Adrian Daw
Goddard Space Flight Center
Featured researches published by Adrian Daw.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2010
S. Rifai Habbal; Miloslav Druckmüller; Huw Morgan; Isabelle F. Scholl; V. Rušin; Adrian Daw; J. Johnson; Martina Belz Arndt
Using observations of the corona taken during the total solar eclipses of 2006 March 29 and 2008 August 1 in broadband white light and in narrow bandpass filters centered at Fe X 637.4 nm, Fe XI 789.2 nm, Fe XIII 1074.7 nm, and Fe XIV 530.3 nm, we show that prominences observed off the solar limb are enshrouded in hot plasmas within twisted magnetic structures. These shrouds, which are commonly referred to as cavities in the literature, are clearly distinct from the overlying arch-like structures that form the base of streamers. The existence of these hot shrouds had been predicted by model studies dating back to the early 1970s, with more recent studies implying their association with twisted magnetic flux ropes. The eclipse observations presented here, which cover a temperature range of 0.9 to 2 ×106 K, are the first to resolve the long-standing ambiguity associated with the temperature and magnetic structure of prominence cavities.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2011
Shadia Rifai Habbal; Miloslav Druckmüller; Huw Morgan; Adalbert Ding; J. Johnson; Hana Druckmüllerová; Adrian Daw; Martina Belz Arndt; Martin Dietzel; Jon M. Saken
We report on the first multi-wavelength coronal observations, taken simultaneously in white light, Hα 656.3 nm, Feix 435.9 nm, Fex 637.4 nm, Fexi 789.2 nm, Fexiii 1074.7 nm, Fexiv 530.3 nm, and Nixv 670.2 nm, during the total solar eclipse of 2010 July 11 from the atoll of Tatakoto in French Polynesia. The data enabled temperature differentiations as low as 0.2 × 10 6 K. The first-ever images of the corona in Feix and Nixv showed that there was very little plasma below 5 × 10 5 K and above 2.5 × 10 6 K. The suite of multi-wavelength observations also showed that open field lines have an electron temperature near 1×10 6 K, while the hottest, 2×10 6 K, plasma resides in intricate loops forming the bulges of streamers, also known as cavities, as discovered in our previous eclipse observations. The eclipse images also revealed unusual coronal structures, in the form of ripples and streaks, produced by the passage of coronal mass ejections and eruptive prominences prior to totality, which could be identified with distinct temperatures for the first time. These trails were most prominent at 10 6 K. Simultaneous Fex 17.4 nm observations from Proba2/SWAP provided the first opportunity to compare Fex emission at 637.4 nm with its extreme-ultraviolet (EUV) counterpart. This comparison demonstrated the unique diagnostic capabilities of the coronal forbidden lines for exploring the evolution of the coronal magnetic field and the thermodynamics of the coronal plasma, in comparison with their EUV counterparts in the distance range of 1–3 R� . These diagnostics are currently missing from present space-borne and ground-based observatories.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2010
S. Rifai Habbal; Miloslav Druckmüller; Huw Morgan; Adrian Daw; J. Johnson; Adalbert Ding; Martina Belz Arndt; Ruth Esser; V. Rušin; Isabelle F. Scholl
The inference of electron temperature from the ratio of the intensities of emission lines in the solar corona is valid only when the plasma is collisional. Once collisionless, thermodynamic ionization equilibrium no longer holds, and the inference of an electron temperature and its gradient from such measurements is no longer valid. At the heliocentric distance where the transition from a collision-dominated to a collisionless plasma occurs, the charge states of different elements are established, or frozen-in. These are the charge states which are subsequently measured in interplanetary space. We show in this study how the 2006 March 29 and 2008 August 1 eclipse observations of a number of Fe emission lines yield an empirical value for a distance, which we call Rt , where the emission changes from being collisionally to radiatively dominated. Rt ranges from 1.1 to 2.0 R ☉, depending on the charge state and the underlying coronal density structures. Beyond that distance, the intensity of the emission reflects the distribution of the corresponding Fe ion charge states. These observations thus yield the two-dimensional distribution of electron temperature and charge state measurements in the corona for the first time. The presence of the Fe X 637.4 nm and Fe XI 789.2 nm emission in open magnetic field regions below Rt , such as in coronal holes and the boundaries of streamers, and the absence of Fe XIII 1074.7 nm and Fe XIV 530.3 nm emission there indicate that the sources of the solar wind lie in regions where the electron temperature is less than 1.2 × 106 K. Beyond Rt , the extent of the Fe X [Fe9+] and Fe XI emission [Fe10+], in comparison with Fe XIII [Fe12+] and Fe XIV [Fe13+], matches the dominance of the Fe10+ charge states measured by the Solar Wind Ion Composition Spectrometer, SWICS, on Ulysses, at –43° latitude at 4 AU, in March-April 2006, and Fe9+ and Fe10+ charge states measured by SWICS on the Advanced Composition Explorer, ACE, in the ecliptic plane at 1 AU, at the time of both eclipses. The remarkable correspondence between these two measurements establishes the first direct link between the distribution of charge states in the corona and in interplanetary space.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2014
