
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | 2011

High-quality draft assemblies of mammalian genomes from massively parallel sequence data

Sante Gnerre; Iain MacCallum; Dariusz Przybylski; Filipe J. Ribeiro; Joshua N. Burton; Bruce J. Walker; Ted Sharpe; Giles Hall; Terrance Shea; Sean Sykes; Aaron M. Berlin; Daniel Aird; Maura Costello; Riza Daza; Louise Williams; Robert Nicol; Andreas Gnirke; Chad Nusbaum; Eric S. Lander; David B. Jaffe

Massively parallel DNA sequencing technologies are revolutionizing genomics by making it possible to generate billions of relatively short (~100-base) sequence reads at very low cost. Whereas such data can be readily used for a wide range of biomedical applications, it has proven difficult to use them to generate high-quality de novo genome assemblies of large, repeat-rich vertebrate genomes. To date, the genome assemblies generated from such data have fallen far short of those obtained with the older (but much more expensive) capillary-based sequencing approach. Here, we report the development of an algorithm for genome assembly, ALLPATHS-LG, and its application to massively parallel DNA sequence data from the human and mouse genomes, generated on the Illumina platform. The resulting draft genome assemblies have good accuracy, short-range contiguity, long-range connectivity, and coverage of the genome. In particular, the base accuracy is high (≥99.95%) and the scaffold sizes (N50 size = 11.5 Mb for human and 7.2 Mb for mouse) approach those obtained with capillary-based sequencing. The combination of improved sequencing technology and improved computational methods should now make it possible to increase dramatically the de novo sequencing of large genomes. The ALLPATHS-LG program is available at

Science | 2010

A catalog of reference genomes from the human microbiome.

Karen E. Nelson; George M. Weinstock; Sarah K. Highlander; Kim C. Worley; Heather Huot Creasy; Jennifer R. Wortman; Douglas B. Rusch; Makedonka Mitreva; Erica Sodergren; Asif T. Chinwalla; Michael Feldgarden; Dirk Gevers; Brian J. Haas; Ramana Madupu; Doyle V. Ward; Bruce Birren; Richard A. Gibbs; Barbara A. Methé; Joseph F. Petrosino; Robert L. Strausberg; Granger Sutton; Owen White; Richard Wilson; Scott Durkin; Michelle G. Giglio; Sharvari Gujja; Clint Howarth; Chinnappa D. Kodira; Nikos C. Kyrpides; Teena Mehta

News from the Inner Tube of Life A major initiative by the U.S. National Institutes of Health to sequence 900 genomes of microorganisms that live on the surfaces and orifices of the human body has established standardized protocols and methods for such large-scale reference sequencing. By combining previously accumulated data with new data, Nelson et al. (p. 994) present an initial analysis of 178 bacterial genomes. The sampling so far barely scratches the surface of the microbial diversity found on humans, but the work provides an important baseline for future analyses. Standardized protocols and methods are being established for large-scale sequencing of the microorganisms living on humans. The human microbiome refers to the community of microorganisms, including prokaryotes, viruses, and microbial eukaryotes, that populate the human body. The National Institutes of Health launched an initiative that focuses on describing the diversity of microbial species that are associated with health and disease. The first phase of this initiative includes the sequencing of hundreds of microbial reference genomes, coupled to metagenomic sequencing from multiple body sites. Here we present results from an initial reference genome sequencing of 178 microbial genomes. From 547,968 predicted polypeptides that correspond to the gene complement of these strains, previously unidentified (“novel”) polypeptides that had both unmasked sequence length greater than 100 amino acids and no BLASTP match to any nonreference entry in the nonredundant subset were defined. This analysis resulted in a set of 30,867 polypeptides, of which 29,987 (~97%) were unique. In addition, this set of microbial genomes allows for ~40% of random sequences from the microbiome of the gastrointestinal tract to be associated with organisms based on the match criteria used. Insights into pan-genome analysis suggest that we are still far from saturating microbial species genetic data sets. In addition, the associated metrics and standards used by our group for quality assurance are presented.

Nature | 2013

The African coelacanth genome provides insights into tetrapod evolution.

