
Journal of Animal Science | 2014

Encapsulated nitrate and cashew nut shell liquid on blood and rumen constituents, methane emission, and growth performance of lambs.

H. M. El-Zaiat; R. C. Araujo; Y. A. Soltan; Amr S. Morsy; Helder Louvandini; Alexandre Vaz Pires; H. O. Patino; P. S. Correa; A.L. Abdalla

Nitrate can be a source of NPN for microbial growth at the same time that it reduces ruminal methane production. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of 2 encapsulated nitrate products used as urea replacers on blood and rumen constituents, methane emission, and growth performance of lambs. Eighteen Santa Inês male lambs (27 ± 4.9 kg) were individually allotted to indoor pens and assigned to a randomized complete block design with 6 blocks and 3 dietary treatments: control (CTL) = 1.5% urea, ENP = 4.51% encapsulated nitrate product (60.83% NO3(-) in the product DM), and ENP+CNSL = 4.51% ENP containing cashew nut shell liquid (60.83% NO3(-) and 2.96% cashew nut shell liquid [CNSL] in the product DM). Diets were isonitrogenous with 60:40 concentrate:forage (Tifton 85 hay) ratio. The experiment lasted for 92 d and consisted of 28 d for adaptation (a weekly 33% stepwise replacement of CTL concentrate by nitrate-containing concentrates) and 64 d for data collection. The ENP and ENP+CNSL showed greater (P < 0.05) red blood cell counts than CTL. Blood methemoglobin (MetHb) did not differ (P > 0.05) among treatments, with mean values within normal range and remaining below 1.1% of total hemoglobin. There was an increase (P < 0.05) in total short-chain fatty acids concentration at 3 h postfeeding for ENP, with an additional increase (P < 0.05) observed for ENP+CNSL. No treatment effects (P > 0.05) were observed on acetate to propionate ratio. Methane production (L/kg DMI) was reduced (P < 0.05) with nitrate inclusion, recording 28.6, 19.1, and 19.5 L/kg DMI for CTL, ENP, and ENP+CNSL, respectively. Addition of CNSL did not result (P > 0.05) in further reduction of methane production when compared with ENP. Final BW, DMI, ADG, and feed efficiency were similar (P > 0.05) among treatments. Values for DMI were 1.11, 1.03, and 1.04 kg/d and for ADG were 174, 154, and 158 g for CTL, ENP, and ENP+CNSL, respectively. In conclusion, encapsulated nitrate products showed no risks of toxicity based on MetHb formation. The products persistently reduced methane production without affecting performance. Inclusion of cashew nut shell liquid in the product formulation had no additional benefits on methane mitigation.

Arquivo Brasileiro De Medicina Veterinaria E Zootecnia | 2013

Effect of sorghum tannins in sheep fed with high-concentrate diets

S.L.S. Cabral Filho; A.L. Abdalla; I.C.S. Bueno; S.P. Gobbo; A.A.M.A. Oliveira

The aim of this study was to evaluate the nutritional value of three sorghum cultivars with different concentrations of condensed tannins in sheep diets. Six adult sheep (LW=56kg) with rumen and duodenal fistulas were assigned to experimental groups using two 3x3 Latin Square designs. The diets were formulated using three sorghum cultivars: LTC (low-tannin cultivar), MTC (medium-tannin cultivar) and HTC (high-tannin cultivar). Microbial nitrogen (MN) concentration in the duodenum was measured using a 15N trace technique. LTC, MTC and HTC diets presented values of 788, 722 and 747 (SE=20.6) g kg-1 for dry matter digestibility and 633, 535 and 530 (SE=35.8) g/kg for crude protein digestibility. The LTC diet was significantly different from the other diets (P 0.05) between the diets. The presence of condensed tannins in the sorghum interfered with the sheeps nitrogen retention; however, the microbial protein supply to the duodenum of the animals was not inhibited.

