A. L. Stepanov
Moscow State University
Eurasian Soil Science | 2006
A. V. Smagin; N. A. Azovtseva; M. V. Smagina; A. L. Stepanov; A.D. Myagkova; A.S. Kurbatova
The ecological status and functioning of soils in urban ecosystems are considered. A series of criteria and simple methods of their determination are suggested to assess soil suitability for landscaping purposes. Their practical application is shown by the example of the ecological assessment and monitoring survey of different urban territories in the southwestern, western, and northwestern administrative districts of Moscow and in Moscow suburbs. It is shown that the main damage to the soils of actively used territories in Moscow is due to the artificial salinization induced by the application of deicing substances and fertilizers. The second factor of soil degradation is the soil compaction. An unfavorable water and air regime (a deficit or excess of soil moisture) is a factor that manifests itself sporadically in time (during the extremely dry years) and in space (at the sites with an increased soil compaction and soil water evaporation). A considerable decrease in the potential biological activity of urban soils, including the soils of newly built residential areas, in comparison with their natural analogues attests to the disturbance of their functioning under the impact of chemical pollution and an unfavorable physical status.
Eurasian Soil Science | 2015
T. G. Dobrovol’skaya; D. G. Zvyagintsev; I. Yu. Chernov; A. V. Golovchenko; G. M. Zenova; L. V. Lysak; N. A. Manucharova; O. E. Marfenina; L. M. Polyanskaya; A. L. Stepanov; M. M. Umarov
The results of long-term investigations performed by researchers from the Department of Soil Biology at the Faculty of Soil Science of Moscow State University into one of the major functions of soil microorganisms—sustenance of the turnover of matter and energy in the biosphere—are discussed. Data on the population densities of soil microbes and on the microbial biomass in different types of soils are presented. The systemic approach has been applied to study the structural-functional organization of the soil microbial communities. The role of eukaryotic and prokaryotic microorganisms in the carbon and nitrogen cycles is elucidated. It is argued that the high population density and diversity of microorganisms are necessary to maintain the turnover of chemical elements in terrestrial ecosystems. The viability of microbes stored in the soils is important. New data on the preservation and survival of bacteria in nanoforms are presented. It is shown that peatlands and paleosols are natural banks, where microbes can be preserved in a viable state for tens of thousands years.
Eurasian Soil Science | 2010
Mikhail Semenov; I. K. Kravchenko; V. M. Semenov; T. V. Kuznetsova; L. E. Dulov; S. N. Udal’tsov; A. L. Stepanov
The flux rates of carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide in the soils on autonomous, transitional, transitional-accumulative, and accumulative positions of a catena on the Oka River’s right bank (Moscow oblast) were assessed using the chamber method. The lowest rate of C-CO2 emission (18.8–29.8 mg/m2 per hour) was found for the gray forest soil in the autonomous position, and the highest rate (52.4–66.1 mg/m2 per hour) was found for the alluvial meadow soil of the accumulative landscape. In the summer, the uptake of methane from the atmosphere exceeded its release from the soil at all the points of the catena (9–38 μg/m2 per hour). The highest rate of the C-CH4 uptake was observed for the soil in the transitional position. In the fall, the soils in the autonomous, transitional, and transitional-accumulative positions served as a sink of C-CH4, and the soil of the accumulative position was a source of methane emission. The rate of the N-N2O emission from the catena soils increased when going from the autonomous position to the accumulative one (0.41–11.2 μg/m2 per hour). The spatial variation of the C-CO2, C-CH4, and N-N2O fluxes within the catena was 33, 172, and 138%, respectively. The upper (0- to 10-cm) soil layer made the major contribution to the emission of carbon dioxide. This soil layer was characterized by its C-CH4 uptake, and the emission of methane was typical for the deeper (0- to 20-cm) layer. The layers deeper than 10 and 20 cm emitted more N-N2O than the surface layer.
Biology Bulletin | 2006
N. A. Manucharova; A. M. Yaroslavtsev; D. V. Senchenko; A. L. Stepanov; D. G. Zvyagintsev
Anaerobic chitinolytic complex was studied in three soil types: chernozem, gray forest soil, and chestnut soil. The abundance and biomass of anaerobic chitinolytic microbial complex of fungi, bacteria, and actinomycetes were evaluated by luminescent microscopy. The dynamics of methane emission from soil during chitinolytic succession was studied by gas chromatography. All three studied microbial groups proved to participate in chitin transformation in soil under anaerobic conditions. The highest biomass growth was observed among prokaryotes, particularly actinomycetes, whose biomass doubled. The increase in methane emission during chitinolytic succession was most pronounced in soils with low organic matter content.
Microbiology | 2008
N. A. Manucharova; A. N. Vlasenko; T. P. Tourova; A. N. Panteleeva; A. L. Stepanov; G. M. Zenova
In brown semidesert soil, thermophilic prokaryotic organisms identified as Streptomyces roseolilacinus and Silanimonas lenta were shown to play the main role in chitin transformation at 50°C. The phylogenetic positions of the isolated dominant chitinolytic microorganisms were determined on the basis of 16S rRNA gene sequencing. The consumption of chitin as a source of carbon and nitrogen by both the bacterium and the actinomycete was evident from considerable biomass accumulation, high emission of carbon dioxide, and presence in the medium of the chitinase exoenzyme.
