
European Physical Journal C | 2016

Precision studies of observables in pp → W → lνl and pp → γ , Z → l+l− processes at the LHC.

Simone Alioli; A. B. Arbuzov; D. Y. Bardin; L. Barzè; C. Bernaciak; S.G. Bondarenko; C. M. Carloni Calame; M. Chiesa; Stefan Dittmaier; G. Ferrera; Daniel de Florian; Massimiliano Grazzini; S. Höche; Alexander Huss; S. Jadach; L. V. Kalinovskaya; A. Karlberg; Frank Krauss; Y. Li; H. Martinez; G. Montagna; Alexander Mück; Paolo Nason; O. Nicrosini; Frank Petriello; F. Piccinini; W. Placzek; S. Prestel; E. Re; A. Sapronov

This report was prepared in the context of the LPCC Electroweak Precision Measurements at the LHC WG ( and summarizes the activity of a subgroup dedicated to the systematic comparison of public Monte Carlo codes, which describe the Drell–Yan processes at hadron colliders, in particular at the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC). This work represents an important step towards the definition of an accurate simulation framework necessary for very high-precision measurements of electroweak (EW) observables such as the W boson mass and the weak mixing angle. All the codes considered in this report share at least next-to-leading-order (NLO) accuracy in the prediction of the total cross sections in an expansion either in the strong or in the EW coupling constant. The NLO fixed-order predictions have been scrutinized at the technical level, using exactly the same inputs, setup and perturbative accuracy, in order to quantify the level of agreement of different implementations of the same calculation. A dedicated comparison, again at the technical level, of three codes that reach next-to-next-to-leading-order (NNLO) accuracy in quantum chromodynamics (QCD) for the total cross section has also been performed. These fixed-order results are a well-defined reference that allows a classification of the impact of higher-order sets of radiative corrections. Several examples of higher-order effects due to the strong or the EW interaction are discussed in this common framework. Also the combination of QCD and EW corrections is discussed, together with the ambiguities that affect the final result, due to the choice of a specific combination recipe. All the codes considered in this report have been run by the respective authors, and the results presented here constitute a benchmark that should be always checked/reproduced before any high-precision analysis is conducted based on these codes. In order to simplify these benchmarking procedures, the codes used in this report, together with the relevant input files and running instructions, can be found in a repository at

Journal of Instrumentation | 2012

Investigation of the radiation hardness of GaAs sensors in an electron beam

K.G. Afanaciev; M. Bergholz; Petty Bernitt; G. A. Chelkov; J. Gajewski; M. I. Gostkin; C. Grah; R.L. Heller; H.M. Henschel; A. Ignatenko; Z. V. Krumshteyn; S. Kulis; W. Lange; W. Lohmann; D.Y. Mokeev; V. A. Novikov; M. Ohlerich; A. Rosca; A. Sapronov; R.S. Schmidt; S. Schuwalow; O. P. Tolbanov; A. V. Tyazhev

A compact and finely grained sandwich calorimeter is designed to instrument the very forward region of a detector at a future e+e- collider. The calorimeter will be exposed to low energy e+e - pairs originating from beamstrahlung, resulting in absorbed doses of about one MGy per year. GaAs pad sensors interleaved with tungsten absorber plates are considered as an option for this calorimeter. Several Cr-doped GaAs sensor prototypes were produced and irradiated with 8.5-10 MeV electrons up to a dose of 1.5 MGy. The sensor performance was measured as a function of the absorbed dose.

European Physical Journal C | 2018

Impact of low-x resummation on QCD analysis of HERA data

Hamed Abdolmaleki; Pavel Shvydkin; D. Britzger; S. Camarda; Oleksandr Zenaiev; A. Glazov; Agnieszka Luszczak; Amanda Cooper-Sarkar; A. Kusina; Francesco Giuli; Fred Olness; Katarzyna Wichmann; Valerio Bertone; A. Sapronov

Fits to the final combined HERA deep-inelastic scattering cross-section data within the conventional DGLAP framework of QCD have shown some tension at low x and low

