
Inorganic Chemistry | 2008

Exploiting soft and hard X-ray absorption spectroscopy to characterize metallodrug/protein interactions: the binding of [trans-RuCl4(Im)(dimethylsulfoxide)][ImH] (Im = imidazole) to bovine serum albumin.

Isabella Ascone; Luigi Messori; Angela Casini; Chiara Gabbiani; Antonella Balerna; Francesca Dell'Unto; Agostina Congiu Castellano

The reaction of bovine serum albumin (BSA) with [ trans-RuCl 4(Im)(dimethylsulfoxide)][ImH] (Im = imidazole) (NAMI-A), an experimental ruthenium(III) anticancer drug, and the formation of the respective NAMI-A/BSA adduct were investigated by X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) at the sulfur and chlorine K-edges and at the ruthenium K- and L 3-edges. Ruthenium K and L 3-edge spectra proved unambiguously that the ruthenium center remains in the oxidation state +3 after protein binding. Comparative analysis of the chlorine K-edge XAS spectra of NAMI-A and NAMI-A/BSA, revealed that the chlorine environment is greatly perturbed upon protein binding. Only modest changes were observed in the sulfur K-edge spectra that are dominated by several protein sulfur groups. Overall, valuable information on the nature of this metallodrug/protein adduct and on the mechanism of its formation was gained; XAS spectroscopy turns out to be a very suitable method for the characterization of this kind of systems.

Physica C-superconductivity and Its Applications | 1991

One-electron excitations and shake up satellites in Cu K-edge X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) of La2CuO4 by full multiple scattering analysis in real space

C. Li; M. Pompa; Agostina Congiu Castellano; Stefano Della Longa; A. Bianconi

Abstract The polarized Cu K-edge X-ray Absorption Near Edge Structure (XANES) of La2CuO4 has been interpreted by the multiple scattering approach. The size of the cluster of neighbouring atoms having good agreement with the XANES experimental data is determined by 45 atoms surrounding the absorbing Cu. The polarized spectra can be predicted in term of a one-electron dipole (Δl=+1) transition Cu 1s→ϵp, probing the unoccupied p-like (l=1) density of states projected on a Cu site with orbital angular momentum ml=0 in the E∥z spectra, and the ml=1 for the E⊤c spectra. Thus we show that the electronic structure of the high energy conduction bands, beyond the Cu 3d band, of La2CuO4 are well described in terms of the one-electron approximation. It is shown that XANES spectra are consistent with the contraction of the Cu-apex oxygen distance with doping. Final state effects induced by the core hole have been indentified: (i) the core transitions take place in the fully relaxed potential, (ii) the satellite at 7 eV above the main K-XANES peak in both polarizations is assigned to a multielectron shake up excitation. Finally the shoulder on the rising absorption edge, present in many Cu compounds and usually assigned to a shake down multi-electron excitation, is shown to be due to a one-electron transition to a state delocalized over a large cluster.

Journal of Applied Physics | 2004

X-ray and neutron reflectivity study of solid-supported lipid membranes prepared by spin coating

Johanna Generosi; C. Castellano; Daniela Pozzi; Agostina Congiu Castellano; Roberto Felici; Francesca Natali; Giovanna Fragneto

We present a study of x-ray synchrotron radiation and neutron reflectivity on solid-supported lipid membranes prepared by spin coating. This technique has the advantage of allowing the control of the number of lipid layers by varying the deposition parameters. The experiments were performed on the cationic lipid 1,2-dioleoyl-3-trimethylammonium-propane chloride salt (DOTAP), the neutral lipid 1,2-dioleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DOPC), the lipid mixture (DOTAP-DOPC), and the complex (DOTAP-DOPC∕DNA) deposited on wafers. Only single neutral lipids or lipid-peptide mixtures were deposited on solid substrate using the spin coating technique and characterized. Results on the structure of the deposited lipid layers indicate that DNA contributes to the order in the lipoplexes.

