A. Poggi
University of Turin
Veterinary and Comparative Oncology | 2015
V. Martini; A. Poggi; Fulvio Riondato; Maria Elena Gelain; Luca Aresu; S. Comazzi
Histopathology and immunohistochemistry are mandatory to solve the differential between canine low-grade lymphoma and reactive hyperplasia. However, clinicians and owners often show reluctance toward these invasive tests. However, molecular biology techniques are still not sensitive and specific enough to be regarded as a reliable tool for final diagnosis. In humans, flow cytometry (FC) allows a definitive diagnosis of T-cell lymphoma based on high prevalence of antigen aberrancies. We describe here the immunophenotype of 26 cases of suspect canine small-clear cell lymphoma, determined by multi-colour FC. All cases showed antigen aberrancies and therefore neoplasia was always confirmed. As a consequence, we argue that the combined use of cytology and FC allows solving the differential diagnosis between small clear cell lymphoma and non-neoplastic reactive conditions when histopathology is not available. Further studies are needed to establish if any aberrancy can be considered indicative of specific histotypes.
Veterinary and Comparative Oncology | 2016
V. Martini; L. Marconato; A. Poggi; Fulvio Riondato; Luca Aresu; Marzia Cozzi; S. Comazzi
Published studies, taken together, suggest the existence of a single canine lymphoma entity, with a small clear cell appearance by cytological evaluation, a histopathological T-zone pattern and an aberrant CD45-negative T-cell phenotype, mostly characterized by long-term survival. We describe clinical presentation and outcome in a retrospective case series of canine small clear cell/T-zone lymphoma. Despite the reported predisposition of Golden retriever, this breed was not represented in our case series. Most dogs presented with stage V disease, whereas only few had clinical signs or peripheral cytopenias. Blood was almost always more infiltrated than bone marrow. Median survival confirmed the favourable prognosis described in literature, but a few dogs died within a short time. Also, a subgroup of dogs developed second malignancies, eventually leading to death. We did not investigate possible prognostic factors because of the wide variety in treatments, and further studies are needed to identify high-risk animals.
Veterinary and Comparative Oncology | 2015
A. Poggi; B. Miniscalco; Emanuela Morello; S. Comazzi; Maria Elena Gelain; Luca Aresu; Fulvio Riondato
Ki67 is a nuclear antigen significantly correlated with degree of malignancy in human non-Hodgkin lymphomas. We wanted to assess the ability of flow cytometric evaluation of Ki67 index (Ki67I) in differentiating the grade of malignancy in canine lymphomas. Ki67I was determined on lymph node aspirates of 90 immunophenotyped lymphomas classified according to the updated Kiel classification: 80 high grade (HG, 62 B cell and 18 T cell) and 10 low grade (LG, 3 B cell and 7 T cell) lymphomas. HG lymphomas showed significantly higher Ki67I compared with LG lymphomas (P < 0.0001). A significant difference in HG lymphomas was detected between B- and T-immunophenotypes. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve highlighted a high accuracy of Ki67I in recognizing HG lymphomas [area under the curve (AUC) = 99.4] and a cut-off value of 12.2% was established (sensitivity = 96.3% and specificity = 100%). Thus, we suggest the combination of Ki67I flow cytometric determination and immunophenotype as a reliable tool to classify canine lymphomas.
Veterinary and Comparative Oncology | 2017
A. Poggi; B. Miniscalco; Emanuela Morello; Francesca Gattino; A. Delaude; L. Ferrero Poschetto; Luca Aresu; Maria Elena Gelain; V. Martini; S. Comazzi; Fulvio Riondato
Ki67 can discriminate between high- and low-grade canine lymphomas, but its prognostic role in specific subtypes of the neoplasm is unknown. We assessed the prognostic significance of Ki67% (percentage of Ki67-positive cells), evaluated by flow cytometry, in 40 dogs with high-grade B-cell lymphoma, treated with a modified Wisconsin-Madison protocol (UW-25). The following variables were investigated for association with lymphoma specific survival (LSS) and relapse free interval (RFI): Ki67%, breed, sex, age, stage, substage, complete remission (CR). By multivariate analysis, Ki67% (P = 0.009) and achievement of CR (P = 0.001) were independent prognostic factors for LSS. Dogs with intermediate Ki67% (20.1-40%) presented longer LSS and RFI (median = 866 and 428 days, respectively) than dogs with low (median = 42 days, P < 0.001; median = 159 days, P = 0.014) or high (median = 173 days, P = 0.038; median = 100 days, P = 0.126) values. Determination of Ki67 is a prognostic tool that improves the clinical usefulness of flow cytometric analysis in canine high-grade B-cell lymphoma.
