Aki I.T. Salo
University of Bath
Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise | 2008
Ian N. Bezodis; David G. Kerwin; Aki I.T. Salo
INTRODUCTION The forces produced by an athlete during the support phase of a sprint run are a vital determinant of the outcome of the performance. The purpose of this study was to improve the understanding of sprint technique in well-trained sprinters through the comprehensive analysis of joint kinetics during the support phase of a maximum-velocity sprint. METHODS Four well-trained sprinters performed maximum-effort 60-m sprints. Two-dimensional high-speed video (200 Hz) and ground-reaction force (1000 Hz) data were collected at the 45-m mark. Horizontal velocity, step length, step frequency, and normalized moment, power, and work, via inverse dynamics, were calculated for two trials in each athlete. RESULTS The hip extensors performed positive work in early stance (normalized value = 0.063 +/- 0.017), and the plantar flexors performed positive work in late stance (normalized value = 0.053 +/- 0.010). The knee extensors played a negligible role in positive work generation throughout stance. CONCLUSIONS In contrast to previous findings, the knee moment did not contribute substantially to power generation during the latter part of the support phase. This may be explained in part by the specific technical requirements of the maximum-velocity phase of the sprint. However, major periods of power generation of the hip extensors in early stance and of the plantar flexors in late stance were observed. The action of the knee joint during the support phase may therefore have been more of a facilitator for the radial transfer of power from the hip through the ankle on to the track.
Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise | 2011
Aki I.T. Salo; Ian N. Bezodis; Alan M. Batterham; David G. Kerwin
PURPOSE The aim of this study was to investigate the step characteristics among the very best 100-m sprinters in the world to understand whether the elite athletes are individually more reliant on step frequency (SF) or step length (SL). METHODS A total of 52 male elite-level 100-m races were recorded from publicly available television broadcasts, with 11 analyzed athletes performing in 10 or more races. For each run of each athlete, the average SF and SL over the whole 100-m distance was analyzed. To determine any SF or SL reliance for an individual athlete, the 90% confidence interval (CI) for the difference between the SF-time versus SL-time relationships was derived using a criterion nonparametric bootstrapping technique. RESULTS Athletes performed these races with various combinations of SF and SL reliance. Athlete A10 yielded the highest positive CI difference (SL reliance), with a value of 1.05 (CI = 0.50-1.53). The largest negative difference (SF reliance) occurred for athlete A11 as -0.60, with the CI range of -1.20 to 0.03. CONCLUSIONS Previous studies have generally identified only one of these variables to be the main reason for faster running velocities. However, this study showed that there is a large variation of performance patterns among the elite athletes and, overall, SF or SL reliance is a highly individual occurrence. It is proposed that athletes should take this reliance into account in their training, with SF-reliant athletes needing to keep their neural system ready for fast leg turnover and SL-reliant athletes requiring more concentration on maintaining strength levels.
Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures | 2007
Chris R. Bowen; Richard Butler; R. Jervis; Hyunsun A. Kim; Aki I.T. Salo
Unsymmetrical carbon fiber/epoxy composites with bonded piezoelectric actuators are investigated as a means to shape or morph, the composite structures. Both a cantilever and unsupported laminate structure are examined along with their response to applied strains (from piezoelectric actuators) and applied mechanical load; with particular emphasis on the characterization of shape/deflection, the influence of externally applied mechanical loads and methods of reversing or promoting snap-through of these materials from one stable state to another. A variety of shape change/actuation modes for such structures have been identified namely, (i) reversible actuation by maintaining a constant stable state using piezoelectric actuation, (ii) an increased degree of shape change by irreversible snap-through using piezoelectric actuation and (iii) reversible snap-through using combined piezoelectric actuation and an externally applied load.
