Adriane Maria Netto de Oliveira
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
Texto & Contexto Enfermagem | 2005
Rosemary Silva da Silveira; Valéria Lerch Lunardi; Wilson Danilo Lunardi Filho; Adriane Maria Netto de Oliveira
The internment in the Unit of Intensive Therapy and the situation lived by the patient extends the suffering of this moment to the family, so much for the possible present risks as for his/her family members ́ distance. The objective of this experiment summary is to share experiences and knowledge built in the relationship with patients, family and nursing staff, in way to demonstrate the relevance of the humanization of the care in Unit of Intensive Therapy, contemplating the recognition of the patient’s individuality and his/her family, as well as, the own workers’ humanization. We used the stages proposed by Travelbee for the construction of a process of interpersonal interaction. The reflections on those existences allowed us to recognize the meaning of the interaction set with the nursing staff, patients and family members; it facilitated the expression of the feelings of the ones involved in the relationship, retrieving the sensibility and the ability to observe and the evaluation of the nursing actions. RESUMEN: El internamiento en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos y la situación vivida por el paciente extiende el sufrimiento durante este momento a la familia, tanto por los posibles riesgos presentes, cuanto por la distancia de su grupo familiar. El objetivo de este relato es de compartir las experiencias y los conocimientos construidos en la relación con los pacientes, la familia y el equipo de enfermería de manera de demostrar la relevancia de la humanización del cuidado en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos, el qual contempla el reconocimiento de la individualidad del paciente y de su familia, asi como, la humanización de los propios trabajadores. Nosotros usamos las fases propuestas por Travelbee para la construcción de un proceso de interacción interpersonal. Las reflexiones acerca de estas vivencias nos permitieron reconocer el significado de la interacción entre el equipo de enfermería, los pacientes y los miembros de la familia; facilitando la expresión de los sentimientos involucrados en la relación, también, el rescate de la sensibilidad y la habilidad para observar y la evaluación de las acciones de la enfermería. PALABRAS-CHAVE: Serviço hospitalar de enfermagem. Unidades de terapia intensiva. Relações profissional-família.A internacao na Unidade de Terapia Intensiva e a situacao vivida pelo paciente estende o sofrimento deste momento a familia, tanto pelos possiveis riscos presentes, como pelo distanciamento do seu familiar. O objetivo desse relato e compartilhar experiencias e conhecimentos construidos na relacao com pacientes, familiares e equipe de enfermagem, de modo a demonstrar a relevância da humanizacao do cuidado na Unidade de Terapia Intensiva, contemplando o reconhecimento da individualidade do paciente e de sua familia, bem como, a humanizacao dos proprios trabalhadores, utilizando as etapas propostas por Travelbee para a construcao de um processo de interacao interpessoal. Tais vivencias permitiram reconhecer o significado da interacao estabelecida com a equipe de enfermagem, pacientes e familiares; possibilitou a expressao dos sentimentos dos envolvidos na relacao, o resgate da sensibilidade e da habilidade para observar e a avaliacao das acoes de enfermagem.
Escola Anna Nery | 2017
Silomar Ilha; Silvana Sidney Costa Santos; Dirce Stein Backes; Edaiane Joana Lima Barros; Marlene Teda Pelzer; Adriane Maria Netto de Oliveira
Objective: Knowing the comprehension of teachers and students of health and human sciences about the group on Integrated Multidisciplinary Care to Caregivers of People with Alzheimers disease as an educational and care-related (geronto)technology in the context of Alzheimers disease and of support to the elderly person/family. Methods: Exploratory, descriptive and qualitative research involving seven professors and nine university students of a support group in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Data were collected between November and December/2015, through Focus Groups, and then submitted to Discursive Textual Analysis. Results: Teachers and students understand the group as a (geronto)technology, due to the developed educational and care-related activities. For them, the group is able to produce new gerontotechnologies, which demonstrates its ability as a complex educational and care-related (geronto)technology. Conclusion: It is necessary to rethink the Group as a complex educational and care-related (geronto)technology, thus strengthening it to develop new technologies.Objective: Knowing the comprehension of teachers and students of u200bu200bhealth and human sciences about the group on Integrated Multidisciplinary Care to Caregivers of People with Alzheimers disease as an educational and care-related (geronto)technology in the context of Alzheimers disease and of support to the elderly person/family. Methods: Exploratory, descriptive and qualitative research involving seven professors and nine university students of a support group in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Data were collected between November and December/2015, through Focus Groups, and then submitted to Discursive Textual Analysis. Results: Teachers and students understand the group as a (geronto)technology, due to the developed educational and care-related activities. For them, the group is able to produce new gerontotechnologies, which demonstrates its ability as a complex educational and care-related (geronto)technology. Conclusion: It is necessary to rethink the Group as a complex educational and care-related (geronto)technology, thus strengthening it to develop new technologies.
