
Genetica | 2009

Comparison of genomes of eight species of sections Linum and Adenolinum from the genus Linum based on chromosome banding, molecular markers and RAPD analysis.

O. V. Muravenko; Olga Yu. Yurkevich; Nadezhda L. Bolsheva; T. E. Samatadze; Inna V. Nosova; Daria A. Zelenina; Alexander A. Volkov; Konstantin V. Popov; A. V. Zelenin

Karyotypes of species sects. Linum and Adenolinum have been studied using C/DAPI-banding, Ag-NOR staining, FISH with 5S and 26S rDNA and RAPD analysis. C/DAPI-banding patterns enabled identification of all homologous chromosome pairs in the studied karyotypes. The revealed high similarity between species L. grandiflorum (2nxa0=xa016) and L. decumbens by chromosome and molecular markers proved their close genome relationship and identified the chromosome number in L. decumbens as 2nxa0=xa016. The similarity found for C/DAPI-banding patterns between species with the same chromosome numbers corresponds with the results obtained by RAPD-analysis, showing clusterization of 16-, 18- and 30-chromosome species into three separate groups. 5S rDNA and 26S rDNA were co-localized in NOR-chromosome 1 in the genomes of all species investigated. In 30-chromosome species, there were three separate 5S rDNA sites in chromosomes 3, 8 and 13. In 16-chromosome species, a separate 5S rDNA site was also located in chromosome 3, whereas in 18-chromosome species it was found in the long arm of NOR-chromosome 1. Thus, the difference in localization of rDNA sites in species with 2nxa0=xa016, 2nxa0=xa030 and 2nxa0=xa018 confirms taxonomists opinion, who attributed these species to different sects. Linum and Adenolinum, respectively. The obtained results suggest that species with 2nxa0=xa016, 2nxa0=xa018 and 2nxa0=xa030 originated from a 16-chromosome ancestor.

Russian Journal of Genetics | 2009

The unique genome of two-chromosome grasses Zingeria and Colpodium, its origin, and evolution

E. S. Kim; Nadezhda L. Bolsheva; T. E. Samatadze; N. N. Nosov; I. V. Nosova; A. V. Zelenin; E. O. Punina; O. V. Muravenko; A. V. Rodionov

Chromosome C-banding and two-color fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) were used to compare the chromosomes, to identify the chromosomal localization of the 45S and 5S rRNA genes, and to analyze the sequences of internal transcribed spacers 1 and 2 (ITS1 and ITS2) of the 45S rRNA genes in the genomes of grasses Zingeria biebersteiniana (2n = 4), Z. pisidica, Z. trichopoda (2n = 8), Colpodium versicolor (2n = 4), and Catabrosella variegata (syn. Colpodium variegatum) (2 n = 10). Differences in C-banding pattern were observed for two Z. biebersteiniana accessions from different localities. Similar C-banding patterns of chromosomes 1 and 2 were demonstrated for the Z. pisidica and Z. biebersteininana karyotypes. Chromosome C banding and localization of the 45S and 5S rRNA genes on the chromosomes of the two Zingeria species confirmed the assumption that Z. pisidica is an allotetraploid with one of the subgenomes similar to the Z. biebersteiniana genome. ITS comparisons showed that the unique two-chromosome grasses (x = 2)—Z. biebersteiniana (2n = 4), Z. trichopoda (2n = 8), Z. pisidica (2n = 8), and C. versicolor (2n = 4), which were earlier assigned to different tribes of subtribes of the family Poaceae—represent two closely related genera, the genetic distance (p-distance) between their ITSs being only 1.2–4.4%. The Zingeria species and C. versicolor formed a common clade with Catabrosella araratica (2n = 42, x = 7) on a molecular phylogenetic tree. Thus, the karyotypes of Zingeria and Colpodium, which have the lowest known basic chromosome number (x = 2), proved to be monophyletic, rather than originating from different phylogenetic lineages.

Russian Journal of Genetics | 2010

Karyogenomics of species of the genus Linum L.