Sports Biomechanics | 2010
Neil E. Bezodis; Aki I.T. Salo; Grant Trewartha
Sprint start performance has previously been quantified using several different measures. This study aimed to identify whether different measures could influence the performance-based ranking within a group of 12 sprinters, and if so, to identify the most appropriate measure. None of the 10 performance measures ranked all sprinters in the same order; Spearmans rho correlations between different block phase measures ranged from 0.50 to 0.94, and between block phase measures and those obtained beyond block exit from 0.66 to 0.85. Based on the consideration of what each measure quantifies, normalised average horizontal external power was identified as the most appropriate, incorporating both block velocity and the time spent producing this velocity. The accuracy with which these data could be obtained in an externally valid field setting was assessed against force platform criterion data. For an athlete producing 678 ± 40 W of block power, a carefully set-up manual high-speed video analysis protocol produced systematic and random errors of +5 W and ± 24 W, respectively. Since the choice of performance measure could affect the conclusions drawn from a technique analysis, for example the success of an intervention, it is proposed that external power is used to quantify start performance.
AIAA Journal | 2010
Hyunsun A. Kim; David N. Betts; Aki I.T. Salo; Chris R. Bowen
A study was conducted to introduce an actuation mechanism, called shape memory alloy-piezoelectric active structures (SMAPAS) that combined the advantages of the piezoelectric shape memory alloy (SMA) materials to achieve self-resetting bistable composites. The approach used piezoelectric actuation to provide a rapid snap-through with significant degree of control and a relatively slow, but high-strain SMA actuation to reverse the state change. A thin cantilever beam of carbon-fiber or epoxy material was used to demonstrate the two-way actuation. The composite lay-up procedure was a standard method for the manufacturing of carbon laminates through a standard cure cycle to a maximum cure temperature of 125°C and a pressure of 85 psi. A macrofiber composite piezoelectric actuator was used to conduct the investigations and it consisted of aligned piezoelectric fibers with an interdigitated electrode to direct the applied electric field along the fiber length.
Gait & Posture | 2013
Neil E. Bezodis; Aki I.T. Salo; Grant Trewartha
Inverse dynamics analyses are commonly used to understand movement patterns in all forms of gait. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of digital filtering procedures on the knee joint moments calculated during sprinting as an example of the possible influence of data analysis processes on interpretation of movement patterns. Data were obtained from three highly trained sprinters who completed a series of 30 m sprints. Ten different combinations of cut-off frequency were applied to the two-dimensional kinematic and kinetic input data with the kinetic cut-off frequency set equal to or higher than the kinematic cut-off frequency. When using the commonly adopted practice of filtering the kinetic data with a higher cut-off frequency than the kinematic data, exaggerated fluctuations in the knee joint moment existed soon after contact. In extreme cases, the knee moved between flexor, extensor and flexor dominance in less than 33 ms and through ranges exceeding 500 Nm. During an inverse dynamics analysis of locomotion, mismatched cut-off frequencies will likely affect the calculated joint moments if the cut-off frequency applied to the kinematic data is less than the true frequency content, particularly during impact phases. In the example of sprinting, exaggerated fluctuations in the knee joint moment appear to be data processing artefact rather than genuine characteristics of the joint kinetics. When the cut-off frequencies, and thus the frequency content of all input data, are matched, the fluctuations after contact are minimal and such a procedure is suggested for inverse dynamics analyses of gait.
Sports Biomechanics | 2004
Aki I.T. Salo; Ian N. Bezodis
The purpose of this study was to further understand the biomechanical differences between the standing and crouch starting methods, and to investigate whether one of the starting styles provides better acceleration and proves to be faster. Six university track team sprinters performed 2 x 3 x 50 m trials. Digitised video, photocell timing, and velocity data revealed that during the first steps of the performance the standing start produced higher body centre of mass horizontal velocity than the crouch start. This may be due to the longer distance between the feet in the standing start, which caused longer push-off phases, and the work against gravity in the crouch start. However, this advantage in horizontal velocity disappeared by the 10 m mark, where similar velocities were recorded with both start styles. Further, there was no statistically significant difference between the two starting styles in horizontal velocity at the 25 m mark, nor in the time to reach the 25 m or 50 m mark. Regarding relay running, where athletes need to decide to adopt either a crouch start without starting blocks or a standing start, there seems to be no specific reason for outgoing athletes to use a crouch start, although this area warrants further investigation.Abstract The purpose of this study was to further understand the biomechanical differences between the standing and crouch starting methods, and to investigate whether one of the starting styles provides better acceleration and proves to be faster. Six university track team sprinters performed 2 x 3 x 50m trials. Digitised video, photocell timing, and velocity data revealed that during the first steps of the performance the standing start produced higher body centre of mass horizontal velocity than the crouch start. This may be due to the longer distance between the feet in the standing start, which caused longer push‐off phases, and the work against gravity in the crouch start. However, this advantage in horizontal velocity disappeared by the 10m mark, where similar velocities were recorded with both start styles. Further, there was no statistically significant difference between the two starting styles in horizontal velocity at the 25 m mark, nor in the time to reach the 25m or 50m mark. Regarding relay running, where athletes need to decide to adopt either a crouch start without starting blocks or a standing start, there seems to be no specific reason for outgoing athletes to use a crouch start, although this area warrants further investigation.