Enfermería global: Revista electrónica semestral de enfermería | 2012
Priscila Arruda da Silva; Nalú Pereira da Costa Kerber; Silvana Sidney Costa Santos; Adriane Maria Netto de Oliveira; Mara Regina Santos da Silva; Geisa dos Santos Luz
This is a theoretical study that aims to discuss the gender issues involved in violence against women within the family. The discussion is grounded in authors who address the issue of violence against women and its relation to gender issues, supported by Joan Scott and reflecting on the work of a nurse in relation to the care of women in situations of violence. The issues examined in this essay may help to reflect on the practice of professionals searching to confront violence in order to prevent the cycle being reproduced within the family
Environmental Science and Pollution Research | 2018
Flavio Manoel Rodrigues da Silva Júnior; Edlaine Acosta Pinto; Tatiane Britto da Silveira; Edariane Menestrino Garcia; Adriane Maria Netto de Oliveira; Ana Luiza Muccillo-Baisch
In this study, hematological and behavioral changes in Wistar rats exposed to soil collected from urban areas next to an industrial complex were investigated. Animals were exposed to soil samples placed at the bottom of cages for 4xa0days. After this period, behavioral parameters were measured by the open field test and the elevated plus-maze. Blood was collected to measure hematological parameters. The soil from the vicinity of the oil refining industry caused changes in hematological parameters and altered behavioral parameters in both tests. The soil from the vicinity of the petroleum refining industry and fertilizer industries increased the density of white blood cells and decreased exploratory activity in the exposed animals. The results demonstrate that contact with contaminated soils, even for short periods, can cause physiological damage in organisms and that special attention should be given to people who live under constant exposure to these soils.
Texto & Contexto Enfermagem | 2015
Adriane Maria Netto de Oliveira; Letícia Amico Marques; Priscila Arruda da Silva; Rodrigo Cavalli Prestes; Heitor Silva Biondi; Bárbara Tarouco da Silva
The purpose of the study was to learn about the perception of Family Health Team professionals from the Violence Prevention Program regarding primary interventions to prevent domestic violence. The study was linked to the research Primary and secondary intervention in domestic violence from the perspective of primary healthcare professionals. The approach of this research was qualitative and exploratory. Data were collected from semi-structured interviews. The participants were four nurses and four physicians. Three categories emerged in the analysis of the theme: knowledge of primary interventions to prevent violence; execution of primary intervention actions to prevent violence - ease and difficulties; and acknowledgement of the importance of primary interventions and the care provided. The professionals were previously aware of the main primary interventions, and some were already taking place in the multidisciplinary work. DESCRIPTORS: Domestic violence. Delivery of health care. Public health. Nursing.
Revista Gaúcha de Enfermagem | 2018
Tatiele Roehrs Gelati; Marta Regina Cezar-Vaz; Andréia Martins do Couto; Clarice Alves Bonow; Valdecir Zavarese da Costa; Adriane Maria Netto de Oliveira
OBJECTIVEnTo identify alterations in the respiratory system in port workers through radiographic and pulmonary function tests; to identify the use of personal protective equipment during port activities; and to relate age, working time, exposure to substances such as fertilizers and the use of personal protective equipment during port activities, to changes in the respiratory system in port workers.nnnMETHODnDescriptive and exploratory study, in south Brazilian maritime port, from July of 2014 to January of 2015. A retrospective quantitative analysis of the results of chest x-ray and spirometry of 695 port workers chart and prospective analysis of 66 workers were performed.nnnRESULTSnMost of the workers did not present radiographs 98.7% and 11.4% presented ventilatory alterations. A positive correlation was identified for the variables age, working time and spirometry results.nnnCONCLUSIONnThere was a change in the respiratory function of single port workers, which may be related to the exposure to fertilizers.
Revista Brasileira De Enfermagem | 2018
Marina Soares Mota; Giovana Calcagno Gomes; Juliane Portella Ribeiro; Adriane Maria Netto de Oliveira; Aline Campelo Pintanel; Simone Quadros Alvarez
OBJECTIVEnTo understand the influence of the lifeworld on crack cocaine use by teenagers undergoing treatment at the Psychosocial Care Center for users of alcohol and other drugs.nnnMETHODnQualitative research carried out with thirteen teenagers attended at the Psychosocial Care Center for users of alcohol and other drugs, from a municipality in the South of Brazil. The data were collected through semi-structured interviews and the Comprehensive Analysis was carried out from the Phenomenology of the Social World of Alfred Schütz.nnnRESULTSnIn the lifeworld, there is influence of the community to which the teenager belongs; of the family, by the excess of permissibility and being in an environment of drug use and violence; and the school, where it is influenced by individuals to consume them.nnnCONCLUSIONnElements from the lifeworld influence the teenager for the consumption of crack cocaine, being necessary actions contextualized with their world of life.
