
Theriogenology | 2003

Subtle membrane changes in cryopreserved bull semen in relation with sperm viability, chromatin structure, and field fertility

A. Januskauskas; A. Johannisson; Heriberto Rodriguez-Martinez

This study investigated the use of annexin-V/PI assay to assess sub lethal changes in bull spermatozoa post-thawing, and to further relate these changes to results obtained by fluorometric assessment of sperm viability and sperm chromatin structure assay (SCSA), as well as field fertility (as 56-day non-return rates, 56-day NRR) after AI. Frozen-thawed semen samples were obtained from 18 Swedish Red and White bulls (one to three semen batches/bull) and fertility data was based on 6900 inseminations. The annexin-V/PI assay revealed that post-thaw semen samples contained on average 41.8+/-7.5% annexin-V-positive cells. Most of the annexin-V-positive cells were dying cells, i.e. also PI-positive. The incidence of annexin-V-positive cells was negatively related (r=-0.59, P<0.01) to the percentage of viable cells, as detected by fluorometry. The incidence of annexin-V-positive spermatozoa significantly correlated to the SCSA variable xalphat (r=0.53, P<0.05). The incidence of annexin-V-negative, dead cells was the only annexin-V/PI assay variable that correlated significantly with fertility both at batch (r=-0.40, P<0.05), and bull (r=-0.56, P<0.05) levels. Among sperm viability variables, subjectively assessed sperm motility (r=0.52-0.59, P<0.01), CASA-assessed sperm motility (r=0.43-0.61, P<0.05), and the incidence of live spermatozoa, expressed as total numbers (r=0.39-0.54, P<0.05), or percentage values (r=0.68-0.68, P<0.01), correlated significantly with field fertility both at batch, and bull levels. Among the SCSA variables, only the COMP alphat correlated significantly (r=0.33-0.51, P<0.05) with fertility results. The results indicate a certain proportion of bull spermatozoa express PS on their surface after thawing, e.g. they have altered membrane function, and that the incidence of such cells is inversely correlated to sperm viability, and positively correlated to abnormal sperm chromatin condensation since they eventually undergo necrosis.

Animal Reproduction Science | 2003

Antioxidant supplementation in vitro improves boar sperm motility and mitochondrial membrane potential after cryopreservation of different fractions of the ejaculate

F.J. Peña; A. Johannisson; Margareta Wallgren; H. Rodriguez Martinez

Antioxidant supplementation during cooling was assayed to improve the motility of frozen-thawed (FT) boar spermatozoa from two different fractions of the ejaculate, the first component of the sperm-rich fraction (Fraction I) and the rest of the bulk ejaculate (Fraction II). Using a split-sample design, addition of two different concentrations (100 and 200 microMl(-1)) of the water-soluble Vitamin E analogue Trolox (6-hydroxy -2,5,7,8-tetramethylchroman -2-carboxylic acid) was evaluated for an effect on sperm motility (measured both subjectively and by means of a computer assisted motility assessment (CASA)), and on mitochondrial membrane potential using flow cytometry after cell-loading with JC-1. The effect of the Vitamin E analogue was clearly dose-dependent and varied with the fraction of the ejaculate considered. Motility was significantly higher in Trolox-treated spermatozoa (200 microm), from either ejaculate fraction, albeit the effect was more evident in spermatozoa from Fraction II (P<0.05) for any Trolox-concentration. Antioxidant supplementation resulted, also dose-dependent, in a higher number of spermatozoa showing high mitochondrial activity as assessed by the JC-1 staining, in both ejaculate fractions. In the present trial, exogenous Trolox positively affected post-thaw sperm viability (as motility and mitochondrial membrane potential) in both fractions of the ejaculate. The magnitude of the effect appeared, however, to be dependent of the fraction of the ejaculate considered.