Chris T. Amemiya; Jessica Alföldi; Alison P. Lee; Shaohua Fan; Hervé Philippe; Iain MacCallum; Ingo Braasch; Tereza Manousaki; Igor Schneider; Nicolas Rohner; Chris Organ; Domitille Chalopin; Jeramiah J. Smith; Mark Robinson; Rosemary A. Dorrington; Marco Gerdol; Bronwen Aken; Maria Assunta Biscotti; Marco Barucca; Denis Baurain; Aaron M. Berlin; Francesco Buonocore; Thorsten Burmester; Michael S. Campbell; Adriana Canapa; John P. Cannon; Alan Christoffels; Gianluca De Moro; Adrienne L. Edkins; Lin Fan

The discovery of a living coelacanth specimen in 1938 was remarkable, as this lineage of lobe-finned fish was thought to have become extinct 70 million years ago. The modern coelacanth looks remarkably similar to many of its ancient relatives, and its evolutionary proximity to our own fish ancestors provides a glimpse of the fish that first walked on land. Here we report the genome sequence of the African coelacanth, Latimeria chalumnae. Through a phylogenomic analysis, we conclude that the lungfish, and not the coelacanth, is the closest living relative of tetrapods. Coelacanth protein-coding genes are significantly more slowly evolving than those of tetrapods, unlike other genomic features. Analyses of changes in genes and regulatory elements during the vertebrate adaptation to land highlight genes involved in immunity, nitrogen excretion and the development of fins, tail, ear, eye, brain and olfaction. Functional assays of enhancers involved in the fin-to-limb transition and in the emergence of extra-embryonic tissues show the importance of the coelacanth genome as a blueprint for understanding tetrapod evolution.The discovery of a living coelacanth specimen in 1938 was remarkable, as this lineage of lobe-finned fish was thought to have become extinct 70 million years ago. The modern coelacanth looks remarkably similar to many of its ancient relatives, and its evolutionary proximity to our own fish ancestors provides a glimpse of the fish that first walked on land. Here we report the genome sequence of the African coelacanth, Latimeria chalumnae. Through a phylogenomic analysis, we conclude that the lungfish, and not the coelacanth, is the closest living relative of tetrapods. Coelacanth protein-coding genes are significantly more slowly evolving than those of tetrapods, unlike other genomic features. Analyses of changes in genes and regulatory elements during the vertebrate adaptation to land highlight genes involved in immunity, nitrogen excretion and the development of fins, tail, ear, eye, brain and olfaction. Functional assays of enhancers involved in the fin-to-limb transition and in the emergence of extra-embryonic tissues show the importance of the coelacanth genome as a blueprint for understanding tetrapod evolution.

Nature | 2014

The genomic substrate for adaptive radiation in African cichlid fish

David Brawand; Catherine E. Wagner; Yang I. Li; Milan Malinsky; Irene Keller; Shaohua Fan; Oleg Simakov; Alvin Yu Jin Ng; Zhi Wei Lim; Etienne Bezault; Jason Turner-Maier; Jeremy A. Johnson; Rosa M. Alcazar; Hyun Ji Noh; Pamela Russell; Bronwen Aken; Jessica Alföldi; Chris T. Amemiya; Naoual Azzouzi; Jean-François Baroiller; Frédérique Barloy-Hubler; Aaron M. Berlin; Ryan F. Bloomquist; Karen L. Carleton; Matthew A. Conte; Helena D'Cotta; Orly Eshel; Leslie Gaffney; Francis Galibert; Hugo F. Gante

Cichlid fishes are famous for large, diverse and replicated adaptive radiations in the Great Lakes of East Africa. To understand the molecular mechanisms underlying cichlid phenotypic diversity, we sequenced the genomes and transcriptomes of five lineages of African cichlids: the Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus), an ancestral lineage with low diversity; and four members of the East African lineage: Neolamprologus brichardi/pulcher (older radiation, Lake Tanganyika), Metriaclima zebra (recent radiation, Lake Malawi), Pundamilia nyererei (very recent radiation, Lake Victoria), and Astatotilapia burtoni (riverine species around Lake Tanganyika). We found an excess of gene duplications in the East African lineage compared to tilapia and other teleosts, an abundance of non-coding element divergence, accelerated coding sequence evolution, expression divergence associated with transposable element insertions, and regulation by novel microRNAs. In addition, we analysed sequence data from sixty individuals representing six closely related species from Lake Victoria, and show genome-wide diversifying selection on coding and regulatory variants, some of which were recruited from ancient polymorphisms. We conclude that a number of molecular mechanisms shaped East African cichlid genomes, and that amassing of standing variation during periods of relaxed purifying selection may have been important in facilitating subsequent evolutionary diversification.

