Featured researches published by A. van Kammen.
The Plant Cell | 1991
P. Sterk; H. Booij; G. A. Schellekens; A. van Kammen; S.C. de Vries
A cDNA corresponding to a 10-kD protein, designated extracellular protein 2 (EP2), that is secreted by embryogenic cell cultures of carrot was obtained by expression screening. The derived protein sequence and antisera against heterologous plant lipid transfer proteins identified the EP2 protein as a lipid transfer protein. Protein gel blot analysis showed that the EP2 protein is present in cell walls and conditioned medium of cell cultures. RNA gel blot analysis revealed that the EP2 gene is expressed in embryogenic cell cultures, the shoot apex of seedlings, developing flowers, and maturing seeds. In situ hybridization showed expression of the EP2 gene in protoderm cells of somatic and zygotic embryos and transient expression in epidermis cells of leaf primordia and all flower organs. In the shoot apical meristem, expression is found in the tunica and lateral zone. In maturing seeds, the EP2 gene is expressed in the outer epidermis of the integument, the seed coat, and the pericarp epidermis, as well as transiently in between both mericarps. Based on the extracellular location of the EP2 protein and the expression pattern of the encoding gene, we propose a role for plant lipid transfer proteins in the transport of cutin monomers through the extracellular matrix to sites of cutin synthesis.
Cell | 1990
B. Scheres; C. van de Wiel; A. Zalensky; Beatrix M. Horvath; Herman P. Spaink; H. van Eck; F. Zwartkruis; Anne Marie A. Wolters; T. Gloudemans; A. van Kammen; Ton Bisseling
The pea cDNA clone pPsENOD12 represents a gene involved in the infection process during Pisum sativum L.-Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viciae symbiosis. The ENOD12 protein is composed of pentapeptides containing two hydroxyprolines. The expression of the ENOD12 gene is induced in cells through which the infection thread is migrating, but also in cells that do not yet contain an infection thread. Soluble compounds from Rhizobium are involved in eliciting ENOD12 gene expression. Rhizobium common and host-specific nodulation genes are essential for the production of these compounds. Two ENOD12 genes are expressed in nodules and in stem tissue of uninoculated plants. The gene represented by the cloned ENOD12 mRNA is also expressed in flowers, but a different transcription start may be used.
The Plant Cell | 1996
T. Sijen; J. Wellink; J.B. Hiriart; A. van Kammen
Resistance to cowpea mosaic virus (CPMV) in transgenic Nicotiana benthamiana plants is RNA mediated. In resistant CPMV movement protein (MP) gene-transformed lines, transgene steady state mRNA levels were low, whereas nuclear transcription rates were high, implying that a post-transcriptional gene-silencing mechanism is at the base of the resistance. The silencing mechanism can also affect potato virus X (PVX) RNAs when they contain CPMV MP gene sequences. In particular, sequences situated in the 3[prime] part of the transcribed region of the MP transgene direct elimination of recombinant PVX genomes. Remarkably, successive portions of this 3[prime] part, which can be as small as 60 nucleotides, all tag PVX genomes for degradation. These observations suggest that the entire 3[prime] part of the MP transgene mRNA is the initial target of the silencing mechanism. The arrangement of transgenes in the plant genome plays an important role in establishing resistance because the frequency of resistant lines increased from 20 to 60% when transformed with a transgene containing a direct repeat of MP sequences rather than a single MP transgene. Interestingly, we detected strong methylation in all of the plants containing directly repeated MP sequences. In sensitive lines, only the promoter region was found to be heavily methylated, whereas in resistant lines, only the transcribed region was strongly methylated.
