A. Zanichelli
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Featured researches published by A. Zanichelli.
Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series | 2007
S. Lilly; O. Le Fèvre; A. Renzini; G. Zamorani; M. Scodeggio; T. Contini; C. M. Carollo; G. Hasinger; J.-P. Kneib; A. Iovino; V. Le Brun; C. Maier; V. Mainieri; M. Mignoli; J. D. Silverman; L. Tasca; M. Bolzonella; A. Bongiorno; D. Bottini; P. Capak; Karina Caputi; A. Cimatti; O. Cucciati; Emanuele Daddi; R. Feldmann; P. Franzetti; B. Garilli; L. Guzzo; O. Ilbert; P. Kampczyk
zCOSMOS is a large-redshift survey that is being undertaken in the COSMOS field using 600 hr of observation with the VIMOS spectrograph on the 8 m VLT. The survey is designed to characterize the environments of COSMOS galaxies from the 100 kpc scales of galaxy groups up to the 100 Mpc scale of the cosmic web and to produce diagnostic information on galaxies and active galactic nuclei. The zCOSMOS survey consists of two parts: (1) zCOSMOSbright, a magnitude-limited I-band I_(AB) < 22.5 sample of about 20,000 galaxies with 0.1 < z < 1.2 covering the whole 1.7 deg^2 COSMOS ACS field, for which the survey parameters at z ~ 0.7 are designed to be directly comparable to those of the 2dFGRS at z ~ 0.1; and (2) zCOSMOS-deep, a survey of approximately 10,000 galaxies selected through color-selection criteria to have 1.4 < z < 3.0, within the central 1 deg^2. This paper describes the survey design and the construction of the target catalogs and briefly outlines the observational program and the data pipeline. In the first observing season, spectra of 1303 zCOSMOS-bright targets and 977 zCOSMOS-deep targets have been obtained. These are briefly analyzed to demonstrate the characteristics that may be expected from zCOSMOS, and particularly zCOSMOS-bright, when it is finally completed between 2008 and 2009. The power of combining spectroscopic and photometric redshifts is demonstrated, especially in correctly identifying the emission line in single-line spectra and in determining which of the less reliable spectroscopic redshifts are correct and which are incorrect. These techniques bring the overall success rate in the zCOSMOS-bright so far to almost 90% and to above 97% in the 0.5 < z < 0.8 redshift range. Our zCOSMOS-deep spectra demonstrate the power of our selection techniques to isolate high-redshift galaxies at 1.4 < z < 3.0 and of VIMOS to measure their redshifts using ultraviolet absorption lines.
Nature | 2008
L. Guzzo; M. Pierleoni; B. Meneux; E. Branchini; O. Le Fèvre; C. Marinoni; B. Garilli; Jeremy Blaizot; G. De Lucia; A. Pollo; H. J. McCracken; D. Bottini; V. Le Brun; D. Maccagni; J. P. Picat; R. Scaramella; M. Scodeggio; L. Tresse; G. Vettolani; A. Zanichelli; C. Adami; S. Arnouts; S. Bardelli; M. Bolzonella; A. Bongiorno; A. Cappi; S. Charlot; P. Ciliegi; T. Contini; O. Cucciati
Observations of distant supernovae indicate that the Universe is now in a phase of accelerated expansion the physical cause of which is a mystery. Formally, this requires the inclusion of a term acting as a negative pressure in the equations of cosmic expansion, accounting for about 75 per cent of the total energy density in the Universe. The simplest option for this ‘dark energy’ corresponds to a ‘cosmological constant’, perhaps related to the quantum vacuum energy. Physically viable alternatives invoke either the presence of a scalar field with an evolving equation of state, or extensions of general relativity involving higher-order curvature terms or extra dimensions. Although they produce similar