Ac Anand
Armed Forces Medical College
Featured researches published by Ac Anand.
The Lancet | 1997
Ac Anand; Ps Reddy; Gs Saiprasad; Sk Kher
BACKGROUND Chronic abdominal pain and frequent bowel disturbance are common symptoms experienced by more than 15% of apparently healthy people. In areas endemic for Entamoeba histolytica infection, these symptoms are often diagnosed as non-dysenteric intestinal amoebiasis even though no causal relation between such symptoms and E histolytica has been established and clinical presentation of non-dysenteric intestinal amoebiasis and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is not distinct. This study was done to assess the clinical significance of E histolytica infection in causation of such symptoms. METHODS Patients with symptoms suggestive of non-dysenteric intestinal amoebiasis were recruited from a survey to assess the prevalence of abdominal symptoms in the general population (group A; n = 78) and from medical outpatient clinics (group B; n = 66). Participants who had symptoms as well as symptom-free controls (group C; n = 100) were clinically examined and underwent stool examination, amoebic serology, colonoscopic examination, histopathological examination of colonoscopic biopsy samples, and a trial of antiamoebic therapy (only for participants with symptoms) with metronidazole and mebendazole. FINDINGS There were no significant differences between the 144 patients with symptoms and the 100 symptom-free controls in the proportion with E histolytica in stools (26 [18%] vs 18 [18%]), serological evidence of E histolytica infection (61 [42%] vs 41 [41%]), colonoscopic abnormalities (five of 66 vs one of 33), or histopathological abnormalities (36 [49%] of 73 vs ten [30%] of 33). Cyst-positive and cyst-negative individuals showed no significant difference in serological evidence of E histolytic infection, histological abnormalities, or response to therapeutic trial with metronidazole. A diagnosis of IBS was suggested on the basis of consensus criteria and Kruis diagnostic index in 127 of 144 patients with symptoms. The diagnosis of non-dysenteric intestinal amoebiasis could be made in only one patient, who had relapse of symptoms within 6 weeks of antiamoebic therapy and therefore the relapse did not meet criteria for the diagnosis of non-dysenteric intestinal amoebiasis. More than 60% of cyst-positive as well as cyst-negative patients with symptoms showed either complete or partial response to treatment strategy for IBS. INTERPRETATION Chronic bowel symptoms, such as pain in abdomen and frequent bowel disturbance, have no association with either past or present infection with E histolytica. Most patients with such symptoms are likely to have IBS. The clinical entity of non-dysenteric intestinal amoebiasis, if it exists, must be extremely rare.
Medical journal, Armed Forces India | 2005
Gurvinder S. Chopra; Pk Gupta; Ac Anand; Pp Varma; Velu Nair; Ramji Rai
BACKGROUND HBV DNA quantitation is used extensively world wide for the diagnosis and monitoring of treatment of Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection. However, it has still to be popular in India. The aim of this study was to quantitate HBV - DNA by Real time - PCR method in Hepatitis B and in immuno-compromised patients, to compare the results with HBeAg detection and to monitor the response to therapy of chronic Hepatitis B patients to antivirals. METHODS Ninety one serum samples of Hepatitis group of patients (all HBsAg positive), 41 samples from immuno-compromised patients (all HBsAg negative) and 49 patients of Chronic Hepatitis B group (all HBsAg positive) were the subjects of this first ever study in Armed Forces. Twenty serum samples from healthy volunteers and non-hepatitis B patients served as negative controls. The amplification detection was carried out in a Rotor-Gene 2000-sequence detector. RESULTS Amongst Hepatitis B group, 33% (30/91) of the samples were positive for HBV-DNA and 26% (24/91) of samples were positive for HBeAg. In the immuno-compromised group of patients 14.6% (6/11) of samples were positive for HIV-DNA and 9.7% (4/41) were positive for HBeAg. Of the Chronic Hepatitis B patients on treatment, all (100%) were positive by HBV-DNA, whereas 29/49 (59.2%) were positive by HBeAg before treatment. After treatment with antivirals, 06/49 (12.2%) were positive by both tests and 11/49 (22.5%) were positive only by HBV-DNA. 32/49 (65.3%) patients became negative serologically after therapy. CONCLUSION HBeAg status did not necessarily reflect HBV-DNA level in the serum, as 10/91 (11%) in the Hepatitis B group, 2/41 (4.9%) in the immuno compromised group and 20/49 (40.8%) patients in the Chronic Hepatitis B group were positive for HBV-DNA but negative for HBeAg. HBV-DNA was not found to be positive amongst any of the negative controls. Real time - PCR is a sensitive and reproducible assay for HBV-DNA quantitation and may be started in Armed Forces referral centers in the near future.