Theriogenology | 2003

Assessment of fresh and frozen-thawed boar semen using an Annexin-V assay: a new method of evaluating sperm membrane integrity

F.J. Peña; A. Johannisson; Margareta Wallgren; Heriberto Rodriguez-Martinez

Detection of early changes in the sperm plasma membrane during cryopreservation is of utmost importance when designing freezing protocols. The present study evaluated the ability of an Annexin-V binding assay to detect early changes in sperm membrane integrity using flow cytometry (FC) in two different portions of the boar ejaculate, in cryopreserved semen. Using a split sample design, sperm motility was evaluated in fresh (controls) and frozen-thawed (FT) samples, both subjectively and by means of a computer-assisted motility assessment (CASA) system, while membrane integrity was assessed using Annexin-V (A) and propidium iodide (PI) staining in spermatozoa derived from the first sperm-rich fraction (Portion I) or the remaining ejaculate (Portion II). The A/PI technique revealed four sperm subpopulations, two PI negative (either A- (alive) or A+ (apoptotic)); and two PI positive (dead cells), either A+ (dead, late apoptotic or early necrotic cells) or A- (dead, late necrotic cells). Significant differences were found between the two portions of the ejaculate in the fresh (control) and FT samples. In the fresh controls, significantly more live, nonapoptotic spermatozoa (A-/PI-) were present in Portion I than in Portion II (P<0.001). Although apoptotic spermatozoa were detected in both semen portions, the frequency of live, early apoptotic (A+/PI-) cells was significantly lower in Portion I than in Portion II (P<0.001). Irrespective of the ejaculate portion considered, freezing and thawing significantly decreased the mean percentages of live spermatozoa (P<0.01), and dramatically increased the percentages of apoptotic or early necrotic cells (P<0.01), but not of early apoptotic cells (N.S.). The latter finding might suggest that apoptotic changes due to cryopreservation using the procedures applied in this trial are transient and lead to cell death. In conclusion, the Annexin-V binding assay was able to detect deleterious changes in the sperm plasma membrane at an earlier point than PI staining, thus representing a novel approach to investigating membrane integrity in this species. The finding that fewer spermatozoa in Portion I of the ejaculate showed early apoptosis post-freezing, suggests boar spermatozoa in this portion of the seminal plasma are less sensitive to the stress induced by cryopreservation.

Theriogenology | 2001

Assessment of sperm quality through fluorometry and sperm chromatin structure assay in relation to field fertility of frozen-thawed semen from Swedish AI bulls.

A. Januskauskas; A. Johannisson; Heriberto Rodriguez-Martinez

We investigated fluorometry to study sperm viability and flow cytometry to study sperm chromatin structure. We also assessed sperm quality after thawing relative to field fertility after AI as shown by 56-day non-return rates (56-d NRR) Frozen-thawed semen samples were obtained from 20 Swedish Red and White bulls (1 to 3 semen batches/bull) and the fertility data were based on 6,369 AIs. Fluorometry enabled simultaneous detection of sperm viability and concentration in Hoechst 33258-stained semen samples. Sperm chromatin structure assay (SCSA) evaluated denaturability of sperm nuclear DNA in situ after acid treatment. The intensity of fluorescence in non-permeabilized samples was negatively (r = -0.60, P < 0.001) correlated with microscopically-assessed sperm viability, and the fluorescence of permeabilized semen samples significantly (r = 0.67, P < 0.001) correlated with sperm concentration as assessed by hemocytometry. From the fluorescence output, the calculated percentage of damaged cells was negatively (r = -0.71, P < 0.001) correlated with the number of live cells derived from the microscopic assessment of sperm viability and concentration. This variable was significantly correlated with fertility results both at batch (r = -0.39, P < 0.05), and bull (r = -0.57, P < 0.01) levels. The SCSA variables SDalphat and COMPalphat were significantly (r = -0.59-0.64, P < 0.001) correlated with sperm viability variables after thawing but only the COMPalphat correlated significantly (r = -0.53, P < 0.05) with fertility results and solely at the bull level. The results indicate that fluorometric assessment is in good agreement with other practiced procedures and can be performed with sufficient accuracy. The SCSA may be a valuable complement for routinely practiced microscopic evaluation of sperm morphology of AI bull semen