Arquivo Brasileiro De Medicina Veterinaria E Zootecnia | 2001

Fluxo do fósforo de diferentes fontes de fosfatos em bovinos

D.M.S.S. Vitti; João Batista Lopes; J.C. Silva Filho; A.L. Abdalla; M.L. Haddad

The experiment was designed to evaluate the phosphorus (P) flow from different phosphate sources, in cattle. The mathematical evaluation of P changes between the physiologic or anatomical compartments, was based on model with digestive tract, blood and bones plus soft tissue. It was concluded that P from dicalcium phosphate in cattle was better absorbed than P from Patos de Minas and Tapira phosphates. Dicalcium, Patos de Minas and Tapira phosphates did not interfere with P accretion in bone and soft tissues, and the bi-directional P flow from digestive tract for the central pool in cattle increased with P absorption.

Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition | 2017

Performance, metabolic variables and enteric methane production of Santa Inês hair lambs fed Orbignya phalerata and Combretum leprosum

A.L. Abdalla Filho; D. Dineshkumar; M. Barreal; C. McManus; V. R. Vasconcelos; A.L. Abdalla; Helder Louvandini

In this study, the possibility of using Babassu (Orbignya phalerata) and Mofumbo (Combretum leprosum) leaves for lambs feed was verified. Performance, biochemical and haematological parameters, microbial protein synthesis, nutrient apparent digestibility and enteric production of methane (CH4 ) were evaluated. The experimental treatments included diets with forage-to-concentrate ratios of 50:50, with the leaves of the experimental plants replacing 33% of the Cynodon dactylon (Tifton-85) hay with three treatments: control (no hay replacement) and substitution with Babassu or Mofumbo. For the performance study, 24 Santa Inês lambs were used, in a randomized experimental design with eight repetitions (5 male and 3 female) for each treatment and 48xa0days of experimental trial. After this period, for nine days, six animals from each treatment were allocated in metabolic cages to determine the apparent nutrient digestibility, microbial protein synthesis and nitrogen balance. Simultaneously, enteric CH4 was measured inxa0vivo. The control group showed higher (pxa0<xa00.05) apparent digestibility of acid detergent fibre. Enteric CH4 production of lambs fed Mofumbo leaves did not differ from that of the control group, but was lower (pxa0<xa00.05) than in those fed with Babassu. The inclusion of Babassu and Mofumbo leaves showed no negative effects on animal health and did not compromise performance. Mofumbo also presented CH4 mitigating potential, indicating that those plants can be used as ingredients in the composition of lamb diets with the advantage of reducing methane production.

Scientia Agricola | 1995

Non-conventional P sources for zebu cows in Brazil

D.M.S.S. Vitti; A.L. Abdalla; H.O.S. Lopes; E.A. Pereira; Cyro Ferreira Meirelles

To evaluate non-conventional phosphorus sources, a group of 400 Nellore cows mantained under pasture received a mineral mixture with different P sources (group I: superphosphate - 500 ppm P; group II: superphosphate - 340 ppm P plus rock phosphate Patos 160 ppm P; group III: superphosphate 340 ppm P plus dicalcium phosphate 160 ppm P; group IV - dicalcium phosphate 500 ppm P). There were no differences in pregnancy rate, calving rate and calving interval. A fluorine deposition in bone was observed for the treatments with superphosphate and rock phosphate (66.92 ± 15.53; 69.97 ± 6.5 and 64.05 ± 3.35% respectively for group I, II and III). Superphosphate was almost as good dicalcium phosphate to provide phosphorus for grazing cows and there was a potentially significant economic advantage over dicalcium phosphate.