O. V. Muravenko; Nadezhda L. Bolsheva; O. Yu. Yurkevich; I. V. Nosova; O. A. Rachinskaya; T. E. Samatadze; A. V. Zelenin

Using the molecular cytogenetic and RAPD methods of analysis, we studied genomes of 22 cultivated flax varieties and 24 wild species from six sections of the genus Linum L. The chromosome numbers were exactly determined in the karyotypes of all studied species, and all individual chromosomes were identified by the C/DAPI-banding pattern and localization of 26S rDNA and 5S rDNA. B chromosomes were discovered and studied for the first time in species of the section Syllinum Griseb. According to the data obtained, the species studied were divided into eight groups on the basis of similarity of their karyotypes, which corresponded in general to their clustering based on the RAPD results. The systematic positions and phylogenetic relationships of the flax species were verified.

Chromosome Research | 2010

Fat element-a new marker for chromosome and genome analysis in the Triticeae

E. D. Badaeva; Svyatoslav A. Zoshchuk; Etienne Paux; Natalia V. Zoshchuk; Delphine Roger; A. V. Zelenin; Michel Bernard; Catherine Feuillet

Chromosomal distribution of the Fat element that was isolated from bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) end sequences of wheat chromosome 3B was studied in 45 species representing eight genera of Poaceae (Aegilops, Triticum, Agropyron, Elymus, Secale, Hordeum, Avena and Triticale) using fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH). The Fat sequence was not present in oats and in two barley species, Hordeum vulgare and Hordeum spontaneum, that we investigated. Only very low amounts of the Fat element were detected on the chromosomes of two other barley species, Hordeum geniculatum and Hordeum chilense, with different genome compositions. The chromosomes of other cereal species exhibited distinct hybridisation patterns with the Fat probe, and labelling intensity varied significantly depending on the species or genome. The highest amount of hybridisation was detected on chromosomes of the D genome of Aegilops and Triticum and on chromosomes of the S genome of Agropyron. Despite the bioinformatics analysis of several BAC clones that revealed the tandem organisation of the Fat element, hybridisation with the Fat probe produces uneven, diffuse signals in the proximal regions of chromosomes. In some of the genomes we investigated, however, it also forms distinct, sharp clusters in chromosome-specific positions, and the brightest fluorescence was always observed on group 4 chromosomes. Thus, the Fat element represents a new family of Triticeae-specific, highly repeated DNA elements with a clustered–dispersed distribution pattern. These elements may have first emerged in cereal genomes at the time of divergence of the genus Hordeum from the last common ancestor. During subsequent evolution, the amount and chromosomal distribution of the Fat element changed due to amplification, elimination and re-distribution of this sequence. Because the labelling patterns that we detected were highly specific, the Fat element can be used as an accessory probe in FISH analysis for chromosome identification and investigation of evolutionary processes at the chromosomal level.

Russian Journal of Genetics | 2011

Genetic polymorphism of flax Linum usitatissimum based on the use of molecular cytogenetic markers

O. A. Rachinskaya; V. A. Lemesh; O. V. Muravenko; O. Yu. Yurkevich; E. V. Guzenko; N. L. Bol’sheva; M. V. Bogdanova; T. E. Samatadze; K. V. Popov; S. V. Malyshev; N. G. Shostak; K. Heller; L. V. Hotyleva; A. V. Zelenin

Using a set of approaches based on the use of molecular cytogenetic markers (DAPI/C-banding, estimation of the total area of DAPI-positive regions in prophase nuclei, FISH with 26S and 5S rDNA probes) and the microsatellite (SSR-PCR) assay, we studied genomic polymorphism in 15 flax (Linum usitatissimum L.) varieties from different geographic regions belonging to three directions of selection (oil, fiber, and intermediate flax) and in the k-37 × Viking hybrid. All individual chromosomes have been identified in the karyotypes of these varieties on the basis of the patterns of differential DAPI/C-banding and the distribution of 26S and 5S rDNA, and idiograms of the chromosomes have been generated. Unlike the oil flax varieties, the chromosomes in the karyotypes of the fiber flax varieties have, as a rule, pericentromeric and telomeric DAPI-positive bands of smaller size, but contain larger intercalary regions. Two chromosome rearrangements (chromosome 3 inversions) were detected in the variety Luna and in the k-37 × Viking hybrid. In both these forms, no colocalization of 26S rDNA and 5S rDNA on the satellite chromosome was detected. The SSR assay with the use of 20 polymorphic pairs of primers revealed 22 polymorphic loci. Based on the SSR data, we analyzed genetic similarity of the flax forms studied and constructed a genetic similarity dendrogram. The genotypes studied here form three clusters. The oil varieties comprise an independent cluster. The genetically related fiber flax varieties Vita and Luna, as well as the landrace Lipinska XIII belonging to the intermediate type, proved to be closer to the oil varieties than the remaining fiber flax varieties. The results of the molecular chromosome analysis in the fiber and oil flax confirm their very close genetic similarity. In spite of this, the combined use of the chromosome and molecular markers has opened up unique possibilities for describing the genotypes of flax varieties and creating their genetic passports.