Radiation Research | 2007

UVB-Radiation-Induced Apoptosis in Jurkat Cells: A Coordinated Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy-Flow Cytometry Study

D. Pozzi; P. Grimaldi; Silvia Gaudenzi; Lucia Di Giambattista; Ida Silvestri; Stefania Morrone; Agostina Congiu Castellano

Abstract Pozzi, D., Grimaldi, P., Gaudenzi, S., Di Giambattista, L., Silvestri, I., Morrone, S. and Congiu Castellano, A. UVB-Radiation-Induced Apoptosis in Jurkat Cells: A Coordinated Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy-Flow Cytometry Study. Radiat. Res. 168, 698–705 (2007). We studied the induction of apoptosis in Jurkat cells by UVB radiation (wavelength 290–320 nm) at a dose of 310 mJ/ cm2. We combined Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy with flow cytometry to determine whether the combination of both techniques could provide new and improved information about cell modifications. To do this, we looked for correspondences and correlations between spectroscopy and flow cytometry data and found three highly probable spectroscopic markers of apoptosis. The behavior of the wave number shift of both the Amide I β-sheet component and the area of the 1083 cm−1 band reproduced, with a high correlation, the behavior of the early apoptotic cell population, while the behavior of the Amide I area showed a high correlation with the early plus late apoptotic cell population.

Journal of Synchrotron Radiation | 1999

Polarized X-ray absorption spectroscopy of the low-temperature photoproduct of carbonmonoxy-myoglobin

Stefano Della Longa; Alessandro Arcovito; Beatrice Vallone; Agostina Congiu Castellano; Richard Kahn; Jean Vicat; Yvonne Soldo; Jean Louis Hazemann

Visible light can break the Fe—CO bond in Fe(II) carbonmonoxy-myoglobin (MbCO) giving an unligated product (Mb*) that is almost stable at T < 30 K. Fe K-edge polarized X-ray absorption spectra (P-XAS) of the photoproduct (T = 20 K) of an oriented single crystal (0.2 × 0.2 × 0.3 mm) of sperm whale MbCO (space group P21) have been collected. By rotating the crystal the X-ray photon polarization vector has been oriented almost parallel (with an angle α = 23°) or perpendicular (α = 86°) to the heme normal of each myoglobin molecule. The crystal was continuously illuminated by a white-light source during the data collection. The polarized data give novel information on the Fe-heme electronic/structural rearrangement following photolysis. The XANES (X-ray absorption near-edge structure) spectrum polarized in the direction close to the Fe—CO bond changes dramatically after photolysis, exhibiting a shift of ∼2 eV, due to electronic relaxation of empty states of pz symmetry, while more subtle changes are observed in the spectrum polarized along the heme plane, sensitive to the heme-plane geometry. Changes in the pre-edge region can be interpreted to provide insight into the electronic structure of the highest occupied and lowest unoccupied molecular orbitals (HOMO–LUMO) in the MbCO → Mb* photochemical reaction at low temperature.

Biophysical Journal | 1999

Heterotropic effectors exert more significant strain on monoligated than on unligated hemoglobin.

Massimo Coletta; Mauro Angeletti; Isabella Ascone; Giovanna Boumis; Agostina Congiu Castellano; Marco Dell’Ariccia; Stefano Della Longa; Giampiero De Sanctis; Anna Maria Priori; Roberto Santucci; Alessandro Feis; Gino Amiconi

The effect of allosteric effectors, such as inositol hexakisphosphate and/or bezafibrate, has been investigated on the unliganded human adult hemoglobin both spectroscopically (employing electronic absorption, circular dichroism, resonance Raman, and x-ray absorption near-edge spectroscopies) and functionally (following the kinetics of the first CO binding step up to a final 4% ligand saturation degree). All data indicate that the unliganded T-state is not perturbed by the interaction with either one or both effectors, suggesting that their functional influence is only exerted when a ligand molecule is bound to the heme. This is confirmed by the observation that CO dissociation from partially liganded hemoglobin ( </= 0.04) is strongly altered by the presence of either effector, and the effect is enhanced whenever the two effectors are simultaneously present. Altogether, these data are a direct demonstration of the occurrence of a strain induced by the presence of a ligand molecule bound to the heme, and for the first time there is a clear indication that the expression of the functional heterotropic effect by these non-heme ligands requires this strain, which is not present in the unliganded molecule.

Drug Delivery | 2013

Ultrasound well below the intensity threshold of cavitation can promote efficient uptake of small drug model molecules in fibroblast cells

Fabio Domenici; Claudia Giliberti; Angelico Bedini; Raffaele Palomba; Fabio Luongo; Simona Sennato; Cristina Olmati; D. Pozzi; Stefania Morrone; Agostina Congiu Castellano; F. Bordi

