A. Waag
Braunschweig University of Technology
Nature | 1999
R. Fiederling; M. Keim; G. Reuscher; W. Ossau; G. Schmidt; A. Waag; L. W. Molenkamp
The field of magnetoelectronics has been growing in practical importance in recent years. For example, devices that harness electronic spin—such as giant-magnetoresistive sensors and magnetoresistive memory cells—are now appearing on the market. In contrast, magnetoelectronic devices based on spin-polarized transport in semiconductors are at a much earlier stage of development, largely because of the lack of an efficient means of injecting spin-polarized charge. Much work has focused on the use of ferromagnetic metallic contacts, but it has proved exceedingly difficult to demonstrate polarized spin injection. More recently, two groups have reported successful spin injection from an NiFe contact, but the observed effects of the spin-polarized transport were quite small (resistance changes of less than 1%). Here we describe a different approach, in which the magnetic semiconductor BexMnyZn1-x-ySe is used as a spin aligner. We achieve injection efficiencies of 90% spin-polarized current into a non-magnetic semiconductor device. The device used in this case is a GaAs/AlGaAs light-emitting diode, and spin polarization is confirmed by the circular polarization state of the emitted light.
Nanotechnology | 2009
Magnus Willander; Omer Nur; Q. X. Zhao; L. L. Yang; M. Lorenz; Bingqiang Cao; J. Zúñiga–Pérez; C. Czekalla; G Zimmermann; Marius Grundmann; A. Bakin; Arne Behrends; M. Al-Suleiman; A. El-Shaer; A. Che Mofor; B. Postels; A. Waag; Nikos Boukos; A. Travlos; Ho-Sang Kwack; J Guinard; D. Le Si Dang
Zinc oxide (ZnO), with its excellent luminescent properties and the ease of growth of its nanostructures, holds promise for the development of photonic devices. The recent advances in growth of ZnO nanorods are discussed. Results from both low temperature and high temperature growth approaches are presented. The techniques which are presented include metal-organic chemical vapour deposition (MOCVD), vapour phase epitaxy (VPE), pulse laser deposition (PLD), vapour-liquid-solid (VLS), aqueous chemical growth (ACG) and finally the electrodeposition technique as an example of a selective growth approach. Results from structural as well as optical properties of a variety of ZnO nanorods are shown and analysed using different techniques, including high resolution transmission electron microscopy (HR-TEM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), photoluminescence (PL) and cathodoluminescence (CL), for both room temperature and for low temperature performance. These results indicate that the grown ZnO nanorods possess reproducible and interesting optical properties. Results on obtaining p-type doping in ZnO micro- and nanorods are also demonstrated using PLD. Three independent indications were found for p-type conducting, phosphorus-doped ZnO nanorods: first, acceptor-related CL peaks, second, opposite transfer characteristics of back-gate field effect transistors using undoped and phosphorus doped wire channels, and finally, rectifying I-V characteristics of ZnO:P nanowire/ZnO:Ga p-n junctions. Then light emitting diodes (LEDs) based on n-ZnO nanorods combined with different technologies (hybrid technologies) are suggested and the recent electrical, as well as electro-optical, characteristics of these LEDs are shown and discussed. The hybrid LEDs reviewed and discussed here are mainly presented for two groups: those based on n-ZnO nanorods and p-type crystalline substrates, and those based on n-ZnO nanorods and p-type amorphous substrates. Promising electroluminescence characteristics aimed at the development of white LEDs are demonstrated. Although some of the presented LEDs show visible emission for applied biases in excess of 10 V, optimized structures are expected to provide the same emission at much lower voltage. Finally, lasing from ZnO nanorods is briefly reviewed. An example of a recent whispering gallery mode (WGM) lasing from ZnO is demonstrated as a way to enhance the stimulated emission from small size structures.
Journal of Applied Physics | 2012
Shunfeng Li; A. Waag
In recent years, GaN nanorods are emerging as a very promising novel route toward devices for nano-optoelectronics and nano-photonics. In particular, core-shell light emitting devices are thought to be a breakthrough development in solid state lighting, nanorod based LEDs have many potential advantages as compared to their 2 D thin film counterparts. In this paper, we review the recent developments of GaN nanorod growth, characterization, and related device applications based on GaN nanorods. The initial work on GaN nanorod growth focused on catalyst-assisted and catalyst-free statistical growth. The growth condition and growth mechanisms were extensively investigated and discussed. Doping of GaN nanorods, especially p-doping, was found to significantly influence the morphology of GaN nanorods. The large surface of 3 D GaN nanorods induces new optical and electrical properties, which normally can be neglected in layered structures. Recently, more controlled selective area growth of GaN nanorods was realized using patterned substrates both by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) and by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE). Advanced structures, for example, photonic crystals and DBRs are meanwhile integrated in GaN nanorod structures. Based on the work of growth and characterization of GaN nanorods, GaN nanoLEDs were reported by several groups with different growth and processing methods. Core/shell nanoLED structures were also demonstrated, which could be potentially useful for future high efficient LED structures. In this paper, we will discuss recent developments in GaN nanorod technology, focusing on the potential advantages, but also discussing problems and open questions, which may impose obstacles during the future development of a GaN nanorod based LED technology.
Applied Physics Letters | 2004
Th. Gruber; C. Kirchner; R. Kling; F. Reuss; A. Waag
We have investigated the properties of ZnMgO epilayers and ZnO–ZnMgO quantum well structures grown by metalorganic vapor-phase epitaxy. A well-controlled incorporation of magnesium, x⩽0.10, could be confirmed resulting in a blueshift of the photoluminescence emission wavelength of the Zn1−xMgxO layers up to 200meV. Using ZnMgO as barrier material, ZnO–ZnMgO quantum well structures with different well widths have then been fabricated. The confinement effect in the ZnO quantum wells leads to the expected increase of the corresponding quantum well emission energy with decreasing well width. A comparison to calculations also suggests a further enhancement of the exciton binding energy in the quantum wells of up to 90meV.