Journal of Sports Sciences | 2014
Neil E. Bezodis; Aki I.T. Salo; Grant Trewartha
Abstract This study analysed the first stance phase joint kinetics of three elite sprinters to improve the understanding of technique and investigate how individual differences in technique could influence the resulting levels of performance. Force (1000 Hz) and video (200 Hz) data were collected and resultant moments, power and work at the stance leg metatarsal-phalangeal (MTP), ankle, knee and hip joints were calculated. The MTP and ankle joints both exhibited resultant plantarflexor moments throughout stance. Whilst the ankle joint generated up to four times more energy than it absorbed, the MTP joint was primarily an energy absorber. Knee extensor resultant moments and power were produced throughout the majority of stance, and the best-performing sprinter generated double and four times the amount of knee joint energy compared to the other two sprinters. The hip joint extended throughout stance. Positive hip extensor energy was generated during early stance before energy was absorbed at the hip as the resultant moment became flexor-dominant towards toe-off. The generation of energy at the ankle appears to be of greater importance than in later phases of a sprint, whilst knee joint energy generation may be vital for early acceleration and is potentially facilitated by favourable kinematics at touchdown.
IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control | 2011
Chris R. Bowen; Peter F. Giddings; Aki I.T. Salo; Hyunsun A. Kim
This paper develops and validates a finite-element model to predict both the cured shape and snap-through of asymmetric bistable laminates actuated by piezoelectric macro fiber composites attached to the laminate. To fully describe piezoelectric actuation, the three-dimensional compliance [sij], piezoelectric [dij], and relative permittivity [εij] matrices were formulated for the macro fiber actuator. The deflection of an actuated isotropic aluminum beam was then modeled and compared with experimental measurements to validate the data. The model was then extended to bistable laminates actuated using macro fiber composites. Model results were compared with experimental measurements of laminate profile (shape) and snap-through voltage. The modeling approach is an important intermediate step toward enabling design of shape-changing structures based on bistable laminates.
Journal of Sports Sciences | 1993
Jukka T. Viitasalo; Kirsi Hämäläinen; H.V. Mononen; Aki I.T. Salo; Jukka Lahtinen
Jumping drills that include several successive take-offs are popular in many sports events. An understanding of the effects of fatigue on biomechanical parameters during continuous jumping drills is important when selecting drills and their durations for sports training. In the present study, effects of continuous hurdle jumping on myoelectrical (EMG) activity, ground reaction forces, vertical movements of the bodys centre of mass and knee joint angle kinematics were studied among eight male volleyball players (age 20-26 years). The subjects jumped hurdles (height 0.65 m) continuously for 45 s with bilateral foot contacts. All of the take-offs were performed from force-platforms which registered the three components of ground reaction force. The two middle take-offs in both directions were used for further analysis. Knee angular data were recorded by an electrical goniometer for determination of angular displacement and velocity. The jumping was videotaped sagittally to determine the location of the centre of mass at different phases of contact and flight, as well as to calculate the movement amplitude for the centre of mass. The EMG activity was monitored using surface electrodes, full-wave rectified and averaged for a pre-contact period of 55 ms as well as for the eccentric and concentric phases of contact for the M. rectus femoris, vastus lateralis and vastus medialis. The ground reaction forces and knee angular data were used to determine the eccentric and concentric phases of contact. The average EMG activity of the knee extensor muscles during the eccentric and concentric phases of contact increased during the jumping drill.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)