
Astronomy and Astrophysics | 2006

What is the spatial distribution of magnetic helicity injected in a solar active region

Etienne Pariat; A. Nindos; P. Démoulin; Mitchell A. Berger

Context. Magnetic helicity is suspected to play a key role in solar phenomena such as flares and coronal mass ejections. Several investigations have recently computed the photospheric flux of magnetic helicity in active regions. The derived spatial maps of the helicity flux density, called GA, have an intrinsic mixed-sign patchy distribution. Aims. Pariat et al. (2005) recently showed thatGA is only a proxy of the helicity flux density, which tends to create spurious polarities. They proposed a better proxy, Gθ. We investigate here the implications of this new approach on observed active regions. Methods. The magnetic data are from MDI/SoHO instrument and the photospheric velocities are computed by local correlation tracking. Maps and temporal evolution of GA and Gθ are compared using the same data set for 5 active regions. Results. Unlike the usual GA maps, most of our Gθ maps show almost unipolar spatial structures because the nondominant helicity flux densities are significantly suppressed. In a few cases, the Gθ maps still contain spurious bipolar signals. With further modelling we infer that the real helicity flux density is again unipolar. On time-scales larger than their transient temporal variations, the time evolution of the total helicity fluxes derived from GA and Gθ show small differences. However, unlike GA, with Gθ the time evolution of the total flux is determined primarily by the predominant-signed flux while the nondominant-signed flux is roughly stable and probably mostly due to noise. Conclusions. Our results strongly support the conclusion that the spatial distribution of helicity injected into active regions is much more coherent than previously thought: on the active region scale the sign of the injected helicity is predominantly uniform. These results have implications for the generation of the magnetic field (dynamo) and for the physics of both flares and coronal mass ejections.

Astronomy and Astrophysics | 2011

On the relationship of shock waves to flares and coronal mass ejections

A. Nindos; C. E. Alissandrakis; A. Hillaris; P. Preka-Papadema

Context: Metric type II bursts are the most direct diagnostic of shock waves in the solar corona. Aims: There are two main competing views about the origin of coronal shocks: that they originate in either blast waves ignited by the pressure pulse of a flare or piston-driven shocks due to coronal mass ejections (CMEs). We studied three well-observed type II bursts in an attempt to place tighter constraints on their origins. Methods: The type II bursts were observed by the ARTEMIS radio spectrograph and imaged by the Nan\c{c}ay Radioheliograph (NRH) at least at two frequencies. To take advantage of projection effects, we selected events that occurred away from disk center. Results: In all events, both flares and CMEs were observed. In the first event, the speed of the shock was about 4200 km/s, while the speed of the CME was about 850 km/s. This discrepancy ruled out the CME as the primary shock driver. The CME may have played a role in the ignition of another shock that occurred just after the high speed one. A CME driver was excluded from the second event as well because the CMEs that appeared in the coronagraph data were not synchronized with the type II burst. In the third event, the kinematics of the CME which was determined by combining EUV and white light data was broadly consistent with the kinematics of the type II burst, and, therefore, the shock was probably CME-driven. Conclusions: Our study demonstrates the diversity of conditions that may lead to the generation of coronal shocks.

Space Science Reviews | 2016

Solar Science with the Atacama Large Millimeter/Submillimeter Array—A New View of Our Sun

Sven Wedemeyer; Tim Bastian; R. Brajša; Hugh S. Hudson; Gregory D. Fleishman; M. Loukitcheva; Bernhard Fleck; Eduard P. Kontar; B. De Pontieu; P. Yagoubov; Sanjiv K. Tiwari; Roberto Soler; J. H. Black; P. Antolin; E. Scullion; S. Gunar; Nicolas Labrosse; H.-G. Ludwig; Arnold O. Benz; Stephen M. White; Peter H. Hauschildt; J. G. Doyle; V. M. Nakariakov; T. Ayres; Petr Heinzel; M. Karlicky; T. Van Doorsselaere; Dale E. Gary; C. E. Alissandrakis; A. Nindos

The Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) is a new powerful tool for observing the Sun at high spatial, temporal, and spectral resolution. These capabilities can address a broad range of fundamental scientific questions in solar physics. The radiation observed by ALMA originates mostly from the chromosphere—a complex and dynamic region between the photosphere and corona, which plays a crucial role in the transport of energy and matter and, ultimately, the heating of the outer layers of the solar atmosphere. Based on first solar test observations, strategies for regular solar campaigns are currently being developed. State-of-the-art numerical simulations of the solar atmosphere and modeling of instrumental effects can help constrain and optimize future observing modes for ALMA. Here we present a short technical description of ALMA and an overview of past efforts and future possibilities for solar observations at submillimeter and millimeter wavelengths. In addition, selected numerical simulations and observations at other wavelengths demonstrate ALMA’s scientific potential for studying the Sun for a large range of science cases.