Medical journal, Armed Forces India | 2004
Rajan Kapoor; As Narula; Ac Anand
Acute mountain sickness (AMS) and high altitude pulmonary oedema (HAPO) are common causes of morbidity and mortality seen in unacclimatized persons shortly after ascent to high altitude. High altitude is defined as altitudes more than 3000 meters while extreme high altitude is altitudes more than 5800 m [1]. Altitude related illnesses that develop shortly after ascent to high altitudes can present with either cerebral or pulmonary syndromes. AMS and high-altitude cerebral oedema (HACO) refer to the cerebral abnormalities and HAPO to pulmonary abnormalities [2]. In 2001 hospital admission rate for AMS in Indian army was reported to be 0.13/1000 personnel while admission rate for HAPO was 0.15/1000 [3]. HAPO and HACO are significant because they are potentially fatal if not treated in time.
Medical journal, Armed Forces India | 2001
Ac Anand; Abhishek Saha; Vimal Sharma; Hs Nanda; Cm Adya; Virendra Singh
2 cases of portal, splenic and superior mesenteric vein thromboses related to prolonged stay at high altitude are presented. Both presented initially with innocuous appearing vague pain in abdomen with no physical signs. Later hepatosplenomegaly, and pleural effusion (left) was also detected. Diagnosis was based on CT scan and colour Doppler study showing thrombosed veins and porto-systemic collateral. 1 patient developed a large splenic haematoma requiring splenectomy. Both were managed with early anticoagulation and have done well in the short follow up.
Medical journal, Armed Forces India | 2000
Hs Pruthi; Sk Sharma; Balwinder Singh; Ac Anand
610 patients of upper gastrointestinal haemorrhage were endoscoped over a period of eleven years from July 1985 to June 1996. Average age of the patients was 39.2 years. 82.6% were males and 17.4% were females. Duodenal ulcer (31.5%), erosive mucosal disease (30.8%), oesophageal varices (31.5%) and gastric ulcer (6.2%) were the major causes. Other causes included Mallory Weiss syndrome (10 patients), gastric polyp (3 patients), stomal ulcer (5 patients) and self-induced bleeding (3 patients). Multiple lesions responsible for bleeding were detectable in 6.6% of patients. Endoscopy was non-contributory in 50 (11.2%) patients. Haemorrhage was the first presentation in 8.5% patients of duodenal ulcer. A known ulcerogenic agent in 21% of duodenal ulcer cases precipitated the bleeding. 77.4% of duodenal ulcer patients responded to conservative management. Erosive gastritis (57.5%) was the commonest finding in the erosive mucosal group. Alcohol and analgesics were the major precipitating factors in these patients. Majority of oesophageal varices were treated by sclerotherapy. Mortality (20%) were highest in the oesophageal varices group.
Medical journal, Armed Forces India | 1998
Ac Anand; M. Anand; Ps Reddy; Jr Bhardwaj
This paper examines the correlation between prevalence of H pylori, gastritis and the histological type of gastric cancer. 50 gastrectomy specimens from the patients with gastric cancers were studied for the prevalence of H pylori, type of gastritis as classified by the Sydney system, presence of intestinal metaplasia, and the histological type of gastric cancer. H pylori was detected in 27 (54%) stomachs. The common site for finding this bacterium was either antrum or body of stomach (16 and 17 sections respectively), Gastritis was found in 48/50 specimen (96%) from non-neoplastic areas. However, 15 of the 18 patients with atrophic gastritis had H pylori in their stomach specimens either in the body or in antrum. Intestinal metaplasia was detected in 19 (38%) specimen. Of these, 14 (73.7%) specimens had type 1 and remaining 5 (26.3%) had type 2 metaplasia. The distribution of metaplasia was significantly more in H pylori positive patients. Prevalence of H pylori positivity was highest in intestinal type of cancer (66.7%) and lowest in diffuse variety (45.8%). In two third specimens of intestinal type of cancer, gastritis was related to H pylori while such association with H pylori was seen in approximately half (45.8% & 57.1% respectively) the specimens of other types of cancers. There is strong association between the prevalence of H pylori and gastritis on one hand and the intestinal metaplasia on the other, in patients with gastric cancer. These findings, indirectly support Correas hypothesis that H pylori is a causal factor in the intestinal form of gastric cancer.
