies and relative intensities of the γ-radiation following the decay of the 4.45 min isomer of 118ln have been measured using a Ge(Li) detector. A total of sixteen γ-rays was observed of which six for the first time. A decay scheme ist presented and discussed; it incorporates fifteen of the observed transitions.

Physical Review C | 1971

Ground States of Cs 127 and Cs 129

I. V. Goldstein; A. G. de Pinho

The nature of the

Il Nuovo Cimento B | 1968

Level scheme of123Sb

J.M.F. Jeronymo; N. Leal da Costa; A. G. de Pinho; I. D. Goldman; J. A. Guillaumon


Physical Review A | 1977

L -subshell ionization of Au, Tl, Pb, Bi, Th, and U by protons

C.V. Barros Leite; N. V. de Castro Faria; A. G. de Pinho

ground states of the light isotopes of cesium is discussed in the framework of the unified model. These states are well reproduced by the Nilsson model for oblate shapes, as well as by the intermediate-coupling version of the unified model.

Physical Review C | 1970


A. G. de Pinho; E.F. da Silveira; N. L. Da Costa

SummaryTwo new transitions in123Sb from the beta decay of the 3/2+ ground state of123Sn were found: one with (381.3±0.7) keV corresponding to (2.7±0.3)·10−2% of the disintegrations and one with (542.2±0.9) keV corresponding to (1.6±0.3)·10−2% of the disintegrations. The search for a 170 keV transition depopulating the 712 keV level gives an upper limit of 2·10−2% of the disintegrations. To describe properties of the level scheme of123Sb, calculations were made on the basis of a model which assumes the coupling of the unpaired proton with an eveneven core via a phenomenological core-to-particle interaction. The theoretical results concerning energies, spectroscopic factors and electromagnetic properties are compared with previously published and presently given experimental data with fairly good agreement.RiassuntoSi sono trovate due nuove transizioni nel123Sb da decadimento beta dello stato fondamentale 3/2+ del123Sn: una di (381.3±0.7) keV corrispondente al (2.7 ± 0.3) · 10−2% delle disintegrazioni ed una di (542.2±0.9) keV corrispondente al (1.6 ± 0.3) · 10−2% delle disintegrazioni. La ricerca di una transizione di 170 keV che spopoli ill ivello di 712 keV fornisce un limite superiore del 2·10−2% delle disintegrationi. Per descrivere le proprietà dello schema dei livelli del123Sb, si sono fatti dei calcoli secondo un modello che postula l’accoppiamento del protone non accoppiato con un nocciolo paripari tramite un’interazione fenomenologica nocciolo-particella. Si trova che i risultati teorici riguardanti le energie, i fattori spettroscopici e le proprietà elettromagnetiche sono in soddisfacente accordo con i dati sperimentali pubblicati precedentemente e attualmente.РеэюмеОбнаружены два новых перехода в123Sb иэ β-распада 3/2+ основного состояния123Sn: один с знергией (381.3±0.7) КзВ, соответствуюший (2.7±0.3)·10−2% распадов, и один с знергией (542.2±0.9) КзВ, соответствуюший (1.6±0.3)·10−2% распадов. Поиск 170 КзВ перехода, уменьщаюшего эаселенность 712 КзВ уровня, приводит к верхнему пределу 2·10−2% распадов. Чтобы описать свойства схемы уровней123Sb, были проведены вычисления на основе модели, которая предполагает свяэь неспаренного протона с четно-четной сердцевиной череэ феноменологическое вэаимодействие сердцевина-частица. Теоретические реэультаты, касаюшиеся знергий, спектроскопических факторов и злектромагнитных свойств, довольно хорощо согласуются с ранее опубликованными и представленными теперь зкспериментальными данными.

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