Astronomy and Astrophysics | 2004

The configuration of simple short-duration solar microwave bursts

M. R. Kundu; A. Nindos; Victor V. Grechnev

Using data from the Nobeyama Radioheliograph (NoRH) we study the source configuration of four simple short-duration 17 and 34 GHz bursts which have also been observed partially by the Yohkoh Soft X-ray Telescope (SXT). Two events are consistent with a single flaring loop configuration. In one of them the flaring loop is resolved in the SXT im- ages. We derive a self-consistent model for this event by comparing the radio observations with gyrosynchrotron model loop calculations. Our best-fit model is able to reproduce both the observed flaring loop shape as well as the fluxes and structures of the radio emission at the peak of the event. The flaring loop is relatively small having a footpoint separation of 16 �� and maximum height of 7.7 �� . The variation of the magnetic field along the loop is small (800 G at the footpoints and 665 G at loop top) and the loop is filled with electrons with energies up to 10 MeV. The other two bursts show two radio sources; one source being cospatial with a compact bright soft X-ray loop associated with a patch of parasitic magnetic polarity whose photospheric magnetic flux increases before the flares while the other source is not prominent at any other wavelength range. The two sources are connected with diffuse loop-like soft X-ray emission. We infer that these bursts originate from the interaction of two sets of loops with different sizes. Therefore the simple short duration microwave bursts we studied do not always appear in the same configuration. Contrary to previous results not all of them appear as single-loop events. It is possible that some events are caused by two interacting loops.

Astronomy and Astrophysics | 2014

Release timescales of solar energetic particles in the low corona

Neus Agueda; Karl-Ludwig Klein; N. Vilmer; R. Rodríguez-Gasén; A. Papaioannou; M. Subirà; Blai Sanahuja; E. Valtonen; W. Dröge; A. Nindos; Bernd Heber; S. Braune; Ilya G. Usoskin; D. Heynderickx; E. Talew; R. Vainio

Aims. We present a systematic study of the timing and duration of the release processes of near-relativistic (NR; >50 keV) electrons in the low corona. Methods. We analyze seven well-observed events using in situ measurements by both the ACE and Wind spacecraft and context electromagnetic observations in soft X-rays, radio, hard X-rays and white light. We make use of velocity dispersion analysis to estimate the release time of the first arriving electrons and compare with the results obtained by using a simulation-based approach, taking interplanetary transport effects into account to unfold the NR electron release time history from in situ measurements. Results. The NR electrons observed in interplanetary space appear to be released during either short ( 2h ) periods. The observation of NR electron events showing beamed pitch-angle distributions (PADs) during several hours is the clearest observational signature of sustained release in the corona. On the other hand, the in situ observation of PADs isotropizing in less than a couple of hours is a clear signature of a prompt release of electrons in the low corona. Short release episodes appear to originate in solar flares, in coincidence with the timing of the observed type III radio bursts. Magnetic connectivity plays an important role. Only type III radio bursts reaching the local plasma line measured at 1 AU are found to be related with an associated release episode in the low corona. Other type III bursts may also have a release of NR electrons associated with them, but these electrons do not reach L1. Long release episodes appear associated with signatures of long acceleration processes in the low corona (long decay of the soft X-ray emission, type IV radio bursts, and time-extended microwave emission). Type II radio bursts are reported for most of the events and do not provide a clear discrimination between short and long release timescales.

Archive | 2007

Pulsating Solar Radio Emission

A. Nindos; Henry Aurass

A status report of current research on pulsating radio emission is given, based on working group discussions at the CESRA 2004 workshop. Quasi-periodic pulsations have been observed at all wavelength ranges of the radio band. Usually, they are associated with flare events; however since the late 90s, pulsations of the slowly-varying component of the Sun’s radio emission have also been observed. Radio pulsations show a large variety in their periods, bandwidths, amplitudes, temporal and spatial signatures. Most of them have been attributed to MHD oscillations∈dex waves!MHD waves in coronal loops, while alternative interpretations consider intrinsic oscillations of a nonlinear regime of kinetic plasma instabilities or modulation of the electron acceleration. Combined radio spectroscopic observations with radio imaging and X-ray/EUV data have revived interest in the subject. We summarize recent progress in using radio pulsations as a powerful tool for coronal plasma and magnetic field diagnostics. Also the latest developments on the study of the physical processes leading to radio emission modulation are summarized.