Animal Reproduction Science | 2004

Sperm capacitation in the porcine oviduct

Paisan Tienthai; A. Johannisson; Heriberto Rodriguez-Martinez

In vitro studies suggests that sperm capacitation occurs in the sperm reservoir (SR) of the pig, with spermatozoa progressing towards the ampullary-isthmic junction (AIJ) around ovulation as a consequence of capacitation/hyperactivation. In contrast, in vivo studies are scarce. Consequently, we determined the degree of capacitation in boar spermatozoa that were retrieved from the SR of sows at well-defined periods of spontaneous standing oestrus, namely pre-, peri- and post-ovulation, using flow cytometry of Merocyanine-540/Yo-Pro-1-loaded spermatozoa. SR-spermatozoa retrieved and incubated in non-capacitating medium (bicarbonate-free mBO [mBO-]) were largely viable (70-85%) and uncapacitated (69-73%), irrespective of the stage of oestrus considered. Those undergoing capacitation were a minor proportion (1-5%) during pre- and peri-ovulation, but they significantly increased (14%) in post-ovulation oestrus. To clarify whether these SR-spermatozoa were able to undergo capacitation under stimuli, sperm aliquots were challenged in vitro either by incubation in a bicarbonate-rich medium (capacitation medium, mBO+), then further in mBO+ with 20% (v/v) of in vivo collected homologous pre-ovulatory isthmic oviductal fluid (IOF), or incubation with hyaluronan (HA, 500 microg/ml). Exposure to mBO+ significantly increased the sub-population of capacitated spermatozoa from the pre- and peri-ovulation SR, indicating that the uncapacitated SR-spermatozoa were responsive to the effector/inducer bicarbonate at levels recorded in peri-ovulatory AIJ/ampulla in vivo. While addition of IOF or HA to SR-spermatozoa incubated in capacitating medium (mBO+) maintained sperm viability without obviously inducing capacitation in pre- or peri-ovulatory SR-spermatozoa, they significantly increased these percentages during post-ovulation, when compared to baseline values of control incubations (mBO-). The results suggest that massive sperm capacitation does not occur in vivo in the porcine SR under spontaneous standing oestrus, particularly during pre- and peri-ovulation, unless spermatozoa are exposed to the effector bicarbonate. Exposure to IOF (and its component HA) under the present experimental conditions, reversed bicarbonate influence during pre- and peri-ovulation and further increased capacitation in post-ovulation, calling for an active role of the intratubal fluid. Furthermore, HA appears to have an active role in the functionality of the SR.

Theriogenology | 1999

Effect of cooling rates on post-thaw sperm motility, membrane integrity, capacitation status and fertility of dairy bull semen used for artificial insemination in sweden

A. Januskauskas; J. Gil; L. Söderquist; M.G.M. Hrd; M.Ch. Hrd; A. Johannisson; Heriberto Rodriguez-Martinez

We studied the effects of 2 different cooling rates during equilibration of semen from room temperature to 4 degrees C, at 4.2 degrees C/min (control split sample) or at 0.1 degree C/min (treatment split sample) on in vitro sperm viability post thawing and fertility after AI. Forty batches of split-frozen semen from 14 dairy bulls (Swedish Red and White breed) aged 14 to 16 m.o. or 66 to 79 m.o. were evaluated post-thawing for sperm motility (visual and computer-assisted sperm analysis [CASA], membrane integrity (fluorescent microscopy and flow cytometry post-loading with the combined fluorophores Calcein AM/EthD-1 and SYBR-14/PI); acrosomal status (with Pisum sativum agglutinin [PSA] staining); and capacitation status (CTC-assay). Fertility values (56-d nonreturn rate) of the slow cooling batches (treatment) were 0.4% units higher than for faster cooled (control) batches, but the difference was not statistically significant. Fertility values for the older bulls were 1.6% units higher than for the group of younger sires. No statistically significant correlations were found between semen viability parameters assessed in vitro and 56-d nonreturn rate. Visually assessed sperm motility, membrane integrity, capacitation and acrosomal status post-thawing did not differ significantly between cooling procedures, however the percentage of motile spermatozoa and the kinetic characteristics of spermatozoa--average path velocity (VAP), straight path velocity (VSL) and curvilinear velocity (VCL)--assessed by CASA differed significantly between cooling procedures. The results indicate that most of the in vitro sperm viability parameters post-thawing and the fertility results for bulls after AI did not differ significantly between the 2 semen cooling procedures tested.