Cytometry Part B-clinical Cytometry | 2016
Fulvio Riondato; B. Miniscalco; A. Poggi; Arianna Aricò; Luca Aresu; S. Comazzi; Martini
Lymph node (LN), peripheral blood (PB), and bone marrow (BM) samples are commonly analyzed by flow cytometry (FC) for the immunophenotyping and staging of canine lymphomas. A prognostic value for FC BM infiltration in dogs with large B‐cell lymphoma (LBCL) was demonstrated. Aim of this study was to define the analytical performances of this technique, and to establish a cutoff suitable to safely discriminate between infiltrated and noninfiltrated PB and BM samples.
Veterinary and Comparative Oncology | 2017
S. Comazzi; V. Martini; Fulvio Riondato; A. Poggi; D. Stefanello; L. Marconato; Francesca Albonico; Maria Elena Gelain
Richters syndrome (RS) is the development of an aggressive lymphoma in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL). In humans, RS occurs in 2-20% of CLL, which transform into diffuse large B-cell lymphoma but reports in dogs are scarce. This study retrospectively describes eight dogs with CLL progressing into RS. A database including 153 dogs with CLL (93T CD8+ and 55 B-CLL) was interrogated and RS was demonstrated in eight cases (representing 5.2% of total CLL): two with T-cell (2.2% of T CLL) and six with a B-cell immunophenotype (10.9% of B-CLL). When RS occurred, lymphocytes were decreased compared to CLL. Five dogs had anaemia and two dogs thrombocytopenia. Frequent clinical signs included lymph node swelling, coughing, vomiting, neurological signs and weight loss. Independently from the therapy, RS was associated with a short survival (median 41 days). RS should be considered as an unfavourable evolution in canine CLL.
Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology | 2017
V. Martini; M. Cozzi; Arianna Aricò; G. Dalla Rovere; A. Poggi; Francesca Albonico; Michele Mortarino; E. Ciusani; Luca Aresu; S. Comazzi
Canine T-zone lymphoma (TZL) is a peculiar lymphoma subtype characterized by an indolent clinical course and aberrant CD45-negative phenotype, commonly recognized by flow cytometry (FC). Recent studies have described clinical presentation and behavior, but to date the mechanisms behind the loss of CD45 protein expression have never been investigated. The aims of this study were: 1) to confirm the absence of CD45 in canine TZL via the concomitant use of FC and immunohistochemistry with two different sources of antibody; and 2) to investigate the amount of CD45 transcript and the presence of CD45 gene in the neoplastic cells of dogs affected by TZL. 57 lymph node aspirates were included in the present study: 40 (70.2%) TZLs, 7 (12.3%) high grade T-cell lymphomas and 10 (17.5%) reactive lymph nodes. Neoplastic cells and normal T-cells were isolated from TZL and reactive lymph nodes, respectively, via cell sorting. Immunohistochemistry was performed on 2 TZL, 2 reactive lymph nodes and 2 Peripheral T-cell Lymphomas. Total RNA and genomic DNA were extracted from lymph-nodes aspirates. Two different quantitative real-time PCR experiments were designed, to determine the amount of the CD45 transcript and of the corresponding gene fragment. All TZL cases were negative for CD45 at immunohistochemistry. CD45 transcript amount was significantly lower in TZL compared to controls (p<0.001). This difference was not significant (p=0.584) for CD45 DNA load, that was similar between TZL and controls. Moreover, CD45 transcript amount was inversely correlated with the percentage of neoplastic cells in each TZL sample (p=0.010). These results confirm that CD45 protein is lacking on cell surface irrespective of the technique and antibody source adopted. This phenotypic aberrancy is apparently due to the absence of gene transcription, as CD45 DNA was present, whereas CD45 transcript was virtually absent in the neoplastic cells. The data here reported support further studies investigating possible factors impairing CD45 gene transcription.
