
Laser Physics | 2008

Saturated absorption spectroscopy: Elimination of crossover resonances with the use of a nanocell

A. D. Sargsyan; D. Sarkisyan; Aram Papoyan; Y. Pashayan-Leroy; P. Moroshkin; Antoine Weis; A. Khanbekyan; Emilio Mariotti; L. Moi

It is demonstrated that the velocity-selective optical pumping/saturation resonances of the reduced absorption in a Rb vapor nanocell with thickness L = λ, 2λ, and 3λ (resonant wavelength λ = 780 nm) allow for the complete elimination of crossover (CO) resonances. We observe well-pronounced resonances corresponding to the Fg = 3 → Fe = 2, 3, and 4 hyperfine transitions of the 85Rb D2 line with line widths close to the natural width. A small CO resonance located midway between Fg = 3 → Fe = 3 and Fg = 3 → Fe = 4 transitions appears only for L ≥ 4λ. The D2 line (λ = 852 nm) in a Cs nanocell exhibits a similar behavior. From the amplitude ratio of the CO and VSOP resonances, it is possible to determine the thickness of the column of alkali vapor in the range of 1–1000 μm. The absence of the CO resonances for nanocells with L ∼ λ is attractive for the frequency reference application and for studying the transitions between the Zeeman sublevels in external magnetic fields.

Optics Letters | 2009

Accurate measurements of transition frequencies and isotope shifts of laser-trapped francium

S. Sanguinetti; R. Calabrese; L. Corradi; A. Dainelli; A. Khanbekyan; Emilio Mariotti; C. de Mauro; P. Minguzzi; L. Moi; G. Stancari; L. Tomassetti; S. Veronesi

An interferometric method is used to improve the accuracy of the 7S-7P transition frequencies of three francium isotopes by 1 order of magnitude. The deduced isotope shifts for 209-211Fr confirm the ISOLDE data. The frequency of the D2 transition of 212Fr--the accepted reference for all Fr isotope shifts--is revised, and a significant difference with the ISOLDE value is found. Our results will be a benchmark for the accuracy of the theory of Fr energy levels, a necessary step to investigate fundamental symmetries.

Journal of Chemical Physics | 2007

Light induced atomic desorption from dry-film coatings

A. Cappello; C. de Mauro; A. Bogi; A. Burchianti; S. Di Renzone; A. Khanbekyan; C. Marinelli; Emilio Mariotti; L. Tomassetti; L. Moi

We report the first experimental evidence of nonthermal light induced atomic desorption (LIAD) from octadecyltrichlorosilane dry film. The experiment has been made with Rb confined in a coated cell kept at room temperature. A detailed study of the main features of LIAD effect has been made by varying intensity and wavelength of desorbing light. A discussion about the differences and similarities with other organic films that were studied first is reported. This result is important as it expands the list of materials showing such an effect and increases the possibilities to get suitable light controlled atomic sources for spectroscopy and applications. In particular, we plan to exploit this feature in a Fr magneto-optical trap apparatus.

Journal of Chemical Physics | 2014

Light desorption from an yttrium neutralizer for Rb and Fr magneto-optical trap loading

V. Coppolaro; N. Papi; A. Khanbekyan; Carmela Marinelli; Emilio Mariotti; Luca Marmugi; L. Moi; L. Corradi; A. Dainelli; H. Arikawa; T. Ishikawa; Y. Sakemi; R. Calabrese; G. Mazzocca; L. Tomassetti; Leonardo Ricci

We present here the first evidence of photodesorption induced by low-intensity non-resonant light from an yttrium thin foil, which works as a neutralizer for Rb and Fr ions beam. Neutral atoms are suddenly ejected from the metal surface in a pulsed regime upon illumination with a broadband flash light and then released in the free volume of a pyrex cells. Here atoms are captured by a Magneto-Optical Trap (MOT), which is effectively loaded by the photodesorption. Loading times of the order of the flash rise time are measured. Desorption is also obtained in the continuous regime, by exploiting CW visible illumination of the metallic neutralizer surface. We demonstrate that at lower CW light intensities vacuum conditions are not perturbed by the photodesorption and hence the MOT dynamics remains unaffected, while the trap population increases thanks to the incoming desorbed atoms flux. Even with the Y foil at room temperature and hence with no trapped atoms, upon visible illumination, the number of trapped atoms reaches 10(5). The experimental data are then analyzed by means of an analytical rate equation model, which allows the analysis of this phenomenon and its dynamics and allows the determination of critical experimental parameters and the test of the procedure in the framework of radioactive Francium trapping. In this view, together with an extensive investigation of the phenomenon with (85)Rb, the first demonstration of the photodesorption-aided loading of a (210)Fr MOT is shown.

Physical Review A | 2008

Measurement of diffusion coefficients of francium and rubidium in yttrium based on laser spectroscopy

C. de Mauro; R. Calabrese; L. Corradi; A. Dainelli; A. Khanbekyan; Emilio Mariotti; P. Minguzzi; L. Moi; S. Sanguinetti; G. Stancari; L. Tomassetti; S. Veronesi

We report the measurement of the diffusion coefficients of francium and rubidium ions implanted in a yttrium foil. We developed a methodology, based on laser spectroscopy, which can be applied to radioactive and stable species, and allows us to directly take record of the diffusion time. Francium isotopes are produced via fusion-evaporation nuclear reaction of a

International Journal of Modern Physics E-nuclear Physics | 2014

Francium trapping at the INFN-LNL facility

Emilio Mariotti; A. Khanbekyan; Carmela Marinelli; Luca Marmugi; L. Moi; L. Corradi; A. Dainelli; R. Calabrese; G. Mazzocca; L. Tomassetti


Measurement Science and Technology | 2013

Detection of excited level population transfer in an MOT through the measurement of trapped atom number

L. Moi; Giovanni Batignani; A. Khanbekyan; Karen Khanbekyan; Carmela Marinelli; Emilio Mariotti; Luca Marmugi; L. Corradi; A. Dainelli; R. Calabrese; G. Mazzocca; L. Tomassetti; P. Minguzzi

beam on a Au target at the Tandem XTU accelerator facility in Legnaro, Italy. Francium is ionized at the gold-vacuum interface and

Scientific Reports | 2017

Enhanced Atomic Desorption of 209 and 210 Francium from Organic Coating

Steinn Ymir Agustsson; Giovanni Bianchi; R. Calabrese; L. Corradi; A. Dainelli; A. Khanbekyan; Carmela Marinelli; Emilio Mariotti; Luca Marmugi; Leonardo Ricci; Leonardo Stiaccini; L. Tomassetti; Andrea Vanella


Review of Scientific Instruments | 2017

Experimental setup for the growth of solid crystals of inert gases for particle detection

M. Guarise; C. Braggio; R. Calabrese; G. Carugno; A. Dainelli; A. Khanbekyan; E. Luppi; Emilio Mariotti; M. Poggi; L. Tomassetti

ions are then transported with an electrostatic beamline to a cell for neutralization and capture in a magneto-optical trap (MOT). A

Optics Letters | 2017

Observation of 7pP2_3/2→7dD2 optical transitions in 209 and 210 francium isotopes

S. Agustsson; G. Bianchi; R. Calabrese; L. Corradi; A. Dainelli; A. Khanbekyan; Carmela Marinelli; Emilio Mariotti; Luca Marmugi; G. Mazzocca; L. Moi; L. Ricci; L. Stiaccini; L. Tomassetti


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