A. Tschuor
University of Zurich
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Featured researches published by A. Tschuor.
Veterinary Microbiology | 2011
Serafin Blumer; Gilbert Greub; Andreas Waldvogel; Michael Hässig; R. Thoma; A. Tschuor; Andreas Pospischil; Nicole Borel
The etiology remains unknown in many cases of bovine abortion in Switzerland. Bacteria of the Chlamydiales order are known abortive agents, therefore cases of bovine abortion from three representative regions of Switzerland were investigated in this study. Particularly Chlamydiaceae as well as the Chlamydia-like organisms Waddlia and Parachlamydia were of interest, especially because of their possible zoonotic potential. Placenta samples (n=343) were tested for these bacteria by different PCR-methods, immunohistochemistry and serology for Chlamydia abortus. Additionally an attempt for the isolation of Waddlia and Parachlamydia was made by co-cultivation in amoebae. In 67.3% of the 343 cases a necrotizing and/or purulent placentitis was found histologically. By real-time PCR, 0.9% (3/343) of the cases were positive for Waddlia, 13.4% (46/343) positive for Parachlamydia and 14.6% (50/343) positive or questionable positive for Chlamydiaceae. Of these samples, confirmation by immunohistochemistry was possible in 2/3 cases for Waddlia, 25/46 for Parachlamydia and 4/50 for Chlamydiaceae. Of the 50 cases positive or questionable positive for Chlamydiaceae, species-identification by ArrayTube Microarray or 16S rRNA PCR resulted in 41 cases positive for C. abortus whereas the presence of Chlamydia suis was confirmed in four and Chlamydia pecorum in one case. This study brought evidence for the importance of different members of Chlamydiales in different regions of Switzerland although Waddlia is not occurring in a high prevalence. On the other hand mixed infections with different Chlamydiales as well as with other abortigenic agents could be found.
European Journal of Wildlife Research | 2008
A. Tschuor; Marcus Clauss
The degree of stratification in the reticulorumen contents is considered a major explanatory factor for other morphological and physiological differences between ruminant feeding types. However, information on reticulorumen (RR) contents is usually gathered from dead animals or indirect such as passage kinetics. We hypothesized that, although the contents of the gastrointestinal tract can usually not be evaluated by ultrasonography, the three typical layers of stratified RR contents (gas dome, fibre mat, fluid) can be demonstrated by this technique. In three domestic cows, the gas dome in the cows’ rumens could be demonstrated sonographically by reverberation lines running in parallel to the line demarcating the rumen mucosa, as is typical for the sonographic image of large, gas-filled spaces. More ventrally, the area behind the rumen mucosa showed typical pattern indicating gaseous inclusions, corresponding to the fibre mat inside the rumen. Further ventrally, in two of the animals, the area behind the demarcation line appeared dark without reverberation lines, as is typical for large fluid-filled spaces. When the technique was applied to a captive, habituated, browse-fed moose, no gas dome could be demonstrated, supporting the hypothesis that the reticulorumen contents of browsers are less stratified. The results of this study indicate that sonography represents a useful tool for the demonstration of RR contents stratification in live animals.
Veterinary Record | 2007
U. Braun; U. Wetli; B. Bryce; A. Tschuor; M. Wirz; M. Wehrli Eser
FIG 2: Endoscopic view of the urethra of a cow. The mucosa is cyanotic and covered with necrotic suppurative material FIG 1: (a) Ultrasonogram of the abdomen of a cow with uroperitoneum due to rupture of the bladder and (b) explanatory diagram. A 5·0 MHz linear transducer was used to examine the ventral abdomen, approximately 25 cm caudal to the sternum and 15 cm to the right of the ventral midline. A large volume of anechogenic fluid is present in the abdomen. Small echogenic deposits are visible on the peritoneum and greater omentum. 1 Abdominal wall, 2 Echogenic deposit on the peritoneum, 3 Anechogenic fluid, 4 Echogenic deposit on the omental sac, 5 Organs in omental sac (cannot be differentiated), Cr Cranial, Cd Caudal 1
Veterinary Record | 2009
U. Braun; Stefanie Ohlerth; Annette Liesegang; E. Forster; U. Gorber; A. Tschuor; G. Bearth; J. Muntwyler; D. Wiederkehr; P. Ossent
METABOLIC bone diseases are relatively common in goats, and include osteomalacia ([Deckwer 1950][1], [Dix 1950][2]), fibrous osteodystrophy ([Andrews and others 1983][3], [Aslani and others 2001][4]) and enzootic calcinosis ([Wanner and others 1986][5], [Gufler and others 1999][6], [Braun and others
Research in Veterinary Science | 2012
U. Braun; A. Gautschi; A. Tschuor; Michael Hässig
The reticulum, rumen, omasum and abomasum were assessed via ultrasonography in 10 healthy female calves before, during and 2 h after feeding hay and grass silage. The evaluations were made using an ultrasound machine with a 5.0 MHz linear transducer. The reticulum could be visualized before feeding in all the calves. Its appearance and pattern of contractions were similar to those in adult cattle, although the amplitude (5.2±1.06 cm) and velocity (3.5±1.42 cm/s) of the first contraction were markedly less than in adult cattle. The position and size of the entire rumen including the dorsal and ventral sacs and the ruminal contents were assessed. Except for its smaller size, the ultrasonographic appearance of the omasum of calves was similar to that of adult cattle. The abomasum was seen to the left and right of the ventral midline before feeding in all calves; it occupied considerably more space on the left than the right. Compared with its appearance before feeding, the ultrasonographic appearance of the rumen, omasum and abomasum did not change during or after feeding. Ultrasonography is an ideal imaging tool for evaluating the reticulum, rumen, omasum and abomasum before, during and after feeding in calves.