Applied Physics Letters | 2003
Th. Gruber; C. Kirchner; R. Kling; F. Reuss; A. Waag; F. Bertram; D. Forster; J. Christen; M. Schreck
The development of ZnO-based semiconductor devices requires band gap engineering. Ternary Zn1−xCdxO allows reduction of the band gap relative to ZnO, which would be necessary for devices emitting visible light. We have analyzed the structural and optical properties of Zn1−xCdxO layers grown by metalorganic vapor-phase epitaxy. A narrowing of the fundamental band gap of up to 300 meV has been observed, while introducing a lattice mismatch of only 0.5% with respect to binary ZnO. Photoluminescence, high-resolution x-ray diffraction, and spatially resolved cathodoluminescence measurements revealed a lateral distribution of two different cadmium concentrations within the Zn1−xCdxO layers.
Journal of Applied Physics | 1996
A. Waag; F.D. Fischer; H.-J. Lugauer; Th. Litz; J. Laubender; U. Lunz; U. Zehnder; W. Ossau; T. Gerhardt; M.O. Möller; G. Landwehr
A variety of BeMgZnSe–ZnSe‐ as well as BeTe‐based quantum‐well structures has been fabri‐ cated and investigated. BeTe buffer layers improve the growth start on GaAs substrates drasti‐ cally compared to ZnSe/GaAs. The valence‐band offset between BeTe and ZnSe has been determined to be 0.9 eV (type II). Due to the high‐lying valence band of BeTe, a BeTe–ZnSe pseudograding can be used for an efficient electrical contact between p‐ZnSe and p‐GaAs. BeMgZnSe quaternary thin‐film structures have reproducibly been grown with high struc‐ tural quality, and rocking curve widths below 20 arcsec could be reached. Quantum‐well structures show a high photoluminescence intensity even at room temperature.
Nanotechnology | 2010
Werner Bergbauer; Martin Strassburg; Ch. Kölper; N. Linder; Claudia Roder; Jonas Lähnemann; Achim Trampert; Sönke Fündling; Shunfeng Li; H.-H. Wehmann; A. Waag
We demonstrate the fabrication of N-face GaN nanorods by metal organic vapour phase epitaxy (MOVPE), using continuous-flux conditions. This is in contrast to other approaches reported so far, which have been based on growth modes far off the conventional growth regimes. For position control of nanorods an SiO(2) masking layer with a dense hole pattern on a c-plane sapphire substrate was used. Nanorods with InGaN/GaN heterostructures have been grown catalyst-free. High growth rates up to 25 microm h(-1) were observed and a well-adjusted carrier gas mixture between hydrogen and nitrogen enabled homogeneous nanorod diameters down to 220 nm with aspect ratios of approximately 8:1. The structural quality and defect progression within nanorods were determined by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Different emission energies for InGaN quantum wells (QWs) could be assigned to different side facets by room temperature cathodoluminescence (CL) measurements.
Journal of Applied Physics | 2004
F. Reuss; C. Kirchner; Th. Gruber; R. Kling; S. Maschek; W. Limmer; A. Waag; P. Ziemann
Gallium and nitrogen ions have been implanted into ZnO crystals and metal organic vapor phase epitaxy grown ZnO layers. Postimplantation annealing behavior in the temperature range between 200 and 900 °C has been studied by means of Raman scattering and low-temperature photoluminescence. The temperature for healing of the implantation-induced defects was found to be 800 °C. Implanted gallium acts as donor with a donor binding energy ED of 53 meV, thus allowing the control of n-type doping in ZnO. From photoluminescence measurements of the donor-acceptor pair transition of a series of nitrogen-implanted ZnO samples we estimate the binding energy EA of the nitrogen acceptor between 163 and 196 meV. Electrical characterization of nitrogen-implanted samples shows a behavior ranging from low n-type to highly compensated. But no unambiguous and reproducible type conversion could be achieved.
Applied Physics Letters | 1997
A. Waag; F.D. Fischer; K. Schüll; T. Baron; H.-J. Lugauer; Th. Litz; U. Zehnder; W. Ossau; T. Gerhard; M. Keim; G. Reuscher; G. Landwehr
Beryllium chalcogenides have a much higher degree of covalency than other II–VI compounds. Be containing ZnSe based mixed crystals show a significant lattice hardening effect. In addition, they introduce substantial additional degrees of freedom for the design of wide gap II–VI heterostructures due to their band gaps, lattice constants, and doping behavior. Therefore, these compounds seem to be very interesting materials for short wavelength laser diodes. Here, we report on the first fabrication of laser diodes based on the wide band gap II–VI semiconductor compound BeMgZnSe. The laser diodes emit at a wavelength of 507 nm under pulsed current injection at 77 K, with a threshold current of 80 mA, corresponding to 240 A/cm2.
Applied Physics Letters | 2006
T. Voss; C. Bekeny; L. Wischmeier; H. Gafsi; Sandra Börner; Wolfgang Schade; A.C. Mofor; A. Bakin; A. Waag
Room-temperature near-band-edge photoluminescence of ZnO is composed of contributions from free-exciton recombination and its longitudinal-optical phonon replica. By tracking the photoluminescence of ZnO nanowires from 4K up to room temperature, the authors show that the relative contributions of these emission lines show a strong variation for samples grown under different conditions. The varying coupling strengths of the excitons and phonons thus lead to a significant shift of the energy position of the room-temperature photoluminescence. They verify that this is not caused by laser heating or stress/strain but is most probably related to crystalline imperfections in the surface region.