Abdallah Achour Junior
Universidade Estadual de Londrina
Clinical Interventions in Aging | 2015
Nelson Hilário Carneiro; Alex S. Ribeiro; Matheus Amarante do Nascimento; Luis Alberto Gobbo; Brad J. Schoenfeld; Abdallah Achour Junior; Sebastião Gobbi; Arli Ramos de Oliveira; Edilson Serpeloni Cyrino
Objective The main purpose of the investigation reported here was to analyze the effect of resistance training (RT) performed at different weekly frequencies on flexibility in older women. Participants and methods Fifty-three older women (≥60 years old) were randomly assigned to perform RT either two (n=28; group “G2x”), or three (n=25; group “G3x”) times per week. The RT program comprised eight exercises in which the participants performed one set of 10–15 repetitions maximum for a period of 12 weeks. Anthropometric, body-composition, and flexibility measurements were made at baseline and post-study. The flexibility measurements were obtained by a fleximeter. Results A significant group-by-time interaction (P<0.01) was observed for frontal hip flexion, in which G3x showed a higher increase than G2x (+12.8% and +3.0%, respectively). Both groups increased flexibility in cervical extension (G2x=+19.1%, G3x=+20.0%), right hip flexion (G2x=+14.6%, G3x=+15.9%), and left hip flexion (G2x=+25.7%, G3x=+19.2%), with no statistical difference between groups. No statistically significant differences were noted for the increase in skeletal muscle mass between training three versus two times a week (+7.4% vs +4.4%, respectively). Conclusion Twelve weeks of RT improves the flexibility of different joint movements in older women, and the higher frequency induces greater increases for frontal hip flexion.
Revista Brasileira de Ciências da Saúde | 2010
Paulo Gil Salles; Fabrício Vieira do Amaral Vasconcellos; Abdallah Achour Junior; Danielli Braga de Mello; Estélio Henrique Martin Dantas
The purpose of the this study was to check the validity and the intra and interday reliability of the Sargent Jump Test, as an instrument to measure the explosive strength of the sub-15 class soccer’s’ athletes. Forty-five soccer players from several clubs which dispute the Carioca Championship were assessed, randomly chosen, who performed one test in a Jump Platform and two Sargent Jump Tests, all of them in the same day and one more Sargent Jump Test 48 hours later. In all tests there were performed three jumps and only the highest one was computed. In order to assess the validity there were used the results from the Jump Platform and from the first Sargent Jump Test. In order to assess the intraday reliability, there were used the results from the first and the second Sargent Jump Test and to assess the interday reliability there were used the results of the first and the third Sargent Jump Test. For the normality assessment of the data it was used the Kolmogorov-Smirvov test. The validity and reliability were given through the interclass correlation coefficient with definition of absolute agreement of the Bland and Altman test, from the statistical pack SPSS 11, with a significance level of p<0,05. It was noted: validity (r=0,99, p=0,001), intraday reliability (r=0,99, p=0,001), and interday reliability (r=0,97, p=0,001). These results allow confirming that, for the considered sample, the Sargent Jump Test constitutes a useful and valid instrument to assess the explosive strength.
dependable autonomic and secure computing | 2015
Felipe Simoes; Fabio Takeshi Matsunaga; Armando Maciel Toda; Jacques Duílio Brancher; Abdallah Achour Junior; Rosangela Marques Busto
Sports management concerns the organization of sport results and modalities information and statistical analysis by professionals. However, these information scattered around the web or organized by sport events which difficult the prospection of sport talents and the textual information are unstructured or semi-structured. This work proposes a Summary Sport Information Extraction System (SSIE) to generate a summary of statistics of the athletics modality by the automatic information extraction of documents retrieved from web. These documents are converted in textual information and classified using Naive Bayes learning method, according to sport type. After the documents retrieval and classification, text segmentation/tokenization, corpus annotation and entity/subset recognition by chunking were used to generate data frames in parse trees structure. The parse trees information are stored in a database, from which was possible to summary projection and big data analyzing over the web. The main contribution of this work was the clustering of huge amount of data spread on the web, useful for sports management.
