
Trends in Microbiology | 2014

Clostridium difficile spore biology: sporulation, germination, and spore structural proteins

Daniel Paredes-Sabja; Aimee Shen; Joseph A. Sorg

Clostridium difficile is a Gram-positive, spore-forming obligate anaerobe and a major nosocomial pathogen of worldwide concern. Owing to its strict anaerobic requirements, the infectious and transmissible morphotype is the dormant spore. In susceptible patients, C. difficile spores germinate in the colon to form the vegetative cells that initiate Clostridium difficile infections (CDI). During CDI, C. difficile induces a sporulation pathway that produces more spores; these spores are responsible for the persistence of C. difficile in patients and horizontal transmission between hospitalized patients. Although important to the C. difficile lifecycle, the C. difficile spore proteome is poorly conserved when compared to members of the Bacillus genus. Further, recent studies have revealed significant differences between C. difficile and Bacillus subtilis at the level of sporulation, germination, and spore coat and exosporium morphogenesis. In this review, the regulation of the sporulation and germination pathways and the morphogenesis of the spore coat and exosporium will be discussed.

PLOS Genetics | 2013

Global Analysis of the Sporulation Pathway of Clostridium difficile

Kelly A. Fimlaid; Jeffrey P. Bond; Kristin C. Schutz; Emily E. Putnam; Jacqueline M. Leung; Trevor D. Lawley; Aimee Shen

The Gram-positive, spore-forming pathogen Clostridium difficile is the leading definable cause of healthcare-associated diarrhea worldwide. C. difficile infections are difficult to treat because of their frequent recurrence, which can cause life-threatening complications such as pseudomembranous colitis. The spores of C. difficile are responsible for these high rates of recurrence, since they are the major transmissive form of the organism and resistant to antibiotics and many disinfectants. Despite the importance of spores to the pathogenesis of C. difficile, little is known about their composition or formation. Based on studies in Bacillus subtilis and other Clostridium spp., the sigma factors σF, σE, σG, and σK are predicted to control the transcription of genes required for sporulation, although their specific functions vary depending on the organism. In order to determine the roles of σF, σE, σG, and σK in regulating C. difficile sporulation, we generated loss-of-function mutations in genes encoding these sporulation sigma factors and performed RNA-Sequencing to identify specific sigma factor-dependent genes. This analysis identified 224 genes whose expression was collectively activated by sporulation sigma factors: 183 were σF-dependent, 169 were σE-dependent, 34 were σG-dependent, and 31 were σK-dependent. In contrast with B. subtilis, C. difficile σE was dispensable for σG activation, σG was dispensable for σK activation, and σF was required for post-translationally activating σG. Collectively, these results provide the first genome-wide transcriptional analysis of genes induced by specific sporulation sigma factors in the Clostridia and highlight that diverse mechanisms regulate sporulation sigma factor activity in the Firmicutes.

Molecular Microbiology | 2005

The 5' untranslated region-mediated enhancement of intracellular listeriolysin O production is required for Listeria monocytogenes pathogenicity

Aimee Shen; Darren E. Higgins

Listeriolysin O (LLO) and ActA are essential virulence determinants for Listeria monocytogenes pathogenesis. Transcription of actA and hly, encoding LLO, is regulated by PrfA and increases dramatically during intracellular infection. The 5′ untranslated regions (5′ UTRs) of actA and prfA have been shown to upregulate expression of their respective gene products. Here, we demonstrate that the hly 5′ UTR plays a critical role in regulating expression of LLO during intracellular infection. Deletion of the hly 5′ UTR, while retaining the hly ribosome binding site, had a moderate effect on LLO production during growth in broth culture, yet resulted in a marked decrease in LLO levels during intracellular infection. The diminished level of LLO resulted in a significant defect in bacterial cell‐to‐cell spread during intracellular infection and a 10‐fold reduction in virulence during in vivo infection of mice. Insertion of the hly 5′ UTR sequence between a heterologous promoter and reporter gene sequences indicated that the hly 5′ UTR functions independent of PrfA‐mediated transcription and can enhance expression of cis‐associated genes through a mechanism that appears to act at both a post‐transcriptional and translational level. The ability of the hly 5′ UTR to increase gene expression can be exploited to achieve PrfA‐independent complementation of virulence genes and high‐level expression of single copy heterologous genes in L. monocytogenes.

