
Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology | 1995

Barrett's oesophagus and Helicobacter pylori

Zaigham Abbas; Akbar Shah Hussainy; Farhat Ibrahim; S. M. Wasim Jafri; Hizbullah Shaikh; A. Haleem Khan

Abstract In order to demonstrate the presence of Helicobacter pylori in the metaplastic epithelium of Barretts oesophagus and to evaluate its possible association with this entity, we examined 29 cases of Barretts oesophagus where concomitant antral biopsies were also available. These cases were compared with an equal number of age and sex matched controls of uncomplicated reflux oesophagitis. H. pylori was present in 11 of 29 cases of Barretts oesophagus (38%). No increase in the frequency of H. pylori antral gastritis was found in patients of Barretts oesophagus compared to the control group of uncomplicated reflux oesophagitis. The positivity of Barretts oesophagus for H. pylori correlated with the presence of H. pylori antral gastritis (P < 0.05), although in two cases of H. pylori‐positive Barretts oesophagus antral biopsies were negative for H. pylori. No difference was found in the severity of inflammatory and dysplastic changes of H. pylori‐ positive and H. pylori‐negative Barretts oesophagus. Presence of H. pylori does not seem to alter the natural history of Barretts oesophagus.

European Journal of Gastroenterology & Hepatology | 2003

Candida oesophagitis with Hepatitis C virus: an uncommon association

Javed Yakoob; Wasim Jafri; Akbar Shah Hussainy

Candida oesophagitis is an acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS)-defining illness. We report a 28-year-old woman who presented with Candida oesophagitis with underlying chronic hepatitis C. The patient presented with anorexia and weakness and was noted to have raised serum transaminases. Upper-gastrointestinal endoscopy revealed Candida oesophagitis involving the whole oesophagus. Oesophageal biopsy demonstrated changes consistent with Candida oesophagitis. Serology was positive for hepatitis C antibodies, and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) genotyped hepatitis C virus (HCV) as genotype 3. Liver biopsy revealed chronic hepatitis with moderately active portal inflammation. A human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) test was non-reactive for types 1 and 2. The development of Candida oesophagitis in a patient with chronic HCV infection demands prompt consideration of general debility and immunosuppression as effects of HCV that led to an occurrence of opportunistic infection. Evaluation of this case provides insight into various mechanisms of immune suppression associated with HCV infection.

Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention | 2014

Histopathologic Characterization of Prostate Diseases in Madinah, Saudi Arabia

Abdulkader Albasri; Abeer Abdalla El-Siddig; Akbar Shah Hussainy; Mervat Mahrous; Abdulaziz Abdullah Alhosaini; Ahmed Alhujaily

AIMS To delineate the histopathological pattern of prostate diseases and to highlight age variations in prostate specific antigen (PSA) values and histopathological features. MATERIALS AND METHODS A retrospective review was made of all prostate biopsy reports seen between January 2006 and December 2013 at the King Fahad Hospital, Madinah, Saudi Arabia. Prostate lesions were tabulated and classified into benign and malignant groups. Histological scoring of adenocarcinomas was accomplished using the Gleason system. PSA values were correlated with Gleason scores. RESULTS Of 417 prostate lesions reviewed, 343 (82.3%) were benign and 74 (17.7%) were malignant, giving a benign to malignant ratio of 4.6:1. Benign prostatic hyperplasia (both with and without inflammation) was the commonest prostatic lesion and accounted for 80.3% of all cases and 97.6% of all benign cases. The age range was 20 to 97 years with a mean of 69.2 years and a peak age group at 70-79 years. Seventy one cases of adenocarcinoma accounted for 95.9% of the total of 74 malignant tumors. It showed an age range of 44 to 95 years, a mean age of 70.9 years and peak prevalence in the 80-89 year age group. Gleason score seven was the most frequent (39.4%) in occurrence. Most adenocarcinomas, 41 cases (57.7%), were moderately differentiated (Gleason score of 5-7). PSA values ranged widely between 16-1,865 ng/ml with a mean of 363.4 ng/ml. Elevated PSA (>100 ng/ml) levels were found in 53 (81.6%) patients. There was a statistically significant positive correlation between serum PSA level and Gleason score (p=0.0304). CONCLUSIONS Prostatic lesions constitute a significant source of morbidity among adult males in Madinah. Benign prostatic hyperplasia was the commonest benign prostatic lesion and adenocarcinoma was the commonest histological subtype of prostatic cancer.

Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention | 2014

Histopathological Patterns of Thyroid Disease in Al-Madinah Region of Saudi Arabia

Abdulkader Albasri; Zeinab Sawaf; Akbar Shah Hussainy; Ahmed Alhujaily

OBJECTIVES This study aimed to characterize the histopathological pattern of thyroid lesions among Saudi patients and to highlight the age and gender variations of these lesions as base line data. MATERIALS AND METHODS We retrospectively analyzed the data from thyroid specimens received at the Department of Pathology, King Fahad Hospital, Madinah, Saudi Arabia from January 2006 to December 2013. RESULTS The 292 thyroidectomy specimens received during the study period came from 230 (78.8%) females and 62 (21.2%) males giving a female: male ratio of 3.7:1. Age of the patients ranged from 14 to 95 years with a mean age 39.7 years. Two hundred and eleven (72.3%) cases were found to be non-neoplastic and 81 (27.7%) cases were neoplastic. The non-neoplastic group included: colloid goiter, including both diffuse and nodular goiter (170 cases; 58.2%), nodular hyperplasia (28 cases; 9.6%), Hashimoto/chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis (12 cases; 4.1%), and Graves disease (1 case; 0.3%). In neoplastic lesions, there were 7 benign tumors and 74 malignant tumors. Among the benign tumors, 5 were follicular adenomas and 2 were Hurthle cell adenomas. Papillary carcinoma was the commonest malignant tumor accounting for 87.8% of all thyroid malignancies, followed by lymphoma, follicular carcinoma and medullary carcinoma. The size of papillary carcinoma was more than 2 cm in 40 cases (76.9%). CONCLUSIONS Non-neoplastic thyroid lesions were more common than neoplastic ones. Colloid goiter was the most common lesion. Follicular adenoma was the commonest benign tumor and papillary carcinoma was the commonest malignant lesion. There appears to be a slightly increased trend of papillary carcinoma diagnosis, most being diagnosed at an advanced stage.

Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention | 2014

Profile of Colorectal Polyps: a Retrospective Study from King Fahad Hospital, Madinah, Saudi Arabia

Abdulkader Albasri; Hala Yosef; Akbar Shah Hussainy; Saud Bukhari; Ahmed Alhujaily

AIM To evaluate the predominant colorectal polyps in the Almadinah region of Saudi Arabia. MATERIALS AND METHODS In this iretrospective study, we analyzed pathology reports of colonoscopies performed in King Fahad Hospital, Madinah, Saudi Arabia during the period 2006 to 2013. Data based on patient age, gender, size, site and type of polyps and the degree of dysplasia were analyzed by software SPSS 17 and compared with other published studies from different geographic regions of the world. RESULTS During these years, 224 patients had colonic polyps, of whom 149 (66.5%) were men and 75 (33.5%) were women. The most common types of polyps were adenomatous (166), followed by hyperplastic polyps (24), juvenile (18), inflammatory (13), lipomatous (2) and one patient with Peutz-Jegher polyps. Tubulovillous adenoma was the commonest adenomatous polyp (102), followed by tubular (41) and villous (23) types. The sigmoid colon was the most commonly involved region (36.6%). Dysplasia was significantly associated with female patients who had large size tubulovillous polyps located in the left colon. CONCLUSIONS The type and distribution of colorectal polyps in Saudi Arabia is very similar to Western countries. Patient gender, and size, histological type and location of polyps are closely related to dysplastic change in colonic polyps.

Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention | 2014

Histopathological Features of Colorectal Cancer in Al-Madinah Region of Saudi Arabia: 8 Years Experience

Abdulkader Albasri; Hala Yosef; Akbar Shah Hussainy; Saud Ahmad Sultan; Ahmed Alhujaily

BACKGROUND To determine the histopathological pattern of colorectal cancer (CRC) among Saudi patients with a view to determine various epidemiological and histopathological features of the disease. MATERIALS AND METHODS We retrospectively collected and analyzed the demographic and histopathological data of all the patients with CRC diagnosed at King Fahad Hospital, Madinah, Saudi Arabia over a period of 8 years from January 2006 to December 2013. RESULTS Of 324 cases of CRC reviewed, 200 cases (61.7%) were males while 124 cases (38.3%) were females giving a male to female ratio of 1.6: 1. Age of the patients ranged from 20 to 100 years with a mean age 57.9 years. The rectosigmoid region was the most frequent anatomical site (13.6%) involved and adenocarcinoma (88.6%) was the most common histopathological type. The majority of adenocarcinomas (87.3%) were moderately differentiated. A total of 47.8% of patients were in stage B and 43.5% of patients were in stage C of the Aster-Coller classification. Most patients (75.7%) presented with large size tumors. Lymphovascular invasion and lymph node metastasis were recorded in 67.9% and 43.6% of cases, respectively. CONCLUSIONS Colorectal cancer is common in our environment and the majority of patients present late with an advanced stage. Screening programs regarding CRC should be enhanced to improve the outcome of the patients.

Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention | 2014

Pattern of Lymph Node Pathology in Western Saudi Arabia

Abdulkader Albasri; Abeer Abdalla El-Siddig; Akbar Shah Hussainy; Ahmed Alhujaily

BACKGROUND This study aimed to characterize the histopathological pattern of lymph node pathology among Saudi patients and to highlight the age and gender variations of these lesions as base line data. MATERIALS AND METHODS We retrospectively analyzed the data from lymph node biopsy specimens received at the Department of Pathology, King Fahad Hospital, Madinah, Saudi Arabia from January 2006 to December 2013. RESULTS Of the 289 lymph node biopsy specimens received, 154 (53.3%) were from males and 135 (46.7%) from females giving a male: female ratio of 1.14:1. Age of the patients ranged from 2.5 to 96 years with a mean age 33.9 years. The commonest lymph node group affected was the cervical (30.4%) followed by axillary (9.7%) and inguinal (8.7%). Malignant lymphoma [71 Hodgkins disease (HD), 57 non Hodgkins lymphoma (NHL)] 128 (44.3%), reactive hyperplasia 68 (23.5%), and tuberculosis 41 (14.2%) were the common causes of lymph node enlargement. While HD, reactive hyperplasia and tuberculosis were commonest in young adult patients (10-29 years old) and rare above the age of 50 years; NHL was the predominant cause of lymph node enlargement above 50 years. CONCLUSIONS Lymph node biopsy plays an important role in establishing the cause of lymphadenopathy. Among the biopsied nodes, lymphomas were the most common (44.3%) followed by non-specific reactive hyperplasia (23.5%) and tuberculous lymphadenitis (14.2%).

Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention | 2015

Molecular Profiling of Breast Carcinoma in Almadinah, KSA: Immunophenotyping and Clinicopathological Correlation.

Mohamed A. Elkablawy; Abdelkader M Albasry; Akbar Shah Hussainy; Magdy M. Nouh; Ahmed Alhujaily

PURPOSE To subtype breast cancer (BC) in Saudi women according to the recent molecular classification and to correlate these subtypes with available clinicopathological parameters. MATERIALS AND METHODS Estrogen receptor (ER), progesterone receptor (PR) and human epidermal growth factor receptor (Her2/neu) immunostaining was semi-quantitatively assessed to define molecular subtypes of luminal A and B, HER-2 and triple negative (basal- like) in BC paraffin embedded sections from 115 Saudi female patients diagnosed between 2005 to 2015 at the Department of Pathology, King Fahd Hospital, Almadinah, Saudi Arabia. RESULTS The most common subtypes were luminal A (47%), followed by luminal B (27.8%) and basal like subtypes (18.3%), whereas HER-2 was the least common subtype (6.9%). Luminal A was predominantly found in the old age group, with low tumor grade (p< 0.001) and small tumor size, whereas HER-2 and basal-like subtypes were significantly associated with young age, high tumor grade, lymph node metastasis and lymphovascular invasion (p< 0.03, 0.004, 0.05 and 0.04 respectively). All subtypes showed advanced clinical stage at the time of presentation. CONCLUSIONS Molecular subtypes of Saudi BC patients in Almadinah region are consistent with most of the worldwide subtyping. The biological behaviour of each molecular subtype could be expected based on its characteristic clinicopathological features. Along with other prognostic indicators, molecular subtyping would be helpful in predicting prognosis and management of our BC patients. We recommend screening and early diagnosis of BC in our population.

Saudi Medical Journal | 2018

Impact of cyclooxygenase-2 over-expression on the prognosis of colorectal cancer patients. An experience from Western Saudi Arabia

Abdulkader Albasri; Mohammed Elkablawy; Akbar Shah Hussainy; Hala Yousif; Ahmed Alhujaily

Objectives: To evaluate cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) over-expression in colorectal cancer (CRC) and its role in carcinogenesis and prognosis. Methods: It was a retrospective study. Archival samples were obtained from Pathology Department at King Fahad Hospital, Madinah, Saudi Arabia, over 11 years’ period (January 2006 to December 2017). Samples were analyzed using immunohistochemistry for COX-2 and Ki67 over-expression in 324 CRC patients, 40 cases of colorectal adenomas and 20 cases of normal colonic mucosa. Results: Cyclooxygenase-2 over-expression was observed in 40% of normal colonic mucosa, 65% of colorectal adenoma and 84.6% of CRC cases. There were no significant correlations between COX-2 over-expression and age, gender, tumor site, or tumor size. However, COX-2 over-expression revealed highly significant correlations with tumor differentiation, lymph node metastasis, lympho-vascular invasion, distant metastasis, advanced stages, and high Ki67 expression. Univariate Kaplan-Meir survival analysis showed that patients with high COX-2 expression had significantly shorter periods of survival. Multivariate analysis by means of the COX-2 regression model revealed that high COX-2 over-expression, AJCC, and Ki67 expression were the only significant independent prognostic indicators. Conclusion: Cyclooxygenase-2 over-expression increases during normal-adenoma-carcinoma sequence, moreover COX-2 over-expression is associated with advanced tumor stage and Ki67 over-expression. These findings suggest a significant role of COX-2 in the carcinogenesis and prognosis of CRC in our study population.

Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention | 2003

Cancer of the Oral Cavity and Pharynx in Karachi - Identification of Potential Risk Factors

Yasmin Bhurgri; Asif Bhurgri; Akbar Shah Hussainy; Ahmed Usman; Naveen Faridi; Jawaid Malik; Zubair Ahmed Zaidi; Suhail Muzaffar; Naila Kayani; Shahid Pervez; Sheema H Hasan

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