
Featured researches published by Aa Twan Basten.

design automation conference | 2006

Exploring trade-offs in buffer requirements and throughput constraints for synchronous dataflow graphs

Sander Sander Stuijk; Mcw Marc Geilen; Aa Twan Basten

Multimedia applications usually have throughput constraints. An implementation must meet these constraints, while it minimizes resource usage and energy consumption. The compute intensive kernels of these applications are often specified as synchronous dataflow graphs. Communication between nodes in these graphs requires storage space which influences throughput. We present exact techniques to chart the Pareto space of throughput and storage tradeoffs, which can be used to determine the minimal storage space needed to execute a graph under a given throughput constraint. The feasibility of the approach is demonstrated with a number of examples

design automation conference | 2007

Multiprocessor resource allocation for throughput-constrained synchronous dataflow graphs

Sander Sander Stuijk; Aa Twan Basten; Mcw Marc Geilen; Henk Corporaal

Embedded multimedia systems often run multiple time-constrained applications simultaneously. These systems use multiprocessor systems-on-chip of which it must be guaranteed that enough resources are available for each application to meet its throughput constraints. This requires a task binding and scheduling mechanism that provides timing guarantees for each application independent of other applications while taking into account the available processor space, memory and communication bandwidth. Synchronous dataflow graphs (SDFGs) are used to model time-constrained multimedia applications. They allow modeling of cyclic, multi- rate dependencies between tasks. However, existing resource allocation techniques can only deal with acyclic and/or single-rate dependencies. Dependencies in an SDFG can be expressed in single-rate form, but then the problem size may increase exponentially making resource allocation infeasible. This paper presents a new resource allocation strategy which works directly on SDFGs, building on an efficient technique to calculate throughput of a bound and scheduled SDFG. Experimental results show that the strategy is effective in terms of run-time and allocated resources.

IEEE Transactions on Computers | 2008

Throughput-Buffering Trade-Off Exploration for Cyclo-Static and Synchronous Dataflow Graphs

Sander Sander Stuijk; Mcw Marc Geilen; Aa Twan Basten

Multimedia applications usually have throughput constraints. An implementation must meet these constraints, while it minimizes resource usage and energy consumption. The compute intensive kernels of these applications are often specified as cyclo-static or synchronous dataflow graphs. Communication between nodes in these graphs requires storage space which influences throughput. We present an exact technique to chart the Pareto space of throughput and storage trade-offs, which can be used to determine the minimal buffer space needed to execute a graph under a given throughput constraint. The feasibility of the exact technique is demonstrated with experiments on a set of realistic DSP and multimedia applications. To increase scalability of the approach, a fast approximation technique is developed that guarantees both throughput and a, tight, bound on the maximal overestimation of buffer requirements. The approximation technique allows to trade off worst-case overestimation versus run-time.

design, automation, and test in europe | 2007

Congestion-controlled best-effort communication for networks-on-chip

Jw van den Brand; Calin Ciordas; Kgw Kees Goossens; Aa Twan Basten

Congestion has negative effects on network performance. In this paper, a novel congestion control strategy is presented for networks-on-chip (NoC). For this purpose we introduce a new communication service, congestion-controlled best-effort (CCBE). The load offered to a CCBE connection is controlled based on congestion measurements in the NoC. Link utilization is monitored as a congestion measure, and transported to a model predictive controller (MPC). Guaranteed bandwidth and latency connections in the NoC are used for this, to assure progress of link utilization data in a congested NoC. We also present a simple but effective model for link utilization for the model-based predictions. Experimental results show that the presented strategy is effective and has reaction speeds of several microseconds which is considered acceptable for realtime embedded systems

Information Processing Letters | 1996

Branching bisimilarity is an equivalence indeed

Aa Twan Basten

Abstract This note presents a detailed proof of a result in the theory of concurrency semantics that is already considered folklore, namely that branching bisimilarity is an equivalence relation. The “simple proof”, which in the literature is always assumed to exist, is shown to be incorrect. The proof in this note is based on the notion of a semi-branching bisimulation taken from (Van Glabbeek and Weijland, 1991). Branching bisimilarity can equivalently be defined in terms of semi-branching bisimulations; the results suggest that such a definition is more intuitive than the original definition of Van Glabbeek and Weijland (1989).

design automation conference | 2005

Minimising buffer requirements of synchronous dataflow graphs with model checking

Mcw Marc Geilen; Aa Twan Basten; Sander Sander Stuijk

Signal processing and multimedia applications are often implemented on resource constrained embedded systems. It is therefore important to find implementations that use as little resources as possible. These applications are frequently specified as synchronous data flow graphs. Communication between actors of these graphs requires storage capacity. In this paper, we present an exact method to determine the minimum storage capacity required to execute the graph using model-checking techniques. This can be done for different measures of storage capacity. The problem is known to be NP-complete and because of this, existing buffer minimisation techniques are heuristics and hence not exact. Modern model-checking tools are quite efficient and they have been successfully applied to scheduling-related problems. We study the feasibility of this approach with examples.

The Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming | 2001

Inheritance of behavior

Aa Twan Basten; Wmp Wil van der Aalst

Abstract One of the key issues of object-oriented modeling and design is inheritance. It allows for the definition of subclasses that inherit features of some superclass. Inheritance is well defined for static properties of classes such as attributes and methods. However, there is no general agreement on the meaning of inheritance when considering the dynamic behavior of objects, captured by their life cycles. This paper studies inheritance of behavior both in a simple process-algebraic setting and in a Petri-net framework. Process algebra is chosen, because it concentrates on behavior, while abstracting from the internal states of processes. The result of the algebraic study is a clear conceptual understanding of inheritance of behavior. It can be expressed in terms of blocking and hiding method calls. The results in the algebraic framework inspire the development of the concept of inheritance of behavior in the Petri-net framework. The Petri-net formalism allows for a graphical representation of life cycles of objects with an explicit representation of object states. In the Petri-net framework, four inheritance rules are defined that can be used to construct life cycles of subclasses from the object life cycles of given (super-)classes. These inheritance rules can be used to structure a design process and they stimulate the reuse of life-cycle specifications. It turns out that the combination of blocking and hiding method calls captures a number of important operators for constructing life cycles of subclasses from life cycles of superclasses, namely choice, sequential composition, parallel composition, and iteration. A small case study validates our approach to inheritance of behavior.

digital systems design | 2010

A Predictable Multiprocessor Design Flow for Streaming Applications with Dynamic Behaviour

Sander Sander Stuijk; Mcw Marc Geilen; Aa Twan Basten

The design of new embedded systems is getting more and more complex as more functionality is integrated into these systems. To deal with the design complexity, a predictable design flow is needed. The result should be a system that guarantees that an application can perform its own tasks within strict timing deadlines, independent of other applications running on the system. Synchronous Dataflow Graphs (SDFGs) provide predictability and are often used to model time-constrained streaming applications that are mapped onto a multiprocessor platform. However, the model abstracts from the dynamic application behaviour which may lead to a large overestimation of its resource requirements. We present a design flow that takes the dynamic behaviour of applications into account when mapping them onto a multiprocessor platform. The design flow provides throughput guarantees for each application independent of the other applications while taking into account the available processing capacity, memory and communication bandwidth. The design flow generates a set of mappings that provide a trade-off in their resource usage. This trade-off can be used by a run-time mechanism to adapt the mapping in different use-cases to the available resource. The experimental results show that our design flow reduces the resource requirements of an MPEG-4 decoder by 66% compared to a state-of-the-art design flow based on SDFGs.

design automation conference | 2009

A parameterized compositional multi-dimensional multiple-choice knapsack heuristic for CMP run-time management

Hamid Shojaei; Ah Amir Ghamarian; Aa Twan Basten; Mcw Marc Geilen; Sander Sander Stuijk; Rjh Rob Hoes

Modern embedded systems typically contain chip-multiprocessors (CMPs) and support a variety of applications. Applications may run concurrently and can be started and stopped over time. Each application may typically have multiple feasible configurations, trading off quality aspects (energy consumption, audio-visual quality) with resource usage for various types of resources. Overall system quality needs to be guaranteed and optimized at all times. This leads to the need for a run-time management solution that selects an appropriate system configuration from all the application configurations of active applications. This run-time management problem can be phrased as a multi-dimensional multiple-choice knapsack (MMKP) problem. We present a compositional heuristic to solve MMKP, that due to the compositionality is better suited to CMP run-time management than existing heuristics that are all not compositional. Our heuristic outperforms the best-known heuristic to date. The heuristic is parameterized, leading to the additional advantage that it allows to trade off execution time vs. solution quality, and to bound the time needed to compute a solution. The latter makes it particularly well-suited for resource-constrained embedded platforms.

digital systems design | 2007

Latency Minimization for Synchronous Data Flow Graphs

Ah Amir Ghamarian; Sander Sander Stuijk; Aa Twan Basten; Mcw Marc Geilen; Bd Bart Theelen

Synchronous data flow graphs (SDFGs) are a very useful means for modeling and analyzing streaming applications. Some performance indicators, such as throughput, have been studied before. Although throughput is a very useful performance indicator for concurrent real-time applications, another important metric is latency. Especially for applications such as video conferencing, telephony and games, latency beyond a certain limit cannot be tolerated. This paper proposes an algorithm to determine the minimal achievable latency, providing an execution scheme for executing an SDFG with this latency. In addition, a heuristic is proposed for optimizing latency under a throughput constraint. Experimental results show that latency computations are efficient despite the theoretical complexity of the problem. Substantial latency improvements are obtained, of 24-54% on average for a synthetic benchmark of 900 models, and up to 37% for a benchmark of six real DSP and multimedia models. The heuristic for minimizing latency under a throughput constraint gives optimal latency and throughput results under a constraint of maximal throughput for all DSP and multimedia models, and for over 95% of the synthetic models.

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