
Nature | 2007

Visualizing pair formation on the atomic scale in the high- T c superconductor Bi 2 Sr 2 CaCu 2 O 8+ δ

Kenjiro K. Gomes; Abhay N. Pasupathy; Aakash Pushp; Shimpei Ono; Yoichi Ando; Ali Yazdani

Pairing of electrons in conventional superconductors occurs at the superconducting transition temperature Tc, creating an energy gap Δ in the electronic density of states (DOS). In the high-Tc superconductors, a partial gap in the DOS exists for a range of temperatures above Tc (ref. 2). A key question is whether the gap in the DOS above Tc is associated with pairing, and what determines the temperature at which incoherent pairs form. Here we report the first spatially resolved measurements of gap formation in a high-Tc superconductor, measured on Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ samples with different Tc values (hole concentration of 0.12 to 0.22) using scanning tunnelling microscopy. Over a wide range of doping from 0.16 to 0.22 we find that pairing gaps nucleate in nanoscale regions above Tc. These regions proliferate as the temperature is lowered, resulting in a spatial distribution of gap sizes in the superconducting state. Despite the inhomogeneity, we find that every pairing gap develops locally at a temperature Tp, following the relation 2Δ/kBTp = 7.9u2009±u20090.5. At very low doping (≤0.14), systematic changes in the DOS indicate the presence of another phenomenon, which is unrelated and perhaps competes with electron pairing. Our observation of nanometre-sized pairing regions provides the missing microscopic basis for understanding recent reports of fluctuating superconducting response above Tc in hole-doped high-Tc copper oxide superconductors.

Nature | 2010

Fluctuating stripes at the onset of the pseudogap in the high-Tc superconductor Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+x

Colin Parker; Pegor Aynajian; Eduardo H. da Silva Neto; Aakash Pushp; Shimpei Ono; Jinsheng Wen; Z. Xu; Genda Gu; Ali Yazdani

Doped Mott insulators have a strong propensity to form patterns of holes and spins often referred to as stripes. In copper oxides, doping also gives rise to the pseudogap state, which can be transformed into a high-temperature superconducting state with sufficient doping or by reducing the temperature. A long-standing issue has been the interplay between the pseudogap, which is generic to all hole-doped copper oxide superconductors, and stripes, whose static form occurs in only one family of copper oxides over a narrow range of the phase diagram. Here we report observations of the spatial reorganization of electronic states with the onset of the pseudogap state in the high-temperature superconductor Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+x, using spectroscopic mapping with a scanning tunnelling microscope. We find that the onset of the pseudogap phase coincides with the appearance of electronic patterns that have the predicted characteristics of fluctuating stripes. As expected, the stripe patterns are strongest when the hole concentration in the CuO2 planes is close to 1/8 (per copper atom). Although they demonstrate that the fluctuating stripes emerge with the onset of the pseudogap state and occur over a large part of the phase diagram, our experiments indicate that the stripes are a consequence of pseudogap behaviour rather than its cause.

Science | 2008

Electronic Origin of the Inhomogeneous Pairing Interaction in the High-Tc Superconductor Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ

Abhay N. Pasupathy; Aakash Pushp; Kenjiro K. Gomes; Colin Parker; Jinsheng Wen; Z. Xu; Genda Gu; Shimpei Ono; Yoichi Ando; Ali Yazdani

Identifying the mechanism of superconductivity in the high-temperature cuprate superconductors is one of the major outstanding problems in physics. We report local measurements of the onset of superconducting pairing in the high–transition temperature (Tc) superconductor Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ using a lattice-tracking spectroscopy technique with a scanning tunneling microscope. We can determine the temperature dependence of the pairing energy gaps, the electronic excitations in the absence of pairing, and the effect of the local coupling of electrons to bosonic excitations. Our measurements reveal that the strength of pairing is determined by the unusual electronic excitations of the normal state, suggesting that strong electron-electron interactions rather than low-energy (<0.1 volts) electron-boson interactions are responsible for superconductivity in the cuprates.

