
Aesthetic Plastic Surgery | 2005

Compensatory brow asymmetry: anatomic study and clinical experience.

Ahmet Karacalar; Adnan Korkmaz; Aysin Kale; Cem Kopuz

To obtain detailed information about the interdigitation between the frontalis muscle and the orbicularis oculi muscle, the authors performed an anatomic study involving 9 cadavers (17 specimens). Three types of interdigitation were recognized. Complete interdigitation was noted in 13 specimens, and partial interdigitation in 13 specimens. In one specimen, there was no interdigitation between the frontalis muscle and the orbicularis oculi muscle. Although most of the specimens showed complete interdigitation between the frontalis muscle and the orbicularis oculi muscle, the interdigitation area exhibited architectural heterogeneity. The study findings provide a basis for a better understanding of compensatory eyebrow ptosis. In addition, two cases supporting the theory that compensatory eyebrow asymmetry may resolve when the palpebral ptosis is treated are presented.

Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery | 2008

Effects of Simvastatin on Mandibular Distraction Osteogenesis

Erdem Kilic; İlker Özeç; Hasan Yeler; Adnan Korkmaz; Bulent Ayas; Cesur Gumus

PURPOSE The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of local and systemic simvastatin application on distraction osteogenesis. MATERIALS AND METHODS Eighteen New Zealand white rabbits underwent unilateral mandibular distraction osteogenesis. After 7 days of neutral fixation, 0.4 mm twice per day, distraction was performed for 10 days. Simvastatin was applied locally during the osteotomy phase with a gelatin sponge carrier and systemically during the distraction osteogenesis period by oral gavage. All animals were killed at the end of the consolidation period of 14 days. The distracted mandibles were harvested and evaluated by plain radiography, by peripheral quantitative computed tomography, and with histomorphometry. RESULTS Radiographic evaluation with peripheral quantitative computed tomography showed that the area of the regenerate increased by 9.6% in the local simvastatin group and by 19.3% in the systemic simvastatin group as compared with the control group. In both experimental groups the density of the regenerate increased by 6.7% as compared with the control group. Statistical evaluation of radiographic data showed that all of these changes were not significant. Histomorphometric evaluation determined that there was no statistical difference among groups with regard to the ratios of bone tissue volume to fibrous tissue volume and bone tissue volume to marrow tissue volume. CONCLUSIONS The results of this study suggest that simvastatins effect on enhancing distraction regenerate is limited with the applied doses and methods.

Toxicologic Pathology | 2006

The Effect of Cyclosporin A on Alveolar Bone in Rats Subjected to Experimental Periodontal Disease

Burcu Ozkan Cetinkaya; Gökhan Açikgöz; Gonca Cayir Keles; Bulent Ayas; Adnan Korkmaz

Cyclosporine A (CsA), broadly used in organ transplantation, may contribute to pathogenesis of osteoporosis. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of CsA on alveolar bone in rats subjected or not to experimental periodontal disease using biochemical, radiographic, and histometric analysis. Forty Wistar rats were divided into 4 equal groups: Group I (Control), Group II (CsA was injected subcutaneously in a daily dose of 10 mg/kg), Group III (Ligature was placed around the mandibular molars), Group IV (Ligature+CsA). After 60 days, rats were decapitated, serum alkaline phosphatase and calcium levels were measured. Radiographic-alveolar bone loss (ABL), histometric-ABL, and percentage of new alveolar bone formation (NABF%) were determined on mandibular molars. Significant increase in serum alkaline phosphatase levels (p < 0.001), no significant difference in calcium levels were observed (p > 0.05) in Group IV compared to Group III. Radiographic and histometric-ABL were significantly less (p < 0.001), NABF% was significantly greater (p < 0.05) in Group IV than in Group III. No significant difference in any of the parameters between Group II and Group I was found. It can be concluded that in the presence of periodontal disease, CsA treatment may bring out an imbalance in the alveolar bone homeostasis by decreasing resorption and stimulating formation of alveolar bone in rats.

Aesthetic Plastic Surgery | 2005

A Perichondrial Flap for Functional Purposes in Rhinoplasty

Ahmet Karacalar; Adnan Korkmaz; Nihal İçten

Recent trends in rhinoplasty techniques have focused on anatomic repair as well as respect and preservation of soft tissue integrity. In this article, the authors describe the use of a perichondrial flap, then discuss technical considerations and clinical perspectives of their advantages. A perichondrial flap helps to restore the stability of the upper lateral cartilage, to achieve extra padding, and to secure osteocartilagenous grafts. The method described has been used for 60 consecutive patients. The majority of these patients were satisfied with the results.To obtain detailed information about the perichondrial flap, the authors performed an anatomic study of 13 cadavers. The average thickness of the perichondrium was 186 ± 146.1 μm (range, 90–596 μm). On the basis of the results, it was concluded that elevation of the perichondrial flap with loupe magnification could improve the outcome of rhinoplasty.

International Journal of Neuroscience | 2011

Effects of intramuscular parecoxib administration on vasospasm in an experimental subarachnoid hemorrhage model.

