A. Scott Bachmeier
Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society | 2005
Timothy J. Schmit; Mathew M. Gunshor; W. Paul Menzel; James J. Gurka; Jun Li; A. Scott Bachmeier
Abstract The Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI), designated to be one of the instruments on a future Geo-stationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES) series, will introduce a new era for U.S. geostationary environmental remote sensing. ABI is slated to be launched on GOES-R in 2012 and will be used for a wide range of weather, oceanographic, climate, and environmental applications. ABI will have more spectral bands (16), faster imaging (enabling more geographical areas to be scanned), and higher spatial resolution (2 km in the infrared and 1–0.5 km in the visible) than the current GOES Imager. The purposes of the selected spectral bands are summarized in this paper. There will also be improved performance with regard to radiometrics and image navigation/registration. ABI will improve all current GOES Imager products and introduce a host of new products. New capabilities will include detecting upper-level SO2 plumes, monitoring plant health on a diurnal time scale, inferring cloud-top phase and partic...
Journal of Geophysical Research | 1997
John T. Merrill; Reginald E. Newell; A. Scott Bachmeier
The large-scale meteorology of the western North Pacific region during the Global Tropospheric Experiment (GTE) Pacific Exploratory Mission-West Phase B (PEM-West B) study period, February 7 to March 15, 1994, is described. Mean streamline/isotach charts and both zonal and meridional cross sections are presented which contrast the wind conditions encountered during PEM-West B and the earlier Pacific Exploratory Mission-West Phase A (PEM-West A) expedition (September 17 to October 21, 1991). Further, vertical profiles of wind and thermodynamic variables are presented to show the differing air mass structures during the two periods, using operational rawinsonde data from stations at Guam, Hong Kong, Tateno (Japan), and Yan An (China). Finally, five case studies indicating the variety of chemical source signatures and transport patterns studied in the campaign are displayed and discussed.
Journal of Geophysical Research | 1996
A. Scott Bachmeier; Reginald E. Newell; Mark C. Shipham; Yong Zhu; D. R. Blake; Edward V. Browell
Phase A of the NASA Pacific Exploratory Mission in the western North Pacific (PEM- West A) region was conducted during September-October 1991. The background meteorology of eastern Asia and the western North Pacific region during the PEM-West A study is described. Mean large-scale flow patterns are discussed along with transient synoptic scale features (e.g., midlatitude cyclones, anticyclones, and frontal systems) responsible for long-range transport of trace species over the study region. Synoptic summaries are given for each of the 18 data flights, together with selected examples of meteorological processes that gave rise to some of the changes observed in the measured trace gases. Examples of large-scale ozone features observed above and below the DC-8 flight altitude by an onboard lidar system are also related to meteorological processes such as stratospheric-tropospheric exchange and upward transport of air from the boundary layer. The broad objectives of the National Aeronautics and Space Administrations (NASA) Pacific Exploratory Mission in the west- ern North Pacific (PEM-West) region are to study the chemical processes and long-range transport of trace gas species over the Pacific Ocean and to estimate the human impact on chemistry of the troposphere in this region. Specifically, the major objectives of PEM-West are to understand the factors influencing the budgets of ozone and sulfur. The overall experimental design of PEM-West encompassed two intensive airborne field studies positioned in time such that contrasting meteorological regimes in the western North Pacific could be sampled. The firat phase, PEM-West A, was conducted during September-October 1991, a period in which the lower tropospheric airflow was dominated by flow from the mid- Pacific regions. The phase B was conducted in March 1994, a period characterized by maximum outflow from the Asian continent.
