
Food Chemistry | 2015

Differentiation of geographical origin of cream products in Poland according to their fatty acid profile

Jarosława Rutkowska; Małgorzata Białek; Agata Adamska; A Zbikowska

Fatty acid (FA) composition of bovine milk fat from cream samples, originating from three regions of Poland (one mountainous and two lowland ones) and collected within 2 years, was analysed aiming at identifying the region of production by applying principal component analysis (PCA). From the 44 FAs identified by gas chromatography, two groups were discerned: seasonally variable (n=17) and non-seasonal (n=7). The biplots showed that different FAs could serve as markers of geographical origin of cream samples. The CLA, vaccenic acid, C18:39c12c15c, total C18:1 trans and C18:39c12c15c n-6 (GLA) were found indicative of mountainous regions, and the short-chain saturated FAs (SCFA; C4:0-C11:0) - of the lowland ones. The Opole province was characterised by a high content of linoleic acid. It was concluded that the origin of a cream sample could be fairly well identified by gas chromatography combined with chemometric analysis of milk fat FAs.

Cereal Chemistry | 2011

Quality of Fats in Cookies as Affected by Storage and Addition of Oat Flakes

A Zbikowska; Jarosława Rutkowska

ABSTRACT Changes in fats extracted from cookies stored for three or five weeks and containing different levels of oat flakes (10, 20, 30%) were investigated. The fats used for baking differed in fatty acid (FA) composition and contained 17.6–57.6% saturated (SFA), 0.8–46.8% trans FA (TFA), and 0.6–6.6% polyunsaturated FA (PUFA). Oat flakes were steam stabilized and were in the middle of their shelf-life. Oat flakes contained 9.5% lipids in which linoleic acid (C 18:2 9c 12c) predominated, amounting to 42.7%. Increasing the content of oat flakes and the storage time of cookies resulted in increased values of primary and secondary fat oxidation products. Highest increases in PV values were found in cookies stored for three or five weeks, especially with a high content of oat flakes (30%). Secondary lipid oxidation products measured by AnV values increased with the time of storage. Highest increases in hydrolytic and oxidation products were associated with higher content (6.6%) of PUFA in utilized fats. Rega...

Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology | 2015

Stability and the Distribution of Droplets in Walnut Oil Water-Based Emulsions Formed at Different pH

Malgorzata Kowalska; A Zbikowska; Katarzyna Marciniak-Lukasiak; Krzysztof Smiechowski

The novelty of this manuscript was to create a stable emulsion system containing rarely used walnut oil as a fat base of emulsion. Emulsions were analyzed by determining viscosity, density, distribution, average droplet size, coefficient of dispersion, and emulsion type. The emulsions stability and its microscope image were also tested. Particle size of the dispersed phase of all analyzed emulsions was in the range 1–10 µm for the duration of a 4-week-long storage test. The smallest changes were observed in the emulsion with pH 6 (smallest average droplet size—its distribution was monofunctional during the whole duration of the experiment). This system was considered as the most stable emulsion. Such emulsion systems can be easily used in the food market (food emulsions) as well as in the cosmetics industry (creams). GRAPHICAL ABSTRACT

Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology | 2017

Long-term stability of emulsion based on rose oil

Malgorzata Kowalska; A Zbikowska; Magdalena Wozniak; Katarzyna Kucharczyk

ABSTRACT This paper was aimed at determining the parameters responsible for the long-term stability of emulsions. Compositions of six emulsions with different amounts of emulsifier and thickener were developed according to the authors’ own specifications and requirements of KT-Skor software (based on Kleeman’s method). Physical properties of the emulsions were evaluated (determination of emulsion type, structure of emulsion, stability tests, viscosity, average particle size, and dispersity index). The results obtained indicate that the emulsion containing 10 g of rose oil and 0.2 g of thickener exhibited the highest stability. GRAPHICAL ABSTRACT

Polish Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences | 2017

Multivariate Study of Inulin Addition on the Quality of Sponge Cakes

A Zbikowska; Katarzyna Marciniak-Lukasiak; Malgorzata Kowalska; Sylwia Onacik-Gür

Abstract The aim of the study was to determine the possibility of reducing fat content in fatty sponge-cake products by addition of inulin. 200 g/kg, 440 g/kg, 680 g/kg and 100% of fat was substituted with 20 g/kg, 35 g/kg, 50 g/kg, and 62.5 g/kg of inulin, respectively. The authors used two types of fat: with low and high content of trans isomers – containing 2.1 g/kg and 511.2 g/kg of fatty acid methyl esters (FAME), respectively. An analysis of crumb quality and the evaluation of sensory discriminants were undertaken. It was demonstrated that it was possible to substitute fat with inulin in fatty sponge-cake products. However, in the case of fat with a high content of trans fatty acids (TFA), its substitution even with higher amounts of inulin had a smaller impact on the qualitative parameters of products than in the case of fat without TFA. Substitution of fats with inulin allows for eliminating dangerous TFA, reduces energetic value of food products, and simultaneously enriches them with nutritionally-valuable oligosaccharides. Furthermore, products without the addition of inulin-based fat can be an alternative to conventional fatty sponge-cake products and a factor that supports prevention in many food-related and other diseases.

Zywnosc-nauka Technologia Jakosc | 2014

Pochodzenie, metody otrzymywania i trwałość oksydacyjna tłuszczów wysokooleinowych

S Onacik-Gur; A Zbikowska; K Marciniak-Lukasiak

S t r e s z c z e n i e Oleje roślinne cechuje duza zawartośc nienasyconych kwasow tluszczowych (KT). W wiekszości wykazują one malą stabilnośc oksydacyjną w wysokiej temperaturze oraz podczas dlugiego okresu przechowywania. Tluszcze z duzą zawartością kwasu oleinowego, nalezącego do grupy monoenowych KT, charakteryzuje jednak wyzsza odpornośc na procesy utleniania. Ponadto kwas oleinowy jest skuteczny w obnizaniu poziomu cholesterolu w surowicy krwi. Tluszcze wysokooleinowe mogą byc zatem stosowane w przetworstwie spozywczym, a takze w gastronomii. W produkcji zywności mogą zastąpic tluszcze zawierające niekorzystne zywieniowo nasycone KT lub izomery trans KT. Za pomocą krzyzowania, mutacji oraz inzynierii genetycznej uzyskuje sie wysokooleinowe odmiany takich roślin oleistych, jak rzepak, slonecznik czy soja. Na terytorium panstw Unii Europejskiej dopuszczona jest jedynie uprawa tych odmian, ktore nie powstaly w procesie inzynierii genetycznej. Slowa kluczowe: krzyzowanie roślin, GMO, tluszcze wysokooleinowe, kwas oleinowy, stabilnośc oksydacyjna

Polish Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences | 2010

Formation and properties of trans fatty acids - a review

A Zbikowska

Polish Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences | 2008

Possibility of partial replacement of fat by inuline in cookies in order to decrease their caloric value.

A Zbikowska; Jarosława Rutkowska

Polish Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences | 2007

Influence of trans unsaturated fatty acids content on chemical changes in the shortening during baking and storage of cakes

A Zbikowska; Matgorzata Kowalska

Zywnosc-nauka Technologia Jakosc | 2014

Wpływ ilości lecytyny słonecznikowej i czasu homogenizacji na stabilność emulsji spożywczej zawierającej olej z orzechów włoskich

Malgorzata Kowalska; A Zbikowska; K Smiechowski; K Marciniak-Lukasiak

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