Özgür İlhan Çelik; Burcak Bilginer; Adnan Korkmaz; Pınar Naile Gürgör; Murad Bavbek; Tunçalp Özgen; Ibrahim M. Ziyal

ABSTRACT Aim: We examined whether intramuscular parecoxib administration has a preventive or therapeutic effect on vasospasm following experimental subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH). Materials and Methods: Twenty New Zealand White Rabbits were assigned randomly to one of four groups. Animals in Group I were not subjected to SAH (control group). Animals in all other groups were subjected to SAH. Animals in Group II received no treatment after SAH induction (SAH group). Animals in Group III received intramuscular parecoxib (diluted with saline) injection at 6 and at 30 hours after SAH (treatment group). Animals in Group IV received only intramuscular saline injection at 6 and at 30 hours after SAH (vehicle group). Animals were euthanized by perfusion and fixation 48 hours after SAH induction. Basilar artery cross-sectional areas and wall thicknesses were measured. Statistical comparisons were performed using Kruskal–Wallis and Mann–Whitney U tests. Results: Basilar artery cross-sectional areas in the treatment group were significantly higher than in the SAH or vehicle group (p < .05). Basilar artery wall thickness in the treatment group was significantly smaller than in the SAH or vehicle group (p < .05). Conclusion: Our study revealed that intramuscular administration of parecoxib significantly attenuates vasospasm following experimental SAH.

Journal of Pediatric Dentistry | 2013

Histological evaluation of Ankaferd blood stopper, ferric sulfate and formocresol as pulpotomy agents in rat molars

Alp Erdin Koyuturk; Emine Sen Tunc; Sule Bayrak; Bulent Ayas; Bilal Ozmen; Adnan Korkmaz

The aim of this study is to evaluate the use of Ankaferd blood stopper (ABS) as a pulpotomy agent in rat molars and to compare it to ferric sulfate (FS) and formocresol (FC). Pulpotomies of 72 rat molar teeth were performed with ABS, FS and FC. Access cavities were sealed with Intermediate Restorative Material. Histological evaluations were conducted at 7, 15 and 30 days post-operatively. Statistical analysis was performed using the Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn′s multiple comparison tests. There was no significant difference in inflammatory cell response between groups at 7 and 15 days (P > 0.05). However, at 30 days, a higher density of inflammatory cells was observed in the FC group when compared with the other groups (P < 0.05). No significant differences in hard-tissue formation were observed between groups at any time tested. Based on the histological findings of this study, ABS may be considered an acceptable alternative to FC and FS for primary teeth pulpotomies. Further, clinical research is needed to confirm this finding.

Scandinavian Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and Hand Surgery | 2007

Influence of diabetes on critical flaps based on the vascular axis of a sensory nerve.

Ahmet Demir; Ahmet Karacalar; Emine Diraman; Tekin Simsek; Adnan Korkmaz; Eser Sakallıoğlu

Delayed sural flap based on the vascular axis of the sural nerve has been advocated for coverage of diabetic foot ulcers. In this study we compared the survival of neurovenous and standard inferior epigastric island flaps in diabetic and non-diabetic rats. VEGF concentrations and electrolyte balance of the flaps were also investigated during elevation and on the fifth day to explore the possible mechanisms that influence ischaemia of the flap during the hyperglycaemic state. There were no statistical differences in area surviving between diabetic and control rats for either flap. The VEGF concentrations were also similar in the two flaps in the two groups during elevation. On the fifth day, VEGF concentrations had decreased significantly in all of the flaps. Electrolyte balance paralleled VEGF concentrations. We conclude that flaps based on the vascular axis of a superficial nerve deserve further experimental and clinical attention as potential options for reconstruction of ulcers on diabetic feet.

Journal of applied botany and food quality | 2014

The effect of different nursery conditions on some of the leaf and stomata characteristics in Chestnuts (Castanea sativa Mill.)

Ahmet Öztürk; Serdar Umit; Pınar Naile Gürgör; Adnan Korkmaz

The aim of this study was to determine the effect of different nursery conditions on some leaf dimensions and stomatal characteristics in the chestnut. The study was carried out in the open field and under shaded (50%) and unshaded greenhouse conditions. I n this study, scions of the Marigoule and Unal cultivars were grafted on seedlings of the 554-14 genotype with the inverted radicle grafting method. Grafting was performed during the second week of May in the first year and during the last week of April in the second year. Significant differences in leaf dimensions and stomata density were found in different nursery conditions. The width and length of leaf lamina were higher in the shaded greenhouse (P<0.01). The ratio of the leaf lamina width/length (P<0.01) and stomata density (P<0.05) were higher in the open field condition. The highest correlation (r = - 0.847 ) was determined between stomata length and stomata width/length ratio (P<0.01). These results indicate that the leaf lamina width and length increased in the shaded greenhouse unlike the stomata density which decreased slightly. However, stomata dimensions remained the same in all three nursery conditions.

Neurosurgery Quarterly | 2010

Morphologic Investigation of Ventriculus Terminalis in Newborns: Embryologic and Clinical Implications

Cem Kopuz; Mehmet Tevfik Demir; Ufuk Çorumlu; Mennan Ece Aydin; Adnan Korkmaz; Engin Ciftcioglu; Ahmet Hilmi Kaya

Turkiye Klinikleri Tip Bilimleri Dergisi | 2001

Prenatal Dönemde Uygulanan Diklofenak Sodyumun, Postnatal Dönemde Sıçanın Eklem Kıkırdak Dokusuna Etkisi

Ersan Odaci; Adnan Korkmaz; Bulent Ayas; M. Çetin Rağbetli; Nusret Çiftçi

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