Abstract Ultrasound (US) induced enhancement of plasma membrane permeability is a hugely promising tool for delivering exogenous vectors at the specific biological site in a safe and efficient way. In this respect, here we report effects of membrane permeability alteration on fibroblast-like cells undergoing very low-intensity of US. The change in permeability was pointed out in terms of high uptake efficiency of the fluoroprobe calcein, thus resembling internalization of small cell-impermeable model drugs, as measured by fluorescence microscopy and flow cytometry. Fluorescence evidences moreover suggests that the higher the time of exposure, the larger will be the size of molecules can be internalized. The uptake events were related to the cell viability and also with structural changes occurring at membrane level as revealed by infrared spectroscopy and preliminary membrane fluidity and atomic force microscopy (AFM) investigation. Thus, the question of whether the uptake of cell-impermeable molecules is consistent with the presence of disruptions on the cell membrane (sonopore formation) has been addressed. In this framework, our findings may constitute experimental evidence in support of sub-cavitation sonoporation models recently proposed, and they may also provide some hints towards the actual working condition of medical US dealing with the optimum risk to benefit therapeutic ratio.

Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy | 2011

Ultrasound-mediated structural changes in cells revealed by FTIR spectroscopy: a contribution to the optimization of gene and drug delivery.

P. Grimaldi; Lucia Di Giambattista; Serena Giordani; Ion Udroiu; D. Pozzi; Silvia Gaudenzi; A. Bedini; Claudia Giliberti; Raffaele Palomba; Agostina Congiu Castellano

Ultrasound effects on biological samples are gaining a growing interest concerning in particular, the intracellular delivery of drugs and genes in a safe and in a efficient way. Future progress in this field will require a better understanding of how ultrasound and acoustic cavitation affect the biological system properties. The morphological changes of cells due to ultrasound (US) exposure have been extensively studied, while little attention has been given to the cells structural changes. We have exposed two different cell lines to 1 MHz frequency ultrasound currently used in therapy, Jurkat T-lymphocytes and NIH-3T3 fibroblasts, both employed as models respectively in the apoptosis and in the gene therapy studies. The Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) Spectroscopy was used as probe to reveal the structural changes in particular molecular groups belonging to the main biological systems. The genotoxic damage of cells exposed to ultrasound was ascertained by the Cytokinesis-Block Micronucleus (CBMN) assay. The FTIR spectroscopy results, combined with multivariate statistical analysis, regarding all cellular components (lipids, proteins, nucleic acids) of the two cell lines, show that Jurkat cells are more sensitive to therapeutic ultrasound in the lipid and protein regions, whereas the NIH-3T3 cells are more sensitive in the nucleic acids region; a meaningful genotoxic effect is present in both cell lines only for long sonication times while in the Jurkat cells also a significant cytotoxic effect is revealed for long times of exposure to ultrasound.

Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology | 2003

Cell-metal interaction studied by cytotoxic and FT-IR spectroscopic methods.

Silvia Gaudenzi; Maria Grazia Furfaro; D. Pozzi; Ida Silvestri; Agostina Congiu Castellano

The main purpose of this work is to investigate the possibility of utilizing both a classical biological method to test cytotoxicity and a physical measurement procedure as the FT-IR spectroscopy to study the interaction between cells lines and heavy metals. Jurkart, a lymphocyte cell line, was treated with cadmium chloride, cadmium oxide and the organic germanium compound named Ge-oxy-132. The utilized value of heavy metal concentration allows us to obtain significant results with both methods and with all metals. In fact by using lower values of concentration any effect is revealed after treatment with germanium. The results of the simultaneous measurements by both experimental procedures are here reported for the first time and show that, while the cytotoxic effects of the two cadmium compounds are confirmed, the organic germanium compound reveals a very different and interesting interaction with Jurkart cells. The behaviour of the Jurkart cells upon the uptake of cadmium or organic germanium is very different: while treatment with CdO and CdCl(2) determines proteins denaturation and lipids oxidation in cells until the death, these processes are not revealed after Ge-oxy-132 treatment.

Biochimica et Biophysica Acta | 1989

Heterogeneity of the isolated subunits of the fetal and adult human hemoglobin in solution, detected by XANES spectroscopy

Agostina Congiu Castellano; Massimo Castagnola; E. Burattini; Marco Dell'Ariccia; Stefano Della Longa; A. Giovannelli; P.J. Durham; A. Bianconi

Differences in the local structure of the heme in the isolated alpha-, beta- and gamma-chains of the adult and fetal human hemoglobin are detected by XANES (X-ray absorption near-edge structure) spectroscopy. The ligand bonding angle to the iron ion in the ligated forms and the displacement of the Fe respect to the porphyrin plane in the deoxy forms are found to be different for each chain.

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