expansion rates, different models predict measurable differences in the growth rate of large-scale structure with cosmic time. A fingerprint of this growth is provided by coherent galaxy motions, which introduce a radial anisotropy in the clustering pattern reconstructed by galaxy redshift surveys. Here we report a measurement of this effect at a redshift of 0.8. Using a new survey of more than 10,000 faint galaxies, we measure the anisotropy parameter β = 0.70 ± 0.26, which corresponds to a growth rate of structure at that time of f = 0.91 ± 0.36. This is consistent with the standard cosmological-constant model with low matter density and flat geometry, although the error bars are still too large to distinguish among alternative origins for the accelerated expansion. The correct origin could be determined with a further factor-of-ten increase in the sampled volume at similar redshift.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2005
David Schiminovich; O. Ilbert; S. Arnouts; B. Milliard; L. Tresse; O. Le Fèvre; Marie Treyer; Ted K. Wyder; Tamas Budavari; E. Zucca; G. Zamorani; D. C. Martin; C. Adami; M. Arnaboldi; S. Bardelli; Tom A. Barlow; Luciana Bianchi; M. Bolzonella; D. Bottini; Yong-Ik Byun; A. Cappi; T. Contini; S. Charlot; J. Donas; Karl Forster; S. Foucaud; P. Franzetti; Peter G. Friedman; B. Garilli; I. Gavignaud
In a companion paper (Arnouts et al. 2004) we presented new measurements of the galaxy luminosity function at 1500 Angstroms out to z~1 using GALEX-VVDS observations (1039 galaxies with NUV 0.2) and at higher z using existing data sets. In this paper we use the same sample to study evolution of the FUV luminosity density. We detect evolution consistent with a (1+z)^{2.5+/-0.7} rise to z~1 and (1+z)^{0.5+/-0.4} for z>1. The luminosity density from the most UV-luminous galaxies (UVLG) is undergoing dramatic evolution (x30) between 025%) of the total FUV luminosity density at z<1. We measure dust attenuation and star formation rates of our sample galaxies and determine the star formation rate density as a function of redshift, both uncorrected and corrected for dust. We find good agreement with other measures of the SFR density in the rest ultraviolet and Halpha given the still significant uncertainties in the attenuation correction.
Astronomy and Astrophysics | 2013
S. de la Torre; L. Guzzo; J. A. Peacock; E. Branchini; A. Iovino; B. R. Granett; U. Abbas; C. Adami; S. Arnouts; J. Bel; M. Bolzonella; D. Bottini; A. Cappi; Jean Coupon; O. Cucciati; I. Davidzon; G. De Lucia; A. Fritz; P. Franzetti; M. Fumana; B. Garilli; O. Ilbert; J. Krywult; V. Le Brun; O. Le Fèvre; D. Maccagni; K. Malek; F. Marulli; H. J. McCracken; L. Moscardini
We present in this paper the general real- and redshift-space clustering properties of galaxies as measured in the first data release of the VIPERS survey. VIPERS is a large redshift survey designed to probe the distant Universe and its large-scale structure at 0.5 < z < 1.2. We describe in this analysis the global properties of the sample and discuss the survey completeness and associated corrections. This sample allows us to measure the galaxy clustering with an unprecedented accuracy at these redshifts. From the redshift-space distortions observed in the galaxy clustering pattern we provide a first measurement of the growth rate of structure at z = 0.8: f\sigma_8 = 0.47 +/- 0.08. This is completely consistent with the predictions of standard cosmological models based on Einstein gravity, although this measurement alone does not discriminate between different gravity models.