Animal Reproduction Science | 2009

Colloidal centrifugation with Androcoll-E™ prolongs stallion sperm motility, viability and chromatin integrity

A. Johannisson; J.M. Morrell; J. Thoren; M. Jonsson; A.-M. Dalin; Heriberto Rodriguez-Martinez

The objective was to investigate the changes in stallion sperm quality (sperm motility, viability, membrane integrity and chromatin integrity) occurring during cool storage, and to study the effect of sperm selection by single layer colloidal centrifugation on these parameters of sperm quality. Spermatozoa from 3 stallions (10 ejaculates, 3-4 per stallion) were selected by centrifugation through a single layer of colloid (SLC). The resulting sperm preparations and the control samples (extended but unselected semen samples) were stored at 5 degrees C for 48h. Assessments of sperm quality, such as sperm motility, viability (SYBR-14/PI staining), membrane stability (Annexin-V/PI staining) and chromatin integrity, were performed on aliquots of the selected sperm preparations and unselected samples on the day of collection (3h) and after 24 and 48h of storage. In the SLC-selected sperm samples, sperm motility, sperm viability, proportions of spermatozoa with normal morphology and with intact chromatin were significantly better than in unselected samples (motility: 77+/-4% vs. 64+/-8% at 3h; P<0.001; viability: 79.5+/-9% vs. 64.7+/-9%, P<0.001; normal morphology 89+/-6% vs. 69+/-9%; chromatin integrity DFI 11.3+/-5% vs. 22.1+/-10%). Membrane stability, however, was not different in the SLC-selected and unselected samples (74.6+/-8% vs. 69.3+/-8%). The deterioration seen in sperm quality in the unselected samples was prevented by SLC, so that sperm viability, membrane stability and chromatin integrity were unchanged in the selected samples by 48h compared to 3h (P<0.001), whereas the unselected samples were significantly worse by 48h (P<0.001). Furthermore, it should be possible to send an aliquot of a normal insemination dose (i.e. unselected spermatozoa) overnight to a reference laboratory for analysis of both plasma membrane and chromatin integrity. In conclusion, centrifugation of stallion spermatozoa through a single layer of colloid is a useful technique for selecting the best spermatozoa from an ejaculate and, moreover, sperm quality is maintained during storage.

Research in Veterinary Science | 1998

Dietary zinc oxide in weaned pigs — effects on performance, tissue concentrations, morphology, neutrophil functions and faecal microflora

Marianne Jensen-Waern; L. Melin; Ronny Lindberg; A. Johannisson; L. Petersson; Per Wallgren

The uptake and distribution of zinc in tissues and the effects of 2500 ppm dietary zinc oxide on health, faecal microflora, and the functions of circulating neutrophils were evaluated in weaned pigs. One group was fed a zinc supplement diet and another group was used as a control. All pigs remained healthy throughout the study, but the supplemented animals showed better performance than the controls. The serum zinc values rose rapidly. At autopsy, carried out at the age of 63 days, the zinc concentrations in liver tissue were 4.5 times higher, and in renal tissue two times higher in the supplemented group than in controls (P<0.001). Microscopic examination showed increased lipid accumulation in hepatocytes from supplemented pigs. No effect on the number of excreted Escherichia coli and enterococci per gram faeces or on the functions of circulating neutrophils was observed. Dietary supplementation with 2500 ppm ZnO for up to two weeks after weaning appears to be potentially beneficial in the prevention of postweaning diarrhoea in pigs.