Hepatology | 2008

Naturally Occurring Dominant Resistance Mutations to Hepatitis C Virus Protease and Polymerase Inhibitors in Treatment-Naïve Patients

Thomas Kuntzen; Joerg Timm; Andrew Berical; Niall J. Lennon; Aaron M. Berlin; Sarah K. Young; Bongshin Lee; David Heckerman; Jonathan M. Carlson; Laura L. Reyor; Marianna Kleyman; Cory McMahon; Christopher Birch; Julian Schulze zur Wiesch; Timothy Ledlie; Michael Koehrsen; Chinnappa D. Kodira; Andrew Roberts; Georg M. Lauer; Hugo R. Rosen; Florian Bihl; Andreas Cerny; Ulrich Spengler; Zhimin Liu; Arthur Y. Kim; Yanming Xing; Arne Schneidewind; Margaret A. Madey; Jaquelyn F. Fleckenstein; Vicki Park

Resistance mutations to hepatitis C virus (HCV) nonstructural protein 3 (NS3) protease inhibitors in <1% of the viral quasispecies may still allow >1000‐fold viral load reductions upon treatment, consistent with their reported reduced replicative fitness in vitro. Recently, however, an R155K protease mutation was reported as the dominant quasispecies in a treatment‐naïve individual, raising concerns about possible full drug resistance. To investigate the prevalence of dominant resistance mutations against specifically targeted antiviral therapy for HCV (STAT‐C) in the population, we analyzed HCV genome sequences from 507 treatment‐naïve patients infected with HCV genotype 1 from the United States, Germany, and Switzerland. Phylogenetic sequence analysis and viral load data were used to identify the possible spread of replication‐competent, drug‐resistant viral strains in the population and to infer the consequences of these mutations upon viral replication in vivo. Mutations described to confer resistance to the protease inhibitors Telaprevir, BILN2061, ITMN‐191, SCH6 and Boceprevir; the NS5B polymerase inhibitor AG‐021541; and to the NS4A antagonist ACH‐806 were observed mostly as sporadic, unrelated cases, at frequencies between 0.3% and 2.8% in the population, including two patients with possible multidrug resistance. Collectively, however, 8.6% of the patients infected with genotype 1a and 1.4% of those infected with genotype 1b carried at least one dominant resistance mutation. Viral loads were high in the majority of these patients, suggesting that drug‐resistant viral strains might achieve replication levels comparable to nonresistant viruses in vivo. Conclusion: Naturally occurring dominant STAT‐C resistance mutations are common in treatment‐naïve patients infected with HCV genotype 1. Their influence on treatment outcome should further be characterized to evaluate possible benefits of drug resistance testing for individual tailoring of drug combinations when treatment options are limited due to previous nonresponse to peginterferon and ribavirin. (HEPATOLOGY 2008;48:1769–1778.)

Science | 2011

Comparative Functional Genomics of the Fission Yeasts

Nicholas Rhind; Zehua Chen; Moran Yassour; Dawn Anne Thompson; Brian J. Haas; Naomi Habib; Ilan Wapinski; Sushmita Roy; Michael F. Lin; David I. Heiman; Sarah K. Young; Kanji Furuya; Yabin Guo; Alison L. Pidoux; Huei Mei Chen; Barbara Robbertse; Jonathan M. Goldberg; Keita Aoki; Elizabeth H. Bayne; Aaron M. Berlin; Christopher A. Desjardins; Edward Dobbs; Livio Dukaj; Lin Fan; Michael Fitzgerald; Courtney French; Sharvari Gujja; Klavs Wörgler Hansen; Daniel Keifenheim; Joshua Z. Levin

