A. Perlin
Oregon State University
Journal of Physical Oceanography | 2007
James N. Moum; Jody M. Klymak; Jonathan D. Nash; A. Perlin; W. D. Smyth
Wintertime stratification on Oregon’s continental shelf often produces a near-bottom layer of densefluid that acts as an internal waveguide on which nonlinear internal waves propagate. Shipboard profiling and bottom lander observations capture disturbances that exhibit properties of internal solitary waves, bores and gravity currents. Wave-like pulses are highly turbulent (instantaneous bed stresses are 1 N m 2 ), resuspending bottom sediments into the water column and raising them 30 + m above the seafloor. The waves’ cross-shelf transport of fluid counters the time-averaged Ekman transport in the bottom boundary layer. In the nonlinear internal waves we have observed, the kinetic energy is roughly equal to the available potential energy and is O(0.1) MJ per m of coastline. The energy transported by these waves includes a nonlinear advection term huEi that is negligible in linear internal waves. Unlike linear internal waves, the pressure-velocity energy flux hupi includes important contributions from nonhydrostatic effects and surface displacement. It is found that, statistically, huEi ’ 2hupi. Vertical profiles indicate that up(z) is more important in transporting energy near the seafloor while uE(z) dominates farther from the bottom. With the wave speed, c, estimated from weakly nonlinear wave theory it is verified experimentally that the total energy transported by the waves, hupi + huEi ’ chEi. The high but intermittent energyflux by the waves is, in an averaged sense, O(100) W per m of coastline. This is similar to independent estimates of the shoreward energy flux in the semidiurnal internal tide at the shelfbreak.
Journal of Geophysical Research | 2005
A. Perlin; James N. Moum; Jody M. Klymak; Murray D. Levine; Timothy J. Boyd; P. M. Kosro
[1] Near the bottom, the velocity profile in the bottom boundary layer over the continental shelf exhibits a characteristic law-of-the-wall that is consistent with local estimates of friction velocity from near-bottom turbulence measurements. Farther from the bottom, the velocity profile exhibits a deviation from the law-of-the-wall. Here the velocity gradient continues to decrease with height but at a rate greater than that predicted by the law-of-thewall with the local friction velocity. We argue that the shape of the velocity profile is made consistent with the local friction velocity by the introduction of a new length scale that, near the boundary, asymptotes to a value that varies linearly from the bottom. Farther from the boundary, this length scale is consistent with the suppression of velocity fluctuations either by stratification in the upper part of the boundary layer or by proximity to the free surface. The resultant modified law-of-the-wall provides a good representation of velocity profiles observed over the continental shelf when a local estimate of the friction velocity from coincident turbulence observations is used. The modified law-ofthe-wall is then tested on two very different sets of observations, from a shallow tidal channel and from the bottom of the Mediterranean outflow plume. In both cases it is argued that the observed velocity profile is consistent with the modified law-of-the-wall. Implicit in the modified law-of-the-wall is a new scaling for turbulent kinetic energy dissipation rate. This new scaling diverges from the law-of-the-wall prediction above 0.2D (where D is the thickness of the bottom boundary layer) and agrees with observed profiles to 0.6D.
Journal of Physical Oceanography | 2004
Kathleen Edwards; Parker MacCready; James N. Moum; Geno Pawlak; Jody M. Klymak; A. Perlin
Barotropic tidal currents flowing over rough topography may be slowed by two bottom boundary‐related processes: tangential stress of the bottom boundary layer, which is generally well represented by a quadratic drag law, and normal stress from bottom pressure, known as form drag. Form drag is rarely estimated from oceanic observations because it is difficult to measure the bottom pressure over a large spatial domain. The ‘‘external’’ and ‘‘internal’’ components of the form drag are associated, respectively, with sea surface and isopycnals deformations. This study presents model and observational estimates of the components of drag for Three Tree Point, a sloping ridge projecting 1 km into Puget Sound, Washington. Internal form drag was integrated from repeat microstructure sections and exceeded the net drag due to bottom friction by a factor of 10‐50 during maximum flood. In observations and numerical simulations, form drag was produced by a lee wave, as well as by horizontal flow separation in the model. The external form drag was not measured, but in numerical simulations was found to be comparable to the internal form drag. Form drag appears to be the primary mechanism for extracting energy from the barotropic tide. Turbulent buoyancy flux is strongest near the ridge in both observations and model results.