Theriogenology | 2000

Assessment of sperm characteristics post-thaw and response to calcium ionophore in relation to fertility in Swedish dairy AI bulls

A. Januskauskas; A. Johannisson; L. Söderquist; Heriberto Rodriguez-Martinez

The present study examined the relationship between bull sperm characteristics post-thawing, after swim-up, and after challenge to calcium ionophore in relation to fertility (56-d nonreturn rates) after artificial insemination (AI). Spermatozoa from 25 semen batches derived from 15 Swedish Red and White AI bulls were evaluated with regard to post-thaw motility, membrane integrity, and migration through a swim-up procedure. The swim-up separated spermatozoa were assessed in terms of sperm concentration, viability and capacitation status as well as their response to exogenous calcium ionophore (A23187). Acrosome reactions were evaluated by fluorescence microscopy and flow cytometry. Sperm motility and viability post-thawing were significantly correlated with fertility. For the swim-up separated semen, significant correlations to nonreturn rates were found for concentration, viability, number of viable spermatozoa and sperm capacitation status (Pattern F and Pattern B). The only parameter significantly correlated to fertility after the ionophore challenge was the percentage of acrosome-reacted spermatozoa with remaining equatorial fluorescence, as assessed by fluorescence microscopy, but not by flow cytometry. The regression analysis showed that combining the results of sperm membrane integrity assessment post-thawing with those of capacitation status after swim-up provided the best prediction of fertility. The accuracy of prediction did not improve when these parameters were combined with the percentage of spermatozoa in which acrosome reaction was induced by ionophore challenge.

Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica | 2008

Sperm morphology and chromatin integrity in Swedish warmblood stallions and their relationship to pregnancy rates

J.M. Morrell; A. Johannisson; Anne-Marie Dalin; Linda Hammar; Thomas Sandebert; Heriberto Rodriguez-Martinez

BackgroundArtificial insemination is not as widely used in horses as in other domestic species, such as dairy cattle and pigs, partly because of the wide variation in sperm quality between stallion ejaculates and partly due to decreased fertility following the use of cooled transported spermatozoa. Furthermore, predictive tests for sperm fertilising ability are lacking. The objective of the present study was to assess sperm morphology and chromatin integrity in ejaculates obtained from 11 warmblood breeding stallions in Sweden, and to evaluate the relationship of these parameters to pregnancy rates to investigate the possibility of using these tests predictively.MethodsAliquots from fortyone ejaculates, obtained as part of the normal semen collection schedule at the Swedish National Stud, were used for morphological analysis by light microscopy, whereas thirtyseven were used for chromatin analysis (SCSA) by flow cytometry. The outcome of inseminations using these ejaculates was made available later in the same year.ResultsRanges for the different parameters were as follows; normal morphology, 27–79.5%; DNA-fragmentation index (DFI), 4.8–19.0%; standard deviation of DNA fragmentation index (SD_DFI) 41.5–98.9, and mean of DNA fragmentation index (mean_DFI), 267.7–319.5. There was considerable variation among stallions, which was statistically significant for all these parameters except for mean_DFI (P < 0.001, P < 0.01, P < 0.001 and P < 0.2 respectively). There was a negative relationship between normal morphology and DFI (P < 0.05), between normal morphology and SD_DFI (P < 0.001), and between normal morphology and mean_DFI (P < 0.05). For specific defects, there was a direct relationship between the incidence of pear-shaped sperm heads and DFI (P < 0.05), and also nuclear pouches and DFI (P < 0.001), indicating that either morphological analysis or chromatin analysis was able to identify abnormalities in spermiogenesis that could compromise DNA-integrity. A positive relationship was found between normal morphology and pregnancy rate following insemination (r = 0.789; P < 0.01) and a negative relationship existed between DFI and pregnancy rate (r = -0.63; P < 0.05). Sperm motility, assessed subjectively, was not related to conception rate.ConclusionEither or both of the parameters, sperm morphology and sperm chromatin integrity, seem to be useful in predicting the fertilising ability of stallion ejaculates, particularly in determining cases of sub-fertility.

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