PLOS Pathogens | 2013

Structural and Functional Analysis of the CspB Protease Required for Clostridium Spore Germination

Chloe M. Adams; Brian E. Eckenroth; Emily E. Putnam; Sylvie Doublié; Aimee Shen

Spores are the major transmissive form of the nosocomial pathogen Clostridium difficile, a leading cause of healthcare-associated diarrhea worldwide. Successful transmission of C. difficile requires that its hardy, resistant spores germinate into vegetative cells in the gastrointestinal tract. A critical step during this process is the degradation of the spore cortex, a thick layer of peptidoglycan surrounding the spore core. In Clostridium sp., cortex degradation depends on the proteolytic activation of the cortex hydrolase, SleC. Previous studies have implicated Csps as being necessary for SleC cleavage during germination; however, their mechanism of action has remained poorly characterized. In this study, we demonstrate that CspB is a subtilisin-like serine protease whose activity is essential for efficient SleC cleavage and C. difficile spore germination. By solving the first crystal structure of a Csp family member, CspB, to 1.6 Å, we identify key structural domains within CspB. In contrast with all previously solved structures of prokaryotic subtilases, the CspB prodomain remains tightly bound to the wildtype subtilase domain and sterically occludes a catalytically competent active site. The structure, combined with biochemical and genetic analyses, reveals that Csp proteases contain a unique jellyroll domain insertion critical for stabilizing the protease in vitro and in C. difficile. Collectively, our study provides the first molecular insight into CspB activity and function. These studies may inform the development of inhibitors that can prevent clostridial spore germination and thus disease transmission.

Journal of Bacteriology | 2013

SpoIVA and SipL are Clostridium difficile spore morphogenetic proteins

Emily E. Putnam; Adam M. Nock; Trevor D. Lawley; Aimee Shen

Clostridium difficile is a major nosocomial pathogen whose infections are difficult to treat because of their frequent recurrence. The spores of C. difficile are responsible for these clinical features, as they resist common disinfectants and antibiotic treatment. Although spores are the major transmissive form of C. difficile, little is known about their composition or morphogenesis. Spore morphogenesis has been well characterized for Bacillus sp., but Bacillus sp. spore coat proteins are poorly conserved in Clostridium sp. Of the known spore morphogenetic proteins in Bacillus subtilis, SpoIVA is one of the mostly highly conserved in the Bacilli and the Clostridia. Using genetic analyses, we demonstrate that SpoIVA is required for proper spore morphogenesis in C. difficile. In particular, a spoIVA mutant exhibits defects in spore coat localization but not cortex formation. Our study also identifies SipL, a previously uncharacterized protein found in proteomic studies of C. difficile spores, as another critical spore morphogenetic protein, since a sipL mutant phenocopies a spoIVA mutant. Biochemical analyses and mutational analyses indicate that SpoIVA and SipL directly interact. This interaction depends on the Walker A ATP binding motif of SpoIVA and the LysM domain of SipL. Collectively, these results provide the first insights into spore morphogenesis in C. difficile.

Journal of Bacteriology | 2015

Characterization of the Dynamic Germination of Individual Clostridium difficile Spores Using Raman Spectroscopy and Differential Interference Contrast Microscopy

Shiwei Wang; Aimee Shen; Peter Setlow; Yong-qing Li

UNLABELLED The Gram-positive spore-forming anaerobe Clostridium difficile is a leading cause of nosocomial diarrhea. Spores of C. difficile initiate infection when triggered to germinate by bile salts in the gastrointestinal tract. We analyzed germination kinetics of individual C. difficile spores using Raman spectroscopy and differential interference contrast (DIC) microscopy. Similar to Bacillus spores, individual C. difficile spores germinating with taurocholate plus glycine began slow leakage of a ∼15% concentration of a chelate of Ca(2+) and dipicolinic acid (CaDPA) at a heterogeneous time T1, rapidly released CaDPA at Tlag, completed CaDPA release at Trelease, and finished peptidoglycan cortex hydrolysis at Tlysis. T1 and Tlag values for individual spores were heterogeneous, but ΔTrelease periods (Trelease - Tlag) were relatively constant. In contrast to Bacillus spores, heat treatment did not stimulate spore germination in the two C. difficile strains tested. C. difficile spores did not germinate with taurocholate or glycine alone, and different bile salts differentially promoted spore germination, with taurocholate and taurodeoxycholate being best. Transient exposure of spores to taurocholate plus glycine was sufficient to commit individual spores to germinate. C. difficile spores did not germinate with CaDPA, in contrast to B. subtilis and C. perfringens spores. However, the detergent dodecylamine induced C. difficile spore germination, and rates were increased by spore coat removal although cortex hydrolysis did not follow Trelease, in contrast with B. subtilis. C. difficile spores lacking the cortex-lytic enzyme, SleC, germinated extremely poorly, and cortex hydrolysis was not observed in the few sleC spores that partially germinated. Overall, these findings indicate that C. difficile and B. subtilis spore germination exhibit key differences. IMPORTANCE Spores of the Gram-positive anaerobe Clostridium difficile are responsible for initiating infection by this important nosocomial pathogen. When exposed to germinants such as bile salts, C. difficile spores return to life through germination in the gastrointestinal tract and cause disease, but their germination has been studied only with population-wide measurements. In this work we used Raman spectroscopy and DIC microscopy to monitor the kinetics of germination of individual C. difficile spores, the commitment of spores to germination, and the effect of germinant type and concentration, sublethal heat shock, and spore decoating on germination. Our data suggest that the order of germination events in C. difficile spores differs from that in Bacillus spores and provide new insights into C. difficile spore germination.