Jeffrey W. Brosius; Adrian Daw; Douglas M. Rabin
We present spatially resolved EUV spectroscopic measurements of pervasive, faint Fe XIX 592.2 ? line emission in an active region observed during the 2013 April 23 flight of the Extreme Ultraviolet Normal Incidence Spectrograph (EUNIS-13) sounding rocket instrument. With cooled detectors, high sensitivity, and high spectral resolution, EUNIS-13 resolves the lines of Fe XIX at 592.2 ? (formed at temperature T 8.9 MK) and Fe XII at 592.6 ? (T 1.6 MK). The Fe XIX line emission, observed over an area in excess of 4920 arcsec2 (2.58 ? 109?km2, more than 60% of the active region), provides strong evidence for the nanoflare heating model of the solar corona. No GOES events occurred in the region less than 2 hr before the rocket flight, but a microflare was observed north and east of the region with RHESSI and EUNIS during the flight. The absence of significant upward velocities anywhere in the region, particularly the microflare, indicates that the pervasive Fe XIX emission is not propelled outward from the microflare site, but is most likely attributed to localized heating (not necessarily due to reconnection) consistent with the nanoflare heating model of the solar corona. Assuming ionization equilibrium we estimate Fe XIX/Fe XII emission measure ratios of ~0.076 just outside the AR core and ~0.59 in the core.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2007
Shadia Rifai Habbal; Huw Morgan; J. Johnson; Martina Belz Arndt; Adrian Daw; Sarah A. Jaeggli; J. R. Kuhn; Don Mickey
The first ever image of the full solar corona in the Fe XI 789.2 nm spectral line was acquired during the total solar eclipse of 2006 March 29. Several striking features stand out in the processed image: (1) The emission extended out to at least 3 R☉ in streamers. (2) A bubble-like structure, occupying a cone of about 45° and reaching out to 1 R☉ above the limb, was observed southward of a bright active region complex close to the limb. (3) Localized intensity enhancements were found in different parts of the corona at heights ranging from 1.2 to 1.5 R☉. (4) Striations extended out to the edge of the field of view above an almost north-south-oriented prominence. Comparison with the corresponding white-light image taken simultaneously during the eclipse showed no evidence for these localized enhancements, and the bubble-like structure and striations, while present, did not stand out in the same manner. The extent of the Fe XI emission is attributed to the dominance of radiative over collisional excitation in the formation of that spectral line. The localized intensity enhancements, observed only in Fe XI and not in white light, are a signature of localized increases in Fe+10 density relative to electron density. These are the first observations to show direct evidence of localized heavy ion density enhancements in the extended corona. They point to the importance of implementing observations of the Fe XI 789.2 nm line with existing or future coronagraphs for the exploration of the physical processes controlling the behavior of heavy ions in different source regions of the solar wind.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2016
Jeffrey W. Brosius; Adrian Daw; Andrew R. Inglis
The Hinode/Extreme-ultraviolet Imaging Spectrometer (EIS) obtained rapid cadence (11.2 s) EUV stare spectra of an M7.3 flare ribbon in AR 12036 on 2014 April 18. Quasi-periodic (P approx. = 75.6 +/- 9.2 s) intensity fluctuations occurred in emission lines of O IV, Mg VI, Mg VII, Si VII, Fe XIV, and Fe XVI during the flares impulsive rise, and ended when the maximum intensity in Fe XXIII was reached. The profiles of the O IV- Fe XVI lines reveal that they were all redshifted during most of the interval of quasi-periodic intensity fluctuations, while the Fe XXIII profile revealed multiple components including one or two highly blueshifted ones. This indicates that the flare underwent explosive chromospheric evaporation during its impulsive rise. Fluctuations in the relative Doppler velocities were seen, but their amplitudes were too subtle to extract significant quasi-periodicities. RHESSI detected 25-100 keV hard-X-ray sources in the ribbon near the EIS slits pointing position during the peaks in the EIS intensity fluctuations. The observations are consistent with a series of energy injections into the chromosphere by nonthermal particle beams. Electron densities derived with Fe XIV (4.6 x 10(exp 10) per cu cm) and Mg VII (7.8 x 10(exp 9) per cu cm) average line intensity ratios during the interval of quasi-periodic intensity fluctuations, combined with the radiative loss function of an optically thin plasma, yield radiative cooling times of 32 s at 2.0 x 10(exp 6) K, and 46 s at 6.3 x 10(exp 5) K (about half the quasi-period); assuming Fe XIVs density for Fe XXIII yields a radiative cooling time of 10(exp 3) s (13 times the quasi-period) at 1.4 x 10(exp 7) K.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2017