Saúde (Santa Maria) | 2017
Juliane Portella Ribeiro; Adriane Maria Netto de Oliveira; Giovana Calcagno Gomes; Maira Buss Thofehrn; Marina Soares Mota
Objetivo: investigar os reflexos da ambiencia da unidade de pediatria na producao de subjetividades nas criancas internadas, segundo a perspectiva dos profissionais de enfermagem. Metodologia: estudo descritivo e exploratorio com abordagem qualitativa realizado com 20 profissionais de enfermagem atuantes nas unidades de pediatria de dois Hospitais Universitarios. A coleta de dados ocorreu por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas, organizadas e tratadas pelo software Nvivo 10. Resultados: os profissionais de enfermagem apontam que desde a entrada na Unidade de Pediatria ha a producao de subjetividades nas criancas, sendo percebida por eles por meio de reacoes de estranhamento ao ambiente quedificultam a interacao com elas, bem como a realizacao das acoes de cuidado. Conclusao: faz-se necessario lancar mao de aspectos humanos como acolhimento, receptividade, calma, carinho e atencao, de forma a contribuir para que a crianca perceba o ambiente hospitalar e os profissionais de enfermagem de forma menos traumatica e agressiva. Descritores: Ambiente de Instituicoes de Saude; Humanizacao da Assistencia; Pediatria; Crianca Hospitalizada; Enfermagem.
Escola Anna Nery | 2017
Silomar Ilha; Silvana Sidney Costa Santos; Dirce Stein Backes; Edaiane Joana Lima Barros; Marlene Teda Pelzer; Adriane Maria Netto de Oliveira
Objective: Knowing the comprehension of teachers and students of health and human sciences about the group on Integrated Multidisciplinary Care to Caregivers of People with Alzheimers disease as an educational and care-related (geronto)technology in the context of Alzheimers disease and of support to the elderly person/family. Methods: Exploratory, descriptive and qualitative research involving seven professors and nine university students of a support group in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Data were collected between November and December/2015, through Focus Groups, and then submitted to Discursive Textual Analysis. Results: Teachers and students understand the group as a (geronto)technology, due to the developed educational and care-related activities. For them, the group is able to produce new gerontotechnologies, which demonstrates its ability as a complex educational and care-related (geronto)technology. Conclusion: It is necessary to rethink the Group as a complex educational and care-related (geronto)technology, thus strengthening it to develop new technologies.Objective: Knowing the comprehension of teachers and students of u200bu200bhealth and human sciences about the group on Integrated Multidisciplinary Care to Caregivers of People with Alzheimers disease as an educational and care-related (geronto)technology in the context of Alzheimers disease and of support to the elderly person/family. Methods: Exploratory, descriptive and qualitative research involving seven professors and nine university students of a support group in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Data were collected between November and December/2015, through Focus Groups, and then submitted to Discursive Textual Analysis. Results: Teachers and students understand the group as a (geronto)technology, due to the developed educational and care-related activities. For them, the group is able to produce new gerontotechnologies, which demonstrates its ability as a complex educational and care-related (geronto)technology. Conclusion: It is necessary to rethink the Group as a complex educational and care-related (geronto)technology, thus strengthening it to develop new technologies.
Escola Anna Nery | 2017
Silomar Ilha; Silvana Sidney Costa Santos; Dirce Stein Backes; Edaiane Joana Lima Barros; Marlene Teda Pelzer; Adriane Maria Netto de Oliveira
Objective: Knowing the comprehension of teachers and students of health and human sciences about the group on Integrated Multidisciplinary Care to Caregivers of People with Alzheimers disease as an educational and care-related (geronto)technology in the context of Alzheimers disease and of support to the elderly person/family. Methods: Exploratory, descriptive and qualitative research involving seven professors and nine university students of a support group in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Data were collected between November and December/2015, through Focus Groups, and then submitted to Discursive Textual Analysis. Results: Teachers and students understand the group as a (geronto)technology, due to the developed educational and care-related activities. For them, the group is able to produce new gerontotechnologies, which demonstrates its ability as a complex educational and care-related (geronto)technology. Conclusion: It is necessary to rethink the Group as a complex educational and care-related (geronto)technology, thus strengthening it to develop new technologies.Objective: Knowing the comprehension of teachers and students of u200bu200bhealth and human sciences about the group on Integrated Multidisciplinary Care to Caregivers of People with Alzheimers disease as an educational and care-related (geronto)technology in the context of Alzheimers disease and of support to the elderly person/family. Methods: Exploratory, descriptive and qualitative research involving seven professors and nine university students of a support group in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Data were collected between November and December/2015, through Focus Groups, and then submitted to Discursive Textual Analysis. Results: Teachers and students understand the group as a (geronto)technology, due to the developed educational and care-related activities. For them, the group is able to produce new gerontotechnologies, which demonstrates its ability as a complex educational and care-related (geronto)technology. Conclusion: It is necessary to rethink the Group as a complex educational and care-related (geronto)technology, thus strengthening it to develop new technologies.