Astronomy and Astrophysics | 2012
O. Cucciati; L. Tresse; O. Ilbert; O. Le Fèvre; B. Garilli; V. Le Brun; P. Cassata; P. Franzetti; D. Maccagni; M. Scodeggio; E. Zucca; G. Zamorani; S. Bardelli; M. Bolzonella; R. M. Bielby; H. J. McCracken; A. Zanichelli; D. Vergani
[Abridged] We investigate the global galaxy evolution over 12 Gyr (0.05 1.7, we set alpha steepening with (1+z). The absolute magnitude M*_FUV brightens in the entire range 0 2 it is on average brighter than in the literature, while phi* is smaller. Our total LD shows a peak at z=2, present also when considering all sources of uncertainty. The SFRD history peaks as well at z=2. It rises by a factor of 6 during 2 Gyr (from z=4.5 to z=2), and then decreases by a factor of 12 during 10 Gyr down to z=0.05. This peak is mainly produced by a similar peak within the population of galaxies with -21.5 2 of the SFRD is compelling for models of galaxy formation. The mean dust attenuation A_FUV of the global galaxy population rises by 1 mag during 2 Gyr from z=4.5 to z=2, reaches its maximum at z=1 (A_FUV=2.2 mag), and then decreases by 1.1 mag during 7 Gyr down to z=0. The dust attenuation maximum is reached 2 Gyr after the SFRD peak, implying a contribution from the intermediate-mass stars to the dust production at z<2.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2005
S. Arnouts; David Schiminovich; O. Ilbert; L. Tresse; B. Milliard; Marie Treyer; S. Bardelli; Tamas Budavari; Ted K. Wyder; E. Zucca; O. Le Fèvre; D. C. Martin; Giampaolo Vettolani; C. Adami; M. Arnaboldi; Tom A. Barlow; Luciana Bianchi; M. Bolzonella; D. Bottini; Yong-Ik Byun; A. Cappi; S. Charlot; T. Contini; J. Donas; Karl Forster; Sylvie Foucaud; P. Franzetti; Peter G. Friedman; B. Garilli; I. Gavignaud
We present the first measurement of the galaxy luminosity function (LF) at 1500 A in the range 0.2 ≤ z ≤ 1.2 based on Galaxy Evolution Explorer VIMOS-VLT Deep Survey observations (~1000 spectroscopic redshifts for galaxies with NUV ≤ 24.5) and at higher z using existing data sets. Our main results are summarized as follows: (1) Luminosity evolution is observed with ΔM* ~ -2.0 mag between z = 0 and z = 1 and ΔM* ~ -1.0 mag between z = 1 and z = 3. This confirms that the star formation activity was significantly higher in the past. (2) The LF slopes vary in the range -1.2 ≥ α ≥ -1.65, with a marginally significant hint of increase at higher z. (3) We split the sample in three rest-frame (B - I) intervals, providing an approximate spectral type classification: Sb-Sd, Sd-Irr, and unobscured starbursts. We find that the bluest class evolves less strongly in luminosity than the two other classes. On the other hand, their number density increases sharply with z (~15% in the local universe to ~55% at z ~ 1), while that of the reddest classes decreases.
Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific | 2005
M. Scodeggio; P. Franzetti; B. Garilli; A. Zanichelli; S. Paltani; D. Maccagni; D. Bottini; V. Le Brun; T. Contini; R. Scaramella; C. Adami; S. Bardelli; E. Zucca; L. Tresse; O. Ilbert; S. Foucaud; A. Iovino; R. Merighi; G. Zamorani; I. Gavignaud; D. Rizzo; H. J. McCracken; O. Le Fèvre; J. P. Picat; G. Vettolani; M. Arnaboldi; S. Arnouts; M. Bolzonella; A. Cappi; S. Charlot
The VIMOS VLT Deep Survey (VVDS), designed to measure 150,000 galaxy redshifts, requires a dedicated data reduction and analysis pipeline to process in a timely fashion the large amount of spectroscopic data being produced. This requirement has lead to the development of the VIMOS Interactive Pipeline and Graphical Interface (VIPGI), a new software package designed to simplify to a very high degree the task of reducing astronomical data obtained with VIMOS, the imaging spectrograph built by the VIRMOS Consortium for the European Southern Observatory, and mounted on Unit 3 (Melipal) of the Very Large Telescope (VLT) at Paranal Observatory (Chile). VIPGI provides the astronomer with specially designed VIMOS data reduction functions, a VIMOS-centric data organizer, and dedicated data browsing and plotting tools, that can be used to verify the quality and accuracy of the various stages of the data reduction process. The quality and accuracy of the data reduction pipeline are comparable to those obtained using well known IRAF tasks, but the speed of the data reduction process is significantly increased, thanks to the large set of dedicated features. In this paper we discuss the details of the MOS data reduction pipeline implemented in VIPGI, as applied to the reduction of some 20,000 VVDS spectra, assessing quantitatively the accuracy of the various reduction steps. We also provide a more general overview of VIPGI capabilities, a tool that can be used for the reduction of any kind of VIMOS data.
