A. Jabaloy
University of Granada
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Featured researches published by A. Jabaloy.
Geodinamica Acta | 1989
Jesús Galindo-Zaldívar; F. González-Lodeiro; A. Jabaloy
AbstractThe present contact caused by the superposition of the Alpujarride complex over that of the Nevado-Filabride in the western area of Sierra Nevada and Sierra de Filabres corresponds to a detachment. The deformation in the footwall associated with this contact, produced mylonitic fabrics with a significant stretching-lineation, over which brittle structures are superimposed. The deformation in the hanging wall associated with this contact is, on the other hand, essentially brittle. These deformations are subsequent to a series of syn-to post-metamorphic structures related to thrust phases.The micro- and meso-structures indicate that the hanging wall has moved towards the west-south-west.Other brittle structures, which began during the same extensional regime, are superimposed on the detachment and have continued to develop up to the present time. These structures were produced in an extensional regime with a non-coaxial deformation component and suggest the possibility of a tectonic evolution simila...
Geology | 1999
J. Morales; I. Serrano; A. Jabaloy; Jesús Galindo-Zaldívar; D. Zhao; F. Torcal; F. Vidal; F. González Lodeiro
P- and S-wave seismic tomography detect a low-velocity anomaly in the upper mantle beneath the Betic Cordillera and the Alboran Sea region. The anomaly is associated with the intermediate-depth seismicity (h
Tectonophysics | 1993
Jesús Galindo-Zaldívar; F. González-Lodeiro; A. Jabaloy
Palaeostress orientation in the Betic-Rif Cordilleras can be determined for the Miocene to the Quaternary by analysis of brittle microstructures (faults, joints, striated pebbles and stylolites). In the central and northern South Iberian Domain, σ1 was subhorizontal and trended NW-SE, from the Early Miocene to the present. In the northern Alboran Domain, from the Burdigalian to the Serravallian, palaeostress ellipsoids were oblate, with σ3 subhorizontal and trending ENE-WSW. In the southern part of the South Iberian Domain and in the northern part of the Alboran Domain (Betic Cordillera) from the Tortonian to the Quaternary, palaeostress ellipsoids were variable: in the Granada region, they were prolate with σ1 subvertical; but in the Almeria region they were triaxial with σ2 subvertical and σ3 subhorizontal and trending NE-SW to E-W. In the Rif, the Alboran and African-Maghrebian domains were affected by palaeostresses with σ1 subhorizontal, varying from NE-SW in Tortonian times to N-S in the Plio-Quaternary. A study of earthquake focal mechanisms by the right-dihedra method indicates that the present-day general stress field around the Betic-Rif cordilleras is compressional, with σ1 subhorizontal and trending NW-SE. In the Betic-Rif Cordilleras, this general stress field is modified and the present-day orientations of σ1, σ2 and σ3 are nearly the same as those of the palaeostresses in the Pliocene and Quaternary. The distribution and evolution of stresses in the Betic-Rif cordilleras, from the Miocene to the present, can be correlated with the main Neogene deformations: extensional structures in the central and northern Alboran Domain and the southern part of the South Iberian Domain, and compressional structures in the South Iberian and African-Maghrebian domains and in the southern part of the Alboran Domain.
Geology | 2000
Roy A. Livermore; Juan Carlos Balanyá; Andrés Maldonado; José Miguel Martínez; José Rodríguez-Fernández; Carlos Sanz de Galdeano; Jesús Galindo Zaldívar; A. Jabaloy; Antonio Barnolas; Luis Somoza; Javier Hernández-Molina; Emma Suriñach; César Viseras
New bathymetric and magnetic anomaly data from the Phoenix Ridge, Antarctica, show that extinction of all three remaining segments occurred at the time of magnetic chron C2A (3.3 ± 0.2 Ma), synchronous with a ridge-trench collision south of the Hero Fracture Zone. This implies that the ultimate cause of extinction was a change in plate boundary forces occasioned by this collision. Spreading rates slowed abruptly at the time of chron C4 (7.8 ± 0.3 Ma), probably as a result of extinction of the West Scotia Ridge, which would have led to an increase in slip rate and transpressional stress across the Shackleton Fracture Zone. Spectacular, high-relief ridges flanking the extinct spreading center, mapped for the first time using multibeam swath bathymetry, are interpreted as a consequence of a reduction in spreading rate, involving a temporary magma oversupply immediately prior to extinction.
