Abhijit Champanerkar
City University of New York
Featured researches published by Abhijit Champanerkar.
arXiv: Geometric Topology | 2009
Abhijit Champanerkar; Ilya Kofman
The Jones polynomial can be expressed in terms of spanning trees of the graph obtained by checkerboard coloring a knot diagram. We show that there exists a complex generated by these spanning trees whose homology is the reduced Khovanov homology. The spanning trees provide a filtration on the reduced Khovanov complex and a spectral sequence that converges to its homology. For alternating links, all differentials on the spanning tree complex are zero and the reduced Khovanov homology is determined by the Jones polynomial and signature. We prove some analogous theorems for (unreduced) Khovanov homology.
Algebraic & Geometric Topology | 2007
Abhijit Champanerkar; Ilya Kofman; Neal W. Stoltzfus
Oriented ribbon graphs (dessins d’enfant) are graphs embedded in oriented surfaces. A quasi-tree of a ribbon graph is a spanning subgraph with one face, which is described by an ordered chord diagram. We show that for any link diagram L, there is an associated ribbon graph whose quasi-trees correspond bijectively to spanning trees of the graph obtained by checkerboard coloring L. This correspondence preserves the bigrading used for the spanning tree model of Khovanov homology, whose Euler characteristic is the Jones polynomial of L. Thus, Khovanov homology can be expressed in terms of ribbon graphs, with generators given by ordered chord diagrams.
Algebraic & Geometric Topology | 2005
Abhijit Champanerkar; Ilya Kofman
We show that the Mahler measures of the Jones polynomial and of the colored Jones polynomials converge under twisting for any link. Moreover, almost all of the roots of these polynomials approach the unit circle under twisting. In terms of Mahler measure convergence, the Jones polynomial behaves like hyperbolic volume under Dehn surgery. For pretzel links P(a1,...,an), we show that the Mahler measure of the Jones polyno- mial converges if all ai ! 1, and approaches infinity for ai = constant if n ! 1, just as hyperbolic volume. We also show that after sufficiently many twists, the coefficient vector of the Jones polynomial and of any colored Jones polynomial decomposes into fixed blocks according to the number of strands twisted. AMS Classification 57M25; 26C10
Bulletin of The London Mathematical Society | 2011
Abhijit Champanerkar; Ilya Kofman; Neal W. Stoltzfus
Bollobas and Riordan introduced a three-variable polynomial extending the Tutte polynomial to oriented ribbon graphs, which are multi-graphs embedded in oriented surfaces, such that complementary regions (faces) are disks. A quasi-tree of a ribbon graph is a spanning subgraph with one face, which is described by an ordered chord diagram. By generalizing Tuttes concept of activity to quasi-trees, we prove a quasi-tree expansion of the Bollobas–Riordan–Tutte polynomial.
Algebraic & Geometric Topology | 2016
Abhijit Champanerkar; Ilya Kofman; Jessica S. Purcell
Weaving knots are alternating knots with the same projection as torus knots, and were conjectured by X.-S. Lin to be among the maximum volume knots for fixed crossing number. We provide the first asymptotically correct volume bounds for weaving knots, and we prove that the infinite weave is their geometric limit.
Journal of Knot Theory and Its Ramifications | 2015
Abhijit Champanerkar; Philip Ording
Quasi-alternating links are a generalization of alternating links. They are homologically thin for both Khovanov homology and knot Floer homology. Recent work of Greene and joint work of the first author with Kofman resulted in the classification of quasi-alternating pretzel links in terms of their integer tassel parameters. Replacing tassels by rational tangles generalizes pretzel links to Montesinos links. In this paper we establish conditions on the rational parameters of a Montesinos link to be quasi-alternating. Using recent results on left-orderable groups and Heegaard Floer L-spaces, we also establish conditions on the rational parameters of a Montesinos link to be non-quasi-alternating. We discuss examples which are not covered by the above results.
Mathematical Research Letters | 2011
Abhijit Champanerkar; David Futer; Ilya Kofman; Walter D. Neumann; Jessica S. Purcell
Twisted torus knots and links are given by twisting adjacent strands of a torus link. They are geometrically simple and contain many examples of the smallest volume hyperbolic knots. Many are also Lorenz links. We study the geometry of twisted torus links and related generalizations. We de- termine upper bounds on their hyperbolic volumes that depend only on the number of strands being twisted. We exhibit a family of twisted torus knots for which this upper bound is sharp, and another family with volumes approaching infinity. Consequently, we show there exist twisted torus knots with arbitrarily large braid index and yet bounded volume.
Communications in Contemporary Mathematics | 2008
Abhijit Champanerkar; Ilya Kofman
It is conjectured that the Khovanov homology of a knot is invariant under mutation. In this paper, we review the spanning tree complex for Khovanov homology, and reformulate this conjecture using a matroid obtained from the Tait graph (checkerboard graph) G of a knot diagram K. The spanning trees of G provide a filtration and a spectral sequence that converges to the reduced Khovanov homology of K. We show that the E_2-term of this spectral sequence is a matroid invariant and hence invariant under mutation.
Journal of Knot Theory and Its Ramifications | 2016
Abhijit Champanerkar; Ilya Kofman; Jessica S. Purcell
We recently discovered a relationship between the volume density spectrum and the determinant density spectrum for infinite sequences of hyperbolic knots. Here, we extend this study to new quantum density spectra associated to quantum invariants, such as Jones polynomials, Kashaev invariants and knot homology. We also propose related conjectures motivated by geometrically and diagrammatically maximal sequences of knots.
Journal of Knot Theory and Its Ramifications | 2014
Abhijit Champanerkar; Ilya Kofman; Timothy Mullen
We identify all hyperbolic knots whose complements are in the census of orientable one-cusped hyperbolic manifolds with eight ideal tetrahedra. We also compute their Jones polynomials.