Adam F. Kowalski; Joel C. Allred; Adrian Daw; Gianna Cauzzi; Mats Carlsson
The 2014 March 29 X1 solar flare (SOL20140329T17:48) produced bright continuum emission in the far- and near-ultraviolet (NUV) and highly asymmetric chromospheric emission lines, providing long-sought constraints on the heating mechanisms of the lower atmosphere in solar flares. We analyze the continuum and emission line data from the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS) of the brightest flaring magnetic footpoints in this flare. We compare the NUV spectra of the brightest pixels to new radiative-hydrodynamic predictions calculated with the RADYN code using constraints on a nonthermal electron beam inferred from the collisional thick-target modeling of hard X-ray data from RHESSI. We show that the atmospheric response to a high beam flux density satisfactorily achieves the observed continuum brightness in the NUV. The NUV continuum emission in this flare is consistent with hydrogen (Balmer) recombination radiation that originates from low optical depth in a dense chromospheric condensation and from the stationary beam-heated layers just below the condensation. A model producing two flaring regions (a condensation and stationary layers) in the lower atmosphere is also consistent with the asymmetric Fe II chromospheric emission line profiles observed in the impulsive phase.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2007
Shadia Rifai Habbal; Huw Morgan; J. Johnson; Martina Belz Arndt; Adrian Daw; Sarah A. Jaeggli; J. R. Kuhn; Don Mickey
The eclipse image of Figure 3 was provided to the authors by Jackob Strikis of the Elizabeth Observatory, Athens, who claimed authorship. However, shortly after publication the authors discovered that this eclipse image was in fact a preliminary version of an image belonging to Prof. Miloslav Druckmuller, taken during the 2006 total solar eclipse from Libya at 30 56.946 0 N, 24 14.3010 E, and at an altitude of 158 m. This image can be found at /~druck/Eclipse/index.htm. We extend our gratitude to Prof. Druckmuller, from Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic, who brought this incident to our attention, and who has graciously accepted our apology for this unintentional mishap. A forthcoming article in collaboration with Prof. Druckmuller is in preparation. The Astrophysical Journal, 670:1521, 2007 December 1
The Astrophysical Journal | 2018
Sarah A. Jaeggli; Philip G. Judge; Adrian Daw
Ultraviolet lines of molecular hydrogen have been observed in solar spectra for almost four decades, but the behavior of the molecular spectrum and its implications for solar atmospheric structure are not fully understood. Data from the HRTS instrument revealed that H2 emission forms in particular regions, selectively excited by bright UV transition region and chromospheric lines. We test the conditions under which H2 emission can originate by studying non-LTE models sampling a broad range of temperature stratifications and radiation conditions. Stratification plays the dominant role in determining the population densities of H2, which forms in greatest abundance near the continuum photosphere. However, opacity due to photoionization of silicon and other neutrals determines the depth to which UV radiation can penetrate to excite the H2. Thus the majority of H2 emission forms in a narrow region, at about 650 km in standard 1D models of the quiet-Sun, near the tau=1 opacity surface for the exciting UV radiation, generally coming from above. When irradiated from above using observed intensities of bright UV emission lines, detailed non-LTE calculations show that the spectrum of H2 seen in the quiet-Sun SUMER atlas spectrum and HRTS light bridge spectrum can be satisfactorily reproduced in 1D stratified atmospheres, without including 3D or time dependent thermal structures. A detailed comparison to observations from 1205 to 1550 Angstroms is presented, and the success of this 1D approach to modeling solar UV H2 emission is illustrated by the identification of previously unidentified lines and upper levels in HRTS spectra.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2015
Jeffrey W. Brosius; Adrian Daw