Journal of Geophysical Research | 1996
Kenneth E. Pickering; Anne M. Thompson; Donna P. McNamara; Mark R. Schoeber; Henry E. Fuelberg; Robert O. Loring; Mark V. Watson; Khan Fakhruzzaman; A. Scott Bachmeier
We address the problem of air mass trajectory uncertainty through an intercomparison of trajectories computed from operational meteorological analyses from the region and time period of the NASA/GTE/TRACE A experiment. This paper examines the trajectory uncertainty that results from the input meteorological analyses. We first compare the National Meteorological Center (NMC) and European Centre for Medium-Range Forecasts (ECMWF) meteorological analyses to an independent set of observations, the dropsondes released from the NASA DC-8 over the South Atlantic during TRACE A. We also compare the gridded wind and temperature fields with selected rawinsonde data that entered the analyses. These comparisons show that the ECMWF fields are marginally better than the ones from NMC, particularly in the tropical regions of the southern hemisphere. The NMC analyses are marginally better in the midlatitude westerlies in some cases. In general, slightly more confidence can be placed in trajectories computed with ECMWF data over the TRACE A region, based on our comparisons of the analyses with observations. Second, we compute 5-day back trajectories with three different models from a grid of points over the South Atlantic and adjacent portions of South America and Africa as well as on the track of TRACE A flight 15 over the South Atlantic. When using the Goddard Space Flight Center isentropic model, horizontal separations of greater than 1000 km occur for about 50% of the points when trajectories run with the ECMWF and NMC analyses are compared. Greater sensitivity to the input analysis differences is noted when trajectories are computed with the FSU kinematic model (separations exceed 1000 km for 75% of the points). The problem of meteorological uncertainty should be addressed with two approaches. There are large differences between both sets of analyses and the TRACE A soundings; this is also likely to be the case in other remote regions. Therefore we recommend that a test set of trajectories be computed with both sets of input data to quantify the uncertainty due to analysis differences. In addition, clusters of trajectories about the points of interest should be run to assess the uncertainty due to wind shear. These recommendations are applicable to any region of the globe with sparse observations. The companion paper [Fuelberg et al., this issue, part 2] addresses uncertainties due to trajectory technique.
Weather and Forecasting | 2007
Jason Brunner; Steven A. Ackerman; A. Scott Bachmeier; Robert M. Rabin
Early enhanced-V studies used 8-km ground-sampled distance and 30-min temporal-sampling Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES) infrared (IR) imagery. In contrast, the groundsampled distance of current satellite imagery is 1 km for low earth orbit (LEO) satellite IR imagery. This improved spatial resolution is used to detect and investigate quantitative parameters of the enhanced-V feature. One of the goals of this study is to use the 1-km-resolution LEO data to help understand the impact of higher-resolution GOES data (GOES-R) when it becomes available. A second goal is to use the LEO data available now to provide better severe storm information than GOES when it is available. This study investigates the enhanced-V feature observed with 1-km-resolution satellite imagery as an aid for severe weather warning forecasters by comparing with McCann’s enhanced-V study. Therefore, verification statistics such as the probability of detection, false alarm ratio, and critical success index were calculated. Additionally, the importance of upper-level winds to severe weather occurrence will be compared with that of the quantitative parameters of the enhanced-V feature. The main goal is to provide a basis for the development of an automated detection algorithm for enhanced-V features from the results in this study. Another goal is to examine daytime versus nighttime satellite overpass distributions with the enhanced-V feature.
Journal of Geophysical Research | 1992
Mark C. Shipham; A. Scott Bachmeier; Donald R. Cahoon; Edward V. Browell
A meteorological overview of the Arctic Boundary Layer Expedition (ABLE 3A) flight series is presented. Synoptic analyses of mid-tropospheric circulation patterns are combined with isentropic back trajectory calculations to describe the long-range (400–3000 km) atmospheric transport mechanisms and pathways of air masses to the Arctic and sub-Arctic regions of North America during July and August 1988. Siberia and the northern Pacific Ocean were found to be the two most likely source areas for 3-day transport to the study areas in Alaska. Transport to the Barrow region was frequently influenced by polar vortices and associated short-wave troughs over the Arctic Ocean, while the Bethel area was most often affected by lows migrating across the Bering Sea and the Gulf of Alaska, as well as ridges of high pressure which built into interior Alaska. July 1988 was warmer and dryer than normal over much of Alaska. As a result, the 1988 Alaska fire season was one of the most active of the past decade. Airborne lidar measurements verified the presence of biomass burning plumes on many flights, often trapped in thin subsidence layer temperature inversions. Several cases of stratosphere/troposphere exchange were noted, based upon potential vorticity analyses and aircraft lidar data, especially in the Barrow region and during transit flights to and from Alaska.
Journal of Geophysical Research | 1994
A. Scott Bachmeier; Mark C. Shipham; Edward V. Browell; William B. Grant; John M. Klassa
The Arctic Boundary Layer Expedition (ABLE) 3B was conducted over the northern wetlands region of Canada during July and August 1990. Several Stratospheric/tropospheric exchange events were noted by zenith-looking airborne lidar and in situ measurements of ozone and other trace gas species. Isentropic trajectories and potential vorticity analyses are utilized to determine the frequency of stratospheric inputs which would have affected the tropospheric column over the Moosonee and Schefferville regions and to describe the favored pathways of transport of stratospheric air arriving at these locations. At the 310 K potential temperature level (middle troposphere), trajectories having “aged stratospheric” values of potential vorticity at some point in their 5-day history arrived at Moosonee or Schefferville roughly 40% of the time during the ABLE 3B study period, most often via large-scale subsidence enroute from “stratospheric input regions” over the Arctic Ocean or northern and central Canada. At 325 K (upper troposphere), “fresh” stratospheric input was evident on about 80% of the trajectories, most often associated with jet streaks within the polar and Arctic jet streams. A case study is presented which illustrates both of these general stratospheric input processes.