Scientia Agricola | 1994

The effect of feed supplementation on the onset of puberty in Brazilian dairy heifers

Cyro Ferreira Meirelles; A.L. Abdalla; D.M.S.S. Vitti

A maior parte da producao de leite no Brasil e fornecida por pequenos proprietarios cujos programas de alimentacao e manejo sao frequentemente deficientes. Um problema frequente diretamente relacionado com a subnutricao e que raramente uma novilha atinge a maturidade sexual antes dos 15 meses de idade. Grupos de novilhas foram tratadas para detectar os efeitos da suplementacao proteica e tratamento antihelmintico sobre a maturidade sexual. A primeira ovulacao ocorreu 513 ± 44 e 573 ± 36 dias (P < 0,01) nos grupos suplementados e controle, respectivamente. Os ganhos de peso vivo do inicio do ensaio a primeira ovulacao foram 378 ± 0,02 e 331 ± 0,04g para os grupos suplementados (S) e controle (C). Somente 52,17% das novilhas no grupo C (11 em 23) mas 95,65% no grupo S (22 em 23) alcancaram a maturidade sexual antes de 18 meses de idade (P<0,01). Os animais com tratamento antihelmintico tiveram uma melhor desempenho no crescimento que os controles.A maior parte da producao de leite no Brasil e fornecida por pequenos proprietarios cujos programas de alimentacao e manejo sao frequentemente deficientes. Um problema frequente diretamente relacionado com a subnutricao e que raramente uma novilha atinge a maturidade sexual antes dos 15 meses de idade. Grupos de novilhas foram tratadas para detectar os efeitos da suplementacao proteica e tratamento antihelmintico sobre a maturidade sexual. A primeira ovulacao ocorreu 513 ± 44 e 573 ± 36 dias (P < 0,01) nos grupos suplementados e controle, respectivamente. Os ganhos de peso vivo do inicio do ensaio a primeira ovulacao foram 378 ± 0,02 e 331 ± 0,04g para os grupos suplementados (S) e controle (C). Somente 52,17% das novilhas no grupo C (11 em 23) mas 95,65% no grupo S (22 em 23) alcancaram a maturidade sexual antes de 18 meses de idade (P<0,01). Os animais com tratamento antihelmintico tiveram uma melhor desempenho no crescimento que os controles.

Anais Da Escola Superior De Agricultura Luiz De Queiroz | 1988

Reinício da atividade ovariana no pós-parto em vacas holandesas do rebanho da ESALQ

Cyro Ferreira Meirelles; A.L. Abdalla; D.M.S.S. Vitti; M.R.S.R. Peçanha

Foram determinados os perfis de progesterona no leite desnatado, em 32 vacas da raca Holandesa no pos-parto ate a primeira ovulacao no periodo de 1986 e 1987. A linha divisoria das fases folicular e luteinica dos teores de progesterona foi estimada em l,12mg/ml. Ficou evidenciado que nao ha diferenca no tempo da primeira ovulacao no pos-parto (36,83 ± 18,92 dias) para vacas holandesas criadas em clima tropical ou temperado.

Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition | 2018

Nutritional evaluation of the legume Macrotyloma axillare using in vitro and in vivo bioassays in sheep

P. M. T. Lima; G. D. Moreira; G. Z. Sakita; Andressa Santanna Natel; W. T. Mattos; F. M. A. Gimenes; L. Gerdes; Concepta McManus; A.L. Abdalla; Helder Louvandini

This study consisted of two experiments with the following objectives: to evaluate the effects of tannins from the tropical legume macrotiloma (Macrotyloma axillare) on total gas and methane (CH4 ) production, as well as on ruminal fermentation parameters by performing an in vitro bioassay, with samples incubated with and without polyethylene glycol (PEG) in a semi-automatic system; and secondly in a 17xa0day in vivo experiment, to determine apparent total tract digestibility (ATTD) of dietary nutrients and ruminal fermentation parameters of 12 intact 8- to 9-month-old Santa Inês (averaging 24.95xa0±xa01.8xa0kg body weight) ewes fed tropical grass hay supplemented with macrotiloma hay. The ewes were divided into two treatment groups depending on their diet: chopped aruana grass hay (Panicum maximum cv. Aruana) (control-CON); and aruana grass hay supplemented with chopped macrotiloma hay (macrotiloma-MAC). The animals were kept for 5 consecutive days in metabolic cages for the ATTD assay, and at the end of this period, samples of rumen fluid were collected from each ewe to determine ammoniacal nitrogen (NH3 -N) and short-chain fatty acid (SCFA) production, and protozoa count. For the in vitro assay, a decrease in total gas and CH4 production was observed for samples incubated without PEG (pxa0<xa0.05). No differences were observed for the other parameters evaluated (pxa0>xa0.05). In the in vivo experiment, increased intake and ATTD of crude protein were observed for the animals fed MAC when compared to CON (pxa0<xa0.05). For rumen fermentation parameters, increased NH3 -N, total SCFA and isobutyrate concentrations, as well as reduced protozoa count were observed for MAC when compared to CON (pxa0<xa0.05). The results observed here indicated the potential of macrotiloma for use as a ruminant feed, and antimethanogenic potential of this plant was noted.