Journal of Structural Geology | 1993
A. Jabaloy; Jesús Galindo-Zaldívar; F. González-Lodeiro
In the Betic Cordillera, the initial thickening of the Alboran Domain produced an Alpine high pressure-low temperature (HP-LT) metamorphism in the Alpujarride and Nevado-Filabride complexes. After 19 Ma this thickening process evolved to an extensional stage with uplift rates of between 1 and 2 mm year−1. The extensional stage generated structures in a heterogeneous shear regime with a top-to-the-west sense of movement. The present-day Alpujarride-Nevado-Filabride contact is a detachment fault generated in this shearing regime. In the footwall, the first structure developed in this extensional stage is a planar-linear fabric characterized by constrictive strain, that is axial planar to kilometric recumbent tight to isoclinal folds. The planar-linear fabric is folded by inclined close to open folds with axes parallel to the stretching lineation. The planar-linear fabric and folds are deformed by a late extensional crenulation cleavage near the detachment surface. Finally, brittle deformation was generated within the same kinematic framework as that of the ductile structures. In the hanging wall, meanwhile, deformation had a brittle character producing faults and joints.
Tectonics | 1999
Jesús Galindo-Zaldívar; A. Jabaloy; I. Serrano; J. Morales; F. González-Lodeiro; F. Torcal
The diffuse convergent boundary between the Eurasian and African plates in the western Mediterranean is associated with a seismicity zone more than 300 km wide. Although the two plates are converging NW–SE, the Betic and Rif Cordilleras contain extensional structures that have been active since the Miocene. The extensional tectonics in the region, which occurred simultaneously with the uplift of the cordillera, have been analyzed in the southeastern sector of the late Miocene to recent Granada Basin, using earthquake focal mechanisms, the determination of paleostresses from the study of the orientation and kinematics of microfaults, and the study of the major structures. Both the geological surface data and the focal mechanisms indicate present-day regional conditions of NE–SW extension, with triaxial to prolate stress ellipsoids. However, the stress field is heterogeneous, with local variations in stress over time, with different stresses sometimes even acting simultaneously in adjacent areas. The most frequent changes consist of pluridirectional or NE–SW extension, favored by the prolate character of the stress ellipsoids, and NW–SE subhorizontal compression, favored by the regional tectonic setting. Strike-slip faults are scarce even though they are the most likely structure to be expected in a region with SW–NE extension and NW–SE compression. Seismicity is concentrated in the upper crust and may correspond to the activity of low- to high-angle normal faults similar to the surface faults, although they can not be correlated with them. The lower cutoff of this seismicity probably coincides with the 300°C isotherm and suggests a low thermal gradient for the region. Present-day regional stresses have σ1 vertical at the surface but in depth plunge toward the SW.
Tectonophysics | 1996
Jesús Galindo-Zaldívar; A. Jabaloy; Andrés Maldonado; C. Sanz de Galdeano
Abstract The study of the South Scotia Ridge on the basis of swath bathymetry, multichannel seismic and magnetometry profiles, obtained during the HESANT92/93 cruise and complemented with satellite gravimetry and seismicity data illustrates the tectonics of the region. The thinned continental crust fragments of the ridge are bounded by oceanic crust of the Scotia Sea to the North and Powell Basin to the South. The northern boundary represents the contact between the Scotia and Antarctic plates. This boundary is a sinistral transpressional fault with transtensional segments and moderate recent tectonic activity. Another fault located at the southern boundary appears inactive and does not reveal any features that would enable the kinematics to be determined. Both faults have associated steep scarps since they separate oceanic and continental crust types. The most significant active deformation lies in the axial depression of the ridge, within a band delineated by fault systems with WSW-ENE and SW-NE strikes. These faults develop pull-apart basins, which separate the northern and southern blocks of the ridge. The northern block is being fragmented from the Antarctic Plate by a zone of transtensive faults, and is probably a crustal element independent of the Antarctic Plate. The axial depression, which crosses the ridge slightly obliquely, is characterized by deep basins locally more than 5000 m deep and associated high seismicity. The fault geometry and earthquake focal mechanisms indicate an active sinistral transtensive regime for the fault system, although it may locally have transpressive regimes depending on the fault plane and the stress field orientations. The internal basins are characterized by an asymmetric development showing itself as depositional wedges generally thickening northward. Deposits onlap the southern margins and are affected by normal faults in the northern margins. The seismicity around the Scotia Plate shows that the present stresses are compressive along the northern boundary with the South American Plate (σ 1 SW-NE and subhorizontal) and along the western boundary with the Antarctic Plate (σ 1 WNW-ESE and subhorizontal). For the South Scotia Ridge, however,σ 1 is steeply inclined andσ 3 is subhorizontal with a NW-SE trend. The stress distribution in Bransfield Strait is similar to the ridge and the recent extension could be partially explained by the westward continuation of the active fault system of the central South Scotia Ridge. The fragmentation of continental crustal blocks, due to the tectonic activity along the transcurrent plate boundaries, is a mechanism that contributes to the deformation of the northeastern end of the Antarctic Peninsula. This area appears appropriate for the analysis of continental plate fragmentation processes.
