
international free electron laser conference | 2002

Measurements of nonlinear harmonic generation at the Advanced Photon Source's SASE FEL

S. G. Biedron; Roger J. Dejus; Zhirong Huang; S.V. Milton; V. Sajaev; W. Berg; M. Borland; P. Den Hartog; M. Erdmann; William M. Fawley; H.P. Freund; E. Gluskin; Kwang-Je Kim; John W. Lewellen; Y. Li; A. H. Lumpkin; E. R. Moog; A. Nassiri; G. Wiemerslage; B. X. Yang

SASE saturation was recently achieved at the Advanced Photon Sources SASE FEL in the low-energy undulator test line (LEUTL) at 530 nm and 385 nm. The electron beam microbunching becomes more and more prominent until saturation is achieved. This bunching causes nonlinear harmonic emission that extends the usefulness of a SASE system in achieving shorter FEL wavelengths for the same electron beam energy. They have investigated the intensity of the fundamental and second-harmonic undulator radiation as a function of distance along the undulator line and present the experimental results and compare them to numerical simulations. In addition, they have measured the single-shot second harmonic spectra as well as the simultaneous fundamental and second harmonic spectra and present the experimental results.

Optoelectronics '99 - Integrated Optoelectronic Devices | 1999

FEL development at the Advanced Photon Source

S.V. Milton; N. Arnold; C. Benson; S. Berg; W. Berg; S. G. Biedron; Y.-C. Chae; E. Crosbie; G. Decker; B. Deriy; Roger J. Dejus; Pat D. Hartog; R. Dortwegt; M. Erdmann; Zhirong Huang; H. Friedsam; H.P. Freund; J. Galayda; E. Gluskin; G. A. Goeppner; A. Grelick; J. Jones; Y.W. Kang; Kwang J. Kim; Suk Kim; Kim Kinoshita; B. Lill; John W. Lewellen; Alex H. Lumpkin; G. M. Markovich

Construction of a single-pass free-electron laser (FEL) based on the self-amplified spontaneous emission (SASE) mode of operation is nearing completion at the Advanced Photon Source (APS) with initial experiments imminent. The APS SASE FEL is a proof-of-principle fourth-generation light source. As of January 1999 the undulator hall, end-station building, necessary transfer lines, electron and optical diagnostics, injectors, and initial undulators have been constructed and, with the exception of the undulators, installed. All preliminary code development and simulations have also been completed. The undulator hall is now ready to accept first beam for characterization of the output radiation. It is the project goal to push towards full FEL saturation, initially in the visible, but ultimately to UV and VUV, wavelengths.

ieee particle accelerator conference | 2007

Planned use of pulsed crab cavities for short X-ray pulsed generation at the Advanced Photon Source

M. Borland; John Carwardine; Y.-C. Chae; L. Emery; P. Den Hartog; K. Harkay; A. H. Lumpkin; A. Nassiri; V. Sajaev; N. S. Sereno; G. Waldschmidt; B. X. Yang; V. Dolgashev

Recently, we have explored application to the Advanced Photon Source (APS) of Zholents[1] crab cavity scheme for production of short x-ray pulses. We assumed use of superconducting (SC) cavities in order to have a continuous stream of crabbed bunches and flexibility of operating modes. The challenges of the SC approach are related to the size, cost, and development time of the cavities and associated systems. A good case can be made [2] for a pulsed system using room-temperature cavities. APS has elected to pursue such a system in the near term, with the SC-based system planned for a later date. This paper describes the motivation for the pulsed system and gives an overview of the planned implementation and issues. Among these are overall configuration options and constraints, cavity design options, frequency choice, cavity design challenges, tolerances, instabilities, and diagnostics plans.

ieee particle accelerator conference | 1997

LIGA fabrication of mm-wave accelerating cavity structures at the Advanced Photon Source (APS)

J.J. Song; S.S. Bajikar; Y.W. Kang; Robert L. Kustom; Derrick C. Mancini; A. Nassiri; B. Lai; Alan Feinerman; V. White

Recent microfabrication technologies based on the LIGA (German acronym for Lithographe, Galvanoformung, und Abformung) process have been applied to build high-aspect-ratio, metallic or dielectric planar structures suitable for high-frequency rf cavity structures. The cavity structures would be used as parts of linear accelerators, microwave undulators, and mm-wave amplifiers. The microfabrication process includes manufacture of precision X-ray masks, exposure of positive resist by X-rays through the mask, resist development, and electroforming of the final microstructure. Prototypes of a 32-cell, 108-GHz constant-impedance cavity and a 66-cell, 94-GHz constant-gradient cavity were fabricated with the synchrotron radiation sources at APS and NSLS. This paper presents an overview of the new technology and details of the mm-wave cavity fabrication.

Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A-accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment | 2002

Present status and recent results from the APS SASE FEL

John W. Lewellen; S.V. Milton; E. Gluskin; N. Arnold; C. Benson; W. Berg; S. G. Biedron; M. Borland; Y.-C. Chae; Roger J. Dejus; P. Den Hartog; B.N. Deriy; M. Erdmann; Yi Eidelman; M. W. Hahne; Zhirong Huang; Kwang-Je Kim; Yuelin Li; A. H. Lumpkin; O. Makarov; E. R. Moog; A. Nassiri; V. Sajaev; R. Soliday; Brian Tieman; E. Trakhtenberg; I. Vasserman; N.A. Vinokurov; G. Wiemerslage; B. X. Yang

The Low-Energy Undulator Test Line (LEUTL) at the Advanced Photon Source, Argonne National Laboratory, is intended to demonstrate the basic operation of a SASE-based free-electron laser. Goals include comparison of experimental results With theoretical predictions and scaling laws, identification of problems relevant to fourth-generation light source construction and operation and the means of addressing them, the development of operational and diagnostic techniques to optimize SASE FEL performance and increase repeatability from run to run. and performance of initial pioneering experiments capable of exploiting the unique properties of the laser. The basic layout and operational philosophy of the LEUTL experiment is presented. A summary of past results, including saturation, is reviewed, and a description of recent results is presented. We conclude with future plans, which include pressing to shorter wavelengths and incorporating user experiments into the LEUTL experimental program. (Less)

ieee particle accelerator conference | 1997

High peak power test of S-band waveguide switches

A. Nassiri; A. Grelick; Robert L. Kustom; M. White

The injector and source of particles for the Advanced Photon Source (APS) is a 2856-MHz S-band electron-positron linear accelerator (linac) which produces electrons with energies up to 650 MeV or positrons with energies up to 450 MeV. To improve the linac RF system availability, an additional modulator-klystron subsystem is being constructed to provide a switchable hot spare unit for each of the five existing S-band transmitters. The switching of the transmitters will require the use of SF6-pressurized waveguide switches at a peak operating power of 35 MW. A test stand was set up at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC) Klystron-Microwave laboratory to conduct tests characterizing the power handling capability of these waveguide switches. Test results are presented.

PACS2001. Proceedings of the 2001 Particle Accelerator Conference (Cat. No.01CH37268) | 2001

The Advanced Photon Source injector test stand

John W. Lewellen; K. Beczek; W. Berg; G. Goeppner; A. Grelick; J.F. Maclean; A. Nassiri

The Advanced Photon Sources (APSs) primary and backup injector sources consist of two thermionic-cathode rf guns. These are being upgraded to provide enhanced and more consistent performance, improve ease of maintenance, and reduce the downtime required to repair or replace a failed injector. As part of the upgrade process an injector test stand is being prepared. The stand will be effectively independent of the APS linac and will allow for complete characterization and validation of an injector before its installation. Multiple high-power rf ports, several types of cathode drive lasers, and a flexible suite of magnets and diagnostics will support testing and characterization of new beam sources as well as the APS injector guns. The ready accessibility of the test stand and independence from the main APS linac will also allow beam-based testing and validation of new or replacement diagnostics before their installation into the APS linac line.

PACS2001. Proceedings of the 2001 Particle Accelerator Conference (Cat. No.01CH37268) | 2001

The high-power s-band feed subsystem for the Advanced Photon Source injector test stand

A. Grelick; S. Berg; G. Goeppner; John W. Lewellen; S.V. Milton; A. Nassiri; G. Pile; T.L. Smith

The RF subsystem for the Advanced Photon Source injector test stand is a totally passive system. The waveguide variable power dividers and phase shifters, which are pressurized with SF/sub 6/, are used to provide three high-power ports that are independently adjustable in phase and amplitude while maintaining negligible differential phase jitter. Either three independent devices or a device requiring three inputs can be tested at any one time.

ieee particle accelerator conference | 2007

Configuration, optics, and performance of a 7-GEV Energy Recovery Linac upgrade for the advanced photon source

M. Borland; G. Decker; A. Nassiri; M. White

The Advanced Photon Source (APS) is a 7-GeV storage ring light source that has been in operation for over a decade. In order to make revolutionary improvements in the performance of the existing APS ring, we are exploring the addition of a 7-GeV energy recovery linac (ERL) [1] to the APS complex. In this paper, we show the possible configuration of such a system, taking into account details of the APS site and the requirement that stored beam capability be preserved. We exhibit a possible configuration for the single-pass, 7-GeV linac. We discuss optical solutions for transport from 10 MeV to 7 GeV and back, including a large turn-around are that would support 48 additional user beamlines. Tracking results are shown that include incoherent and coherent synchrotron radiation, resulting in predictions of the beamline performance. We also demonstrate the desirability of operation at high beam energy.

PACS2001. Proceedings of the 2001 Particle Accelerator Conference (Cat. No.01CH37268) | 2001

A rationalized approach to thermionic rf gun design

Kevin J. Beczek; John W. Lewellen; A. Nassiri; Eiji Tanabe

The Advanced Photon Source (APS), in conjunction with Advanced Electronics Technologies Associates (AET), is developing newly designed thermionic-cathode rf guns to replace our aging (circa 1992) guns. Each of the three third-generation injectors will meet or exceed the present high-performance electron beam of its second-generation predecessor. Moreover, the new injector design addresses the historical difficulties of maintenance, reliability, and sparse documentation associated with the previous injectors. Engineering design improvements and required performance of the guns will be presented following a brief examination of the APS second-generation guns for comparison.

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