IOSR Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Science | 2013

Detoxified Physic Nut Meal (Jatropha Curcas L.) As Ingredient for Animal Feed

A.L. Abdalla; A.S. Morsy; A. L. Abdalla Filho; P. B. Godoy; P. P. Santos; J. D. F. Gomes; L.A. Castilho; T. P. Paim

This study aims to evaluate the efficiency of physic nut meal detoxification and the useful of this meal in Wistar rats (Rattus norvegicus) feed. Twenty-four animals, 21-25 days old and initial mean body weight 69.9 g ± 5.40g were used. The animals received three diets: Control (base ration,. ration with 5% of detoxified physic nut meal and ration with 10% of the same meal. A no-protein diet was included aiming to correct the digestibility by protein consumption and wasted. This diet was distributed in six random blocs according to animals initial live body weight. Total faeces excreted in 24 hours by rats were collected, dried at 60 oC, grounded and weighted to digestibility calculation. After 28 experimental days, the animals were submitted to 12h-fasting and were anesthetized with halothane saturated chamber. Thereafter, the internal organs (liver, heart, and kidney, intestine) were weighted and blood samples were taken. The intestines were dissected and separated small intestine and intestine, which it were used to measurement of intestine length. The detoxified physic nut (DPN) had a negative effect (P>0.05) in animal growth and also in digestibility of diets. The organs weights did not differ between treatments in analysis of variance. However, the regression analysis identified a negative quadratic effect of DPN in liver weight. Moreover, DPN had a positive linear effect in intestine weights. The analysis of variance did not detect any effect of treatments in blood parameters, as well as in hepatic transaminazes enzimes. On the other hand, the regression showed that DPN had a negative quadratic effect in aspartate aminotransferase level. Therefore, the physic nut meal can be considered a promissory protein source. Further studies must be realized to evaluate the physic nut meal in diets of others species, as well as the effect and content of other bioactive molecules. Keywords - Blood parameters, Co-product, Digestibility, Performance, Wistar rats

Toxicological & Environmental Chemistry | 2009

Sorption and mobility of polyethylene glycol (PEG 4000) in tropical soils.

G.M. Castanho; Jussara Borges Regitano; Valdemar Luiz Tornisielo; A.L. Abdalla

Millions of tons of polyethylene glycols (PEGs) are manufactured worldwide and most of them will reach conventional sewage disposal systems after industrial utilization. This raises environmental concerns, but not much is known about the environmental fate of these polymers. The main goals of this research were to evaluate sorption and mobility of PEG in sandier soils of Brazil. PEG 4000 was applied to the soils either freely in solution or as a simulated bioassay residue. The bioassay was prepared to simulate PEG as it is present in the animal feces. It allowed us to compare PEG mobility for both forms of environment disposal. PEG showed very low sorption (<22% of the applied PEG) and high mobility potential (>43% of the applied amount in the free-PEG and >24% of the applied amount in the bioassay-PEG experiment) in the studied soils. When PEG was applied, simulating its supply to animal diets, about 30% of its applied amount was retained into the bioassay residues and its leaching potential was reduced, whereas the remaining amount (about 70%) was readily available in solution and could be directly released into the environment.

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