Astronomy and Astrophysics | 2013
O. Le Fèvre; P. Cassata; O. Cucciati; B. Garilli; O. Ilbert; V. Le Brun; D. Maccagni; C. Moreau; M. Scodeggio; L. Tresse; G. Zamorani; C. Adami; S. Arnouts; S. Bardelli; M. Bolzonella; M. Bondi; A. Bongiorno; D. Bottini; A. Cappi; S. Charlot; P. Ciliegi; T. Contini; S. de la Torre; S. Foucaud; P. Franzetti; I. Gavignaud; L. Guzzo; A. Iovino; B. C. Lemaux; C. López-Sanjuan
We describe the completed VIMOS VLT Deep Survey, and the final data release of 35016 galaxies and type-I AGN with measured spectroscopic redshifts up to redshift z~6.7, in areas 0.142 to 8.7 square degrees, and volumes from 0.5x10^6 to 2x10^7h^-3Mpc^3. We have selected samples of galaxies based solely on their i-band magnitude reaching i_{AB}=24.75. Spectra have been obtained with VIMOS on the ESO-VLT, integrating 0.75h, 4.5h and 18h for the Wide, Deep, and Ultra-Deep nested surveys. A total of 1263 galaxies have been re-observed independently within the VVDS, and from the VIPERS and MASSIV surveys. They are used to establish the redshift measurements reliability, to assess completeness, and to provide a weighting scheme taking into account the survey selection function. We describe the main properties of the VVDS samples, and the VVDS is compared to other spectroscopic surveys. In total we have obtained spectroscopic redshifts for 34594 galaxies, 422 type-I AGN, and 12430 Galactic stars. The survey has enabled to identify galaxies up to very high redshifts with 4669 redshifts in 1 3, and specific populations like LAE have been identified out to z=6.62. We show that the VVDS occupies a unique place in the parameter space defined by area, depth, redshift coverage, and number of spectra. The VVDS provides a comprehensive survey of the distant universe, covering all epochs since z, or more than 12 Gyr of cosmic time, with a uniform selection, the largest such sample to date. A wealth of science results derived from the VVDS have shed new light on the evolution of galaxies and AGN, and their distribution in space, over this large cosmic time. A final public release of the complete VVDS spectroscopic redshift sample is available at http://cesam.lam.fr/vvds.
Astronomy and Astrophysics | 2009
L. de Ravel; O. Le Fèvre; L. Tresse; D. Bottini; B. Garilli; V. Le Brun; D. Maccagni; R. Scaramella; M. Scodeggio; G. Vettolani; A. Zanichelli; C. Adami; Stephane Arnouts; S. Bardelli; M. Bolzonella; A. Cappi; S. Charlot; P. Ciliegi; T. Contini; Sylvie Foucaud; P. Franzetti; I. Gavignaud; L. Guzzo; O. Ilbert; A. Iovino; F. Lamareille; H. J. McCracken; B. Marano; Christian Marinoni; A. Mazure
Context: The rate at which galaxies grow via successive mergers is a key element in understanding the main phases of galaxy evolution. Aims: We measure the evolution of the fraction of galaxies in pairs and the merging rate since redshift z 1 assuming a (H0 = 70 km s-1 Mpc-1, ΩM = 0.3 and ΩΛ = 0.7) cosmology. Methods: From the VIMOS VLT Deep Survey we use a sample of 6464 galaxies with I_AB ≤ 24 to identify 314 pairs of galaxies, each member with a secure spectroscopic redshift, which are close in both projected separation and in velocity. Results: We estimate that at z 0.9, 10.9 ± 3.2% of galaxies with MB(z) ≤ -18-Qz (Q = 1.11) are in pairs with separations Δ rp ≤ 20 h-1 kpc, Δ v≤ 500 km s-1, and with Δ MB ≤ 1.5, significantly larger than 3.8 ± 1.7% at z 0.5; thus, the pair fraction evolves as (1 + z)m with m = 4.73 ± 2.01. For bright galaxies with MB(z = 0) ≤ -18.77, the pair fraction is higher and its evolution with redshift is flatter with m = 1.50 ± 0.76, a property also observed for galaxies with increasing stellar masses. Early-type pairs (dry mergers) increase their relative