Journal of Geophysical Research | 1996
A. Scott Bachmeier; Henry E. Fuelberg
General meteorological conditions over the South Atlantic basin during the Transport and Atmospheric Chemistry Near the Equator-Atlantic (TRACE A) experiment period are described. TRACE A occurred during one of the longest continuous El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) events of the twentieth century. Effects of this ENSO event included warmer than normal temperatures concurrent with a severe drought in southern Africa and warm, dry conditions over northeastern Brazil. Large-scale flow patterns are described, and the TRACE A period is compared to climatological normals. Significant meteorological features affecting the TRACE A flights included a northward moving middle-latitude cold frontal system over Brazil, eastward moving middle-latitude frontal waves crossing the South Atlantic basin and southern Africa, and deep convection over central Africa. The Brazilian cold front helped induce organized convective systems which led to vertical transports of biomass burning related chemical species. A well-defined middle-latitude frontal wave was traversed during the transit flight from Rio de Janeiro to Johannesburg, along with the penetration of a tropopause fold of stratospheric air. Deep surface-based mixed layers and frequent diurnal convection over central Africa were responsible for vertical transports over that continent. Middle-latitude frontal waves that crossed the southern region of Africa slightly displaced the shear axes and col zones that often were present off the west coast of central Africa.
Journal of Geophysical Research | 1993
Mark C. Shipham; A. Scott Bachmeier; Bruce E. Anderson
Meteorological highlights from the third NASA Global Tropospheric Experiment Chemical Instrumentation Test and Evaluation (GTE/CITE 3) are presented. During August and September 1989, research flights were conducted from Wallops Island, Virginia, and Natal, Brazil, and included airborne sampling of air masses over adjacent regions of the Atlantic Ocean. Isentropic backward trajectory calculations, wind vector/streamline fields, rawinsonde data, and GOES and METEOSAT satellite imagery are utilized to examine the meteorological conditions for each flight and to determine the transport paths of the sampled air masses. Some aspects of the chemical signatures of the sampled air are also discussed. During the series of flights based at Wallops Island, Virginia, the flow into the experiment area was governed primarily by the position of the North Atlantic subtropical anticyclone. The large-scale tropospheric circulation switched from primarily a marine flow during flights 1–4, to a predominantly offshore mid-latitude continental flow during flights 5–10. During these later flights, the regional influences of large eastern U.S. cities along with vertical mixing by typical summertime convective activity strongly influenced the chemical characteristics of the sampled air. During the series of flights based at Natal, Brazil, the dominant synoptic feature was the South Atlantic subtropical anticyclone which generally transported air across the tropical Atlantic toward eastern Brazil. Pronounced subsidence and a well-defined trade wind inversion often characterized the lower and middle troposphere over the Natal region. Some high-altitude recirculation of air from South America was observed, as was cross-equatorial transport which had come from northern Africa. Biomass burning plumes were observed on segments of all of the flights, the source region being the central and southern savannah regions of Africa.
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society | 2015
Timothy J. Schmit; Steven J. Goodman; Mathew M. Gunshor; Justin Sieglaff; Andrew K. Heidinger; A. Scott Bachmeier; Scott Lindstrom; Amanda Terborg; Joleen Feltz; Kaba Bah; Scott D. Rudlosky; Daniel T. Lindsey; Robert M. Rabin; Christopher C. Schmidt
AbstractThe Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite-14 (GOES-14) imager was operated by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) in an experimental rapid scan 1-min mode during parts of the summers of 2012 and 2013. This scan mode, known as the super rapid scan operations for GOES-R (SRSOR), emulates the high-temporal-resolution sampling of the mesoscale region scanning of the Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) on the next-generation GOES-R series. This paper both introduces these unique datasets and highlights future satellite imager capabilities. Many phenomena were observed from GOES-14, including fog, clouds, severe storms, fires and smoke (including the California Rim Fire), and several tropical cyclones. In 2012 over 6 days of SRSOR data of Hurricane Sandy were acquired. In 2013, the first two days of SRSOR in June observed the propagation and evolution of a mid-Atlantic derecho. The data from August 2013 were unique in that the GOES imager operated in nearly continuous 1-min...