Journal of Physical Oceanography | 2004
James N. Moum; A. Perlin; Jody M. Klymak; Murray D. Levine; Timothy J. Boyd; P. M. Kosro
Closely spaced vertical profiles through the bottom boundary layer over a sloping continental shelf during relaxation from coastal upwelling reveal structure that is consistent with convectively driven mixing. Parcels of fluid were observed adjacent to the bottom that were warm (by several millikelvin) relative to fluid immediately above. On average, the vertical gradient of potential temperature in the superadiabatic (statically unstable) bottom layer was found to be 21.7 3 1024 Km 21, or 6.0 3 1025 kg m24 in potential density. Turbulent dissipation rates («) increased toward the bottom but were relatively constant over the dimensionless depth range 0.4‐1.0z/D (where D is the mixed layer height). The Rayleigh number Ra associated with buoyancy anomalies in the bottom mixed layer is estimated to be approximately 1011, much larger than the value of approximately 10 3 required to initiate convection in simple laboratory or numerical experiments. An evaluation of the data in which the bottom boundary layer was unstably stratified indicates that the greater the buoyancy anomaly is, the greater the turbulent dissipation rate in the neutral layer away from the bottom will be. The vertical structures of averaged profiles of potential density, potential temperature, and turbulent dissipation rate versus nondimensional depth are similar to their distinctive structure in the upper ocean during convection. Nearby moored observations indicate that periods of static instability near the bottom follow events of northward flow and local fluid warming by lateral advection. The rate of local fluid warming is consistent with several estimates of offshore buoyancy transport near the bottom. It is suggested that the concentration of offshore Ekman transport near the bottom of the Ekman layer when the flow atop the layer is northward can provide the differential transport of buoyant bottom fluid when the density in the bottom boundary layer decreases up the slope.
Nature | 2013
James N. Moum; A. Perlin; Jonathan D. Nash; Michael J. McPhaden
Sea surface temperature (SST) is a critical control on the atmosphere, and numerical models of atmosphere–ocean circulation emphasize its accurate prediction. Yet many models demonstrate large, systematic biases in simulated SST in the equatorial ‘cold tongues’ (expansive regions of net heat uptake from the atmosphere) of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, particularly with regard to a central but little-understood feature of tropical oceans: a strong seasonal cycle. The biases may be related to the inability of models to constrain turbulent mixing realistically, given that turbulent mixing, combined with seasonal variations in atmospheric heating, determines SST. In temperate oceans, the seasonal SST cycle is clearly related to varying solar heating; in the tropics, however, SSTs vary seasonally in the absence of similar variations in solar inputs. Turbulent mixing has long been a likely explanation, but firm, long-term observational evidence has been absent. Here we show the existence of a distinctive seasonal cycle of subsurface cooling via mixing in the equatorial Pacific cold tongue, using multi-year measurements of turbulence in the ocean. In boreal spring, SST rises by 2 kelvin when heating of the upper ocean by the atmosphere exceeds cooling by mixing from below. In boreal summer, SST decreases because cooling from below exceeds heating from above. When the effects of lateral advection are considered, the magnitude of summer cooling via mixing (4 kelvin per month) is equivalent to that required to counter the heating terms. These results provide quantitative assessment of how mixing varies on timescales longer than a few weeks, clearly showing its controlling influence on seasonal cooling of SST in a critical oceanic regime.