The EMBO Journal | 1990
C. van de Wiel; B. Scheres; H. Franssen; M.J. van Lierop; A. van Lammeren; A. van Kammen; Ton Bisseling
A pea cDNA clone homologous to the soybean early nodulin clone pGmENOD2 that most probably encodes a cell wall protein was isolated. The derived amino acid sequence of the pea ENOD2 protein shows that it contains the same repeating pentapeptides, ProProHisGluLys and ProProGluTyrGln, as the soybean ENOD2 protein. By in situ hybridization the expression of the ENOD2 gene was shown to occur only in the inner cortex of the indeterminate pea nodule. The transcription of the pea ENOD2 gene starts when the inner cortical cells develop from the nodule meristem. In the determinate soybean nodule the ENOD2 gene is expressed in the inner cortex as well as in cells surrounding the vascular bundle that connects the nodule with the root central cylinder. The term ‘nodule inner cortex’ is misleading, as there is no direct homology with the root inner cortex. Therefore, we propose to consider this tissue as nodule parenchyma. A possible role of ENOD2 in a major function of the nodule parenchyma, namely creating an oxygen barrier for the central tissue with the Rhizobium containing cells, is discussed.
Plant Physiology | 1994
Renze Heidstra; R. Geurts; H. Franssen; Herman P. Spaink; A. van Kammen; T. Bisseling
We used a semiquantitative root hair deformation assay for Vicia sativa (vetch) to study the activity of Rhizobium leguminosarum bv viciae nodulation (Nod) factors. Five to 10 min of Nod factor-root interaction appears to be sufficient to induce root hair deformation. The first deformation is visible within 1 h, and after 3 h about 80% of the root hairs in a small susceptible zone of the root are deformed. This zone encompasses root hairs that have almost reached their maximal size. The Nod factor accumulates preferentially to epidermal cells of the young part of the root, but is not restricted to the susceptible zone. In the interaction with roots, the glucosamine backbone of Nod factors is shortened, presumably by chitinases. NodRlv-IV(C18:4,Ac) is more stable than NodRlv-V(C18:4,Ac). No correlation was found between Nod factor degradation and susceptibility. Degradation occurs both in the susceptible zone and in the mature zone. Moreover, degradation is not affected by NH4NO3 and is similar in vetch and in the nonhost alfalfa (Medicago sativa).
The Plant Cell | 1990
B. Scheres; F.A. van Engelen; E. van der Knaap; C. van de Wiel; A. van Kammen; Ton Bisseling
A set of cDNA clones have been characterized that represent early nodulin mRNAs from pea root nodules. By RNA transfer blot analyses, the different early nodulin mRNAs were found to vary in time course of appearance during the development of the indeterminate pea root nodule. In situ hybridization studies demonstrated that the transcripts were located in different zones, representing subsequent steps in development of the central tissue of the root nodule. ENOD12 transcripts were present in every cell of the invasion zone, whereas ENOD5, ENOD3, and ENOD14 transcripts were restricted to the infected cells in successive but partially overlapping zones of the central tissue. We conclude that the corresponding nodulin genes are expressed at subsequent developmental stages. The amino acid sequence derived from the nucleotide sequences of the cDNAs, in combination with the localization data, showed that ENOD5 is an arabinogalactan-like protein involved in the infection process, whereas ENOD3 and ENOD14 have a cysteine cluster suggesting that these are metal-binding proteins. Furthermore, we showed that there is a clear difference in the way Rhizobium induced the infection-related early nodulin genes ENOD5 and ENOD12. A factor acting over a long distance induced the ENOD12 gene, whereas a factor acting over a short distance activated the ENOD5 gene.
The Plant Cell | 1993
A.J. de Jong; Renze Heidstra; Herman P. Spaink; M.V. Hartog; E.A. Meijer; T. Hendriks; Fiorella Lo Schiavo; Mario Terzi; T. Bisseling; A. van Kammen; S. de Vries
At a nonpermissive temperature, somatic embryos of the temperature-sensitive (ts) carrot cell mutant ts11 only proceed beyond the globular embryo stage in the presence of medium conditioned by wild-type embryos. The causative component in the conditioned medium has previously been identified as a 32-kD acidic endochitinase. In search of a function for this enzyme in plant embryogenesis, several compounds that contain oligomers of N-acetylglucosamine were tested for their ability to promote ts11 embryo formation. Of these compounds, only the Rhizobium lipooligosaccharides or nodulation (Nod) factors were found to be effective in rescuing the formation of ts11 embryos. These results suggest that N-acetylglucosamine-containing lipooligosaccharides from bacterial origin can mimic the effect of the carrot endochitinase. This endochitinase may therefore be involved in the generation of plant analogs of the Rhizobium Nod factors.