Nature Communications | 2016

Enhanced spin–orbit torques by oxygen incorporation in tungsten films

Kai-Uwe Demasius; Timothy Phung; Weifeng Zhang; Brian Hughes; See-Hun Yang; A. J. Kellock; Wei Han; Aakash Pushp; Stuart S. P. Parkin

The origin of spin–orbit torques, which are generated by the conversion of charge-to-spin currents in non-magnetic materials, is of considerable debate. One of the most interesting materials is tungsten, for which large spin–orbit torques have been found in thin films that are stabilized in the A15 (β-phase) structure. Here we report large spin Hall angles of up to approximately –0.5 by incorporating oxygen into tungsten. While the incorporation of oxygen into the tungsten films leads to significant changes in their microstructure and electrical resistivity, the large spin Hall angles measured are found to be remarkably insensitive to the oxygen-doping level (12–44%). The invariance of the spin Hall angle for higher oxygen concentrations with the bulk properties of the films suggests that the spin–orbit torques in this system may originate dominantly from the interface rather than from the interior of the films.

Nature Physics | 2013

Domain wall trajectory determined by its fractional topological edge defects

Aakash Pushp; Timothy Phung; C. T. Rettner; Brian Hughes; See-Hun Yang; Luc Thomas; Stuart S. P. Parkin

When a domain wall of a given chirality is injected into a magnetic nanowire, its trajectory through a branched network of Y-shaped nanowire junctions—such as a honeycomb lattice, for instance—can be pre-determined. This property has implications for data storage and processing.

Science | 2009

Extending Universal Nodal Excitations Optimizes Superconductivity in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ

Aakash Pushp; Colin Parker; Abhay N. Pasupathy; Kenjiro K. Gomes; Shimpei Ono; Jinsheng Wen; Z. Xu; Genda Gu; Ali Yazdani

Cuprate Analysis Despite more than 20 years of intensive effort, the mechanism providing superconductivity in the cuprates remains elusive and contentious, partly because the cuprates are inhomogeneous. Scanning tunneling spectroscopy (STS) and high-resolution, angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy provide energy and momentum information about the excitations in the high-temperature cuprate superconductors. Pushp et al. (p. 1689, published online 4 June) provide a STS study of the cuprate Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ over a range of doping levels and temperatures. This methodology for analyzing the spectra takes into account the inhomogeneity and may provide insight into how a superconducting pairing mechanism evolves from the parent insulating state. Scanning tunneling spectroscopy reveals strong electronic correlations in the insulating state of a cuprate superconductor. Understanding the mechanism by which d wave superconductivity in the cuprates emerges and is optimized by doping the Mott insulator is one of the major outstanding problems in condensed-matter physics. Our high-resolution scanning tunneling microscopy measurements of the high–transition temperature (Tc) superconductor Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ show that samples with different Tc values in the low doping regime follow a remarkably universal d wave low-energy excitation spectrum, indicating a doping-independent nodal gap. We demonstrate that Tc instead correlates with the fraction of the Fermi surface over which the samples exhibit the universal spectrum. Optimal Tc is achieved when all parts of the Fermi surface follow this universal behavior. Increasing the temperature above Tc turns the universal spectrum into an arc of gapless excitations, whereas overdoping breaks down the universal nodal behavior.

EPL | 2014

Magnetic ordering in Cr-doped Bi2Se3 thin films

L. J. Collins-McIntyre; S. E. Harrison; Piet Schönherr; Nina-Juliane Steinke; C. J. Kinane; Timothy R. Charlton; D. Alba-Veneroa; Aakash Pushp; A. J. Kellock; S. S. P. Parkin; James S. Harris; S. Langridge; G. van der Laan; T. Hesjedal

We report the structural and magnetic study of Cr-doped Bi2Se3 thin films using x-ray diffraction (XRD), magnetometry and polarized neutron reflectometry (PNR). Epitaxial layers were grown on c-plane sapphire by molecular beam epitaxy in a two-step process. High-resolution XRD shows the exceptionally high crystalline quality of the doped films with no parasitic phases up to a Cr concentration of 12% (in % of the Bi sites occupied by substitutional Cr). The magnetic moment, measured by SQUID magnetometry, was found to be per Cr ion. The magnetic hysteresis curve shows an open loop with a coercive field of . The ferromagnetic transition temperature was determined to be analyzing the magnetization-temperature gradient. PNR shows the film to be homogeneously ferromagnetic with no enhanced magnetism near the surface or interface.