Russian Journal of Genetics | 2012

Comparative cytogenetic study of the forms of Macleaya cordata (Willd.) R. Br. From different localities

T. E. Samatadze; A. V. Zelenin; S. N. Suslina; A. V. Amosova; K. V. Popov; T. N. Zagumennikova; A. N. Tsytsylin; V. A. Bykov; O. V. Muravenko

A comparative cytogenetic study of two introduced forms of Makleaya cordata (Willd.) R. Br. = syn. Bocconia cordata Willd. grown in different ecological and geographical regions (Moscow and Donetsk areas) was carried out. In the study, a complex of methods utilizing various chromosomal markers, i.e., C- and DAPI-banding technique, fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) with probes of 26S and 5S rDNA, as well as estimation of the total area of C-positive regions (C-HCH) in prophase nucleoli and meiosis analysis, was used. In the karyotypes (2n = 20), each chromosome was identified on the basis of C-banding and FISH patterns and the chromosome ideograms were built. Pericentrometric and telomeric C-positive bands in chromosomes of the Moscow form karyotype were found to be smaller and intercalary bands, larger than the corresponding bands in the M. cordata form grown in Donetsk. It was found that the content of C-HCH in prophase nucleoli in the form of M. cordata grown in Donetsk was higher than in the form grown in Moscow. In both forms sites of 26S rDNA and 5s rDNA were localized on satellite chromosome 1 and on chromosome 4 respectively but the signals were more intensive in the plant form grown in Donetsk. The results of this study enable selecting M. cordata forms for use in pharmacology and recommending them for cultivation in various ecological and geographical regions.

Chromosome Research | 2011

Comparative analysis of the N-genome in diploid and polyploid Aegilops species

E. D. Badaeva; O. S. Dedkova; Svyatoslav A. Zoshchuk; Alexandra V. Amosova; Stephen M. Reader; Michel Bernard; A. V. Zelenin

The genetic classification for the N-genome chromosomes has been developed on the basis of C-banding analysis on the set of Triticum aestivum × Aegilops uniaristata single chromosome addition lines and examination of A. uniaristata (

Biochemistry (moscow) Supplement Series A: Membrane and Cell Biology | 2008

Dimeric bisbenzimidazole Hoechst 33258-related dyes as novel AT-specific DNA-binding fluorochromes for human and plant cytogenetics

K. V. Popov; E. I. Egorova; A. A. Ivanov; A. V. Gromyko; A. L. Zhuze; Nadezhda L. Bolsheva; O. Yu. Yurkevitch; O. V. Muravenko; A. V. Zelenin

Russian Journal of Developmental Biology | 2009

An improved method of genomic in situ hybridization (GISH) for distinguishing closely related genomes of tetraploid and hexaploid wheat species

A. V. Amosova; E. D. Badaeva; O. V. Muravenko; A. V. Zelenin

{text{2n = 2}} times { = 14}

Biochemistry (moscow) Supplement Series A: Membrane and Cell Biology | 2007

Total area of C-heterochromatin in nuclei and chromosomes as a measure of cultivated flax genome variability

O. V. Muravenko; T. E. Samatadze; K. V. Popov; O. Yu. Yurkevich; I. V. Nosova; Nadezhda L. Bolsheva; A. V. Zelenin

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