PLOS Pathogens | 2015

Identification of a Novel Lipoprotein Regulator of Clostridium difficile Spore Germination.

Kelly A. Fimlaid; Owen Jensen; M. Lauren Donnelly; Michael B. Francis; Joseph A. Sorg; Aimee Shen

Clostridium difficile is a Gram-positive spore-forming pathogen and a leading cause of nosocomial diarrhea. C. difficile infections are transmitted when ingested spores germinate in the gastrointestinal tract and transform into vegetative cells. Germination begins when the germinant receptor CspC detects bile salts in the gut. CspC is a subtilisin-like serine pseudoprotease that activates the related CspB serine protease through an unknown mechanism. Activated CspB cleaves the pro-SleC zymogen, which allows the activated SleC cortex hydrolase to degrade the protective cortex layer. While these regulators are essential for C. difficile spores to outgrow and form toxin-secreting vegetative cells, the mechanisms controlling their function have only been partially characterized. In this study, we identify the lipoprotein GerS as a novel regulator of C. difficile spore germination using targeted mutagenesis. A gerS mutant has a severe germination defect and fails to degrade cortex even though it processes SleC at wildtype levels. Using complementation analyses, we demonstrate that GerS secretion, but not lipidation, is necessary for GerS to activate SleC. Importantly, loss of GerS attenuates the virulence of C. difficile in a hamster model of infection. Since GerS appears to be conserved exclusively in related Peptostreptococcaeace family members, our results contribute to a growing body of work indicating that C. difficile has evolved distinct mechanisms for controlling the exit from dormancy relative to B. subtilis and other spore-forming organisms.

PLOS Genetics | 2015

Regulation of Clostridium difficile Spore Formation by the SpoIIQ and SpoIIIA Proteins

Kelly A. Fimlaid; Owen Jensen; M. Lauren Donnelly; M. Sloan Siegrist; Aimee Shen

Sporulation is an ancient developmental process that involves the formation of a highly resistant endospore within a larger mother cell. In the model organism Bacillus subtilis, sporulation-specific sigma factors activate compartment-specific transcriptional programs that drive spore morphogenesis. σG activity in the forespore depends on the formation of a secretion complex, known as the “feeding tube,” that bridges the mother cell and forespore and maintains forespore integrity. Even though these channel components are conserved in all spore formers, recent studies in the major nosocomial pathogen Clostridium difficile suggested that these components are dispensable for σG activity. In this study, we investigated the requirements of the SpoIIQ and SpoIIIA proteins during C. difficile sporulation. C. difficile spoIIQ, spoIIIA, and spoIIIAH mutants exhibited defects in engulfment, tethering of coat to the forespore, and heat-resistant spore formation, even though they activate σG at wildtype levels. Although the spoIIQ, spoIIIA, and spoIIIAH mutants were defective in engulfment, metabolic labeling studies revealed that they nevertheless actively transformed the peptidoglycan at the leading edge of engulfment. In vitro pull-down assays further demonstrated that C. difficile SpoIIQ directly interacts with SpoIIIAH. Interestingly, mutation of the conserved Walker A ATP binding motif, but not the Walker B ATP hydrolysis motif, disrupted SpoIIIAA function during C. difficile spore formation. This finding contrasts with B. subtilis, which requires both Walker A and B motifs for SpoIIIAA function. Taken together, our findings suggest that inhibiting SpoIIQ, SpoIIIAA, or SpoIIIAH function could prevent the formation of infectious C. difficile spores and thus disease transmission.

Mbio | 2017

A Clostridium difficile-Specific, Gel-Forming Protein Required for Optimal Spore Germination.