A combined analysis of genome sequence, structure, and expression gives insights into fission yeast biology. The fission yeast clade—comprising Schizosaccharomyces pombe, S. octosporus, S. cryophilus, and S. japonicus—occupies the basal branch of Ascomycete fungi and is an important model of eukaryote biology. A comparative annotation of these genomes identified a near extinction of transposons and the associated innovation of transposon-free centromeres. Expression analysis established that meiotic genes are subject to antisense transcription during vegetative growth, which suggests a mechanism for their tight regulation. In addition, trans-acting regulators control new genes within the context of expanded functional modules for meiosis and stress response. Differences in gene content and regulation also explain why, unlike the budding yeast of Saccharomycotina, fission yeasts cannot use ethanol as a primary carbon source. These analyses elucidate the genome structure and gene regulation of fission yeast and provide tools for investigation across the Schizosaccharomyces clade.

PLOS Pathogens | 2012

Whole genome deep sequencing of HIV-1 reveals the impact of early minor variants upon immune recognition during acute infection

Matthew R. Henn; Christian L. Boutwell; Patrick Charlebois; Niall J. Lennon; Karen A. Power; Alexander R. Macalalad; Aaron M. Berlin; Christine M. Malboeuf; Elizabeth Ryan; Sante Gnerre; Michael C. Zody; Rachel L. Erlich; Lisa Green; Andrew Berical; Yaoyu Wang; Monica Casali; Hendrik Streeck; Allyson K. Bloom; Tim Dudek; Damien C. Tully; Ruchi M. Newman; Karen L. Axten; Adrianne D. Gladden; Laura Battis; Michael Kemper; Qiandong Zeng; Terrance Shea; Sharvari Gujja; Carmen Zedlack; Olivier Gasser

Deep sequencing technologies have the potential to transform the study of highly variable viral pathogens by providing a rapid and cost-effective approach to sensitively characterize rapidly evolving viral quasispecies. Here, we report on a high-throughput whole HIV-1 genome deep sequencing platform that combines 454 pyrosequencing with novel assembly and variant detection algorithms. In one subject we combined these genetic data with detailed immunological analyses to comprehensively evaluate viral evolution and immune escape during the acute phase of HIV-1 infection. The majority of early, low frequency mutations represented viral adaptation to host CD8+ T cell responses, evidence of strong immune selection pressure occurring during the early decline from peak viremia. CD8+ T cell responses capable of recognizing these low frequency escape variants coincided with the selection and evolution of more effective secondary HLA-anchor escape mutations. Frequent, and in some cases rapid, reversion of transmitted mutations was also observed across the viral genome. When located within restricted CD8 epitopes these low frequency reverting mutations were sufficient to prime de novo responses to these epitopes, again illustrating the capacity of the immune response to recognize and respond to low frequency variants. More importantly, rapid viral escape from the most immunodominant CD8+ T cell responses coincided with plateauing of the initial viral load decline in this subject, suggestive of a potential link between maintenance of effective, dominant CD8 responses and the degree of early viremia reduction. We conclude that the early control of HIV-1 replication by immunodominant CD8+ T cell responses may be substantially influenced by rapid, low frequency viral adaptations not detected by conventional sequencing approaches, which warrants further investigation. These data support the critical need for vaccine-induced CD8+ T cell responses to target more highly constrained regions of the virus in order to ensure the maintenance of immunodominant CD8 responses and the sustained decline of early viremia.

Genome Biology | 2011

A scalable, fully automated process for construction of sequence-ready human exome targeted capture libraries

Sheila Fisher; Andrew Barry; Justin Abreu; Brian Minie; Jillian Nolan; Toni Delorey; Geneva Young; Timothy Fennell; Alexander Allen; Lauren Ambrogio; Aaron M. Berlin; Brendan Blumenstiel; Kristian Cibulskis; Dennis Friedrich; Ryan Johnson; Frank Juhn; Brian Reilly; Ramy Shammas; John Stalker; Sean Sykes; Jon Thompson; John Jarlath Walsh; Andrew Zimmer; Zac Zwirko; Stacey Gabriel; Robert Nicol; Chad Nusbaum

Genome targeting methods enable cost-effective capture of specific subsets of the genome for sequencing. We present here an automated, highly scalable method for carrying out the Solution Hybrid Selection capture approach that provides a dramatic increase in scale and throughput of sequence-ready libraries produced. Significant process improvements and a series of in-process quality control checkpoints are also added. These process improvements can also be used in a manual version of the protocol.