Medical journal, Armed Forces India | 1998
Ac Anand; Balwinder Singh; Hs Pruthi; Vp Bhalla; Rajan Chaudhry
Therapeutic Biliary Endoscopy (TBE) is becoming a popular mode of treatment for patients with obstructive jaundice. This paper highlights our early experience of TBE at Armed Forces Medical College and Command Hospital (SC), Pune with this mode of treatment. TBE was used as a primary therapeutic option in 46 patients with obstructive jaundice. The age of the patients ranged from 11 to 80 (mean and SD:45.5 ± 16) years and majority 29 (63%) were males. The cause of obstructive jaundice in these patients was choledocholithiasis (n=31), benign biliary stricture (n=8), post cholecystectomy recurrent stones (n=3), carcinoma of pancreas (n=3) and papillary stenosis (n-1). Endoscopic Sphincterotomy (ES) was technically successful in all the 46 patients and brought prompt symptomatic relief in 43 patients. Sixteen patients (34.8%) required additional drainage such as stenting or nasobiliary drain. In patients with choledocholithiasis, bile duct could be cleared of stones in 29 (93.5%) patients and in two surgical removal was required. Of the remaining patients, surgery was required in 4 (50%) patients with benign biliary structure, in 1 (33.3%) of those with malignant stricture and none of the patients presenting with papillary stenosis or recurrent bile duct stones after cholecystectomy. Complications were seen in only two patients (4.4%): one had mild acute pancreatitis and another had GI bleed, which did not require blood transfusion. Both the complications were self-limiting. No procedure related deaths were noted. Endoscopic therapy, thus, a simple, effective and safe method of treatment in patients with choledocholithiasis and selected patients with malignant biliary obstruction.
Medical journal, Armed Forces India | 1998
Ac Anand; Gs Saiprasad; Rajvir Bhalwar
The irritable bowel syndrome is the commonest gastrointestinal disorder seen in practice but its exact prevalence in India is not known. This study was carried out to determine the prevalence of symptoms compatible with this diagnosis in general population. A cross sectional random sample survey was conducted in various strata of urban population in Wanoworie area of Pune. Survey utilized personal interviews based on a questionnaire. Symptoms were evaluated as per Manning criteria and the diagnosis of irritable bowel syndrome was defined by Kruis diagnostic index. Of the 1010 subjects interviewed, 370 (37%) reported more than 6 episodes of abdominal pain in previous 6 months, with 333 reporting symptoms consistent with the the diagnosis of irritable bowel syndrome. At least one of the Mannings symptoms was present in 307 out of 370 subjects (83%). The male female ratio was 5.3:1. Among males, 288 (35%) and among females 82 (53.2%) persons had at least some degree of abdominal discomfort. Other common symptoms were: excessive passage of wind (42.2%), irregular bowel habits (33%), excessive belching (30.8%), constipation (27.5) and feeling of incomplete evacuation(28.1%). About one third of the symptomatic subjects (134 or 36.2%) had seen a doctor or wanted to be seen by a specialist. Overall prevalence of the symptoms consistent with irritable bowel syndrome thus, is 33 per cent though only about a third of these may possibly consult a doctor. Follow up of all these patients for a mean duration of 8.3 months showed that no case of organic disease was picked up either by the scoring system or by the gastroenterologist. Symptoms consistent with the diagnosis of irritable bowel syndrome are see in almost one third of the study population residing in Wanoworie area of Pune.
Medical journal, Armed Forces India | 1998
Hs Pruthi; Ac Anand; Balwinder Singh; Sp Kalra
A combined experience of 37 cases of subacute hepatic failure encountered in five major gastroenterology centres over a period of ten years is discussed. Majority (65%) were males with average age of 38 years. Maximum (54%) were in 5th decade. Jaundice (100%), abdominal distention (38.7%), swelling feet (64%), fever (54%), abdominal pain (54%), exhaustion (78.3%) were the major presenting features. Jaundice and ascites were present in all cases. Pedal oedema (78.3%), hepatomegaly (54%), splenomegaly (32.4%) and encephalopathy (27%) were the other important clinical features. Hypoalbuminemia and prolonged prothrombin time were significant laboratory findings in addition to hyperbilirubinemia and elevated ALT and AST. Hbs Ag was detected in 46%. Major complications encountered were renal failure (48.7%), spontaneous bacterial peritonitis (43.2%), other infections (43.2%), encephalopathy (43.2%) and upper gastrointestinal bleed (22%). 54% died during stay in hospital. To conclude subacute hepatic failure is potentially fatal condition.
Medical journal, Armed Forces India | 1995
Sk Dham; Ac Anand; G Dhananjayan; Kj Shetty
Eighty patients with various thyroid disorders and 20 controls were investigated to determine antibodies against thyroglobulin and microsomal antigens by haemagglutination and immunofluorescent techniques. They were also tested for immunoglobulin profile by radial immunodiffusion methods. Patients with Hashimotos disease, idiopathic hypothyroidism, and Graves disease showed significant elevations of IgG. None of the patients with toxic nodular goitre or thyroid adenoma showed any thyroid antibodies while 69.2% patients with Graves disease, 16% with euthyroid goitre, 58.3% with hypothyroidism and all the patients with Hashimotos disease had microsomal antibodies by immunofluorescent test. Similarly, all the cases of Hashimotos disease, 41.6% of those with hypothyroidism, 30% of Graves disease patients and none of the patients with toxic nodule or thyroid adenoma had thyroglobulin antibodies by haemaglutination test. Evaluation for auto-antibodies may aid the clinician in the overall assessment of various thyroid disorders.