Jetp Letters | 2016

Update of the MCSANC Monte Carlo integrator, v. 1.20

A. B. Arbuzov; D. Y. Bardin; S. Bondarenko; P. Christova; Lidia Kalinovskaya; U. Klein; V. Kolesnikov; Leonid Rumyantsev; R. Sadykov; A. Sapronov

Journal of Physics: Conference Series | 2016

Computer system SANC: its development and applications

A. B. Arbuzov; D. Y. Bardin; S. Bondarenko; P. Christova; L. V. Kalinovskaya; R. Sadykov; A. Sapronov; T Riemann


European Physical Journal C | 2017

Precision studies of observables in

Simone Alioli; M. Chiesa; A. Vicini; H. Martinez; C. Bernaciak; Serge Bondarenko; G. Montagna; Giulia Zanderighi; S. Hoeche; L. V. Kalinovskaya; W. Placzek; A. B. Arbuzov; Christian Schwinn; E. Re; A. Sapronov; Frank Petriello; Daniel de Florian; D.Yu. Bardin; Alexander Huss; Stefan Dittmaier; Z. Was; M. Schoenherr; G. Ferrera; Alfred Mueck; A. Karlberg; Stefan Prestel; Frank Krauss; S. Jadach; F. Piccinini; Massimiliano Grazzini

European Physical Journal C | 2017

p p ightarrow W ightarrow l u _l

Simone Alioli; A. B. Arbuzov; D.Yu. Bardin; L. Barzè; C. Bernaciak; Serge Bondarenko; C. M. Carloni Calame; M. Chiesa; Stefan Dittmaier; G. Ferrera; Daniel de Florian; Massimiliano Grazzini; Stefan Höche; Alexander Huss; S. Jadach; L. V. Kalinovskaya; A. Karlberg; Frank Krauss; Y. Li; H. Martinez; G. Montagna; Alexander Mück; Paolo Nason; O. Nicrosini; Frank Petriello; F. Piccinini; W. Placzek; Stefan Prestel; E. Re; A. Sapronov

Q2. A resolution of this tension incorporating

European Physical Journal C | 2017


Simone Alioli; A. B. Arbuzov; D.Yu. Bardin; L. Barzè; C. Bernaciak; Serge Bondarenko; C. M. Carloni Calame; M. Chiesa; Stefan Dittmaier; G. Ferrera; Daniel de Florian; Massimiliano Grazzini; Stefan Höche; Alexander Huss; S. Jadach; L. V. Kalinovskaya; A. Karlberg; Frank Krauss; Y. Li; H. Martinez; G. Montagna; Alexander Mück; Paolo Nason; O. Nicrosini; Frank Petriello; F. Piccinini; W. Placzek; Stefan Prestel; E. Re; A. Sapronov

European Physical Journal C | 2017

pp ightarrow \gamma ,Z ightarrow l^+ l^-

Simone Alioli; A. B. Arbuzov; D.Yu. Bardin; L. Barzè; C. Bernaciak; Serge Bondarenko; C. M. Carloni Calame; M. Chiesa; Stefan Dittmaier; G. Ferrera; Daniel de Florian; Massimiliano Grazzini; Stefan Höche; Alexander Huss; S. Jadach; L. V. Kalinovskaya; A. Karlberg; Frank Krauss; Y. Li; H. Martinez; G. Montagna; Alexander Mück; Paolo Nason; O. Nicrosini; Frank Petriello; F. Piccinini; W. Placzek; Stefan Prestel; E. Re; A. Sapronov

\ln (1/x)

European Physical Journal C | 2017

processes at the LHC

Simone Alioli; A. B. Arbuzov; D.Yu. Bardin; L. Barzè; C. Bernaciak; Serge Bondarenko; C. M. Carloni Calame; M. Chiesa; Stefan Dittmaier; G. Ferrera; Daniel de Florian; Massimiliano Grazzini; S. Höche; Alexander Huss; S. Jadach; L. V. Kalinovskaya; A. Karlberg; Frank Krauss; Y. Li; H. Martinez; G. Montagna; Alexander Mück; Paolo Nason; O. Nicrosini; Frank Petriello; F. Piccinini; W. Płaczek; Stefan Prestel; E. Re; A. Sapronov

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