fraction from 3% at z 0.9 to 12% at z 0.5. The star formation rate traced by the rest-frame [OII] EW increases by 26 ± 4% for pairs with the smallest separation rp ≤ 20 h-1 kpc. Following published prescriptions to derive merger timescales, we find that the merger rate of MB(z) ≤ -18-Qz galaxies evolves as N_mg = (4.96 ± 2.07)×10-4×(1 + z)2.20 ± 0.77 mergers Mpc-3 Gyr-1. Conclusions: The merger rate of galaxies with MB(z) ≤ -18-Qz has significantly evolved since z 1 and is strongly dependent on the luminosity or stellar mass of galaxies. The major merger rate increases more rapidly with redshift for galaxies with fainter luminosities or stellar mass, while the evolution of the merger rate for bright or massive galaxies is slower, indicating that the slow evolution reported for the brightest galaxies is not universal. The merger rate is also strongly dependent on the spectral type of galaxies involved. Late-type mergers were more frequent in the past, while early-type mergers are more frequent today, contributing to the rise in the local density of early-type galaxies. About 20% of the stellar mass in present day galaxies with log(M/M{ȯ}) ≥ 9.5 has been accreted through major merging events since z = 1. This indicates that major mergers have contributed significantly to the growth in stellar mass density of bright galaxies over the last half of the life of the Universe. based on observations obtained with the European Southern Observatory Telescopes at the Paranal Observatory, under programs 072.A-0586 and 073.A-0647.
Astronomy and Astrophysics | 2006
E. Zucca; O. Ilbert; S. Bardelli; L. Tresse; G. Zamorani; S. Arnouts; L. Pozzetti; M. Bolzonella; H. J. McCracken; D. Bottini; B. Garilli; V. Le Brun; O. Le Fèvre; D. Maccagni; J. P. Picat; R. Scaramella; M. Scodeggio; G. Vettolani; A. Zanichelli; C. Adami; M. Arnaboldi; A. Cappi; S. Charlot; P. Ciliegi; T. Contini; Sylvie Foucaud; P. Franzetti; I. Gavignaud; L. Guzzo; A. Iovino
From the first epoch observations of the VVDS up to z=1.5 we have derived luminosity functions (LF) of different spectral type galaxies. The VVDS data, covering ~70% of the life of the Universe, allow for the first time to study from the same sample and with good statistical accuracy the evolution of the LFs by galaxy type in several rest frame bands from a purely magnitude selected sample. The magnitude limit of the VVDS allows the determination of the faint end slope of the LF with unprecedented accuracy. Galaxies have been classified in four spectral classes, using their colours and redshift, and LFs have been derived in the U, B, V, R and I rest frame bands from z=0.05 to z=1.5. We find a significant steepening of the LF going from early to late types. The M* parameter is significantly fainter for late type galaxies and this difference increases in the redder bands. Within each of the galaxy spectral types we find a brightening of M* with increasing redshift, ranging from =< 0.5 mag for early type galaxies to ~1 mag for the latest type galaxies, while the slope of the LF of each spectral type is consistent with being constant with redshift. The LF of early type galaxies is consistent with passive evolution up to z~1.1, while the number of bright early type galaxies has decreased by ~40% from z~0.3 to z~1.1. We also find a strong evolution in the normalization of the LF of latest type galaxies, with an increase of more than a factor 2 from z~0.3 to z~1.3: the density of bright late type galaxies in the same redshift range increases of a factor ~6.6. These results indicate a strong type-dependent evolution and identifies the latest spectral types as responsible for most of the evolution of the UV-optical luminosity function out to z=1.5.