Journal of Geodynamics | 2003
Jesús Galindo-Zaldívar; A. J. Gil; M.J. Borque; F. González-Lodeiro; A. Jabaloy; Carlos Marín-Lechado; Patricia Ruano; C. Sanz de Galdeano
The internal zones of the Betic Cordilleras show a present-day relief that is mainly controlled by kilo- metre-size, symmetrical or north-vergent folds which developed mostly since Middle Miocene times. The Sierra Nevada, Sierra Alhamilla, Sierra de Los Filabres, Sierra Tejeda and Sierra de Gador, among others, are roughly E-W trending high mountain ranges, corresponding to antiforms where metamorphic rocks crop out. The surrounding depressions are located in synforms, where Neogene rocks are preserved from erosion. Field evidence shows that the growth of the folds is coeval with fault development, and that at least three of them, i.e. the Padul Fault, the Zafarraya Fault, and the Balanegra Fault, may be considered to be active seismogenetic structures. The Zafarraya Fault, in particular, is thought to be responsible for the 1884 Andalucia Earthquake. The fault is located at the northern limb of the Sierra Tejeda antiform, and could be interpreted as a collapse structure developed along the external arch of the uplifted fold. The Padul and Balanegra faults are located at the southeastern border of the Granada Basin and south of the Sierra de Gador, respectively. They belong to a set of NW-SE oriented faults that are mainly normal in character and indicate NE-SW extension. The set up, since 1999, of a GPS network within and around the Granada Basin and the planed installation of a new network in the Sierra Tejeda, will give us new insights on the present-day deformation behaviour of both folds and faults in the area.
Tectonics | 1997
Jesús Galindo-Zaldívar; A. Jabaloy; F. González-Lodeiro; F. Aldaya
Deep seismic reflection, gravimetric, and magnetometric data allow the main features of the deep structure of the central sector of the Betic Cordillera to be established. The Moho is horizontal or dips slightly toward the S below the mountain chain, and its morphology has no direct relationship with the regions topography. The deep reflectors are not deformed by the Neogene kilometric-scale folds that produced the main topographic features, probably due to the existence of detachment levels in the crust. The crust is slightly thickened in the Betic Cordillera (almost 35 km) and has an abrupt transition to the thin crust of the Alboran Sea (15 km in the central Alboran Sea) along an E-W oriented narrow band, subparallel to the coast line, where the Moho dips more than 60°N. The Neogene evolution of the mountain chain caused compressive deformation in the External Zones. In the Internal Zones, pre-Tortonian low-angle normal faults developed after the alpine metamorphism, and later high- and low-angle normal faults and strike slip faults occurred up to the Quaternary. Geophysical and field geology data can be used to establish a geological model for the recent evolution of the crustal deformation. In this model, the recent evolution of the region is probably determined by thrusting of the thin continental crust of the Alboran Sea toward the NW over the southern margin of the Iberian Massif. This deformation could be a consequence of the oblique convergent movement between the African and Eurasian plates, which may have uplifted the entire region, causing regressions in the sedimentary basins and the formation of folds and extensional structures in the upper part of the thickened crust.
Tectonophysics | 1998
Andrés Maldonado; N. Zitellini; G. Leitchenkov; J.C. Balanyá; F. Coren; Jesús Galindo-Zaldívar; E. Lodolo; A. Jabaloy; C. Zanolla; José Rodríguez-Fernández; O. Vinnikovskaya
Abstract The oceanic crust of the northern Weddell Sea and Scotia Sea contains the following principal morphostructural elements: (1) the South Scotia Ridge and the South Orkney Microcontinent, both with continental crust; (2) the oceanic Powell and Jane basins; and (3) Jane Bank, which belongs to an island arc. The analysis of MCS profiles and of gravimetric and magnetic data from Russian, Italian and Spanish cruises, supplemented with satellite gravimetric data, has enabled us to determine the relationship between these elements and to propose a model for the main stages of Cenozoic evolution in the area. During the early Cenozoic, the Weddell Sea oceanic crust was subducted under the southern margin of the South Orkney Microcontinent. The subduction probably ended westwards at the South Powell Ridge, a submarine extension of the Antarctic Peninsula. A major transcurrent fault zone is identified in the northwestern Weddell Sea, bounding oceanic crust of Mesozoic and Cenozoic ages. This fault zone was probably active at least to the Miocene. The drifting of the South Orkney Microcontinent from the Antarctic Peninsula during the late Eocene to early Miocene originated the Powell Basin. Jane Basin developed as a backarc, related to the subduction of the Weddell Sea oceanic crust below Jane Bank. The seismic stratigraphy of the depositional sequences in these two basins indicates that spreading in Jane Basin started simultaneously with the end of the opening in Powell Basin. The active spreading ridge of the Weddell Sea collided with the trench and was subducted below Jane Bank at 15–20 Ma. Drifting in Jane Basin and subduction below Jane Bank ended shortly thereafter, in the middle Miocene, and the boundary between the Antarctic/Scotia plates migrated north of the South Orkney Microcontinent, along the South Scotia Ridge. Present tectonic activity in the region is minor.