
Brazilian Journal of Veterinary Research and Animal Science | 2000

Vascularizaçäo arterial da bolsa cloacal em Gallus gallus domesticus (matrizes de corte Avian Farms)

Marcelo Ismar Silva Santana; Renato Souto Severino; A. L. Q. Santos; Sérgio Salazar Drummond; Pedro Primo Bombonato

Estudou-se em trinta exemplares de Gallus gallus domesticus da linhagem Avian Farms, femeas, com idades entre 10 e 12 semanas, a origem, o numero e a ordenacao dos vasos arteriais da bolsa cloacal, mediante injecao dos sistemas vasculares arteriais das aves com solucao aquosa de Neoprene Latex 450 a 50% e posterior dissecacao. Os resultados mostraram a participacao das arterias bursocloacais direita e esquerda em todos os casos, as quais se associavam as arterias mesenterica caudal e caudal mediana em 13,33% e 3,33% dos casos, respectivamente. O numero total de vasos, independentemente da origem, variou de 2 a 5 com maior frequencia de 2 a 3 vasos.

Brazilian Journal of Veterinary Research and Animal Science | 1999

Irrigação da bolsa cloacal, em aves reprodutoras, da linhagem Peterson (Gallus gallus domesticus)

Marcelo Ismar Silva Santana; Renato Souto Severino; A. L. Q. Santos; Sérgio Salazar Drummond; Pedro Primo Bombonato

The cloacal bursax92s arteries of 30 males Gallus gallus domesticus were injected whit 50% ARTECOLAO solution, and submitted to dissection. The age of the birds was to 10 to 12 weeks. The vesselx92s origin, number and sequence were studied. The results showed the participation of the left and right bursocloacal arteries in all cases, whit the association of the left and right cloacal arteries (16.66%), median caudal artery (6.66%) and caudal mesenteric artery (3.33%). The total branches number, without considering its origin, varied in 2 to 5, being 2 branches the major frequency. The vessel distribution was the same in each bird.

Ciencia Rural | 2010

Sistematização da origem, da distribuição e dos territórios da artéria cerebral caudal na superfície do encéfalo em gatos

Eduardo Maurício Mendes de Lima; Irvênia Luiza de Santis Prada; Renato Souto Severino; A. L. Q. Santos; Bárbara Oliveira Borges; Tiago do Prado Paim; André Rodrigues da Cunha Barreto Vianna

In this study were used 26 brains of adult cats, without sex differentiation and definable race, colored with latex and fixed in formaldehyde aqueous solution. The right and left caudal cerebral arteries were single in 96.1% and 88.4% of the sample, respectively. In 69.2% of the samples on the right side and 80.8% on the left, the caudal cerebral artery fin from the anastomosis behind the caudal branch of the internal carotid artery, with a large contribution, and the basal artery terminal branch. In 88.4% of the samples on the right side and 84.6% on the left, the caudal cerebral artery showed the tectal rostral artery and one caudal branche. The caudal branch forked in two branches that supplied the rostral and caudal colliculis of the quadruplet bodies and formed the choroid plexus of the third ventricle. The tectal rostral artery followed ventrally to the piriform lobe and during his way sent some branches to hippocampus. In the left side, this vessel supplied the dorsal surface of thalamus and contributed to the formation of the choroid plexus of the third ventricle.

ARS Veterinaria | 2000

Topografia do cone medular em ovinos sem raca definida (Ovis aries Linnaeus, 1758)

A. L. Q. Santos; E.M.M. de Lima

PUBVET | 2011

Anatomical types of renal arteries in crab-eating fox (Cerdocyon thous - Hamilton-Smith, 1839).

Lorena Tannús Menezes; A. L. Q. Santos; F. M. de Moraes; Árthur Paulino Sanzo Kaminishi; Tatiana Grillo Leonardo; Liliane Rangel Nascimento

Veterinária Notícias | 2014

Variação anatômica na origem da artéria hepática em ovino sem raça definida

Taynara Tuanne Lima Pereira; A. L. Q. Santos; Stephany Queiroz Nogueira; Amanda Silva Pereira

PUBVET | 2012

Anatomy of the digestive tube of toco toucan.

Mariana Batista Andrade; A. L. Q. Santos; L. Q. L. Hirano; F. M. de Moraes

PUBVET | 2012

Anatomical comparative study of the digestive tube of various orders of birds.

A. L. Q. Santos; Mariana Batista Andrade; C. H. Ferreira; Lorena Tannús Menezes; S. R. P. de Oliveira; Árthur Paulino Sanzo Kaminishi; Liliane Rangel Nascimento; F. M. de Moraes

PUBVET | 2012

Morphological comparative gastrointestinal tract of birds of Gruiforms.

A. L. Q. Santos; Mariana Batista Andrade; Lorena Tannús Menezes; C. H. Ferreira; S. R. P. de Oliveira; Árthur Paulino Sanzo Kaminishi; Liliane Rangel Nascimento; F. M. de Moraes

PUBVET | 2012

Comparative anatomical study of the digestive tract of avians of Columbiforms order.

A. L. Q. Santos; M. B. A. T. Menezes; C. H. Ferreira; S. R. P. de Oliveira; Árthur Paulino Sanzo Kaminishi; Liliane Rangel Nascimento; F. M. de Moraes

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