The Plant Cell | 1994
Wei-Cai Yang; C. de Blank; Irute Meskiene; Heribert Hirt; J Bakker; A. van Kammen; H. Franssen; T. Bisseling
Rhizobia induce the formation of root nodules on the roots of leguminous plants. In temperate legumes, nodule organogenesis starts with the induction of cell divisions in regions of the root inner cortex opposite protoxylem poles, resulting in the formation of nodule primordia. It has been postulated that the susceptibility of these inner cortical cells to Rhizobium nodulation (Nod) factors is conferred by an arrest at a specific stage of the cell cycle. Concomitantly with the formation of nodule primordia, cytoplasmic rearrangement occurs in the outer cortex. Radially aligned cytoplasmic strands form bridges, and these have been called preinfection threads. It has been proposed that the cytoplasmic bridges are related to phragmosomes. By studying the in situ expression of the cell cycle genes cyc2, H4, and cdc2 in pea and alfalfa root cortical cells after inoculation with Rhizobium or purified Nod factors, we show that the susceptibility of inner cortical cells to Rhizobium is not conferred by an arrest at the G2 phase and that the majority of the dividing cells are arrested at the G0/G1 phase. Furthermore, the outer cortical cells forming a preinfection thread enter the cell cycle although they do not divide.
Planta | 1991
J.H.G. Cordewener; H. Booij; H. van der Zandt; F.A. van Engelen; A. van Kammen; S.C. de Vries
Somatic embryogenesis of carrot (Daucus carota L.) is inhibited by the glycosylation inhibitor tunicamycin. This inhibition is reversible by the addition of correctly glycosylated glycoproteins which have been secreted into the culture medium. To identify the proteins responsible for complementation, glycoproteins present in the medium of embryo cultures were purified and tested for their activity in the tunicamycin inhibition/ complementation assay. A 38-kDa glycoprotein was purified that could restore embryogenesis to more than 50% of that in untreated controls. This 38-kDa glycoprotein was identified as a heme-containing peroxidase on the basis of its A405/A280 ratio (Reinheit Zahl or RZ) and enzyme activity. The 38-kDa peroxidase consisted of four different cationic isoenzymes of which only one or possibly two appeared active in the complementation assay. The cationic peroxidase isoenzymes from the carrot medium could be effectively replaced by cationic horseradish peroxidases which depended on their catalytic properties for their ability to restore tunicamycin-inhibited somatic embryogenesis.
The Plant Cell | 1996
C.W. Vroemen; S. Langeveld; U. Mayer; G. Ripper; Gerd Jürgens; A. van Kammen; S. de Vries
During Arabidopsis embryogenesis, the zygote divides asymmetrically in the future apical-basal axis; however, a radial axis is initiated only within the eight-celled embryo. Mutations in the GNOM, KNOLLE, and KEULE genes affect these processes: gnom zygotes tend to divide symmetrically; knolle embryos lack oriented cell divisions that initiate protoderm formation; and in keule embryos, an outer cell layer is present that consists of abnormally enlarged cells from early development. Pattern formation along the two axes is reflected by the position-specific expression of the Arabidopsis lipid transfer protein (AtLTP1) gene. In wild-type embryos, the AtLTP1 gene is expressed in the protoderm and initially in all protodermal cells; later, AtLTP1 expression is confined to the cotyledons and the upper end of the hypocotyl. Analysis of AtLTP1 expression in gnom, knolle, and keule embryos showed that gnom embryos also can have no or reversed apical-basal polarity, whereas radial polarity is unaffected. knolle embryos initially lack but eventually form a radial pattern, and keule embryos are affected in protoderm cell morphology rather than in the establishment of the radial pattern.