Biology Bulletin | 2007
N. A. Manucharova; A. N. Vlasenko; A. L. Stepanov
The dynamics of carbon dioxide emission from soil was studied during chitinolytic succession induced by humidification and chitin introduction at different temperatures (5, 27, and 50°C) using gas chromatography. The abundance and biomass of the chitinolytic bacterial and actinomycete complex in soil were evaluated by luminescent microscopy. Active development of the chitinolytic microbial complexes was observed at all studied temperatures. The most active growth of chitinolytic microorganisms was observed at high temperature during early succession and at low temperature during late succession. High and low temperatures provided for active development of the chitinolytic microbial complex in soils confined to warm climatic zones (brown desert-steppe soil) and soils of temporary zones (gray forest soil). Actinomycetes demonstrated the most active growth among chitinolytic microorganisms in the studied soil samples both at low and high temperatures.
Microbiology | 2014
N. A. Manucharova; E. M. Kol’tsova; A. L. Stepanov; E. V. Demkina; V. A. Demkin; G. I. El’-Registan
The structure and specific characteristics of the hydrolytic microbial complexes from chestnut paleosols buried under the barrows of different ages (∼4500 and ∼3500 years) was compared with their modern analogue in microcosm experiments. Potential activity of the hydrolytic complex of the microbial community of the barrow paleosols was found to be higher than in the modern soil complex. The share of metabolically active cells revealed by FISH after the introduction of a growth-stimulating polysaccharide into the paleosol microcosm was 50% of the whole prokaryotic cell number. The paleosol community exhibited a more pronounced response to addition of the substrate than the modern soil community. The differences in the phylogenetic taxonomic structure of the prokaryotic metabolically active hydrolytic complex in the buried and modern soils were revealed. The hydrolytic complex of modern soil was more diverse, while the dominant hydrolytic organisms revealed in paleosols were unicellular and mycelial Actinobacteria, as well as Proteobacteria.
Eurasian Soil Science | 2013
E. N. Tsyganova; D. G. Zvyagintsev; L. V. Lysak; A. L. Stepanov
The influence of the Gumigel bacterial-humus preparation on the biological activity of soils was investigated. The activity was assessed by the respiration intensity of the soil microorganisms, the total number of bacteria, and the structure of the saprotrophic bacterial complex. It was demonstrated that the microorganisms were preserved in the preparation for a long time. As this preparation was kept at 4°C, the number of microorganisms was preserved at a permanent level during no less than half a year. The preparation did not have a significant effect on the biological activity of the unpolluted soil, but it intensified the biological activity in the case of the polluted soil, which was seen from an increase in the number of microorganisms and their respiration intensity.
Eurasian Soil Science | 2011
M. I. Makarov; T. I. Malysheva; Anton Ermak; V. G. Onipchenko; A. L. Stepanov; O. V. Menyailo
The symbiotic fixation of atmospheric nitrogen by leguminous plants in the alpine community of a lichen heath at the Teberda State Biosphere Reserve is well adapted to low soil temperature characteristic for the altitude of 2800 m a.s.l. For the determination of the N fixation by isotopic methods (the method of the natural 15N abundance and the method of isotopic 15N dilution), Trifolium polyphyllum was taken as the control plant. This plant was used as it does not form symbiosis with the nitrogen-fixing bacteria in the highlands of the Northern Caucasus Region. The contribution of the N fixation to the N nutrition of different leguminous plant species as determined by the natural 15N abundance method amounted to 28–73% at δ15N0 = 0‰ and 46–117% at δ15N0 = −1‰; for the determination of the N fixation by the method of the isotopic label’s dilution, it was 34–97%. The best correlation of the results obtained by these two isotopic methods was observed for the natural fractionation of the N isotopes in the course of the N fixation in the range of −0.5 to −0.7‰. The determination of the nitrogenase activity of the roots by the acetylene method confirmed the absence of N fixation in T. polyphyllum and its different contribution to the N nutrition of different species of leguminous plants.
Eurasian Soil Science | 2016
Mikhail Semenov; N. A. Manucharova; A. L. Stepanov
The distribution of metabolically active cells of archaea and bacteria in the profiles of typical chernozems (Voronezh oblast) and brown semidesert soils (Astrakhan oblast) of natural and agricultural ecosystems was studied using the method of fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH). The studied soils differed sharply in the microbial biomass and in the numbers of metabolically active cells of archaea and bacteria. The number of active bacterial cells was 3.5–7.0 times greater than that of archaea. In the arable chernozem, the numbers of active cells of archaea and bacteria were 2.6 and 1.5 times, respectively, lower than those in the chernozem under the shelterbelt. The agricultural use of the brown semidesert soil had little effect on the abundances of bacteria and archaea. The soil organic carbon content was the major factor controlling the numbers of metabolically active cells of both domains. However, the dependence of the abundance of bacteria on the organic matter content was more pronounced. The decrease in the organic carbon and total nitrogen contents down the soil profiles was accompanied by the decrease in the bacteria: archaea ratio attesting to a better adaptation of archaea to the permanent deficiency of carbon and nitrogen. The bacteria: archaea ratio can serve as an ecotrophic indicator of the state of soil microbial communities.