Journal of Medical Biochemistry | 2010
Olavo de Almeida; Adriane de Oliveira Sampaio; Mario Cezar de Souza Costa Conceição; Vivian Merz Paranhos; Danielli Braga de Mello; Rodrigo Gomes de Souza Vale; Abdallah Achour Junior; Estélio Henrique Martin Dantas
Muscular Strength and Hydroxyproline Concentration in Urine After Different Flexibility Training Protocols The objective of this study was to evaluate variation in the lumbar spine extension (LSE) muscular strength index and the hydroxyproline (HP) urinary concentrations as a function of flexibility training with maximum intensity (flexibilizing) statically, by proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF) and submaximally. The sample population - with an age of 17.13 ± 1.23; body mass of 63.23 ± 6.36 kg; height of 173.62 ± 5.465 cm and body fat percentage of 10 ± 3.62% - comprised 60 male individuals divided randomly into four equal groups: CG (control), StrG (stretching), SFG (static flexibilizing) and PNFG (flexibilizing by PNF). The statistical program SPSS 14.0 for Windows was used to perform a Shapiro Wilk test to verify the normality of the data and Levenes test to analyze the homogeneity of the sample, repeated measures ANOVA for multiple comparisons among groups and the Tukeys HSD Post Hoc test to determine the statistical difference within groups of the variables. A significance level of 95% (p<0.05) was adopted. The results showed a significant difference in LSE between PNFG and CG (D% = 11%; p = 0.029). It can be concluded that the practice of PNF increased strength in the study group. Mišićna Snaga i Koncentracija Hidroksiprolina u Urinu Posle Različitih Protokola za Vežbanje Fleksibilnosti Cilj studije bio je da se odrede varijacije indeksa mišićne snage ekstenzije lumbalnog dela kičme i koncentracije hidroksiprolina u urinu kao funkcija vežbanja fleksibilnosti sa maksimalnim intenzitetom (fleksibilizacija) statično, proprioceptivnom neuromišićnom facilitacijom (PNF) i submaksimalno. Ispitivanu populaciju - prosečne starosti 17,13±1,23; telesne mase 63,23±6,36 kg; visine 173,62±5,465 cm i sa prosečnim procentom telesne masti 10±3,62 % - činilo je 60 muškaraca nasumično podeljenih u 4 jednake grupe: CG (kontrolnu grupu), StrG (istezanje), SFG (statična fleksibilizacija) i PNFG (fleksibilizacija metodom PNF). Statistički program SPSS 14.0 za »Windows« korišćen je za izvođenje testa Shapiro-Wilk kako bi se utvrdila normalnost podataka i homogenost uzorka. Za ponovljena merenja korišćena je ANOVA sa višestrukim poređenjima između grupa a Tukeyjev HSD post hoc test za utvrđivanje statističke razlike u okviru grupa varijabli. Usvojen je nivo značajnosti od 95 % (p<0,05). Rezultati pokazuju značajnu razliku u ekstenziji lumbalnog dela kičme između PNFG i CG (D%=11%, p=0,029). Može se zaključiti da je upražnjavanje PNF pojačalo snagu u proučavanoj grupi.
Fitness & Performance Journal | 2008
Estélio Henrique; Martin Dantas; Rodrigo Gomes de Souza; Abdallah Achour Junior; Nébia Maria Almeida de Figueiredo
Fitness & Performance Journal | 2008
Estélio Henrique Martin Dantas; Pablo Teixeira Salomão; Rodrigo Gomes de Souza Vale; Abdallah Achour Junior; Roberto Simão; Nébia Maria Almeida de Figueiredo
Revista Brasileira de Cineantropometria & Desempenho Humano | 2010
Giseli Minatto; Roberto Régis Ribeiro; Abdallah Achour Junior; Keila Donassolo Santos
Human Movement | 2012
Fabrício Vieira Vasconcellos; Paulo Gil da Costa Mendes de Salles; Abdallah Achour Junior; Danielli De Mello; Estélio Henrique Martin Dantas
Revista Brasileira de Cineantropometria & Desempenho Humano | 2010
Giseli Minatto; Roberto Régis Ribeiro; Abdallah Achour Junior; Keila Donassolo Santos
Fitness & Performance Journal | 2008
Estélio Henrique Martin Dantas; Pablo Teixeira Salomão; Rodrigo Gomes de Souza Vale; Abdallah Achour Junior; Roberto Simão; Nébia Maria Almeida de Figueiredo