Veterinary Journal | 2011
U. Braun; K. Steininger; A. Tschuor; Michael Hässig
The small and large intestine of 30 healthy Saanen goats were examined ultrasonographically using a 5.0 MHz-linear transducer. The goats were examined on the right side, from the eighth rib to the caudal aspect of the flank. The small and large intestine could be easily differentiated. The descending duodenum could be imaged in 19 goats, and the jejunum and ileum seen in all goats. The jejunum and ileum were most often seen in cross-section and rarely in longitudinal section in the ventral region of the right flank. The intestinal contents were usually homogenously echoic, and active motility was observed in all the goats. The diameter of the small intestine was 0.8-2.7 cm (1.6 [0.33] cm). The spiral ansa of the colon was imaged in all the goats, and in 21 the caecum was also seen. Both these sections of large intestine were most commonly seen in the dorsal region of the right flank. The spiral ansa of the colon was easily identified by its spiral arrangement of centripetal and centrifugal gyri, which had a garland-like appearance. Because of intraluminal gas, only the wall of the colon closest to the transducer could be imaged. The diameter of the spiral colon ranged from 0.8 to 2.0 cm (1.1 [0.24] cm). Usually only the wall of the caecum closest to the transducer could be imaged and it appeared as a thick, echoic, slightly undulating line. The greater omentum could be seen in all the goats.
Schweizer Archiv Fur Tierheilkunde | 2009
B. Stuber; H. Ochs; A. Tschuor; P. Zanolari; J. Danuser; L. Perler
For the first time in Switzerland, specifically trained livestock owners were included in a national disease surveillance program by the Federal Veterinary Office. A questionnaire on data about clinical and epidemiological aspects of Bluetongue Disease (BT) as well as on herd management was completed by 26 sheep owners three months after they had attended a training course about BT. The control group, consisted of 264 randomly selected sheep and cattle owners who had not visited a training course. Results showed that disease awareness for BT after attending the training course was considerably increased. This was especially evident in the better knowledge of the participants about the great number of possible symptoms. Training courses with the objective of increased disease awareness of livestock owners are an efficient, cost-effective instrument in control programs for exotic diseases.
Schweizer Archiv Fur Tierheilkunde | 2011
U. Braun; A. Tschuor; T. Sydler
This report describes a 4-year-old goat with posterior paresis and subsequent paralysis caused by malignant lymphoma. The goat was referred to our clinic because of progressive posterior ataxia, which developed into posterior paresis and paralysis. The goat was presented in sternal recumbency but was able to assume a dog-sitting position. A neurological examination revealed reduced sensitivity to pricking of the skin with a needle, and a bilateral reduced panniculus reflex. The cerebrospinal fluid was slightly cloudy with increases in the protein concentration and leukocyte count, which consisted of 98 % lymphocytes, 1 % monocytes and 1 % neutrophils; three cells had mitotic figures. Based on the clinical findings, a tentative diagnosis of central nervous system disease of the thoracolumbar spinal cord was made, and euthanasia and postmortem examination were carried out. The lymph nodes in the ileosacral region appeared as a 15 × 12 × 5 cm confluent mass, which involved the ventral vertebral column and infiltrated the spinal canal. Histological examination of the tumour yielded a diagnosis of microcytic malignant lymphoma.