Journal of Geophysical Research | 2007
A. Perlin; James N. Moum; Jody M. Klymak; Murray D. Levine; Timothy J. Boyd; P. M. Kosro
[1] Detailed observations of the Ekman spiral in the stratified bottom boundary layer during a 3-month period in an upwelling season over the Oregon shelf suggest a systematic organization. Counter-clockwise veering in the bottom boundary layer is constrained to the weakly stratified layer below the pycnocline, and its height is nearly identical to the turbulent boundary layer height. Veering reaches 13+/� 4 degrees near the bottom and exhibits a very weak dependence on the speed and direction of the interior flow and the thickness of the veering layer. A simple Ekman balance model with turbulent viscosity consistent with the law-of-the-wall parameterization modified to account for stratification at the top of the mixed layer is used to demonstrate the importance of stratification on the Ekman veering. The model agrees reasonably well with observations in the lower 60–70% of the bottom mixed layer, above which it diverges from the data due to the unaccounted physics in the interior. Neglect of stratification in an otherwise identical model results in far worse agreement with the data yielding veering in the bottom Ekman layer which is much smaller than measured, but distributed over a much thicker layer.
Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology | 2012
A. Perlin; James N. Moum
AbstractAs a quantitative test of moored mixing measurements using χpods, a comparison experiment was conducted at 0°, 140°W in October–November 2008. The following three measurement elements were involved: (i) NOAA’s Tropical Atmosphere Ocean (TAO) mooring with five χpods, (ii) a similar mooring 9 km away with seven χpods, and (iii) Chameleon turbulence profiles at an intermediate location.Dissipation rates of temperature variance and turbulent kinetic energy are compared. In all but 3 of 17 direct comparisons 15-day mean values of χT agreed within 95% bootstrap confidence limits computed with the conservative assumption that individual 1-min χpod averages and individual Chameleon profiles are independent. However, significant mean differences occur on 2-day averages. Averaging in time reduces the range (95%) in the observed differences at two locations from a factor of 17 at 1-day averaging time to less than a factor of 2 at 15 days, presumably reflecting the natural variability in both the turbulence a...
Journal of Geophysical Research | 2007
G. S. Avicola; James N. Moum; A. Perlin; Murray D. Levine
to vertical aspect ratios of 10 2 to 10 3 (median value � 300). These patches are clearly defined by regions of low Richardson number and occur where and when the linear superposition of the three dominant shear constituents (near-inertial, M2, and thermal wind) interferes constructively. This is most pronounced at the base of the coastal jet, where the thermal wind shear is largest. While the effect of the turbulence stress divergence on the jet is small compared to geostrophy (� 1%), it is significant in the second-order force balance governing secondary circulation. The timescale associated with the decay of the thermal wind shear via turbulence stress is O(10) days. We confirm that the vertical salt flux due to mixing is comparable to the net Ekman transport of salt onto the shelf within the bottom boundary layer. Because numerical models of coastal circulation lack turbulence in midwater column, any vertical transport of scalars, including salt and heat, must be achieved inshore of the 40-m isobath. This is inconsistent with the observations presented in this study, in which significant vertical turbulent salt transport is found to exist across the entire shelf.
Coastal dynamics | 2001
E. Kit; A. Perlin
A method for determination of the apparent bed roughness using k-l turbulence closure model is developed. An approximate expression for apparent bed roughness calculations as function of wave and current parameters is derived. The domain of variable parameters is selected accordingly to the Israeli near-shore conditions. Flow patterns on the Tel-Aviv coast have been computed by employing the 3-D CAMERI flow model and by implementing apparent roughness maps, calculated by means of the approximate expression. Comparison of flow patterns computed with and without accounting for wave generated turbulence in the boundary layer shows that disregarding of the increase in bottom resistance in the 3-D model leads to essentially different results. Implementation of the apparent bed roughness maps to the 3-D model results in decrease of flow velocities and divergence of the velocity field around marine structures.
Global Biogeochemical Cycles | 2006
Burke Hales; Lee Karp-Boss; A. Perlin; Patricia A. Wheeler