Research in Veterinary Science | 2017
Fulvio Riondato; V. Martini; A. Poggi; Ilaria Massaglia; S. Comazzi; Antonio Borrelli; B. Miniscalco
Stage V lymphoma is defined as the presence of neoplastic cells in peripheral blood (PB), bone marrow, or any other non-lymphoid tissue. Still, official guidelines do not specify which technique should be used to assess infiltration. We assessed the agreement among flow cytometry (FC), blood smear evaluation, and ADVIA120 (LUC and BASO) to quantify PB infiltration in 100 dogs with large B-cell lymphoma (LBCL). Significant errors were found for all methods compared to FC. A moderate agreement was present between FC and blood smear evaluation, whereas LUC and BASO had excellent specificity but unsatisfactory sensitivity in detecting FC infiltrated PB samples. The different techniques should not be used alternatively. We support the use of LUC/BASO as a speedy preliminary test to detect infiltrated samples, and the joined use of blood smear evaluation and FC to quantify definitively the infiltration. Our results are valid only within canine LBCL staging workup, once the diagnosis has been confirmed.
Journal of Comparative Pathology | 2018
B. Miniscalco; A. Poggi; V. Martini; Emanuela Morello; M. Sulce; M. Melega; Antonio Borrelli; A. Tarducci; Fulvio Riondato
Canine lymphoma is a multifaceted disease encompassing numerous entities with different prognosis. Objective assessment of the proliferation rate is of importance from the pathological and clinical perspectives. Different methods have been described in the literature to assess proliferation rate, including evaluation of Ki67 expression in fresh lymph node (LN) aspirates measured by flow cytometry (FC). This test has a high accuracy in discriminating between low- and high-grade lymphomas, and provides prognostic information among high-grade B-cell lymphomas. DNA content analysis is less expensive and suitable for well-preserved samples. We describe DNA-content analysis using LN aspirates from 112 dogs with lymphoma. S-phase fraction (SPF) accurately discriminated between low- and high-grade lymphomas, with 3.15% being the best discriminating cut-off value. SPF values strongly correlated with Ki67 expression as assessed by FC. Survival analyses were restricted to 33 dogs with high-grade B-cell lymphoma receiving standardized multi-agent chemotherapy, but no significant result was obtained for SPF. We also describe a subset of aneuploid cases and their respective follow-up. We conclude that DNA content analysis may be combined with morphological examination of LN aspirates to improve the objectivity in lymphoma subtype classification in dogs. Further studies are needed to assess the possible prognostic role of SPF and ploidy status within specific lymphoma subtypes in dogs.
Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology | 2016
Fulvio Riondato; V. Martini; A. Poggi; A. Rota; S. Comazzi; M. Sulce; B. Bruno; Antonio Borrelli; B. Miniscalco
Reliable detection of fluorescence intensity (FI) by flow cytometry (FC) is fundamental. FI depends on instrument settings and sample processing procedures: thus, measurements should be done using internal controls with known FI. Commercially available beads-based standards are expensive, thus reducing their usability in the veterinary practice. Cell subsets with stable mean FI (MFI) within the population have been proposed as acceptable surrogates in human medicine. In veterinary medicine, no data exist about stability of antigen expression among different subjects or upon sample storage. The aim of the present study was to evaluate MFI variability of main lymphocytes antigens among the lymphoid cells within each subject, among different subjects, and upon 24-h storage, in order to identify the antigen most suitable as stable internal control in MFI analyses. Peripheral blood samples from 18 healthy dogs were analysed by FC within 3h from sampling to assess the expression of CD3, CD5, CD4, CD8, CD21 and cyCD79b using conjugated monoclonal antibodies. Analyses were restricted to the lymphoid population. Fluorescent microbeads were added to each tube, and antigen MFI was calculated as Relative Fluorescence Intensity RFI (CD/beads). Fluorescence histogram CV (fhCV) for each CD was regarded as an index of the variability of expression among lymphocytes within each subject (cell-to-cell variability); whereas the CV of RFI was regarded as an index of inter-subjects variability (dog-to-dog variability). In 11 cases, FC analyses were repeated after 24h storage at 4°C and RFI and CVs of fresh and stored samples were compared to assess variability linked to storage. CD4 was identified as the best antigen to be used as an internal control for MFI analyses in canine peripheral blood samples because of low cell-to-cell and dog-to-dog variability, and optimal stability upon 24-h storage. Blood samples from a second group of 21 healthy dogs were labelled only with CD4, in order to assess the influence of breed, sex and age on the expression of CD4 in a larger case series. Based on univariate GLMs, none of these variables influenced CD4 RFI. Normalizing fluorescence data using lymphoid CD4 MFI as a reference would improve the comparison of results obtained by different laboratories, patients or times in diagnostic and research analyses of FI. Further studies are needed to confirm our results with different FC approaches.