Journal of Applied Physics | 2014

Study of Gd-doped Bi2Te3 thin films: Molecular beam epitaxy growth and magnetic properties

S. E. Harrison; L. J. Collins-McIntyre; Shunpu Li; A. A. Baker; L. R. Shelford; Yijie Huo; Aakash Pushp; S. S. P. Parkin; James S. Harris; E. Arenholz; G. van der Laan; T. Hesjedal

Incorporation of magnetic dopants into topological insulators to break time-reversal symmetry is a prerequisite for observing the quantum anomalous Hall (QAHE) effect and other novel magnetoelectric phenomena. GdBiTe3 with a Gd:Bi ratio of 1:1 is a proposed QAHE system, however, the reported solubility limit for Gd doping into Bi2Te3 bulk crystals is between ∼0.01 and 0.05. We present a magnetic study of molecular beam epitaxy grown (GdxBi1–x)2Te3 thin films with a high Gd concentration, up to x ≈ 0.3. Magnetometry reveals that the films are paramagnetic down to 1.5u2009K. X-ray magnetic circular dichroism at the Gd M4,5 edge at 1.5u2009K reveals a saturation field of ∼6u2009T, and a slow decay of the magnetic moment with temperature up to 200u2009K. The Gd3+ ions, which are substitutional on Bi sites in the Bi2Te3 lattice, exhibit a large atomic moment of ∼7u2009μB, as determined by bulk-sensitive superconducting quantum interference device magnetometry. Surface oxidation and the formation of Gd2O3 lead to a reduced moment ...

AIP Advances | 2014

X-ray magnetic spectroscopy of MBE-grown Mn-doped Bi2Se3 thin films

L. J. Collins-McIntyre; M. D. Watson; A. A. Baker; S. L. Zhang; Amalia I. Coldea; S. E. Harrison; Aakash Pushp; A. J. Kellock; Stuart S. P. Parkin; G. van der Laan; T. Hesjedal

We report the growth of Mn-doped Bi2Se3 thin films by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE), investigated by x-ray diffraction (XRD), atomic force microscopy (AFM), SQUID magnetometry and x-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD). Epitaxial films were deposited on c-plane sapphire substrates by co-evaporation. The films exhibit a spiral growth mechanism typical of this material class, as revealed by AFM. The XRD measurements demonstrate a good crystalline structure which is retained upon doping up to ∼7.5 atomic-% Mn, determined by Rutherford backscattering spectrometry (RBS), and show no evidence of the formation of parasitic phases. However an increasing interstitial incorporation of Mn is observed with increasing doping concentration. A magnetic moment of 5.1 μB/Mn is obtained from bulk-sensitive SQUID measurements, and a much lower moment of 1.6 μB/Mn from surface-sensitive XMCD. At ∼2.5 K, XMCD at the Mn L2,3 edge, reveals short-range magnetic order in the films and indicates ferromagnetic order below 1.5 K.

Applied Physics Letters | 2013

Magnetic properties of gadolinium substituted Bi2Te3 thin films

Shuang Li; S. E. Harrison; Yijie Huo; Aakash Pushp; H. T. Yuan; Bo Zhou; A. J. Kellock; S. S. P. Parkin; Yusi Chen; T. Hesjedal; James S. Harris

Thin film GdBiTe3 has been proposed as a candidate material in which to observe the quantum anomalous Hall effect. As a thermal non-equilibrium deposition method, molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) has the ability to incorporate large amounts of Gd into Bi2Te3 crystal structures. High-quality rhombohedral (GdxBi1−x)2Te3 films with substitutional Gd concentrations of xu2009≤u20090.4 were grown by MBE. Angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy shows that the topological surface state remains intact up to the highest Gd concentration. Magnetoresistance measurements show weak antilocalization, indicating strong spin orbit interaction. Magnetometry reveals that the films are paramagnetic with a magnetic moment of 6.93u2009μB per Gd3+ ion.

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