Schweizer Archiv Fur Tierheilkunde | 2009
A. Tschuor; Hanspeter Naegeli; U. Braun; Michael Hässig
In der vorliegenden Kurzmitteilung wird die Aufarbeitung von perakuten Todesfallen in einem Schafbetrieb vorgestellt. Bei einem nachtlichen Kontrollgang im Februar 2008 fand der Tierbesitzer 10 tote Schafe (sieben Mutterschafe und drei 2 – 4 Monate alte Lammer) auf, ohne dass ihm 1.5 Stunden vorher an den Tieren etwas aufgefallen ware. Alle Tiere waren in einer Ecke der Boxe auf engstem Raum (ca. 6m) zusammengepfercht und zum Teil wie von Menschenhand aufeinander gestapelt (Abb. 1). Die restlichen Tiere in derselben Boxe bestehend aus 40 Mutterschafen und 15 Lammern zeigten bei der Untersuchung am nachsten Tag keinerlei Anzeichen einer Krankheit und der Nahrund Pfl egezustand waren gut. Zur Abklarung der Todesursache wurden 5 der toten Schafe ans Institut fur Veterinarpathologie der Universitat Zurich uberwiesen. Weiter wurde jedes lebende Tier klinisch untersucht, doch es konnten keine Auffalligkeiten beobachtet werden. Zusatzlich wurden von 5 zufallig ausgewahlten Tieren Blutproben fur eine hamatologische und klinisch-chemische Untersuchung entnommen. Samtliche Blutwerte der Schafe waren innerhalb der Referenzbereiche (Tschuor et al., 2008), und die pathologisch-anatomische Untersuchung ergab bei allen 5 untersuchten Tierkorpern die Diagnose „Tod durch perakutes Kreislaufversagen unbekannter Ursache“. Uber einen ahnlichen Fall aus dem Jahre 2007 hat auch Thoma (2008) berichtet, wo sich 30 Schafe durch eine akute Panikattacke und mangels Fluchtmoglichkeit in einer Ecke derart verkeilten, dass sie letztendlich zu Tode kamen. Als naheliegende Ursache wurde das Eindringen eines Hundes vermutet. Da diese Moglichkeit auch im unserem Fall gegeben war, wurde durch die lokale Polizei eine Infrarotkamera installiert, um die nachtlichen Geschehnisse im Stall aufzuzeichnen. Zusatzlich wurde ein Bewegungsmelder eingesetzt, der auch ausserhalb der Schafboxe ein Alarmsignal ausloste. Weiter wurde darauf geachtet, dass das Gebaude komplett verriegelt war und weder fur Mensch noch Tier eine Eindringmoglichkeit zuliess, ohne offensichtliche Spuren zu hinterlassen. Mit diesen Massnahmen gelang es, weitere unerklarliche Todesfalle zu verhindern. In der Regel werden bei einem Krankheitsgeschehen innerhalb einer Herde bei verschiedenen Tieren unterschiedliche Stadien der Erkrankung angetroffen (Radostits, 2001). Die Tatsache, dass die Tiere innerhalb 1.5 Stunden ohne vorherige Anzeichen eingegangen waren und unter den verbleibenden Tieren keine Krankheitsanzeichen und keine Veranderung der Blutwerte gefunden werden konnten, liess in erster Linie eine Intoxikation, Elektrizitat oder eine Gewalteinwirkung vermuten, wobei infektiose Ursachen im Hintergund standen. Aus der Literatur (www.clinitox.ch) ist jedoch bekannt, dass in der schweizerischen Flora naturlicherweise kein derart potentes Gift vorkommt. Zudem wurden auch kommerziell erhaltliche Gifte (Rodentizide, Insektizide, Herbizide) ausgeschlossen, da diese bei hohen letalen Dosen Gewebsschadigungen oder andere Veranderungen hinterlassen hatten, die in der histologischen Untersuchung gefunden worden waren. Sogenannte Strommarken auf der Haut und in der Unterhaut, die sich als punktoder streifenformige Erhebungen mit schwarzlicher oder rotlicher Verfarbung darstellen, sind typische Sektionsbefunde eines infolge Elektrizitat (Stromstoss, Blitzschlag) verendeten Tieres (Dahme und Weiss, 1999). Bei keinem der Schafe konnten jedoch derartigen Veranderungen und auch keine Anzeichen von Gewalteinwirkung (wie zum Beispiel Strangulation oder Bissverletzungen) gefunden werden.
European Journal of Wildlife Research | 2012
Daryl Codron; Matt Sponheimer; Jacqui Codron; Sven Hammer; A. Tschuor; U. Braun; Stefano M. Bernasconi; Marcus Clauss