M. Lauren Donnelly; William Li; Yong-qing Li; Lauren Hinkel; Peter Setlow; Aimee Shen

ABSTRACT Clostridium difficile is a Gram-positive spore-forming obligate anaerobe that is a leading cause of antibiotic-associated diarrhea worldwide. In order for C. difficile to initiate infection, its aerotolerant spore form must germinate in the gut of mammalian hosts. While almost all spore-forming organisms use transmembrane germinant receptors to trigger germination, C. difficile uses the pseudoprotease CspC to sense bile salt germinants. CspC activates the related subtilisin-like protease CspB, which then proteolytically activates the cortex hydrolase SleC. Activated SleC degrades the protective spore cortex layer, a step that is essential for germination to proceed. Since CspC incorporation into spores also depends on CspA, a related pseudoprotease domain, Csp family proteins play a critical role in germination. However, how Csps are incorporated into spores remains unknown. In this study, we demonstrate that incorporation of the CspC, CspB, and CspA germination regulators into spores depends on CD0311 (renamed GerG), a previously uncharacterized hypothetical protein. The reduced levels of Csps in gerG spores correlate with reduced responsiveness to bile salt germinants and increased germination heterogeneity in single-spore germination assays. Interestingly, asparagine-rich repeat sequences in GerG’s central region facilitate spontaneous gel formation in vitro even though they are dispensable for GerG-mediated control of germination. Since GerG is found exclusively in C. difficile, our results suggest that exploiting GerG function could represent a promising avenue for developing C. difficile-specific anti-infective therapies. IMPORTANCE The spore-forming bacterium Clostridium difficile is a leading cause of health care-associated infections. While a subset of antibiotics can treat C. difficile infections (CDIs), the primary determinant of CDI disease susceptibility is prior antibiotic exposure, since it reduces the colonization resistance conferred by a diverse microflora. Thus, therapies that minimize perturbations to the gut microbiome should be more effective at reducing CDIs and their recurrence, the main source of disease complications. Given that spore germination is essential for C. difficile to initiate infection and that C. difficile uses a unique pathway to initiate germination, methods that inhibit distinct elements of germination could selectively prevent C. difficile disease recurrence. Here, we identify GerG as a C. difficile-specific protein that controls the incorporation of germinant signaling proteins into spores. Since gerG mutant spores exhibit germination defects and are less responsive to germinant, GerG may represent a promising target for developing therapeutics against CDI. IMPORTANCE The spore-forming bacterium Clostridium difficile is a leading cause of health care-associated infections. While a subset of antibiotics can treat C. difficile infections (CDIs), the primary determinant of CDI disease susceptibility is prior antibiotic exposure, since it reduces the colonization resistance conferred by a diverse microflora. Thus, therapies that minimize perturbations to the gut microbiome should be more effective at reducing CDIs and their recurrence, the main source of disease complications. Given that spore germination is essential for C. difficile to initiate infection and that C. difficile uses a unique pathway to initiate germination, methods that inhibit distinct elements of germination could selectively prevent C. difficile disease recurrence. Here, we identify GerG as a C. difficile-specific protein that controls the incorporation of germinant signaling proteins into spores. Since gerG mutant spores exhibit germination defects and are less responsive to germinant, GerG may represent a promising target for developing therapeutics against CDI.

PLOS Pathogens | 2015

A Gut Odyssey: The Impact of the Microbiota on Clostridium difficile Spore Formation and Germination.

Aimee Shen

The Gram-positive, anaerobic, spore-forming bacterium Clostridium difficile is the leading cause of health care–associated infections and gastroenteritis-associated deaths in the United States [1]. C. difficile-associated disease is primarily toxin-mediated, although the organism’s natural antibiotic resistance and propensity to cause disease recurrence can lead to severe clinical complications, such as pseudomembranous colitis and toxic megacolon [2]. Antibiotic exposure potentiates C. difficile infections (CDI) by disrupting the colonization resistance conferred by the normal gut microbiota [3–5], while spore formation allows C. difficile to outlast antibiotic therapies and persist in the environment. The remarkable success of fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) in treating severe recurrent CDI provides the most direct evidence that our gut microbiota protects us from C. difficile invasion [4–6]. While the most effective antibiotic-based therapies lead to an ~20% CDI recurrence rate [1], FMT has an ~95% cure rate [6]. However, since FMT may cause unforeseen complications [4,7], there is obvious interest in determining the mechanisms that control colonization resistance in order to produce more targeted therapies. Several mechanisms have been suggested by which the microbiota antagonizes C. difficile, including increased competition for resources, inhibition of germination and/or vegetative growth, and enhancement of host defense mechanisms [3,5]. In this Pearl, we focus on how the microbiota alters the developmental life cycle of C. difficile during infection.

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