Astronomy and Astrophysics | 2014

SEPServer catalogues of solar energetic particle events at 1 AU based on STEREO recordings: 2007–2012

A. Papaioannou; Nina Dresing; Bernd Heber; Karl-Ludwig Klein; R. Vainio; R. Rodríguez-Gasén; Andreas Klassen; A. Nindos; D. Heynderickx; R. A. Mewaldt; Raul Gomez-Herrero; N. Vilmer; A. Kouloumvakos; Kostas Tziotziou; Georgia Tsiropoula

The Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory (STEREO) recordings provide an unprecedented opportunity to study the evolution of solar energetic particle (SEP) events from different observation points in the heliosphere, allowing one to identify the effects of the properties of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) and solar wind structures on the interplanetary transport and acceleration of SEPs. Two catalogues based on STEREO recordings, have been compiled as a part of the SEPServer project, a three-year collaborative effort of eleven European partners funded under the Seventh Framework Programme of the European Union (FP7/SPACE). In particular, two instruments on board STEREO have been used to identify all SEP events observed within the descending phase of solar cycle 23 and the rising phase of solar cycle 24 from 2007 to 2012, namely: the Low Energy Telescope (LET) and the Solar Electron Proton Telescope (SEPT). A scan of STEREO/LET protons within the energy range 6–10 MeV has been performed for each of the two STEREO spacecraft. We have tracked all enhancements that have been observed above the background level of this particular channel and cross-checked with available lists of interplanetary coronal mass ejections (ICMEs), stream interaction regions (SIRs), and shocks, as well as with the reported events in literature. Furthermore, parallel scanning of the STEREO near relativistic electrons has been performed in order to pinpoint the presence (or absence) of an electron event in the energy range of 55–85 keV, for all of the aforementioned proton events included in our lists. We provide the onset and peak time as well as the peak value of all events for both protons and electrons, the relevant solar associations in terms of electromagnetic emissions, soft and hard X-rays (SXRs and HXRs). Finally, a subset of events with clear recordings at both STEREO spacecraft is presented together with the parent solar events of these multispacecraft SEP events.

Astronomy and Astrophysics | 2015

Properties of solar energetic particle events inferred from their associated radio emission

A. Kouloumvakos; A. Nindos; E. Valtonen; C. E. Alissandrakis; O. Malandraki; P. Tsitsipis; A. Kontogeorgos; X. Moussas; A. Hillaris

We study selected properties of Solar Energetic Particle (SEP) events as inferred from their associated radio emissions. We used a catalogue of 115 SEP events that consists of entries of proton intensity enhancements at one AU, with complete coverage over solar cycle 23, based on high-energy (~68 MeV) protons from SOHO/ERNE and we calculated the proton release time at the Sun using velocity dispersion analysis (VDA). After an initial rejection of cases with unrealistic VDA path lengths, we assembled composite radio spectra for the remaining events using data from ground-based and space-borne radio-spectrographs. For every event we registered the associated radio emissions and we divided the events in groups according to their associated radio emissions. The proton release was found to be most often accompanied by both type III and II radio bursts, but a good association percentage was also registered in cases accompanied by type IIIs only. The worst association was found for the cases with type II only association. These radio association percentages support the idea that both flare- and shock-resident particle release processes are observed in high-energy proton events. In cases of type III-associated events we extended our study to the timings between the type III radio emission, the proton release, and the electron release as inferred from VDA based on Wind/3DP 20-646 keV data. Typically, the protons are released after the start of the associated type III bursts and simultaneously or before the release of energetic electrons. For the cases with type II radio association we found that the distribution of the proton release heights had a maximum at ~2.5 Rs. Most (69%) of the flares associated to our SEP events were located at the western hemisphere, with a peak within the well-connected region of 50-60 deg western longitude.

Advances in Space Research | 2015

SSALMON: The Solar Simulations for the Atacama Large Millimeter Observatory Network

Sven Wedemeyer; Tim Bastian; R. Brajša; M. Bárta; Hugh S. Hudson; Gregory D. Fleishman; M. Loukitcheva; Brian A. Fleck; Eduard P. Kontar; B. De Pontieu; Sanjiv K. Tiwari; Y. Kato; R. Soler; P. Yagoubov; J. H. Black; Patrick Antolin; S. Gunar; Nicolas Labrosse; Arnold O. Benz; A. Nindos; M. Steffen; E. Scullion; J. G. Doyle; T. V. Zaqarashvili; Arnold Hanslmeier; V. M. Nakariakov; Petr Heinzel; T. Ayres; M. Karlicky

The Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) will be a valuable tool for observing the chromosphere of our Sun at (sub-)millimeter wavelengths at high spatial, temporal and spectral resolution and as such has great potential to address long-standing scientific questions in solar physics. In order to make the best use of this scientific opportunity, the Solar Simulations for the Atacama Large Millimeter Observatory Network has been initiated. A key goal of this international collaboration is to support the preparation and interpretation of future observations of the Sun with ALMA.

Astronomy and Astrophysics | 2017

Center-to-limb observations of the Sun with ALMA : Implications for solar atmospheric models

C. E. Alissandrakis; Spiros Patsourakos; A. Nindos; T. S. Bastian

We measured the center-to-limb variation of the brightness temperature,

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