PLOS ONE | 2009

Whole Genome Amplification and De novo Assembly of Single Bacterial Cells

Sébastien Rodrigue; Rex R. Malmstrom; Aaron M. Berlin; Bruce W. Birren; Matthew R. Henn; Sallie W. Chisholm

Background Single-cell genome sequencing has the potential to allow the in-depth exploration of the vast genetic diversity found in uncultured microbes. We used the marine cyanobacterium Prochlorococcus as a model system for addressing important challenges facing high-throughput whole genome amplification (WGA) and complete genome sequencing of individual cells. Methodology/Principal Findings We describe a pipeline that enables single-cell WGA on hundreds of cells at a time while virtually eliminating non-target DNA from the reactions. We further developed a post-amplification normalization procedure that mitigates extreme variations in sequencing coverage associated with multiple displacement amplification (MDA), and demonstrated that the procedure increased sequencing efficiency and facilitated genome assembly. We report genome recovery as high as 99.6% with reference-guided assembly, and 95% with de novo assembly starting from a single cell. We also analyzed the impact of chimera formation during MDA on de novo assembly, and discuss strategies to minimize the presence of incorrectly joined regions in contigs. Conclusions/Significance The methods describe in this paper will be useful for sequencing genomes of individual cells from a variety of samples.

Environmental Microbiology | 2010

Genomic analysis of oceanic cyanobacterial myoviruses compared with T4-like myoviruses from diverse hosts and environments

Matthew B. Sullivan; Katherine H. Huang; Julio C. Ignacio-Espinoza; Aaron M. Berlin; Libusha Kelly; Peter R. Weigele; Alicia S. DeFrancesco; Suzanne E. Kern; Luke R. Thompson; Sarah Young; Chandri Yandava; Ross Fu; Bryan Krastins; Michael R. Chase; David Sarracino; Marcia S. Osburne; Matthew R. Henn; Sallie W. Chisholm

T4-like myoviruses are ubiquitous, and their genes are among the most abundant documented in ocean systems. Here we compare 26 T4-like genomes, including 10 from non-cyanobacterial myoviruses, and 16 from marine cyanobacterial myoviruses (cyanophages) isolated on diverse Prochlorococcus or Synechococcus hosts. A core genome of 38 virion construction and DNA replication genes was observed in all 26 genomes, with 32 and 25 additional genes shared among the non-cyanophage and cyanophage subsets, respectively. These hierarchical cores are highly syntenic across the genomes, and sampled to saturation. The 25 cyanophage core genes include six previously described genes with putative functions (psbA, mazG, phoH, hsp20, hli03, cobS), a hypothetical protein with a potential phytanoyl-CoA dioxygenase domain, two virion structural genes, and 16 hypothetical genes. Beyond previously described cyanophage-encoded photosynthesis and phosphate stress genes, we observed core genes that may play a role in nitrogen metabolism during infection through modulation of 2-oxoglutarate. Patterns among non-core genes that may drive niche diversification revealed that phosphorus-related gene content reflects source waters rather than host strain used for isolation, and that carbon metabolism genes appear associated with putative mobile elements. As well, phages isolated on Synechococcus had higher genome-wide %G+C and often contained different gene subsets (e.g. petE, zwf, gnd, prnA, cpeT) than those isolated on Prochlorococcus. However, no clear diagnostic genes emerged to distinguish these phage groups, suggesting blurred boundaries possibly due to cross-infection. Finally, genome-wide comparisons of both diverse and closely related, co-isolated genomes provide a locus-to-locus variability metric that will prove valuable for interpreting metagenomic data sets.

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